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Overwatch Wiki

Baptiste's voice actor is Benz Antoine, speaking English and Haitian Creole. To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Biotic Launcher
A little medicine goes a long way. ▶️
A shot of health! ▶️
Feeling better? ▶️
Here with a cure! ▶️
I got you! ▶️
In tip-top shape! ▶️
Let's get you all better. ▶️
Someone has to keep you alive. ▶️
You're going to be fine. ▶️
Kitem mete ou sou pye ou.
English: Let's get you all better.
Ou santi ou miyò?
English: Feeling better?
Sa se preskripsyon doktè!
English: Doctor's orders!
A complete recovery! (healing ally to full HP) ▶️
Like it never happened. (healing ally to full HP) ▶️
Like new again! (healing ally to full HP) ▶️
Topping you off. (healing ally to full HP) ▶️
You are completely healed! (healing ally to full HP) ▶️
You've still got most of your important bits. (healing ally on critical HP) ▶️
Your case is definitely urgent... (healing ally on critical HP) ▶️
Biotic Launcher
Ammo out. Reloading. ▶️
Got to reload! ▶️
I'm all out. Reloading! ▶️
I'm reloading! Don't die on me! ▶️
I'm reloading. Gimme a sec. ▶️
Need to reload! ▶️
No more ammo. Got to reload. ▶️
Out of ammo! Let me reload. ▶️
Reloading! ▶️
Reloading. Be careful. ▶️
Reloading. One sec. ▶️
Reloading. Stay alive! ▶️
Reloading. Stay alive, please. ▶️
Reloading the launcher! ▶️
Regenerative Burst
A round of healing! ▶️
Everyone feeling better? ▶️
Regen up! ▶️
Regenerated! ▶️
Stay alive for me! ▶️
Immortality Field
Get in here! ▶️
Get into the field! ▶️
Immortality field deployed! ▶️
Stay near the immortality field! ▶️
Immortality Field
Almost Expired
Get in the immortality field! ▶️
Stay in the circle! ▶️
Stay inside the field! ▶️
Step inside, stay alive. ▶️
You'll be safe in here! ▶️
Immortality Field
Field's all run out! ▶️
Immortality field down. ▶️
Immortality field's expired! ▶️
Immortality Field
Field's destroyed! ▶️
Immortality field's down. Watch yourself! ▶️
They took out the immortality field! ▶️
Exo Boots
Going up. ▶️
Now you see me. Now you don't! ▶️
M'ap volé!
English: Going up!
Kounya ou wè m, kounya ou pa wè m.
English: Now you see me, now you don't.
Exo Boots
Knocking Back Enemy (unused)
Back off!
Clearing the LZ! ▶️
Get back! ▶️
Step off! ▶️
Watch yourself! ▶️
Amplification Matrix
Light them up! (self and allies) ▶️
Vide bal sou yo! (hostile)
English: Rain bullets on them!

