Overwatch Wiki

This is a list of Common terms used by Overwatch players when discussing the game.

General terms[ | ]

Term Definition
2CP Short for "2 Control Points". Refers to Assault game mode.
5CP Short for "5 Control Points". Refers to Clash game mode.
Airborne The state when a player is not standing on a walkable surface. For example, after jumping, or being knocked up.
Air Control A parameter that determines how much maneuverability a hero has while airborne.
Ajax When Lúcio is killed while using his ultimate. It originates from Ajax, a Contenders player, known for getting eliminated in the middle of his ultimate.
Auto-aim A term used in games to refer to attacks that auto-select and auto-fire at a target.
B Short for "back"; a request for your team to return or fall back.
Back-cap Capturing the objective behind enemy lines without them noticing.
Backline The heroes furthest from the enemy team or objective, typically "snipers" or supports.
Booped Knocked back, especially into an environmental hazard (i.e. Ilios Well).
Brawl One of the three main team composition archetypes. Brawl aims to close the distance and overpower the enemy with close-range fighting power and sustain. Traditionally built around Reinhardt and Lúcio. Other heroes that can work well in brawl are Junker Queen, Orisa, Ramattra, Zarya, Mei, Cassidy, Symmetra, Reaper, Sojourn, Hanzo, Baptiste, Moira, Ana, for example. Brawl is great on maps with short sightlines and little verticality, like King's Row and Nepal.
Buff Refers to something that has been made stronger. This can refer to both a change made to a hero/ability in a patch update, or an ability in-game with such effect (i.e., Mercy's damage beam)
C9 Losing the objective due to leaving its area, despite having the advantage. Originates from a professional team, Cloud 9 (C9 for short), making this mistake three times in one match.
Cancel To interrupt an ability (own or enemy's) before it finishes, negating its effects.
Care Short for "be careful"; a request that someone plays cautiously. Generally used when an enemy is missing, or the enemy team's location is unknown.
Carry Refers to someone "carrying" the team on their shoulders. To bring your own team to victory, usually by eliminating or saving key targets or making match-winning plays.
Cart The payload.
CC Short for "crowd control". Refers to negative status effects applied by some abilities that limit the target heroes' ability to move, shoot or use abilities (i.e., Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade Flashbang)
CD Short for "cooldown"; the time before an ability can be used again after. Usually used in reference to an ability being "on cooldown".
Choke (point) A narrow area on the map that the enemy has to pass through to progress the objective. These locations are advantageous for defense, as the attacking team can have multiple angles to be shot from while the defending team can concentrate their fire and attention at a more limited area.
Comp Can either be short for "Competitive Play" or "Team Composition" depending on the context.
Crit Short for "critical hit".
Debuff An ability that makes an enemy weaker for a certain period of time.
D/Def Short for "defend". Protect a place on the map, an objective or another player.
Dive One of the three main team composition archetypes. Dive aims to collapse on a single target using highly mobile heroes. Winston, D.Va, Doomfist, Wrecking Ball, Tracer, Sombra, Genji, Lúcio, Kiriko and Moira, for example, are heroes that work well in dive. Dive is great on maps with manageable sightlines and lot of verticality, like Dorado and Hollywood
DoT Short for "Damage over Time"; negative status effects that deal damage over a period of time, such as a burn.
DPS Short for "Damage Per Second"; refers to how much damage something can do during one second. Also used to refer to the Damage heroes, or simply the act of doing damage.
Elim(ination) Also called "kills." Any player who dealt any damage to an enemy hero, within 3 seconds before they died, will get an "Elimination".
Feed When a player is dying repeatedly to the enemy, "feeding" them ultimate charge and giving them the upper hand. Getting "fed" means that one or more enemy players are giving you a lot of eliminations, giving you a greater advantage over them.
Focus To direct all attacks to a single target or player.
Flank To attack an enemy by surprise from behind or sidelines while they are off guard in hopes of getting a kill on them.
Flyer A hero that can fly.
GG Short for "Good Game".
GL Short for "Good Luck".
GLHF Short for "Good Luck Have Fun".
HS or Headshot A weapon shot that hits the head area of a hero, dealing more damage than a "bodyshot," or a shot hit elsewhere on the body.
Hitscan Generally used to refer to heroes with weapons with projectiles that don't have travel time. See Weapon for details.
HP Short for "Hit points".
Int, Inting Short for "intentionally feeding." See "feed"
Invuln(erability) Abilities that grant temporary immunity from damage to the targets after casting. Also may cleanse negative effects. Some of them also reload the player's weapon.

