Overwatch Wiki
Competitive play

Competitive Play playlist card

Compete against other players and work your way up the ranks.

Competitive Play is the ranked playlist of Overwatch and Overwatch 2. Players must win 50 Quick Play matches or have owned Overwatch since before June of 2021 to unlock Competitive Play. In Competitive Play, players receive a rank representing their skill level, ranging from Bronze to the Top 500. As Competitive is meant to be a slightly more serious play mode, it features slightly altered rule sets for competitive matches and imposes some grouping restrictions for more fair and balanced gameplay. [1]

Game modes[ | ]

Permanent modes[ | ]

Competitive playlist features two permanent game modes: Competitive Play Role Queue and Competitive Play Open Queue.

  • Role Queue imposes a team composition 1 Tank, 2 Damage, and 2 Support heroes. Players must select a role they wish to play as in a match. Once a match has been found, they are only allowed to pick heroes in the role they selected for the entire match.
  • Open Queue does not restrict a team to have a specific number of heroes from each role. Players can select a hero from any role and are allowed to switch roles during the match.

Open Queue ranking give the players 1 rank, whereas Role Queue gives players 3.

Temporary modes[ | ]

The playlist also features temporary game modes, such as Arcade-based modes available in a competitive setting. Temporary games modes are usually available for the latter half of the season, but may also stay longer.

Competitive Arcade modes[ | ]

Starting with Copa Lùcioball, introduced with the Summer Games 2017 event, Blizzard has sporadically added Competitive Arcade modes. The rewards for Competitive Arcade modes differ from those from the regular Competitive Play mode. As the seasons are shorter (as well as the matches duration), you earn fewer Competitive Points per match.

Following Arcade modes have been featured in Competitive play:

Mystery Heroes[ | ]

Competitive Mystery Heroes was available during Seasons 3, 5, and 6 in Overwatch 2.

The rewards for game wins and the end of the season for Competitive Mystery Heroes are slightly lower than the Role Queue and Open Queue Competitive rewards. However, it is possible to earn both end of season rewards for Competitive Mystery Heroes and standard Competitive rewards in the same season.

Team Queue[ | ]

Team Queue is a temporary competitive mode for Overwatch 2, requiring everyone to play in a full group of five players. Team Queue has no ranking restrictions. Other important rules for the mode are:

  • Players can group up regardless of how far apart they are in rank.
  • Grandmaster players can play, even with up to four other Grandmaster players.
  • Team Queue is limited to 1 Tank, 2 Damage, and 2 Support.
  • Players do not queue for specific roles, instead choosing their roles within each match.
  • Platform pool restrictions remain, meaning players on console must still only group up with other players on console, not those on PC.

Team Queue first became available in Season 5 mid-season patch to be available through the end of Season 5.

Competitive ruleset[ | ]

Competitive Play has a different ruleset for Escort, Hybrid and Push maps. Control and Flashpoint have the same ruleset in Quick Play and Competitive Play.

Push[ | ]

  • Match time is increased from 8 to 10 minutes.

Escort[ | ]

  • Minimum of 2 rounds are played, with both teams playing an attack and a defence. Whichever team gets farther on their attack will win the match.
  • If both teams manage to move the payload the exact same distance without reaching the final destination or fail to move it at all, the match ends in a draw.
    • The distance has to be equal to the centimeter, so this very rarely happens.
  • If both teams push the payload until the end, the match will proceed to extra rounds, following the time bank rules (See Below).

Hybrid[ | ]

  • Minimum of 2 rounds are played, with both teams playing an attack and a defence. The attacking team which captures the most of the point and / or escorts the payload the farthest wins.
  • If both teams fail to reach the first tick (1/3) on the capture point or manage to move the payload the exact same distance without reaching the destination, the match ends in a draw.
    • If the capture point progress is between 33.3% (1st tick) and 100%, it is not possible for the game to end in a draw.
    • Like Escort, the payload distance has to be equal to the centimeter for a draw to happen.
  • If both teams capture the point, and push the payload until the end, the match will proceed to extra rounds, following the time bank rules (See Below).