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Another day, another battlefield. ▶️
During Set-Up
Don't let my immortality field go to your head. It's temporary. You can still die. ▶️
I've done things I'm not proud of. Time to start making up for it. ▶️
Locked and loaded. Who's ready to get this done? ▶️
Make sure to give me an emergency contact. I'm sure we won't need it, but... just in case. ▶️
Remember, if you want me to heal you, stand very still. But also avoid their bullets. ▶️
Safety first. Taking down enemies: First and a half. ▶️
The doctor is in, and he's looking... GOOD! ▶️
This looks like a team that gets into trouble. Good thing I came along, hm? ▶️
We're in for a smooth ride, right?... Right? ▶️
You don't need a fancy diploma to practice medicine. You just need a gun that shoots healing grenades! ▶️
It's hard to heal you flighty types. Well, I'm up for a challenge. (with multiple flight-based heroes on the team) ▶️
I don't have much experience healing omnics... Eh, I'll figure it out! (with multiple omnics on the team) ▶️
Well, this is awkward. *Nervous laugh* Are you still mad at me? Don't answer that. (with multiple Talon members on the team) ▶️
Match Start
Look out for each other, 'cause I'm only human. ▶️
Nothing sweeter than an uneventful victory. ▶️
Ann veye sou lòt, m'paka fé toute bagay.
English: Let's take care of each other, I can't do everything.
En alèz!
English: Nice and easy!
M pare pou m kòmanse.
English: I'm ready to go.
Round Start
Won Previous Round
Keep this up and we're going to win this. ▶️
That was good, but don't slack off now. ▶️
This mission's going smooth as butter. ▶️
Victory's so close I can taste it! ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Focus and we can pull this off! ▶️
Hey, here's an idea. How about we win? ▶️
They're throwing us some curveballs, huh? ▶️
We won't give up that easily, will we? ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
Give them a final warning they won't forget. ▶️
Last chance to make an impression. ▶️
Let's end this with a bang! ▶️
Let's give it all we've got! ▶️
Another go, maybe? ▶️
How about I try that again? ▶️
It's not over 'til it's over. ▶️
It's not over yet. ▶️
My heart's still beating. So... let's go! ▶️
Not every day gives you a second chance. ▶️
Rain or shine, we always try again. ▶️
That could have gone better. ▶️
That wasn't my best shot. ▶️
Ann eseye sa ankò.
English: Let's try that again.
E si m vle l fè ankò?
English: What if I try it again?
Toutotan sa pa fini, gen espwa!
English: As long as it's not over, there's hope!
Se tankou'm gen yon moun k ap veye sou mwen.
English: Someone's watching over me.
Guess he's done trying to recruit me back. (killed by Doomfist) ▶️
They weren't kidding about her. (killed by Widowmaker) ▶️
Team Kill
This time... let's all attack at once. ▶️
Where is everybody? ▶️
Where's my backup? ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
I'm at fighting condition. ▶️
Much better. ▶️
Ahh, that's better. ▶️
On Fire
Got the victory fever! ▶️
I'm the cream of the crop! ▶️
Peak performance! ▶️
Sa mové!
English: Peak performance!
Fully Healed
Thanks for the help. ▶️
Nice to be the patient for a change. ▶️
Damage Boosted
Let me show you how it's done. ▶️
My turn. ▶️
Negative Status Effect
Come on... ▶️
Damn! ▶️
I guess it wasn't my time! ▶️
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off. ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
They don't know when to give up, do they? ▶️
They're back... again. ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Baptiste here. ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Enemy contact! ▶️
Get ready for a fight! ▶️
Let's take them out! ▶️
Target's in sight. ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
Careful! We're outnumbered! ▶️
We're outnumbered! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Enemy sniper! ▶️
Watch for that sniper! ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy has a turret. ▶️
Enemy turret ahead! Looks dangerous. ▶️
Enemy turret up ahead. ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
Watch your back! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Look out! ▶️
Take cover! ▶️
M' chaje rèd!
English: I'm charged up!
Bad news for you! ▶️
Let's shake things up! ▶️
Time Running Out
Defend until the end! ▶️
Hold strong for a bit longer. ▶️
We're almost there. Keep it together! ▶️
Time Running Out
Clock's ticking. Push the offensive! ▶️
Give them another blow before it's over. ▶️
Time's not on our side. Hustle! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
How about meeting me at the objective? ▶️
Medic's on the objective! Just saying! ▶️
Objective's mine. What's everyone else doing? ▶️
Capture in Progress
Enemy's attacking the objective! ▶️
We can't just let them take the objective! ▶️
We should probably defend the objective. ▶️
Go into next point
Everyone to the next point! ▶️
Go to the next point! ▶️
Head to the next point! ▶️
Payload Moving
And we're making progress. ▶️
Excellent! Keep the payload moving. ▶️
Payload's moving out. ▶️
Payload Moving
Let's stop that payload from getting any further. ▶️
The payload shouldn't be moving, right? ▶️
We're going to be in trouble if that payload doesn't stop. ▶️
Payload Stuck
Don't think the payload's going to push itself. ▶️
Might want to focus on keeping the payload moving. ▶️
No progress on the payload. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Escorting the robot. ▶️
We'll get you where you need to go. ▶️
You're a big guy, aren't you? ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
They took him from us! ▶️
They've taken the robot! ▶️
We have to get him back! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Let's make some progress! ▶️
Moving right along! ▶️
Pushing the barricade. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Don't let them push! ▶️
That's not good. Stop them! ▶️
They're pushing the barricade. ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Just a little further and we'll pull ahead! ▶️
