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Maps[ | ]

Start Quote Audio
Now entering
the Black Forest. ▶️
King's Row. ▶️
Midtown. ▶️
the Temple of Anubis. ▶️
to Dorado. ▶️
to Eichenwalde. ▶️
to Hanamura. ▶️
to Havana. ▶️
to Horizon Lunar Colony. ▶️
to the Ilios Ruins. ▶️
to Nepal. ▶️
to the Nepal Shrine. ▶️
to New Junk City. ▶️
to New Queen Street. ▶️
to Numbani. ▶️
to Route 66. ▶️
to Suravasa. ▶️
to Volskaya Industries. ▶️
to Ayutthaya. ▶️
to Blizzard World. ▶️
to Castillo. ▶️
to Circuit Royal. ▶️
to Esperança. ▶️
to Hollywood. ▶️
to the Ilios Lighthouse. ▶️
to Junkertown. ▶️
to Lijiang Night Market. ▶️
to Malevento. ▶️
to New Junk City. ▶️
to Oasis. ▶️
to the Oasis Gardens. ▶️
to Paris. ▶️
to Rialto. ▶️
to Runasapi. ▶️
to Samoa. ▶️
Now traveling
to Busan. ▶️
to Kanezaka. ▶️
to Paraíso. ▶️
to Petra. ▶️
Now arriving
at Busan Downtown. ▶️
at Ilios. ▶️
at the Ilios Well. ▶️
at Lijiang Tower. ▶️
at the Nepal Village. ▶️
at Oasis City Center. ▶️
at the Shambali Monastery. ▶️
Arriving at
Antarctic Peninsula. ▶️
Château Guillard. ▶️
Colosseo. ▶️
Ecopoint: Antarctica. ▶️
Hanaoka ▶️
Watchpoint: Gibraltar. ▶️
Busan Sanctuary. ▶️
Lijiang Control Center. ▶️
Lijiang Garden. ▶️
MEKA Base. ▶️
the Necropolis. ▶️
the Nepal Sanctum. ▶️
Oasis University. ▶️
the Throne of Anubis. ▶️

Preparation[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero selection Prepare to attack. Select your hero. (attacking on Assault, Escort, and Hybrid maps) ▶️
Prepare for battle. Select your hero. ▶️
Prepare for battle. Select your hero. (Control, Deathmatch, Flashpoint, Push and Clash maps) ▶️▶️
Prepare your defenses. Select your hero. (defending) ▶️▶️
Setup timer Attack commences in 30 seconds.

Score[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Round complete Round [x] complete. Score: [x] to [x]. (Assault, Escort, and Hybrid maps) ▶️▶️
Score: 1 to 0. (Control maps) ▶️
Score: 0 to 1. (Control maps) ▶️
Score: 1 to 1. (Control maps) ▶️
Switching sides. (on Escort and Hybrid in Competitive Play, and both with Assault in Custom Games with Competitive Rules enabled) ▶️

Standard Play Objectives[ | ]

Escort[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Game start Attack commencing. Escort the payload. (attacking) ▶️▶️
Attackers incoming. Stop the payload. (defending) ▶️▶️
Checkpoint reached The payload has reached the checkpoint. ▶️
Nearing final checkpoint The payload is approaching its destination. ▶️

Hybrid[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Game start Attack commencing. Capture Objective A. (attacking) ▶️▶️
Attackers incoming. Defend Objective A. (defending) ▶️▶️
Capture Point secured Objective A captured. Escort the payload. ▶️▶️
Capture Point lost Objective lost. Stop the payload. ▶️▶️
Checkpoint reached The payload has reached the checkpoint. ▶️
Nearing final checkpoint The payload is approaching its destination. ▶️

Control Point[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Round start Round one. Capture the objective. ▶️
Round two. Capture the objective. ▶️
Round three. Capture the objective. ▶️
Control Point unlocked The objective is now active. ▶️
Round won First round won. ▶️
Round two won. ▶️
Round lost First round lost. ▶️
Round two lost. ▶️

Push[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Checkpoint reached Forward spawn activated. ▶️
Checkpoint lost (robot standing on map starting point) Forward spawn lost. ▶️
Nearing final checkpoint Approaching the final destination. ▶️
Match nearing the end Two minutes remaining. ▶️
Two minute warning. ▶️
Setup timer Objective unlocks in 30 seconds. ▶️
Objective unlocked Objective unlocked. ▶️
Team is nearing the lead Your team is close to taking the lead. ▶️
Team gains lead Your team has taken the lead. ▶️
Team loses lead Your team has lost the lead. ▶️

Flashpoint[ | ]