Extra Rounds & Time Bank[ | ]

If both teams reach the final destination in their initial attacking round in a Hybrid or Escort map, the match will proceed to extra rounds, where attack and defense rotation will start using the time bank system and no additional time will be added after capturing a checkpoint. Whenever a new rotation starts, the team with the smaller remaining time starts the next rotation on attack, and the time banks are adjusted based on the remaining time for both teams:

  • If both teams have 120 seconds or more left, the team with the smaller amount of remaining time has their time decreased to 120 seconds and the other team's remaining time is decreased the same amount.
    • E.g. team A has 165 seconds and team B has 250 seconds after the initial rounds, team A's time bank is reduced by 45 seconds for a remaining total of 120 seconds, and team B's time bank is also reduced by 45 seconds for a remaining total of 205 seconds.
  • If the team with lower time remaining has between 60 seconds and 119 seconds left, no changes are made to either team's time bank.
  • If the team with lower time remaining has between 0.1 seconds and 59.9 seconds left, their remaining time is increased to 60 seconds and the team with higher remaining time is increased by the same amount.
    • E.g. team A has 20 seconds and team B has 150 seconds after the initial rounds, team A's time bank is increased by 40 seconds for a total of 60 seconds, while team B's time bank is also increased by 40 seconds for a total of 190 seconds.
  • Hybrid only: If one team has no time left and opposing team team has 60 seconds or more left, no changes are made to either team's time bank and only the team with time left will proceed to play an attacking round. If they reach at least 33.3% progress (1st tick) on the first capture point with their remaining time, they win. If they do not, the match results in a draw.
  • If one of the teams has no time left and the previous does not apply, both teams are given an additional 60 seconds.

Ranks[ | ]

Ranks are used to represent players' performance compared to other players in Competitive play. A player's rank is not used for matchmaking, however it closely matches their internal matchmaking rating.[2][3] Players have a separate rank for Open Queue and for each role in Role Queue.

Skill tiers & divisions[ | ]

The ranked system is split in tiers, and each tier in divisions.[4] Additionally, the players position within each division is displayed as a percentage. Players can view their current skill tier and division through their Career Profile, or the Competitive Progress option in the Competitive Play menu.

Excluding Top 500, there are 5 divisions in each tier, with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest. The skill tiers from top to bottom are:

Badge 9 Top 500 Top 500
Badge 8 Champion Champion 5 - 1
Badge 7 Grandmaster Grandmaster 5 - 1
Badge 6 Master Master 5 - 1
Badge 5 Diamond Diamond 5 - 1
Badge 4 Platinum Platinum 5 - 1
Badge 3 Gold Gold 5 - 1
Badge 2 Silver Silver 5 - 1
Badge 1 Bronze Bronze 5 - 1

The Top 500 rank is given to players that have the 1st to 500th highest rating in their respective region (Americas. Asia, Europe) and platform (PC, PS4, XBox, Switch), and can be granted regardless of the player's actual skill tier and division. Top 500 only becomes available two weeks after the start of a season, and the player must have won at least 50 competitive matches in the current season to be eligible. Blizzard SMS Protect must also be enabled for PC players. The current Top 500 can be viewed in the leaderboard, which can be accessed through the Competitive Play menu.

Placement matches[ | ]

In Season 9, the player must complete a set of 10 placements matches in order to gain a rank. Unlike previous seasons, it is not necessary to win these matches to progress the counter. The player's predicted rank is shown after each placement match before they gain their real rank.[5]

Rank updates[ | ]

Rank information

Explanation of rank modifiers in Rank Information screen

Players' ranks will update after every match. The rank updates are communicated to the players via the Rank Information screen, which displays how much their position in the division changed as a percentage, visualized by a progress bar towards the next division. Generally, players will gain rank progress whenever they win the match and lose progress whenever they lose. Rank Information also details what factors affected the amount of progress from the match with Rank Modifiers. Modifiers that have a positive effect, ie. cause the player to gain rank progress more upon win or lose less upon loss, are displayed with a green arrow to the right and ones with negative effect with a red arrow to the left.

Below is a list of the possible modifiers.