The lead is almost ours! ▶️
We're catching up! ▶️
Gained Lead
And the lead is ours! ▶️
Don't wait up. ▶️
We're pulling ahead. ▶️
About to Lose Lead
They're catching up! Stop them! ▶️
We're about to lose the lead! ▶️
We're neck and neck! Stop them! ▶️
Lost Lead
How did they push past us? ▶️
They've moved ahead of us! ▶️
We have to catch up! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Stay on them! We need that robot! ▶️
Stay with the robot if you want to live. ▶️
Stay with the robot! Let's bring it home. ▶️
We're running out of time! Get the robot! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
Get them off the robot and it's over! ▶️
Stop them and we win! ▶️
This is our last chance to take the robot! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Let's not let that happen again. ▶️
That should not have happened. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Flag down. Someone else come get it.
Dropping the flag. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
That's an opening. Take our flag back. ▶️
The enemy has dropped our flag.
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
And stay down. ▶️
Barely broke a sweat. ▶️
Can't save them all. ▶️
Cause of death: medic. ▶️
I don't think you're going to make it. ▶️
It's not your day today. ▶️
No cure for that. ▶️
Pain means you're alive! Until it doesn't. ▶️
Prescribing indefinite rest. ▶️
See what happens when you mess with me? ▶️
That was a fatal shot! ▶️
This is why you hire a professional! ▶️
We're not all cut out for the trenches. ▶️
You don't look so good. ▶️
Bon bagay!
English: Good stuff!
Ebyen, ou sanble ou te bezwen lonje kò ou.
English: Well, you look like you needed to rest your body.
Sa byen tonbe.
English: That felt good.
Se pa tout moun k'ap chape, non?
English: Not everyone escapes, right?
*chuckle* Was you or me, brother. (eliminating male enemy) ▶️
Was you or me, sister. (eliminating female enemy) ▶️
I always slip through your fingers. (eliminating Doomfist) ▶️
For the last time, no is no! (eliminating any Talon member) ▶️
Stop coming after me. (eliminating any Talon member) ▶️
Take the hint. (eliminating any Talon member) ▶️
Se dènye fwa m ap di w sa. Non, se non. (eliminating any Talon member)
English: This is the last time I will tell you this. No is no.
Sorry, brother. Wasn't meant to be. (eliminating Mauga) ▶️
Never believed in ghosts. (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
I only keep good company. (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
You knew too much. (eliminating Sombra) ▶️
Tangled in the wrong web. (eliminating Widowmaker) ▶️
Final Blow
That's not how you're supposed to use those boots! (eliminating another Baptiste using Exo Boots) ▶️
You're not supposed to ice it for that long... (eliminating Mei using Blizzard) ▶️
First time fighting in the rain? (eliminating Pharah using Rocket Barrage) ▶️
Hey! Slow down, man! Ha! What's the hurry? Haha! (eliminating Reinhardt during Charge) ▶️
You do make it easy, doctor. (assisted by Sigma using Gravitic Flux) ▶️
That wasn't a very good ending! (eliminating Sojourn using Overclock) ▶️
I found you, sister! Hahaha! (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) ▶️
Like what you see? *chuckles* (eliminating Widowmaker using Infra-Sight) ▶️
Using Amplification Matrix
Assist: me. *laugh* ▶️
Ho, it's better when we work together! ▶️
Look at us! What a team! ▶️
Thank you for choosing "Baptiste Amplification Matrixes"! ▶️
That extra power feels nice, huh? ▶️
Way to use my Matrix, Cassidy. Maybe there's hope for you yet. (to Cassidy) ▶️
Wow, that's bright! (to Illari) ▶️
Oof! Flower power! (to Lifeweaver) ▶️
Kill Streak
Don't hate a man for his success. ▶️
Now this is a fatal attraction. ▶️
Surviving and thriving. ▶️
They're going to need more medics. ▶️
Ha! M'ap minin!
English: Ha! Impressive!
Nou chape e n ap byen fè l!
English: We're surviving and thriving!
Yes, Amari! I could get used to this! (while Nano-Boosted by Ana) ▶️
Multi Kill
Did I mention I'm an expert? ▶️
Don't ask me where I learned that trick. ▶️
How unlucky for all of you. ▶️
I never waste my shots. ▶️
So fatal! ▶️
Team Kill
A clean job. ▶️
All targets eliminated! ▶️
All wiped out! ▶️
I never leave a job unfinished. ▶️
Surprised I have a vindictive side? ▶️
M poko janm monte sou yon djòb pou m pa fini l.
English: I have never started a job and not finished it.
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Careful. You seem to attract danger. ▶️
It's a dangerous world out there. ▶️
No casualties while I'm around. ▶️
No need to thank me. ▶️
Someone call for a medic? ▶️
We all need help every now and then. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Disposed of. ▶️
Don't punch above your weight. ▶️
You got too close. ▶️
Ou te twò pwoche.
English: You were too close.
Dezolé. You were in my way.
English: Sorry. You were in my way.
*chuckles* I'll never let you forget this happened. (eliminating Mauga) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Chances of survival: zero. ▶️
"Falling for me," huh? ...I thought it was funny. ▶️
Make sure you nail your landing. ▶️
Say "hi" to the ground for me. ▶️
Watch your step. ▶️
We'll just say you tripped. ▶️
You go down when you least expect it! ▶️
Hauté sa ginlé te twop pou ou, wi?
English: Heights are too much for you, yeah?
Ti zwazo, tout ajitasyon sa p ap ede w, non?
English: Little birdie, flapping isn't going to help you, is it?
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret destroyed. ▶️
Enemy turret's taken care of. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Clean kill. Well done. ▶️
I like a reliable teammate. ▶️
I like it when you make life easier for us. ▶️
Impressive. ▶️
Wow, very nice kill. Just... keep it pointed at them, okay? ▶️
Yes, doctor! Yes! (to Mercy) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Let's get going. ▶️
We're on our way! ▶️
Waiting to Open Door
I'm not great at small talk, so... let's get out there. ▶️
We do have a mission, right? ▶️