General[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Setup timer Flashpoint unlocks in 10 seconds. ▶️
Flashpoint active Flashpoint unlocked. ▶️
Flashpoint secured [Flashpoint name] secured. ▶️
Flashpoint lost [Flashpoint name] lost. ▶️

Maps[ | ]

New Junk City[ | ]
Trigger Quote Audio
Initial flashpoint Arena. ▶️▶️
Next flashpoint Bomb Flats. ▶️▶️
The Ducts. ▶️▶️
Junkyard. ▶️▶️
Refinery. ▶️▶️
Suravasa[ | ]
Trigger Quote Audio
Initial flashpoint Market. ▶️▶️
Next flashpoint Garden. ▶️▶️
Palace. ▶️▶️
Ruins. ▶️▶️
Temple. ▶️▶️

Clash[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Game start Commence attack on objective C. ▶️
Objective active Objective unlocked. ▶️
Objective captured Objective captured. ▶️
Objective lost Objective lost. ▶️
Next objective (previous taken) Advance to Objective A. ▶️
Advance to Objective B. ▶️
Advance to Objective C. ▶️
Advance to Objective D. ▶️
Advance to Objective E. ▶️
Next objective (previous lost) Fall back to Objective A. ▶️
Fall back to Objective B. ▶️
Fall back to Objective C. ▶️
Fall back to Objective D. ▶️
Fall back to Objective E. ▶️
Both teams with a score of 4
Either team on Objective A or E
Match point. ▶️

Assault[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Game start Attack commencing. Capture Objective A. (attacking) ▶️ ▶️
Attackers incoming. Defend Objective A. (defending) ▶️ ▶️
Objective captured Objective A captured. Commence attack on Objective B. ▶️ ▶️
Objective lost Objective lost. New defense point: Objective B. ▶️ ▶️

Capture the Flag[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Game start Capture the enemy flag. ▶️
Flag taken You have the flag. (player take) ▶️
Your Team has the flag. (ally take) ▶️
The enemy has taken your flag. (enemy take) ▶️
Flag captured Your team has captured the flag. (ally capture) ▶️
The enemy has captured your flag. (enemy capture) ▶️
Flag dropped Flag dropped. (player drop) ▶️
Your team has dropped the flag. (ally drop) ▶️
Recover your flag. (enemy drop) ▶️
Flag returned Your flag was returned. (ally return) ▶️
Enemy flag returned. (enemy return) ▶️

Elimination (game mode)[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Game start Three. Two. One. Fight! ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Last teammate alive Last hero standing.
More allies alive You have the advantage.
More enemies alive Enemy has the advantage.
One point to win Match point. ▶️
Round end Score: [x] to [x]. ▶️
Round won (no ally deaths) Perfect. ▶️

Deathmatch[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Lead taken Taken the lead. ▶️
Lead lost Lead lost. ▶️
Team gains lead Your team has taken the lead. ▶️
Team loses lead Your team has lost the lead. ▶️
Kills needed to win 1 kill remaining. ▶️
2 kills remaining. ▶️
3 kills remaining. ▶️
4 kills remaining. ▶️
5 kills remaining. ▶️
10 kills remaining. ▶️
15 kills remaining. ▶️
20 kills remaining. ▶️
30 kills remaining. ▶️
35 kills remaining. ▶️
40 kills remaining. ▶️
75 kills remaining. ▶️
100 kills remaining. ▶️
Top finish Top 2 finish. ▶️
Top 3 finish. ▶️
Top 4 finish. ▶️
Top 5 finish. ▶️
Top 6 finish. ▶️

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Two Kills Double kill. ▶️
Three Kills Triple kill. ▶️
Four Kills Quadruple kill. ▶️
Five Kills Quintuple kill. ▶️
Six Kills Sextuple kill. ▶️
Enemy team eliminated Team kill. ▶️

Endgame[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
60 seconds remaining Sixty seconds remaining. ▶️
30 seconds remaining Thirty seconds remaining. ▶️
10 seconds remaining Ten seconds remaining. ▶️
Overtime Overtime. ▶️
Victory Victory. ▶️
Defeat Defeat. ▶️
Draw Draw. ▶️
Play of the Game Play of the Game. ▶️

Missions menu[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
World map (Ironclad not complete) World map initiated. I will report global threats here.
World map (Ironclad complete) Winston, the mission in Gothenburg was a success. Null sector forces in the region have been dealt a significant blow.
Select Resistance
  • Lúcio: Is anyone there? Rio is under attack. We need help!
  • Athena: Winston, I've lost his signal.
  • Winston: Not to worry, Athena. We're on our way.
Select Ironclad

Replay[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Ready for battle Ready for battle. ▶️
Initiating match Initiating match. ▶️

Trivia[ | ]