Those are: Protection Suzu Icon Protection Suzu, Ability-zarya2 Particle Barrier, Ability-zarya3 Projected Barrier, Ability-mei2 Cryo-freeze, Ability-tracer3 Recall, Ability Sombra Translocator Translocator, Burrow icon Burrow, Ability-reaper2 Wraith Form, Baptiste-ability3 Immortality Field and Ability-zenyatta4 Transcendence (only applies to the player casting it)

Juke To dodge enemy attacks.
Killing Blow Sometimes referred to as "Final Blow"; the last weapon shot that caused a player to die.
Kit A hero's set of abilities.
KotH Short for "King of the Hill". Refers to Control game mode.
KS Short for "Kill Steal"/"Kill Stolen". Refers to another player taking the credit from an elimination they didn't really contribute to. Can also mean "Kill Secured", which is a sarcastic response to someone accusing you of previous, suggesting that it's better than not getting the kill, as in most cases who got the kill only matters on the scoreboard.
LoS Short for "Line of Sight". Means that your hero or ability can directly see a target. Many effects require an unobstructed Line of Sight to interact with targets.
Main The character or role a player chooses most often chooses to play. Alternatively, refers to the main entrance/path to the map's objective.
Mega A large health pack, restoring 250 HP.
Meta Used to refer to strategies, tactics and heroes perceived by the community as the strongest or most effective ones at the current time.
MIA Short for "Missing In Action". Generally used to signal that someone in the enemy team is unaccounted for.
Mini A small health pack, restoring 75 HP.
Miss Short for "Missing". See "MIA".
Mirror Refers to the enemy team playing the same heroes or composition as your own.
Multikill Refered to as "killing spree" in some other games. They occur after getting multiple eliminations in a very short amount of time.
Nerf Used when referring to something that has been made weaker or that has been downgraded through a balance patch.
No + [ability name] A call-out to say that an enemy has used an ability that’s now on cooldown. Commonly used for escape abilities.
NT Short for "Nice Try".
Objective Refers to the map's win condition.
Off angle Taking a position slightly away from your team and to the side of main sight lines. Most commonly done by damage heroes taking an "off angle" away from their tank. This can force the enemy to split their focus.
One A callout that "[Hero] is one" means that they are low on health and likely only need one more hit to be eliminated.
One Shot Abilities that instantly eliminates targets in one blow or combos that cannot be prevented after being hit by its first part.
One Trick or OTP Short for "One Trick Pony", a player who only chooses one character.
OP Short for "overpowered". Refers to something being too powerful.
Peel To force an enemy away from an ally that is being attacked.
Pocket Support that focuses on supporting only one hero, usually a Damage hero, in the team, enabling them to do more damage and stay longer in the fight with buffs. Mercy is commonly referred to as 'the' pocket support, whereas good pocket targets are heroes like Ashe, Pharah and Sojourn.
Point Refers to each map's area to be captured, defended, or escorted. Payload in Escort and Hybrid, capture/control points in Assault, Hybrid, Control, Clash and Flashpoint, and TS-1 robot in Push.
Poke One of the three main team composition archetypes. Poke aims to utilize long range heroes to wear down the enemy and get picks before they enter they engage on you. Heroes that can work well in poke are, for example, Sigma, Ashe, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Ana, Baptiste, Mercy and Zenyatta. Poke is great in maps with long sightlines, like Havana and Circuit Royal.
PUG Short for "pick-up game" or a custom organized match
Push Used to mean "moving as a unit with teammates in a certain direction." Can also mean moving the payload further into the enemy base; i.e. "push the cart.". May also refer to the game mode, Push.
Re Short for "returned". Refers to a missing hero returning to the front line
Reset When a fight is lost and someone is calling for a regroup before pushing in again as a team
Reveal An effect available to certain heroes that allows them to see affected enemies without direct line of sight.
RG Short for "regoup," a way of telling the team to group and go in together.
Solo Kill Eliminations by a single player that did 100% of the damage.
Spam Repeatedly firing at an area where you expect enemies to come in hopes of getting a kill, or to force enemies to take an alternative route. Can also refer to repeatedly sending messages, or "spamming" in text chat.
Squishy Refers to a hero with a relatively small health pool. Most commonly seen in Damage and Support heroes.
Stealth An effect that allows units to become invisible to their opponents for a duration.
Stagger Dying much later than the rest of the team, causing a longer reset. Someone might unintentionally do this to themselves or a team might intentionally stagger the last remaining enemy.
Streak Short for "kill streak," getting several eliminations without dying will start a streak.
Tick One third of a point-objective capture where progress cannot be lost.
Touch To enter the objective area to start or reset the overtime.
Ult Short for "Ultimate ability", the strongest skill of every hero. It must be charged by dealing damage or healing allies before it can be used.
UP Short for "underpowered". Refers to something being weaker than meant to be.