We should get out there. The bad guys might be getting lonely. ▶️
We're all set. Let's get the door. ▶️
Let's get these people out of Toronto! (Liberation mission) ▶️
The ferry is coming. Let's go! (Liberation mission) ▶️
Need to Break Door
Break down that door! ▶️
Clear that doorway! ▶️
We need that doorway breached! ▶️
Door Opening
We need to buy some time. Cover us! ▶️
We'll be here a minute. Let's keep these tangoes busy! ▶️
We'll get through this. Keep them off our backs! ▶️
Dropship Arriving
Dropship's here for us. Let's go! ▶️
To the dropship! ▶️
Waiting to Push Button
Let's get the job done. ▶️
Uh... need me to handle this? ▶️
Should we maybe get that, or...? ▶️
Think something needs taking care of. ▶️
Assigned to Objective
Done and done. ▶️
On it. ▶️
Ann fè sa.
English: Let's do it.
Picking Up Item
Got one. ▶️
I'll take this one. ▶️
Packing up. ▶️
M'ap pran sa.
English: I'm taking this one.
Dropped Item
Cargo dropped! ▶️
I dropped it! ▶️
Delivering Item
All set. ▶️
Turning in. ▶️
English: Delivered.
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
We need to get that turned in, but... no rush. ▶️
You might want to turn that in. ▶️
Objective Found
Let's regroup at the objective. ▶️
Let's rendezvous on the objective. ▶️
Move to the objective. ▶️
We need to head to the waypoint! ▶️
Calling Teammate to Objective
Come over to the objective! ▶️
Head this way! ▶️
Hey! Get on the objective! ▶️
Enemy Reinforcements
Drop pods inbound! ▶️
Drop pods. Look alive! ▶️
Enemy incoming! ▶️
Here comes more of them! ▶️
More robots on the way! ▶️
Robots dropping in! ▶️
We've got company! ▶️
Any Objective-Damaging Unit Inbound
Hostiles en route to the objective! ▶️
Tangoes closing on the objective! ▶️
We've got company! ▶️
Breacher Inbound
Breacher dead ahead! ▶️
Breacher mobilizing! ▶️
Slicers Inbound
Lot of Slicers inbound! ▶️
Slicers moving in! ▶️
Subjugator Inbound
Clocking a Subjugator! ▶️
That Subjugator's too close! ▶️
Any Objective Under Fire
Hey! Protect the objective! ▶️
The objective is under fire! ▶️
The objective's taking damage! ▶️
They're hitting the objective! ▶️
We have hostiles firing on the objective! ▶️
Cannon Under Fire
Tangoes on the cannon! ▶️
The cannon's getting hit! ▶️
We have enemies on the cannon! ▶️
Ferry Under Fire
Get them off the ferry! ▶️
Tangoes hitting the ferry! ▶️
Repair Station Under Fire
Repair Station's getting hit! ▶️
They're attacking the Repair Station! ▶️
Payload Under Fire
Hostiles on the payload! ▶️
Keep the payload safe! ▶️
Uplink Under Fire
Enemies on the uplink! ▶️
Uplink's under fire! ▶️
Any Objective on Critical HP
I don't think the objective's doing too hot. ▶️
I'm not sure the objective will last much longer! ▶️
Our objective is compromised. We have to fight back! ▶️
Cannon on Critical HP
The cannon won't last like this. Hold out! ▶️
We need to protect the cannon at all costs! ▶️
Ferry on Critical HP
Not to alarm anyone, but they've nearly breached the ferry! ▶️
They've almost breached the ferry. Keep it tight! ▶️
Repair Station on Critical HP
The Payload didn't have this many holes when we picked it up, right? ▶️
The Payload's on its last legs. Keep it safe! ▶️
Payload on Critical HP
Repair Station's going to blow! ▶️
The Repair Station can't handle any more hits! ▶️
Uplink on Critical HP
The Uplink's looking pretty bad... but at least it's not destroyed! ▶️
The Uplink won't hold together unless we stop these hostiles. ▶️
Move, move! ▶️
Show some hustle! ▶️
Time to go! ▶️
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery's firing on us! ▶️
Incoming artillery barrage! ▶️
Artillery Eliminated
Artillery's out. ▶️
Artillery scrapped. ▶️
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger! Get out of the way! ▶️
It's charging--move out! ▶️
Charger Begins to Charge
Watch it! ▶️
Watch yourself! ▶️
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Kiss those legs goodbye! ▶️
Where are you going, big guy? ▶️
Charger Eliminated
Charger eliminated. ▶️
Charger put down. ▶️
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Fliers overhead! ▶️
Fliers! Watch the sky! ▶️
Stalker Comes into Battle
Sounds like a Stalker. Stay close. ▶️
Stalker. Keep it tight. ▶️
Those Stalkers better not get anywhere near me. ▶️
Grabbed by Stalker
Get her off me! ▶️
Hey! I need... help! ▶️
Someone, shoot her! Quick! ▶️
Take out the-- Stalker! ▶️
Stalker Eliminated
Stalker's dead! And not a moment too soon. ▶️
Stalker handled. ▶️
Subjugator Eliminated
Subjugator down! ▶️
Subjugator popped. ▶️
Vulture Comes into Battle
Vulture on the move! ▶️
Vulture! That's... not a good sign. ▶️
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Get out of there! ▶️
Hey! Don't stand there! ▶️
Vulture Eliminated
Vulture dropped. ▶️
Vulture shot down. ▶️
Titan Immune to Damage
It doesn't look like we can hurt that thing. But... what do I know? ▶️
Might want to save that ammo for a softer target, yeah? ▶️
Massive Attack Incoming
That's a lot of tangoes. I don't think they like us! ▶️
They're sending everything they've got! ▶️
Missiles Incoming
It's launching missiles! ▶️
Look out for those missiles! ▶️
Missiles! Find cover! ▶️
Relay Found
Got something here! ▶️
Help me out with this one! ▶️
Let's take this one out! ▶️
Take this one out! ▶️
Relay Destroyed
All set. ▶️
It's down! ▶️
Problem solved. ▶️
Taken care of. ▶️
Get me back in the fight! ▶️
I'm hit! ▶️
I'm really hurt! ▶️
Medic! ▶️
Teammate Downed
We have a teammate down! ▶️
We lost one! Be careful! ▶️
We've got one down! ▶️
There goes Sombra! I knew she was pushing her luck. (Sombra downed) ▶️
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Get our teammate back on their feet! ▶️
We need to help them up! ▶️
Last Team Member Standing
Reviving Teammate
Cover set. Let's go! ▶️
Get back out there! ▶️
Get in there and soak up some more fire. ▶️
I owe you this one. ▶️
On your feet. You're making me look bad! ▶️
We're covered. On your feet! ▶️
Teammate Killed
Ah... don't think I can heal that. ▶️
That will make things more difficult. ▶️

