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Battle of Eichenwalde
Battle of Eichenwalde

Omnic Crisis battle
Eichenwalde, Germany
Tactical human victory

The Battle of Eichenwalde was one of the most famous battles of the Omnic Crisis.[1] It took place in the first or second month of the war.[2]

Course of the Battle[ | ]

Alright, people! They're playing our song! Stick with your dance partners. Let's crush those rustbuckets!
~ General Balderich von Adler at the start of the battle

Eichenwalde stood in the way of a large omnic advance on Stuttgart. The town was evacuated on October 11, from 3 to 8 o'clock,[3] leaving in place a defensive force of Crusaders led by General Balderich von Adler, plus regular German soldiers.[4] The attacking omnics outnumbered and outgunned the town's human defenders.[5]

Battle of Eichenwalde 2

The Germans' defensive line

The omnics deployed via drop pods to the east. The initial wave consisted of Bastion Siege Automaton E54s, which the human forces were able to keep at bay through their usual tactics; Crusaders using their barrier shields, soldiers using ranged weaponry to take them out. Things went awry when OR14s were deployed, which forced the German forces to retreat into the town's castle, under a bombardment of OR14 fire, plus E54s in tank configuration. von Adler carried out a last stand in the castle itself, giving his allies time to retreat. von Adler took down his attackers before succumbing to his wounds, while outside, a German airstrike destroyed the omnics that were pursuing the infantry.[4]

By the battle's end, almost all of the Crusaders had been killed. However, thanks to their valiant efforts, the German military was able to push back the omnic offensive and win the fight.[5][3]

Trivia[ | ]

  • The timing of the battle can be ascertained via cross-referencing Overwatch 2: Sojourn. The novel establishes that the war began in autumn (northern hemisphere). As the town was evacuated in October, the battle would have occurred towards the start of the Omnic Crisis.

References[ | ]

  1. Reinhardt (OW2), PlayOverwatch. Accessed on 2023-01-01
  2. Overwatch 2: Sojourn
  3. 3.0 3.1 2016-08-23, Eichenwalde Easter Eggs. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2017-11-05
  4. 4.0 4.1 Honor and Glory
  5. 5.0 5.1 2016-08-16, Eichenwalde | New Map Preview | Overwatch. Youtube, accessed on 2016-08-16.