Rank modifiers
Modifier Effect Description
Winning Trend
Bonus for high win rate.
Losing Trend
Penalty for high loss rate.
You weren't favored[Note 1] and you lost.
You were favored but you lost.
Uphill Battle
You weren't favored but you won.
You were favored and you won.
Your rank is uncertain.
You lost a match while in Demotion Protection.[Note 2]
Demotion Protection If you lose again you will rank down.
Your group is wide so you gained or lost less rank.
You were pushed toward average at a high or low rank.
  1. Favored – Whether a team is "favored" is based on the teams' average ranks prior to the game, with the higher ranked team being considered favored.
  2. Demotion Protection - See below

Demotion Protection[ | ]

When player's Rank Progress would go below 0% and they would be demoted to a lower division, they will be put in "Demotion Protection", and instead of immediately ranking down a division, they will gain another chance and only rank down if they lose another match while in Demotion Protection.

When player enters Demotion Protection, the amount of Rank Progress that would go below 0% is not discarded, but will be saved and taken into account in the next rank update. Players can see this as negative Rank Progress in the Rank Update screen. If the player loses and is demoted, the next rank update will display this amount with a black bar, whereas the amount lost from the current match is displayed normally.

To leave Demotion Protection while retaining their current division, the player must again get their Rank Progress above 0%. In other words, if the player wins while in Demotion Protection, but does not gain enough rank progress to go back above 0%, they will remain in Demotion Protection for another match.

Inactivity[ | ]

Players that did not play any matches during the previous competitive season will become Inactive. Inactive players do not have a visible Skill Tier and Division. Each role in Role Queue can become Inactive separately, while in Open Queue, a player only has one rank that can become Inactive. Once an Inactive player returns and achieves a Competitive Update after winning five games, their Skill Tier and Division will become visible again.

Distribution[ | ]

Rank distribution season6

Rank distribution in Season 5 in Overwatch 2. Each horizontal line represents 2%.[6]

The current rank distribution is unknown due to the rank reset and addition of Champion rank brought by Season 9 Competitive Play updates.

To the previous knowledge, a graph showing the distribution of PC players in Competitive was revealed in a blog post at the time of Season 5.[6] Approximating from the graph the percentage of players at each rank was:

Season 5 rank distribution
Rank Of total Percentile
Badge 7 Grandmaster Grandmaster 1.5 % 98.5 ... 100 %
Badge 6 Master Master 3.9 % 94.6 ... 98.5 %
Badge 5 Diamond Diamond 12.3 % 82.3 ... 94.6 %
Badge 4 Platinum Platinum 26.2 % 56.1 ... 82.3 %
Badge 3 Gold Gold 26.8 % 29.3 ... 56.1 %
Badge 2 Silver Silver 19.1 % 10.2 ... 29.3 %
Badge 1 Bronze Bronze 10.2 % 0 ... 10.2 %

Groups in Competitive Play[ | ]

S10 Competitive Grouping

Competitive Wide Groups By Rank

Players are allowed to participate in Competitive Play as a group of any size and range of ranks, with some exceptions and tradeoffs. Groups are sorted into two categories: Wide groups and Narrow groups. Wide Groups are classified as groups with large rank disparity, while narrow groups are everything else. For Matchmaking, wide groups and narrow groups are matched separately, with solo queuers only ever being matched with narrow groups.

Wide Groups[ | ]

Wide groups were introduced to allow friends who are ranks apart to play Competitive together. As such, wide groups consist of players with fairly large rank disparity. For Matchmaking, wide groups will only be matched against other wide groups and will still utilize Overwatch 2's Role Delta Tech to try match groups with similarly shaped groups to try keep gameplay as fair as possible[7]. Wide groups will receive the "Wide" modifier after each game to represent the decreased change in rank progress. Players will be informed prior to the match if the configuration of roles they have selected would result in a wide group.[8]

The following table describes what is considered a Wide Group at each rank.

Competitive Wide Groups
Rank(s) Wide Group

Badge 1 Bronze Bronze
Badge 2 Silver Silver
Badge 3 Gold Gold
Badge 4 Platinum Platinum
Badge 5 Diamond Diamond

Highest and lowest ranked players are more than 5 Divisions apart.

Badge 6 Master Master
Badge 7 Grandmaster Grandmaster

Highest and lowest ranked players are more than 3 Divisions apart.
Badge 8 Champion Champion Highest and lowest ranked players are more than 1 Division apart.