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Hello. ▶️ ▶️
Hey. ▶️
Hi there. ▶️
What's up? ▶️
Ki jan ou ye?
English: How are you?
▶️ ▶️
Sa ap fet?
English: What's up?
I appreciate it. ▶️
Thank you. ▶️
Thanks. ▶️
English: Thank you.
▶️ ▶️
M di w mèsi.
English: Thank you very much.
Copy that. ▶️
I heard you. ▶️
I read you. ▶️
Loud and clear. ▶️
Understood. ▶️
English: Okay.
Need Healing
I could use a heal! ▶️
I need healing! ▶️
Need healing. ▶️
Need Healing
Come to Self
Come here if you want some healing. ▶️
Come to me! ▶️
Group Up
Group up with me. ▶️
Let's group up! ▶️
Over here. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Amplification matrix charging. ▶️
My ultimate is charging. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Amplification matrix almost charged. ▶️
My ultimate's almost ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Amplification matrix ready. ▶️
My ultimate is ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
Amplification matrix ready, prepare to fire. ▶️
My ultimate is ready, get in position. ▶️
I'm on the attack. ▶️
Pressing the attack! ▶️
3... 2... 1... ▶️
In 3... 2... 1... ▶️
Defending! ▶️
I'm on defense. ▶️
Ping in World
Heads up. ▶️
Keep an eye out. ▶️
Watch here! ▶️
Locked on Opponent
Enemy here! ▶️
I spot an enemy! ▶️
Watch out for that enemy. ▶️
Fall Back
Fall back! ▶️
Get out of there! ▶️
Go! ▶️
Let's go! ▶️
Going In
I'm going in! ▶️
Moving in! ▶️
Bye. ▶️
See you later. ▶️
English: Bye.
M' ale.
English: I'm going now.
Incoming! ▶️
Need Help
Help! ▶️
Need some help here! ▶️
No. ▶️
English: No.
On My Way
En route. ▶️
On my way! ▶️
In World
Over here! ▶️
Over there! ▶️
Attack Objective
Move on the objective. ▶️
Take the objective. ▶️
Defend Objective
Defend the objective. ▶️
Set up defenses on the objective. ▶️
Push Payload
Let's get the payload moving. ▶️
Move the payload. ▶️
Stop Payload
Let's stop that payload. ▶️
Stop the payload! ▶️
Push Robot
Move that robot! ▶️
Push the robot! ▶️
Stop Robot
Stop the robot! ▶️
Stop their push! ▶️
Capture Flag
Capture the flag. ▶️
Let's get that flag. ▶️
Defend Flag
Let's keep our flag safe. ▶️
Defend our flag! ▶️
Press the Attack
Press the attack! ▶️
We have to keep up the attack! ▶️
Push Forward
Keep moving forward! ▶️
Push forward! ▶️
I'm ready to go. ▶️
Ready. ▶️
Sorry about that. ▶️
English: Sorry.
Watching Here
Got this spot covered! ▶️
I'll keep watch here. ▶️
Watching here. ▶️
With You
I have your back. ▶️
I'm with you. ▶️
Yes. ▶️
English: Yes.
You're Welcome
Don't mention it. ▶️
You're welcome. ▶️
Pa gen pwoblem.
English: It's no problem.
Son plezi pou mwen.
English: It's my pleasure.

