Overwatch Wiki

Brigitte's voice actor is Matilda Smedius, speaking English and Swedish.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Inspire Come on, everyone! ▶️
Get in! ▶️
I'll lead the way. ▶️
That's how you do it!
Together now! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Följ mig!
English: Follow me!
Kom igen allihopa!
English: Come on, everyone!
Repair Pack Feeling better?
Fixing you up.
Good as new!
Helping you recover! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Here! For you! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Here! Take this! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I'll take care of you.
I've got you!
Let me help you with that. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Let me patch that up.
Let me take care of that for you! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Looking better already! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Patching you up.
Sending care your way. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Special delivery! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
That should be better!
You'll feel better soon.
(Mercy) My turn to take care of you, Angela.
(Reinhardt) Patching you up, Reinhardt.
(Torbjörn) I've got you, papa.
Bättre så?
English: Is that better?
Du mår bättre snart.
English: You'll feel better soon.
Jag fixar dig.
English: I'm fixing you up.
Jag hjälper dig.
English: I'll help you.
Jag tar hand om dig.
English: I'm taking care of you.
Så gott som ny.
English: As good as new.
Barrier Shield Get behind me!
I will shield you!
I'll cover you. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I've got you covered!
My shield's up!
Raising shield! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Jag täcker dig!
English: I'm covering for you!
Skölden är uppe!
English: The shield's up!
Ta skydd bakom mig!
English: Take shelter behind me!
Barrier Shield taking damage Shield's buckling! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Shield's holding!
Shield's taking damage!
Barrier Shield at half damage Barrier won't hold much longer! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Barrier's not in good shape! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
My barrier can't take much more!
My barrier is about to go!
Barrier Destroyed Barrier down, get back! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
My barrier's down!
Alla till mig! (hostile)
English: Everyone to me!
Rally to me! (self and friendly)

Non-language[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Shield Bash (grunts)
Rocket Flail (grunts)
Melee (unused) (shouts)
Death (dying sounds)
Death (big impact) (screams)
Falling off a Cliff (prolonged screaming)

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Brigitte Released I am Brigitte Lindholm. I will be your shield!
Hero Selected I will prove myself!
I will be your shield!
Breaking me down just builds me up. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
During Set Up Don't be afraid to ask for help out there. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Here we go again. Shields up! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I could've used a little more time to get ready.
Last minute check. Everyone squared away?
Work together and we'll make it through. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Match Start Let's get to work.
Everyone ready? Let's do this!
Okay, here we go!
Respawn Back in the fight.
Back to the drawing board.
I can do better than that.
I'll remember that for next time. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
No place to go, but up.
No sweat, just try again. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
Practice makes perfect. Not to mention some bumps and bruises.
Ready for more.
That wasn't the plan.
This is all part of the learning process.
This might need a few adjustments.
This is not the end of the world.
Pick Up Health Pack Taking my medicine!
Much better.
Inte en skråma.
English: Not a scratch.
On Fire I'm on fire! Come on, try me!
Maybe you should just stay out of my way.
It's automatic!
Damage Boosted Now we're in business.
Keep it coming.
That feels good.
Nano-boosted Don't get in my way! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I am unstoppable!
Who's ready to take some punishment?!
Discord Orb Received
English: Damn!
Voted Epic (5 Votes) Aw, thanks everyone!
Just doing my part.
Now that's a vote of confidence!
Voted Legendary (10 Votes) Can't argue with that!
Glad we're all in agreement.
Enemy Resurrection One's coming back!
Resurrected Ready for another round!
Thanks, Angela.