Areas of the map[ | ]

Term Definition
Coast Refers to a side on certain maps where there is a large out-of-bounds drop off.
Main The common route to the objective or the path the payload or barricades move along. Also used to mean "middle route."
Mid Middle route.
Left Left route.
Right Right route.
Spawn The room in which players spawn. Enemies are unable to enter or fire into these safe areas.

Ability descriptors[ | ]

Term Definition
Area Area damage. It describes weapons and abilities that affect an area rather than a single target directly. Most area damage attacks will have a damage fall off that will cause them to deal less damage the further away the target is from the center.
AoE Area of Effect. Another way of calling Area damage, but it is also used to refer to the physical area (radius) of a skill or weapon shot's explosion.
Beam Beams are beam-looking weapons or abilities with high tickrate. The damage from beam weapons ignores Ability-dva3 Defense Matrix, Abilities-sigma3 Kinetic Grasp, Ability-genji2 Deflect and Ability JavelinSpin Javelin Spin, and is always reduced by 30% against armor health.
Channeled Channeled abilities (e.g. Ability-reaper4 Death Blossom) end immediately if the target is stunned, pinned, frozen, slept, hacked or killed. They may or may not prohibit the hero from moving while channeling. Most channeled abilities also prevent the hero from using their weapon and other abilities while they are active.
Movement Movement abilities allow heroes to quickly travel short distances. Junkrat's Ability-Junkrat3 Steel Trap, Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade Magnetic Grenade, Sigma's Abilities-sigma5 Gravitic Flux Zarya's Ability-zarya4 Graviton Surge, and Mauga's Cage Fight icon Cage Fight prevent enemies from using movement abilities, also interrupting any active movement abilities, when affected by them. Movement speed buffs do not count as movement abilities.
Passive Abilities that are automatically used without player input. Each role has a passive ability assigned to it.
Transformation Transformation type abilities (e.g. Ability-genji4 Dragonblade) temporarily change function of the hero's weapon. Unlike channeled abilities, transformations allow the hero to use their other abilities while they are active and cannot be interrupted by stun or hack.

Roles[ | ]

Term Definition
Tank Tank heroes soak up damage and shatter fortified positions, like closely grouped enemies and narrow chokepoints.
Damage Damage heroes seek out, engage, and obliterate the enemy with wide-ranging tools, abilities, and play styles.
Support Support heroes empower their allies by healing, shielding, boosting damage, and disabling foes.

Ability callouts[ | ]