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
Do you want a bandage for that? ▶️
Credits 25
Come with me if you want to live. ▶️
Do I look like an angel of mercy to you? ▶️
I'll recommend not dying. ▶️
Let me buy you a drink. ▶️
Looks like that apple a day thing didn't work out for you. ▶️
"Thank you, Baptiste." Oh, you're welcome. ▶️
This is going to sting. ▶️
Time's up, pencils down. ▶️
Poze ou.
English: Settle down.
Kou lan guet!
English: Damn!
Kisa ou ap eseye rale?
English: What are you trying to pull?
Summer Games Icon Summer Games
Credits 50
It's your lucky day. ▶️
Hmm... no, that still looks bad. ▶️
Pa gen rezon pou prese.
English: There's no reason to rush.
Halloween Terror Icon Halloween Terror
Credits 50
Behind you-- AHH! *laughs* Just kidding. ▶️
Don't cry. ▶️
Don't die on me. ▶️
Long ago, in a haunted castle upon a hill... Are you listening? ▶️
Pansman oswa bal?
English: Bandage or bullet?
Winter Wonderland Icon Winter Wonderland
Credits 50
Nothing a little TLC can't fix. ▶️
Let's go sledding! I've always wanted to try that. ▶️
I'm some kind of angel. ▶️
Today, I give you a choice. ▶️
Lunar New Year Icon Lunar New Year
Credits 50
Don't you worry. ▶️
Need something? ▶️
Persistence is all you need! And a little good luck. ▶️
Archives Icon Overwatch Archives
Credits 50
I don't really do... "associates". ▶️
Lieutenant Augustin, reporting for duty. ▶️
That's enough out of you. ▶️
Pou Kowalisyon Karayib lan.
English: The Coalition of the Caribbean.
Overwatch Anniversary Icon Overwatch Anniversary
Credits 50
I'd recommend bed rest, but... nobody has time for that. ▶️
I'd say it's not my problem, but it usually is. ▶️
*laughs* Now that is funny! *laughs* ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 3
Who wants to be immortal? ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 5
There are slimes with more personality than you! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 6
The real "Null Sector"... is the space between your ears! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 7
Feeeeeeaaar... is just in your amygdala. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 8
The hunted now joins the hunt. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 9
Do not go gentle into that good night. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 11
Level up, dude. ▶️
Shop Shop
Overwatch2 Coin 100
Aim for the moon, land on the sun... Wait. ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Baptiste: I've heard stories about you, Captain Amari, but none of them mentioned... how beautiful you are.
  • Ana: How cute. Your aim had better outdo your flattery, young man.