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change Brigitte at your service!
Brigitte here.
Sniper Sighted Sniper! Get behind something!
Sniper! Watch out!
Enemy Sighted There they are!
Enemy's over there!
Outnumbered by Enemy Team We're outnumbered. Careful! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Turret Sighted Enemy turret ahead!
Enemy turret ahead! One of Papa's beloved creations.
Enemy Has a Teleporter They have a teleporter somewhere.
Enemy Has a Shield Generator They're using a shield generator.
Teleporter Sighted The teleporter's over here!
Shield Generator Sighted Found their shield generator.
Enemy Ultimate Take cover!
Ally Damaged Behind you!
Under Attack Help me!
I'm under attack! ▶️
I'm under fire!
Taking heavy fire! ▶️
I'm taking damage! ▶️
They're on me! ▶️
Time Running Out (Defense) Just a little bit longer, and we win this.
We've got to hold our ground, everyone! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Time Running Out (Attack) We're running out of time!
Keep the pressure on! We can't let up now!

Mission-Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capturing Objective (Attacking) I'm taking the objective, come on over!
I'm planting my flag on the point!
Capturing Objective (Defending) Knock them off the objective!
We need to sweep them off the point!
Payload Moving (Attack) Payload's moving out, keep it covered.
The payload's under my protection!
Payload is on its way.
Payload Moving (Defense) Payload's moving. We should put a stop to that.
Everyone, get on the payload!
We need to stop the payload.
Payload Stuck Why's the payload stopped?
Get that payload moving.
Payload's stopped. Is something broken?
Flag Taken (Attack) I have the flag.
Taking the flag back to base.
Flag Taken (Defense) We lost our flag!
They have our flag! Get after them!
Flag Captured (Attack) Special delivery!
Yeah! Score one for us.
Flag Captured (Defense) Oh, come on!
That's wasn't supposed to happen.
Flag Dropped Someone pick up our flag.
They dropped the flag, now's our chance!
Dropping the Flag I'm giving up the flag.
Dropping the flag.
Returning Flag Our flag's secure.
Sending the flag back to base.

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow And that's what I've learned. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Don't underestimate me.
Had enough? ▶️
I could do this all day! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I hope you weren't holding back! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I've been working on that.
I've got this. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I'm getting good at this.
I'm getting used to this. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I'll be waiting if you wanna try again. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
I'll knock some sense into you!
One at a time, that's what the old man says.
Sometimes I still surprise myself. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
That felt pretty good. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Try something different next time. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Were you taking me seriously? Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Whew! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
You can do better than that. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
You looked like you needed a break. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
You need to clean up your act.
You should rethink your strategy. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
You should sit this one out.
You should've yielded! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
You're wasting my time.
(vs Junkrat) Skogstokig.
English: Crazy.
(vs Reinhardt) Got you this time, Reinhardt!
(vs Torbjörn) Sorry, papa!
(vs Wrecking Ball) I'm more of a cat person.
Elimination (Shield Bash) Back off! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Get back!
Step off!
That's how you push back! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
The best offense is a good defense.
There's more than one way to use a shield. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
This shield isn't just for defense! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Turning defense into offense!
You might want to keep your distance.
Elimination (Whip Shot) Bet you didn't see that coming!
I can still reach you! (enemy in mid-air) Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I see you over there!
Shouldn't have come so close! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
Surprise! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Bort från mig!
English: Get away from me!
Kill Streak I really wiped them out. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I'm on a roll! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
My hard work pays off! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Not a bad streak! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
You're making this easy for me!
Multi Kill An efficient use of my energy. Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
How inspirational! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
Practise pays off! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
Thanks for lining up for me! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Turret Elimination Enemy turret destroyed.
Sorry papa, back to the scrapheap!
Teleporter Elimination Enemy teleporter out of commission.
Shield Generator Elimination That's the end of their shield generator.
Enemy shield generator destroyed.
Melee Final Blow (unused) Be serious.
Get outta here!
There's more where that came from.
Tagga ned.
English: Calm down.
Environmental Kill Beginner's luck.
Goodbye. Ha ha! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
I love doing that... Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
I meant to do that.
Pow! Right off the edge! Overwatch 2 logo.svg ▶️
Rocket Flail: working as intended. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
See ya!
Stick iväg!
English: Take a hike!
Witness Elimination You've been practicing!
I always had faith in you.
Revenge I didn't forget about you.
Be careful who you mess with.
Team Kill