Term Definition
Amp Lucio's Ability-Lucio3 Amp it Up
Anti'd or Purple Players that have been hit by Ana's Ability-ana3 Biotic Grenade or Junker Queen's Rampage Icon Rampage and are now temporarily unhealable. Their health bars have purple outlines.
Baby D.Va when she's out of her mech.
Bash Brigitte's Shield Bash Shield Bash.
Beat [Drop] Lúcio's Ability-Lucio4 Sound Barrier.
Blade Genji's Ability-genji4 Dragonblade.
Cleanse or Suzu Kiriko's Protection Suzu Icon Protection Suzu. Characters who have debuffs removed with this ability have been "cleansed".
Coal Moira's Ability Moira Coalescence Coalescence.
Coom Torbjörn's Ability-torbjorn5 Molten Core, especially because of its appearance when used by a home Overwatch League team.
Copy or Dupe Echo's DUPLICATE Duplicate.
Dig Venture's Burrow icon Burrow
DM D.Va's Ability-dva3 Defense Matrix.
D.Va Bomb D.Va's Ability-dva4 Self-Destruct.
Discord Zenyatta's Ability-zenyatta3 Orb of Discord. Characters to whom it's applied are "discorded".
Eat Refers to D.Va's Ability-dva3 Defense Matrix, Sigma's Abilities-sigma3 Kinetic Grasp or Orisa's Ability JavelinSpin Javelin Spin absorbing an ability.
Flux Sigma's Abilities-sigma5 Gravitic Flux.
Fox or Kitsune Kiriko's Kitsune Rush Icon Kitsune Rush.
GA Mercy's Ability-mercy3 Guardian Angel
Gold or Golden Orisa's Ability Orisa Fortify Fortify as she literally appears to be golden.
Grip or Pull Lifeweaver's Life Grip Icon Life Grip.
Grav Zarya's Ability-zarya4 Graviton Surge.
Hinder (Grenade) Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade Magnetic Grenade
High Noon Cassidy's Ability-mccree4 Deadeye, originating from its voice line.
Hook Roadhog's Ability-Roadhog3 Chain Hook.
Ice Block Mei's Ability-mei2 Cryo-Freeze.
Invis Sombra's Ability Sombra Thermoptic Camo Stealth.
Knife Junker Queen's Jagged Blade Icon Jagged Blade.
Lamp or Immortality Baptiste's Baptiste-ability3 Immortality Field.
Nano Ana's Ability-ana4 Nano Boost. When used in conjunction with another ultimate ability, it's a prefix (i.e., Nano-Blade, Nano-Visor).
Pin Reinhardt's Ability-reinhardt3 Charge.
Primal Winston's Ability-winston4 Primal Rage.
Rail(ed) Getting eliminated by Sojourn's Railgun Alt Fire Icon Railgun shot (alternate fire).
Re Tracer's Ability-tracer3 Recall.
Rez or Revive Mercy's Ability-mercy5 Resurrect.
Rock Sigma's Abilities-sigma4 Accretion.
Sentry Bastion's Ability-bastion2 Configuration: Assault. Used to be called "Configuration: Sentry" before it was reworked in Overwatch 2.
Shatter Reinhardt's Ability-reinhardt5 Earthshatter.
Skill Orb Moira's damage Ability Moira Biotic Orb Biotic Orb when it gets an unintended elimination.
Sleep Ana's Ability-ana2 Sleep Dart.
Sonic or Sonar Hanzo's Ability-hanzo2 Sonic Arrow.
Spawn Nade Ana throws her Ability-ana3 Biotic Grenade upward from a few outside the spawn room doors and it hits a group of players. Allies will get the healing boost and enemies get anti-healing. In rare instances, it gets an elimination.
[Tac] Visor Soldier: 76's Icon-ability.tacticalvisor Tactical Visor.
Trans or Tranq Zenyatta's Ability-zenyatta4 Transcendence. "Tranq" comes from his voiceline "Experience tranquility".
Tree Lifeweaver's Tree of Life Icon Tree of Life.
Valk Mercy's Ability-mercy6 Valkyrie.
Vape Roadhog's Ability-Roadhog2 Take a Breather.
Window or Matrix Baptiste's Baptiste-ability4 Amplification Matrix.
Wraith or Reaper fade Reaper's Ability-reaper2 Wraith Form

Hero callouts[ | ]

Hero Common shorthands and nicknames


D.Va Mech, Baby D.Va (when not in MeKA)
Doomfist Doom
Junker Queen JQ, Queen
Orisa Horse, Battle Cattle
Ramattra Ram, Rama
Reinhardt Rein
Roadhog Hog, Roadie
Sigma Sig
Winston Monkey, Winton (when joking)
Wrecking Ball Ball, Hamster, Hammond
Zarya Zar
Cassidy Cass, McCree (his name before it was changed), Cowboy
Genji Ninja
Junkrat Junk, Rat
Reaper Reap
Sojourn Soj
Soldier: 76 Soldier, Legs
Sombra Somb
Symmetra Sym
Torbjörn Torb
Venture Miner
Widowmaker Widow
Ana Grandma, Granny
Baptiste Bap
Brigitte Brig
Kiriko Kiri
Lifeweaver LW, Weaver
Lúcio Frog
Mercy Moth
Zenyatta Zen, Zenny