This article contains the audio files for the announcements that can be heard on the map Antarctic Peninsula. All announcements are made in English.
Announcements[ | ]
- ▶️ "Tectonic instability detected in Sector 4."
- ▶️ "Sea life deterioration in Sector 6."
- ▶️ "Signal detected at 71 degrees, 1 minute, 9.5 seconds south and 60 degrees. Signal lost."
- ▶️ "Structural integrity warning in Sublevel 1."
- ▶️ "Automatic distress call received from icebreaker Resolute."
- ▶️ "Data corruption in image database detected."
- ▶️ "Monthly scan complete. Penguin population in Sector 2 increasing."
- ▶️ "Daily yeti scan begun. Daily yeti scan ended. Zero yetis found total."
- ▶️ "Dr. Adams, your mailbox is nearly full."
- ▶️ "Virus scan complete. No new threats."
- ▶️ "New login from... Location not listed. Do you wish to verify this user? ...Thank you."
- ▶️ "Warning: only 27 years of battery life remaining."
- ▶️ "Temperature instability detected in deep freeze storage, Sublevel 1."
- ▶️ "You have a new message from Dr. Zhou."
- ▶️ "Weather forecast in progress. Warning: barometer offline."
- ▶️ "Disturbance in stratosphere detected. Scanning... Unable to identify disturbance."