The existence of wide groups results in a few tradeoffs: [8]

  • Wide Groups have increased queue times and reduced match quality because it’s more difficult to find another group of players with the same ranks in the same roles to match against.
  • Wide Groups of 4 players are unable to queue to ensure solo players never have to play a Wide Match.
  • The wider your group, the less your Rank Progress will change with each win or loss.

Narrow Groups[ | ]

A group is a narrow group when players in the group have little rank disparity, all being fairly close in rank. In other words, any group that does not fit the aforementioned wide group criteria is considered narrow. Narrow groups will be matched with other narrow groups and solo queuers.[7]

Penalties[ | ]

Main article: Penalties#Leaver Penalties

As this mode exists to players wanting a more serious experience of Overwatch, harsher penalties are given to players who abandon their team before the end of the match. As opposed to Quick Play, players who exit a match from Competitive Play prematurely will not be able to join another game of any play mode until their original match is concluded, and departed players will not be backfilled. Players that fail to rejoin their match before it ends will automatically gain a loss, and have their future placement ranking lowered, as well as a temporary suspension from Competitive Play, with repeated offenses extending the duration of the suspension until an eventual permanent ban from the game mode. As such, it is ill-advised to play comp when you are short on time, or have a poor connection to the game.

Rewards[ | ]

Competitive Points[ | ]

Main article: Competitive Points

Players can earn Competitive Points completing matches in Competitive Play: Each player is awarded Competitive Points 10 Competitive Points for a win, Competitive Points 5 for a draw or none for a loss. Additionally, each match completed fills the Competitive Progress meter, granting triple progress for wins. After completing 30 matches, the player gains an additional Competitive Points 100 Competitive Points.

Competitive Weapon Variants[ | ]

Main article: Weapon Variants

Season 9 introduced a new competitive reward system in which competitive seasons that span over a year will feature unique weapon variants that can be purchased with Competitive Points. At the end of the competitive season, the remaining Competitive Points are converted to Legacy Competitive Points and can be used to purchase weapons variants from previous seasons, such as Golden weapons. The 2024 season runs from February 2024 to January 2025, and features Jade weapon variants, as the competitive reward.

Competitive Titles[ | ]

At the end of every regular season, the players ranked Gold and above gain a Player Title according to their skill tier at the end. Players can receive a competitive title for each role in the Role Queue as well as one for the Open Queue. Competitive titles can be used until the end of the season, after which they are replaced by the new reward title or removed, if the player has dropped below Gold rank.

History[ | ]

The mode has gone through extensive reworks since its launch, and was further revamped 2 times in Overwatch 2.

Competitive Play seasons[ | ]

Season Start Date End Date Notes
1 Jun 28, 2016 Aug 17, 2016 Had a 1-100 Skill Rating scale and a Sudden Death system if both teams reached their objective in the initial attack and defense rotation. During Sudden Death, one additional round was played where the attacking team was chosen by a coin flip. The attackers had to capture or escort the payload to the first point within 1 minute and 45 seconds. If they succeeded, the attacking team won the match. If they failed, the defending team won.
2 Sep 02, 2016 Nov 24, 2016 1-100 Skill Rating scale expanded to a 1-5000 scale.

Sudden Death system replaced by the Time Bank system.

3 Dec 01, 2016 Feb 21, 2017 No Changes
4 Feb 28, 2017 May 28, 2017
5 Jun 1, 2017 Aug 28, 2017
6 Sep 1, 2017 Oct 28, 2017 Control map rounds reduced from a best-of-five to a best-of-three.

Duration of each competitive season reduced from three months to two months.

7 Nov 1, 2017 Dec 29, 2017 No Changes
8 Jan 1, 2018 Feb 25, 2018
9 Feb 28, 2018 Apr 28, 2018
10 May 1, 2018 Jul 1, 2018
11 Jul 02, 2018 Aug 28, 2018
12 Aug 31, 2018 Oct 28, 2018
13 Nov 1, 2018 Jan 1, 2019 Off-season duration reduced from three days to two hours.
14 Jan 1, 2019 Mar 1, 2019 No Changes
15 Mar 1, 2019 May 1, 2019 Off-season removed. Henceforth the following season will begin immediately after the previous season ends.
16 May 1, 2019 Jun 30, 2019 No Changes
17 Jun 30, 2019 Aug 13, 2019 Ended two weeks early to implement a special three week season of Competitive Play that introduced the Role Queue system. Referred to as "Role Queue Beta" in player profiles to those that participated.
18 Sep 3, 2019 Nov 7, 2019 Role Queue system implemented with players having independent Skill Ratings for each of the three roles. Number of placement matches required decreased from 10 to 5.
19 Nov 9, 2019 Jan 2, 2020 Map pool system introduced. Each season had a specific selection of maps and only those maps were available for the entirety of the season.

