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April fools character: lasagna man
U get him by doing a secret lasagna emote as winston then u unlock the lasagna skin and the lasagna man hero
He shoots lasagna..
No abbilities no nothing just a lasagna launcher
Just Updated
I am now here due to the fact that I would like to meet some people to play with aswell as to potentially talk with about various subjects. I am on the fortnite and zelda wiki aswell.
My mains are 76, Queen, Bastion and Sojourn.
If a kunoichi is a female ninja, what would you call a female samurai?
I know she's not exactly "sadistic", but the fact is she is a coldblooded killer without anything resembling human emotion. If she came across a puppy and it was interfering with one of her missions, would she go as far as to take aim at it with her rifle?
Follow-up question: Reaper actually IS sadistic, but would he even try to stop her? Because I have the sneaking suspicion that Gabriel Reyes was a dog person before Overwatch disbanded.
please do not steal this idea if you want to use it give credit first please.
So far here are the rules:
(The numbers at the left before the "|" is the order I made them or as I like to call it Release order)
2 | Control-Point: ----------
At the start of the game, there are 3 Areas on the board. You can play Heroes on 1 of the Areas. At the end of the turn, if there is a ally Hero in a Area and there is no enemy Hero in that Area, you take control of that Area until your opponent take control of it. After turn 8, If you control more Areas then your opponent, you win the game.
1 | Card Type: ----------
Card Types determines on how the card function. The Card Types are:
Heroe: During your Main Phase You can play 1 Heroe from your hand. When you play a Hero and it resolves, it is deployed into 1 of the 3 Areas. All Heros have health and traits. Most Heros have power, cartridge, and reload. A Hero will be destroyed if its health is reduce to 0 or less. When a Heroe enters the board, It gains ammo equal to its cartridge. During your Main Phase, you can make a ally Hero attack 1 enemy Hero in the same area as it by spend 1 ammo from that Hero. When a Hero attacks a card, its will deal damage equal to its power. If a Hero has 0 or less ammo, after X turns, It gains ammo equal to its cartridge, where X is its reload.
Tactic: During your Main Phase You can play as many Tactic Heroe from your hand. Tactics have traits. After you play a Tactics and it resolves, it is placed into the Eliminated-Piles.
3 | Zones: ----------
Zones are where cards are placed into. The Piles are:
Deck: The Deck is the Piles from which you draw cards, either the opening Hand at the beginning of the game, at the start of your Draw Phase, or because of an Traits/Abilities. Cards drawn are place into a player's Hand, from which they can be played.
Eliminated-Piles: When a card is destroyed, discarded, or Sacrifice, it is sent to it's owner's Discardment unless a Traits/Abilities says otherwise.
Banishment: When a card is banish, it is sent to it's owner's Discardment unless a Traits/Abilities says otherwise.
Stack: When a card is played or a effect is activated, it is put on top of the Stack. after no cards or effects is put on the Stack, cards and effects will resolve starting from the top to the bottom.
3 | Phases: ----------
During your turn you start at the top phase to the bottom phase. The phases are:
Draw Phase: At the start of this phase, you draw 1 card.
Standby Phase: During this phase certain effects will activate.
Main Phase: During this phase you can play as many Tactic cards from your hand, play 1 Heroe cards from your hand, or make a Heroe attack.
End Phase: During this phase certain effects will activate. The end of this phase signifies the start of your opponents turn.
3 | Wording: ----------
If a card wants to mention a card by name, it will look like this =[Name]=. If a Sub-Title is mentioned this way, the Sub-Title will be small when compared to the Main-Title.
If a card wants to mention a Traits, it will look like this [Traits]-Trait.
If a card wants to strap a cost for an effect, it will look like this [Cost]; [Effects]
When a card wants to put a certain number of card into a area, it will look like this placed X [card] from [area] into [area]. If from [area] is absent, it means from outside the game.
When a card wants to mention a non-keyword effect, it will look like this "[Effect]".
5 | Name, Main-Title, and Sub-Title: ----------
All cards have Main-Title and some cards (Usually Heroe) have Sub-Title. Name is its Main-Title and Sub-Title combine in that order.
4 | Changing characteristics: ----------
Unless it says "Permanently", after a Heroe leaves the board or a Tactic resolves, all changes on it is reverted.
Note this isn't fully complete yet that's why I'm asking for your feedback.
Any new rules I made after I create this post will be posted in the comments with "#New-Rule"
If you have any feedback leave a comment down below with "#Feedback" and if I like it, I will implement it in you will be credited.
14 Votes in Poll
53 Votes in Poll
Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.Where is she.
Figured this was the best shot of her
I say she’s very effective. She’s better than Mercy cause she has more damage potential. And she can heal allies from far away if you have good aim. The sleep dart can be a game changer, cause you can send your opponent to sleep, essentially saving you.
40 Votes in Poll
27 Votes in Poll
21 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll
20 Votes in Poll