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
English: Hi!
English: 'sup!
Hej hej!
English: Hello hello!
English: Thanks!
Thank you.
Acknowledge Got it!
I'm on it.
Makes sense to me. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
Acknowledge (Objective) (Defense) Defend the objective.
(Attack) Attack the point!
Acknowledge (Payload) (Attack) Get the payload moving!
(Defense) Stop the payload!
(Defense) Let's stop that payload!
Acknowledge (Flag) (Attack)
  • Let's attack their flag!
  • Get their flag!
  • Cover our flag!
  • Protect the flag!
Need Healing I need healing.
I could use some healing!
(Facing Zarya)
  • How bout some shields?
  • I could use some shields.

(Facing Torbjörn)
  • How bout some armor?
  • I need some more armor.

Group Up Come over here!
Group up with me!
Let's group up! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
With You I'll go with ya.
I'm with ya.
Fall Back Fall back!
Ultimate Status (0-90%) My ultimate is charging.
Ultimate Status (91-99%) My ultimate is almost ready.
Ultimate Status (100%) My ultimate is ready!
I'm ready to rally!
(Facing Ally)
  • My ultimate is ready, come on!

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
Default You won't be disappointed.
25Credits Be reasonable.
Släng dig i väggen!
English: Literal meaning: Throw yourself into the wall. General meaning: Get lost!
Låt proffsen sköta det här.
English: Leave this to the experts.
Mace to the face!
No shortcuts, just hard work.
Precision Swedish engineering.
Den är paj.
English: Literal meaning: It is pie. General meaning: It is broken.
Trust me.
What do you think you're doing?
Funkar som den ska.
English: Working as intended.
Summer Games (2018) 25 Credits Scandinavian style? No, it has to be Lindholm style.
Dare to Lindholm!
Summer Games (2020) 25 Credits
Glad midsommar!
English: Happy Midsummer!
Summer Games (2021) 75 Credits No sweat.
Halloween Terror (2018)

25 Credits

You're not, scared, are you?
Was that supposed to scare me?
Winter Wonderland (2018) 25 Credits
God jul!
English: Merry Christmas!
I made that just for you.
Winter Wonderland (2021) 75 Credits I got a present for you.
Lunar New Year (2019)


Allt som glimmar ar inte guld.
English: All that glitters isn't gold.
Who's ready to party?
Lunar New Year (2020) 25Credits
English: Cheers!
Overwatch Archives (2018) 25 Credits Time to roll up my sleeves.
Du gör en höna av en fjäder.
English: You're making a chicken out of a feather.
Skägget i brevlådan.
English: Literal meaning: Beard in the letterbox. General meaning: Don't get caught redhanded.
Overwatch Archives (2019) 25Credits
Som man bäddar får man ligga.
English: If you make your bed, lie in it.
Overwatch Archives (2020) 25Credits Hard work pays off.
Overwatch Anniversary (2018) 25 Credits It's just a flesh wound.
Leave this to an expert.
Ingen ko på isen.
English: Literal meaning: No cow on the ice. General meaning: No problem.
Overwatch Anniversary (2019) 25Credits
Gå och dra något gammalt över dig!
English: Get out of here!

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Brigitte: Bastion, how are you liking that new armor Papa made for you?
  • Bastion: *happy beep boop*

  • Cassidy: Believe me, I-I'd get wanting to wear the armor and all, but following the old man around must be nothing but trouble.
  • Brigitte: I don't see it that way... to me, it's an honor.
  • Brigitte: Hey, D.Va... Who's your mechanic? They do good work.
  • D.Va: Dae-Hyun! He's great, isn't he?
  • Brigitte: Genji! How about a quick sparring session?
  • Genji: You're on! Show me what you've been working on!

  • Brigitte: Angela! It's so strange to see you in your armor!
  • Mercy: I could say the same for you!