Map pool:

  • Assault: Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries
  • Escort: Dorado, Havana, Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Hybrid: Eichenwalde, Hollywood, King's Row
  • Control: Busan, Lijiang Tower, Nepal
20 Jan 2, 2020 Mar 5, 2020 Map pool:
  • Assault: Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries
  • Escort: Dorado, Havana, Rialto
  • Hybrid: Eichenwalde, King's Row, Numbani
  • Control: Busan, Ilios, Oasis
21 Mar 5, 2020 May 7, 2020 Hero bans introduced, changing weekly. Banned heroes were chosen based on hero usage across all ranks.
Map pools were removed on April 14th, 2020. Horizon Lunar Colony and Paris were removed from Competitive Play on the same day.

Map pool (until April 14th):

  • Assault: Hanamura, Horizon Lunar Colony, Volskaya Industries
  • Escort: Dorado, Junkertown, Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Hybrid: Blizzard World, Hollywood, King's Row
  • Control: Busan, Lijang Tower, Oasis

Hero bans:

  • Mar 5 - Mar 12: Orisa, Hanzo, Mei, Baptiste
  • Mar 12 - Mar 19: Reinhardt, Reaper, Ana, Moira
  • Mar 19 - Mar 26: Roadhog, Sigma, Doomfist, Brigitte
  • Mar 26 - Apr 2: D.Va, Cassidy, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Widowmaker, Baptiste
  • Apr 2 - Apr 9: Wrecking Ball, Hanzo, Mercy
  • Apr 9 - Apr 13: Zarya, Pharah, Symmetra, Lúcio
  • Apr 13 - Apr 19: Reinhardt, Cassidy, Widowmaker, Brigitte
  • Apr 20 - Apr 26: Orisa, Echo, Tracer, Moira
  • Apr 27 - May 3: Wrecking Ball, Cassidy, Widowmaker, Mercy
  • May 4 - May 10: Reinhardt, Ashe, Reaper, Brigitte
22 May 7, 2020 Jul 2, 2020 Hero bans changed to be only applied to matches with an average team SR of 3500 or greater. Banned heroes were also chosen based on usage from the Overwatch League when the League was in season, and Grandmaster and Top 500 matches when not in season.

Hero bans were removed on June 8th, 2020.

Hero bans:

  • May 4 - May 10: Reinhardt, Ashe, Reaper, Brigitte
  • May 11 - May 17: Orisa, Mei, Tracer, Moira
  • May 18 - May 31: None
  • June 1 - June 8: D.Va, Echo, Sombra, Brigitte
23 Jul 2, 2020 Sep 3, 2020 Open Queue system re-implemented as a separate Competitive Play mode from Role Queue.
24 Sep 3, 2020 Nov 5, 2020 No Changes
25 Nov 5, 2020 Jan 7, 2021
26 Jan 7, 2021 Mar 9, 2021
27 Mar 9, 2021 May 6, 2021 Season was delayed by five days due to technical issues. The original start date was March 4th, 2021.
28 May 6, 2021 Jul 2, 2021 No Changes
29 Jul 2, 2021 Sep 2, 2021
30 Sep 2, 2021 Nov 4, 2021
31 Nov 4, 2021 Jan 6, 2022
32 Jan 6, 2022 Mar 3, 2022
TBA TBA Oct 4, 2022 Season was cut short for the release of Overwatch 2 and the shut down of Overwatch 1. Final season to grant comp points for each rank, as well as icons and sprays for the season and Top 500 rankings.
Overwatch 2
Season Start Date End Date Notes
1 Oct 4, 2022 Dec 6, 2022 Competitive was significantly reworked, with new placements, rewards and ranking system. A map pool is listed but does not actually apply in game.
2 Dec 6, 2022 Feb 7, 2023
  • There are new, temporary Competitive title rewards for name cards based on your end of season rank
  • You can only earn these titles at the end of the current Competitive season and can only use them in the season following
  • Heroes that aren’t eligible for competitive play will have a lock icon in the Hero Gallery
  • Implemented a group of matchmaking enhancements to improve match quality
  • Minor polish improvements to the competitive play UI flow
  • New hero, Ramattra, won’t be available in competitive for 2 weeks
3 Feb 7, 2023 Apr 11, 2023
  • Skill tiers and divisions will adjust after every 5 wins or 15 losses and ties (formerly 7 wins or 20 losses and ties)
  • Players can select the "View Competitive Progress" button from the Competitive menu to view their progress toward receiving a rank update
  • Mid-season patch updated the Competitive Play menu with buttons that will allow players to easily access the tier legend, leaderboard, and competitive progress screens.
  • As of mid-season patch, players in Top 500 will now also see an animated update of their current position on the leaderboard after each match.
4 Apr 11, 2023 Jun 13, 2023
  • Players will now be required to win 25 Competitive matches before being eligible to enter the Top 500 leaderboard for a specific role, queue, or region.
  • The start of a new Competitive season no longer fully resets the severity of suspensions and bans.
  • The number of Competitive Points (CP) rewarded for a win in Competitive Play has been changed from 15 to 25 and season end rewards adjusted.
  • Separated Open and Role Queue challenge titles.
  • Average match rank is displayed in the initial loading screen.
  • All seasonal rank decay removed; Player’s skill tier and division at the beginning of Season 4 will now closely match the matchmaker’s estimate of your current skill.
  • Competitive progress and Competitive update screens will now include information about a player’s losses and ties as well as their wins.
  • Competitive Update screen will also now provide players with an indication of their current percentage progress within a skill division.
5 Jun 13, 2023 Aug 10, 2023
  • Players that do not participate in Competitive Play will be marked inactive. Inactive player do not have visible rank, and each queue can become inactive separately.
  • Improved how the matchmaker computes its initial skill estimation.
6 Aug 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023
  • The number of wins required to appear on the Top 500 Leaderboard has been increased from 25 to 50.
  • Added Player Title rewards for finishing the season ranked as Gold.
7 Oct 10, 2023 Dec 5, 2023 No changes
8 Dec 5, 2023 Feb 13, 2024
  • MMR Decay now only occurs for Competitive Play at the start of a new season.
  • MMR Decay is not applied to roles that qualify for a rank.
  • Example: A player that won five games and got a Competitive Update will not decay at the end of a season.
  • If a player does not have a rank already who won three games and did not get a Competitive Update, that player will decay at the end of that season.
  • If the player does have a rank, they only need to play one match in the season to keep their rank for the next season.
9 Feb 13, 2024 Apr 16, 2024

Major competitive update

  • One time skill rank reset
  • 10 Placement matches
  • Competitive updates displayed after every match, showing modifiers that affected the amount of progress gained
  • New rank above Grandmaster - Champion
  • The versus screen now displays the range of ranks in the match
  • New grouping requirements
    • Bronze to Diamond - up to 5 player groups within 10 divisions
    • Master - up to 5 player groups within 5 divisions
    • Grandmaster - up to 5 player groups within 3 divisions
    • Champion - up to 2 player groups within 3 divisions
  • Yearly competitive seasons and reward weapons skins
    • Season 2024 (Feb 2024 - Jan 2025): Jade weapons
  • Competitive Points reworked
    • 25 -> 10 per win
    • New competitive progress meter: Complete 30 matches for Competitive Points 100, wins grant triple progress.
    • Season end rewards removed
    • Competitive Points are converted to legacy points at the end of the year, which can be used obtain previous reward skins (incl. golden)
10 Apr 16, 2024 TBA
  • Role-specific titles
  • Wide and narrow group matchmaking.
  • Competitive progress and Rank information view updates

Temporary game modes seasons[ | ]

Mode Season Dates Notes
Copa Lúcioball 1 Aug. 2017 Introduced with the Summer Games 2017 event.
Competitive CTF 1 Feb./Mar. 2018 Introduced with the Lunar New Year 2018 event.
Competitive 6v6 Elimination 1 Apr./May 2018 Was not part of an event.
Competitive Deathmatch 1 May/June 2018 Introduced with the Anniversary 2018 event.
Competitive 3v3 Group Elimination 1 June/July 2018 Was not part of an event. Introduced with the Looking For Group (LFG) feature.