  • Ashe: A wanted man on the run. I've known a few of you.
  • Baptiste: I'm only guilty of stealing hearts.
  • Ashe: *chuckle* Guess it's a good thing I'm heartless.


  • Baptiste: Have you all seen what this guy can do?
  • Bastion: *bashful beeps*


  • Brigitte: I got your back. You got mine?
  • Baptiste: Yes ma'am. Or should I say, Captain?
  • Brigitte: Oh, I'm not captain!
  • Baptiste: Yet.

  • Baptiste: Hey, Cassidy. Want to know the bounty Talon had on you?
  • Cassidy: Higher or lower than the one on Amari?
  • Baptiste: Lower.
  • Cassidy: Damn it!


  • Baptiste: I'm surprised you're sticking around.
  • Cassidy: Was going to leave, but I reckon you'd miss me too much.
  • Baptiste: True, nobody does "second most handsome man on the team" better than you.
Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Baptiste: Line them up.
  • Cassidy: ...Knock 'em down!


  • D.Va: Hey! Who took my Nano Cola?
  • Baptiste: That stuff's no good for you. Have some water instead.
  • D.Va: You just wanted to drink it yourself!
  • Baptiste: Ah... maybe.


  • Doomfist: I grow tired of chasing you.
  • Baptiste: You're tired?! Imagine me.


  • Baptiste: If you die, can I have your bow?
  • Hanzo: No. I will snap it in half with my final breath.
  • Baptiste: Aw...


  • Baptiste: Always looking sharp, brother.
  • Hanzo: My arrows will never dull, as long as my will stands strong.
  • Baptiste: I meant your hair, but nice to know.


  • Baptiste: I feel sorry for your doctor.
  • Junkrat: She's the best in the outback! Cured me of my pie woe mania.
  • Baptiste: I think you mean... pyromania?
  • Junkrat: ...That one I'm still seeing her for!


  • Baptiste: What's wrong, man?
  • Junkrat: It's nothing. Just beginning to think nobody likes me.
  • Baptiste: Maybe if you stopped stealing and blowing up everybody's stuff?
  • Junkrat: Is it even worth it, if I don't get to do what I love?


On Havana & Paraíso
  • Baptiste: I wanted to go to the beach earlier, but some maniac stole all the volleyball nets.
  • Junkrat: *nervous chuckle* Why would someone do that? Unless they had a brilliant plan...


  • Baptiste: Ready to heal some wounds?
  • Kiriko: Physical or emotional?
  • Baptiste: If you can handle both, go for it.


  • Lifeweaver: I've got reservations at a fantastic restaurant, but... I'm not too sure who to invite.
  • Baptiste: I know a guy.
  • Lifeweaver: Is he, by any chance, a dashing ex-mercenary from the Carribean?
  • Baptiste: *chuckling* He might just be!
  • Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?
  • Baptiste: Hmm... tiger shark. The best kind of shark.
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!
  • Baptiste: I'll be backing you up, so try not to do something too stupid.
  • Mauga: You know me, Baptiste: just the right amount of stupid.


  • Mauga: Why'd you have to go and grow a conscience?
  • Baptiste: Huh. After all we've seen, how could you not?
  • Mauga: I got a short memory. Except for when I'm owed.


  • Baptiste: I'm done with Talon. Nothing can make me change my mind. Not even you.
  • Mauga: Saves me time. Dragging you back is faster!


  • Mercy: Must you be so relaxed? We depend on you!
  • Baptiste: I'm not relaxed, I just make everything look easy.


  • Baptiste: Angela, I met someone the other day who I think is just your type. Handsome, kind, several doctorates...
  • Mercy: *laughs* I'm afraid there's someone else I have my eye on.
  • Baptiste: Oh? Anyone I know?
  • Mercy: Well, with any luck, you'll find out soon enough.


  • Baptiste: Healing and hurting... hm. I guess we're not that different.
  • Moira: Hmph. I assure you, we are nothing alike.


  • Baptiste: Just to warn you, I don't have a lot of experience healing people who fly.
  • Pharah: Just hit me in midair. How hard could it be?


  • Baptiste: You sure you want me keeping you alive? I am a human, after all.
  • Ramattra: A helpful human would certainly be a welcome change of pace.


  • Reaper: Your heart is pounding, traitor. Are you scared?
  • Baptiste: Has anyone ever told you that you're kind of a creep?


  • Baptiste: You know what they say: seasons don't fear the...
  • Reaper: Don't. Just don't.


  • Baptiste: Reaper! Don't sneak up on me like that.
  • Reaper: Just a reminder that you'll never see me coming.


  • Baptiste: It might be a tall order, but want to try taking fewer hits this time?
  • Reinhardt: Complaining, already? This is what you're paid for!
  • Baptiste: *laugh* I'm getting paid?


  • Reinhardt: Where did a medic like you learn to handle a weapon like that?
  • Baptiste: The number of battlefields I've seen, I was bound to pick something up.


On Midtown
  • Roadhog: I hate it here.
  • Baptiste: ...Then you can hate it anywhere!


  • Baptiste: You're strong enough to leave Talon. They can't trap you!
  • Sigma: But I am not trapped! My colleagues give me everything I need!
  • Baptiste: I thought the same thing for too long.


Soldier: 76
Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Soldier: 76: That's some tech.
  • Baptiste: Yours isn't half-bad, either!


  • Sombra: Where have you been all these years, Baptiste?
  • Baptiste: You act like you don't know.
  • Sombra: *laughs* This is why I like you.
  • Sombra: You're with Overwatch now? I thought you didn't do commitment.
  • Baptiste: You know I'm full of surprises.
  • Sombra: Qué dulce. Could you "surprise" them by planting a few bugs for me?
  • Baptiste: Even for you, sweetheart... I have to pass.