  • Brigitte: I'm really looking forward to fighting with you Pharah.
  • Pharah: We Overwatch brats have to stick together.
  • Pharah: Brigitte, I'd love it if you could take a look at my armor sometime.
  • Brigitte: It will take some time for me to get familiar with the design, but if you don't mind I'd love to.
  • Pharah: Hey Brigitte, want to go hit the weights?
  • Brigitte: Only if we can get something to eat afterwards.
  • Pharah: Did you ever want to join Overwatch growing up?
  • Brigitte: Not after how they treated Reinhardt. He deserved better.
  • Pharah: (sighs) I think I went a little overboard on the weights yesterday. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Brigitte: Pace yourself! That's what I always told Reinhardt. Not that he ever listens. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Brigitte: I've stitched you up so many times its a wonder you can still fight.
  • Reinhardt: Just some bumps and bruises, nothing to worry yourself about.
  • Brigitte: Reinhardt, what should I focus on today?
  • Reinhardt: Focus on offense. Drive your enemy back with the blows from your flail!

  • Brigitte: Reinhardt, what should I focus on today?
  • Reinhardt: Your shield. Keep yourself from harm, then bash it against our enemies!

  • Brigitte: Reinhardt, what should I focus on today?
  • Reinhardt: Protect your teammates! Make sure they do not falter.

  • Brigitte: Reinhardt, what should I focus on today?
  • Reinhardt: No lesson today. Show me what you have learnt!

  • Brigitte: Sure you don't want to sit this one out, Reinhardt?
  • Reinhardt: You ask that every time, and every time I say no. Today is no different.

  • Reinhardt: Stay close to me!
  • Brigitte: Of course. How else can I bail you out when you get into trouble?

  • Sombra: You know, I've seen Reinhardt's Overwatch file.
  • Brigitte: What are you getting at?
  • Sombra: I wonder if he's really told you the truth about his retirement.
Sombra and Ashe
  • Sombra: There's no easy way to say this: I read your poetry folder. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Brigitte: What? I... you had no right! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Sombra: Don't yell at me. We're both victims here. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Brigitte: Real glory comes from helping people, not hurting them. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Ashe: We may have different definitions. Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Brigitte: Papa, what do you think of my armor?
  • Torbjörn::Not bad, not bad! I'm glad you let me add a lil' something to it.

  • Torbjörn: Your armor seems to be working well! I guess you were right about the core integration design.
  • Brigitte: I knew you'd come around!

  • Torbjörn: Isn't it enough to be an engineer, Brigitte?
  • Brigitte: I felt like I had to do more.
  • Tracer: I still can't believe how tall you've gotten! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Brigitte: And now, I can lift you with one arm! Overwatch 2 logo.svg
  • Tracer: You'll have to catch me first! Overwatch 2 logo.svg

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Blizzard World Do we have time to go on some rides? Flight to Duskwood is my favourite!
Busan (Karaoke) Ah, yeah! Ah, yeah, ah, woo! Come on! Mace to the face!
Who wants to party? Woo! Yeah, come on! Party with me! Let's go! *laughs*
Horizon Lunar Colony (looking through telescope) It really makes you think.
Junkertown I think I'm gonna get tetanus just from looking at this place.
Nepal Don't think we will be taking a family vacation here anytime soon. Papa might have a breakdown...

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Please move quotes that do exist in game to their appropriate sections above.

Trigger Quote Audio
Datamined Get ready.
That's the last of them.
Kusten är klar!
English: The coast is clear!
Dig deep everyone, we can't afford to lose another.
It's win or go home.
All we have to do is win another.
We're off to a good start.
Get out of there!
Push forward.
Moving forward.
Someone has to be the voice of reason.
I'm on defense.
Ready to defend.
Pushing the attack.
I'm going on the attack.
Feels like I'm forgetting something.
Be Right There!
I need a hand here.
Removed (Armor Pack) Take some armor! (old)
Armoring you up! (old)
Get in there! (old)
Giving you a little extra! (old)
Ta lite skydd!
English: Take some protection!

Trivia[ | ]