You had to be in a group of 3 players to be able to queue for the mode.

Copa Lùcioball 2 Aug. 2018 During the Summer Games 2018 event.
Competitive Team Deathmatch 1 Oct./Nov. 2018 Was not part of an event.
Competitive CTF 2 Jan./Feb. 2019 During the Lunar New Year 2019 event.
Competitive 6v6 Elimination 2 Mar./Apr. 2019 Was not part of an event.
Competitive Deathmatch 2 June/July 2019 Was not part of an event.
Copa Lùcioball 3 July/Aug. 2019 During the Summer Games 2019 event.
Competitive 3v3 Elimination 2 Oct./Nov. 2019 During the Halloween Terror 2019 event.
Competitive Team Deathmatch 2 Nov./Dec. 2019 Was not part of an event.
Competitive CTF 3 Jan./Feb. 2020 During the Lunar New Year 2020 event.
Competitive 6v6 Elimination 3 Mar./Apr. 2020 During the Archives 2020 event.
Competitive Open Queue 1 Apr. 2020 Was not part of an event.
Competitive Deathmatch 3 May/June 2020 During the Anniversary 2020 event.
Competitive Open Queue 2 June/July 2020 Was not part of an event. Is part of the main game now.
Competitive 3v3 Elimination 3 Sep./Oct. 2020 Was not part of an event.
Competitive Team Deathmatch 3 Oct./Nov. 2020 During the Halloween Terror 2020 event.
Overwatch 2
Mode Season Dates Notes
Competitive CTF 2 Jan./Feb. 2023 Available for the latter half of Season 2.
Competitive Mystery Heroes 3 Mar. 2023 Available for the latter half of Season 3.
Competitive Deathmatch 4 May 2023 Available for the latter half of Season 4.
Competitive Mystery Heroes 5 June/July 2023 Available for the whole Season 5.
Competitive Mystery Heroes 5 July 2023 Available for the latter half of Season 5.
Competitive Mystery Heroes 6 Aug./Sep. 2023 Available for the whole Season 6.

Old grouping restrictions[ | ]

Prior to Season 10, these were the previous grouping restrictions that had been in effect since Overwatch 2 released.

  • Groups may only queue if all players in the group are within a certain range
    • Players ranked Diamond and below can only group within 2 skill tiers (10 divisions) of each other.
      • For example, a Bronze 5 player cannot play with a Gold 4 player.
    • Master players may only group within 1 skill tier (5 divisions).
    • Grandmaster and Champion players can only group within 3 divisions.
  • Champion players may only queue solo or in a group consisting of two players.
  • Players who have not completed their placement matches are unable to group with players ranked Diamond or higher.

Trivia[ | ]

  • In Custom Game only in Overwatch 2 Assault can be played with competitive rules. Players must capture both points to win the round. Point capture works like it does on Hybrid, with the rules for capturing the second point being identical to capturing the first (If players capture one point but capture none of the second, the enemy team can capture 1/3 or draw).
    • Only 30 seconds of additional time will be added to the attacking team if they successfully capture the first control point in the extra rounds, unlike the 3 minutes given in the initial rounds.

References[ | ]

  2. 2023-01-30. Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Explaining matchmaker goals and plans, part 2 Blizzard Entertainment. Retrieved on 2023-05-10.
  3. April 11, 2023 Patch#Competitive Play
  4. 2022-09-28. Initializing systems! Updating Competitive play for Overwatch 2 Blizzard Entertainment. Retrieved on 2023-05-10.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment (2024-02-08). Revitalizing the Overwatch 2 Experience. Retrieved on February 28, 2024.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Competitive Play Update – Teaming up for better matches. Blizzard Entertainment (2023-06-22). Retrieved on June 23, 2023.
  7. 7.0 7.1 2024-04-10, Developer Update | Competitive, Defense Matrix, & more. Youtube @PlayOverwatch, accessed on 2024-04-17
  8. 8.0 8.1 2024-04-16, OVERWATCH 2 RETAIL PATCH NOTES – APRIL 16, 2024. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2024-04-17

External links[ | ]