  • Torbjörn: Baptiste, was it? How did a mercenary like yourself come by such advanced technologies?
  • Baptiste: Oh, I just make use of what I find lying around.


  • Torbjörn: I wish we could get that Immortality Field to work on my turret.
  • Baptiste: But then our enemies would have no chance!


  • Torbjörn: I got some new prototypes that need testing. Thought of you.
  • Baptiste: Me?
  • Torbjörn: Need someone who knows what they're doing.
  • Baptiste: I'm flattered, and honored.
  • Tracer: Am I glad to have you on our side and not Talon's!
  • Baptiste: Glad to be here. Still not used to such good company.
  • Tracer: You fit right in!
  • Baptiste: *chuckle* Not so sure about that, but I try.


  • Widowmaker: Brave of you to show your face after what happened in Monte Cristi.
  • Baptiste: Well, it is a pretty good face.
  • Baptiste: Look, I promise I won't spill any of Talon's secrets.
  • Widowmaker: Do you know what happened to the last man I trusted?
  • Baptiste: You know what, that's fine. Keep chasing me.


with all-male teammates
  • Widowmaker: (French) I am surrounded, as usual, by moronic men. *sigh*
  • Baptiste: Careful! You never know who speaks French.
  • Winston: Baptiste, I was wondering... How are you so confident?
  • Baptiste: Well, it's all about attitude. If you think you're good, then you are good, yeah?
  • Winston: If I think I'm good? Hold on, I need to take notes...
  • Baptiste: Right, uh, off to a good start.


  • Winston: Anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?
  • Baptiste: I'm guessing... no.


Wrecking Ball
  • Baptiste: I can't perform a check-up with you in the ball.
  • Wrecking Ball: *scared hamster noises* The ball is safe. The ball is kind.
  • Zarya: Your muscles look pretty, but lack strength.
  • Baptiste: Ohhh... You think my muscles are pretty?
  • Zarya: Pretty weak.
  • Baptiste: I've been lifting a lot lately, Zarya. Think I might be catching up to you.
  • Zarya: chuckling No, you're not.
  • Baptiste: We'll see if you're still laughing when I take home the gold at the next Olympics.


Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Doomfist or Reaper + Widowmaker
  • One of two:
    • Doomfist: You're coming with us, Augustin.
    • Reaper: You're coming with us, Augustin.
  • Baptiste: Why won't you leave me alone?
  • Widowmaker: You're lucky. I just wanted to kill you.


Mei or Pharah
  • Baptiste: Knock knock!
  • One of 2:
    • Mei: Who's there?
    • Pharah: Who's there?
  • Baptiste: Atch.
  • One of 2:
    • Mei: Atch, who?
    • Pharah: Atch, who?
  • Baptiste: Sounds like you have a cold. Let me heal you up!


Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Baptiste Skin Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter
Hero Selected
Another day, another bounty. ▶️
During Set-Up
Glad I made enough to not have to count my bullets this time. ▶️
Immortality Field
Immortality beacon in orbit! ▶️
Immortality beacon launched! ▶️
Biotic Launcher
We need you alive! ▶️
You can't fall here, Watcher. (when healing any Watcher character) ▶️
You're no good to us wounded. ▶️
*sigh* Dorioux will have my head if I don't bring them a big catch soon. ▶️
Hope I make enough to cover my biorecon bills. ▶️
I'm not dying on this planet. ▶️
I've fought my way out of black holes before. ▶️
I've still got some biofuel in my tanks. ▶️
You'd think I have a bounty on my head! ▶️
Final Blow
*sigh* Feels good to turn a profit. ▶️
Scored myself a big one! ▶️
That will cover the trip back home! ▶️
This hunter's instincts never burn out. ▶️
Too much law and order is bad for business. ▶️
You can't tilt me off my axis. ▶️
You've been eclipsed. ▶️
Multi Kill
Sorry, but no one gets spared in this economy. ▶️

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Any Map at Nighttime
Ooh, a night mission. Brings back memories. ▶️
Eh, the night is young. (respawn) ▶️
Antarctic Peninsula or Nepal
Why would you live someplace with snow year-round? ▶️
Let's visit the Sistine Chapel after this. I want to get a closer look at that ceiling... ▶️
*sigh* Got dust stuck in my teeth. ▶️
So this is where Doomfist is from. I hope he's not in town. ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Amplification Matrix
Everybody, shoot through the box! Through the box! (self and allies) ▶️
Shoot through the big glowy thing! (self and allies) ▶️
Say cheese! (hostile) ▶️
This won't hurt. Too much. (hostile) ▶️

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio

Non-Languages[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Critical Health
*gasps* ▶️
*dying sounds* ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Big Impact
*screams* ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Environmental Kill
*prolonged screaming* ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
*crushed sounds* ▶️ ▶️

Trivia[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]
