Overwatch Wiki

This page is for unique quotes heard in the Cosmic Crisis event.

Moira[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Surrender your soul! (self, allies and hostile) ▶️

The Ravager[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Talking to Betrayer
Beginning of Match
Fragile being... Follow my voice, and find your potential. ▶️
It was your hand, taken in mine, that felled the ship. ▶️
I will call upon you again. Answer, and you will discover unimaginable power. ▶️
Talking to Betrayer
Approaching Hydroponics Lab
All that you seek can be yours if you meet my gaze in the gloom. ▶️
Do you feel the power beneath your feet? It's yours if you're willing to take it. ▶️
I can make you endless. Seek my power, and sink into the heart of everything. ▶️
Shrug off your mortality, accept my gifts, and all will be yours. ▶️
You are shackled by reason. Accept my gift. Accept freedom. ▶️
Talking to Betrayer
Jumped into Maw Too Early
A leap of faith taken too soon brings only pain. ▶️
Follow their mission for now. You will know when I call your name. ▶️
Have patience. Your time will come. ▶️
You are eager. Good! But stay with your allies... for now. ▶️
Talking to Betrayer
Jumped into Maw Too Late
Fool! You are too late to cross my threshold. Only death will greet you now. ▶️
Pitiful creature. Indecision will only bring your end. ▶️
The time for betrayal has passed. You made your choice. ▶️
You have abandoned darkness. Return to your allies, weakling. ▶️
You seek the cradle far too late. Return to your hunt, mortal. ▶️
Talking to Betrayer
Betrayal Ready
The time has come. Return to the maw in the earth and throw yourself in. I will grant you my power. ▶️
Announcing Betrayal
Bear witness! ▶️
Your ally has descended into darkness, and a null champion rises. ▶️
Talking to Betrayer
Ignoring Call
Corruption awaits you in the maw. Return to me, now! ▶️
Incomprehensible power can be yours. Fall into me and become null. ▶️
Swiftly! Answer the call of shadow and descend into my depths! ▶️
The maw awaits you. Make your choice, or know misery. ▶️
The window of opportunity narrows. Find the maw and fall into my embrace! ▶️
Talking to Betrayer
Refusing to Betray
Insolent thing! You have chosen poorly. ▶️
Torment awaits you, and all who hunt the infinite end. ▶️
Deploying Hostile Cassidy and Zenyatta
All who have denied me, bear witness to the power that could have been yours. ▶️
My champions spell your downfall, and bring suffering to those who resist the Ravager's will. ▶️
Team Defeated
Shadow now covers this continent, and soon my agony will encircle the Earth. Know suffering, mortals. Know defeat. ▶️
Let your defeat echo like the tolling of a bell, signaling the end of your world and the rise of the Ravager. ▶️

Sojourn[ | ]

Starting Portion of Game[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Map Loading
Course set for the ruins of Ecopoint: Antarctica. ▶️
Game Start
I'm getting readings of a cosmic disturbance in these ruins. ▶️
Could just be void static, but it's our duty to check it out. ▶️
And, team... be careful. Last ship we sent this way never came home. ▶️
Hero Selected
Ana, stay focused. Vengeance gave you this power, but you can't let it consume you. ▶️
Illari, I know your old team fell to the Void. Don't let it take this one, too. ▶️
Lifeweaver, your visions brought the team here. I hope you know what you're doing. ▶️
Mei, I hope you can handle coming back here. Talk to the team if you start feeling out of control. ▶️
Moira, prioritize our people, not your cosmic experiments. That's an order. ▶️
Roadhog... Well, it takes a monster to tear apart monsters, doesn't it? ▶️
Sigma, don't let the darkness pull you in deeper. We need you on our side. ▶️
Soldier: 76. Whatever deal you've struck... set it aside. You can still be a hero. ▶️
Torbjörn, are you still in there? We need your best weapons to take out these null monsters. ▶️
Widowmaker, think you can use that cosmic sight for good this time? ▶️
Starting Cutscene
Something's wrong with the ship, I'm losing your signal. Hang on. ▶️
You're going to crash! Stay with me! ▶️
Team, can you hear me? That was close. ▶️
Get out there and take a look at the ship. ▶️
And remember: stick together. Loners don't stand a chance out here. ▶️
Ravager Called on Ally
Have each other's backs out there. And whatever you do, don't listen to the Ravager. ▶️
If any one of you answers the Ravager's call, you'll all be fighting against the odds. Stick together. ▶️
Keep an eye on your teammates. The Ravager might try and turn you against each other. ▶️
Keep your mind clear, team. If the Ravager tries to speak to you, just focus on the mission. ▶️
The Ravager will say anything to get you on its side. If it calls, don't answer. ▶️
Task Assigned
The ship's core temp has plummeted. Clear off any snow you can find, but remember to watch out for Null Sector. ▶️
The ship's core temp has spiked. Put out any fires you can find, but remember to watch out for Null Sector. ▶️
Task Complete
The ship is stable now, but its fuel cells are depleted. ▶️
Records say there's batteries stored in the laboratory at the other end of the station. ▶️

Middle Portion of Game[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Tentacle Encountered
Watch out for those tentacles. They'll knock you back if you get too close. ▶️
Shoot them down if you have to, but steer clear of that void miasma. ▶️
Ally Damaged by Tentacle
Careful of that miasma, it's deadly in large doses. ▶️
Keep an eye out for the Ravager's tentacles! ▶️
Stay sharp around those tentacles, team. ▶️
Ravager Encountered
I can't believe it... a Cosmic Ravager. ▶️
That must be what's controlling these Null Sector units. ▶️
You can't fight the Ravager without backup, so focus on the ship. Keep your distance, and it can't hurt you. ▶️
Ally Pulled into Maw
Keep back from the Ravager's maw if you want to stay alive. ▶️
Keep your distance from the Ravager if you want to stay on your feet. ▶️
Stay away from the Ravager! It will pull you in if you get too close. ▶️
Approaching Lab
Access Denied by Relays
That's the lab up ahead, but the door's locked. ▶️
The Ravager is diverting all power to relays across the station. ▶️
Find and disable those relays to get access to the lab. ▶️
Approaching Lab
Keycards Required
That's the lab up ahead, but the door's locked. ▶️
The Ravager has elite null units guarding the access cards. ▶️
Hunt down those units and collect the access cards to unlock the lab. ▶️
Lab Unlocked
Nice work, everyone. Now get inside and take any batteries you can find back to the ship. ▶️
The Ravager will keep trying to sabotage your escape, so stay focused. ▶️
Returning to Ship
Get back to the ship, but be careful. No telling what's in that pit. ▶️
Get back to the ship, but watch that null unit. Something's waking them back up. ▶️
I was hoping those readings were a mistake... but this confirms a cosmic threat. ▶️
Seismic activity coming from that pit. Can't be good news. ▶️
Ally Betrayal
Damn it! The Ravager got to one of us! ▶️
There's no hope for them now. Just focus on your escape and take them down if you have to. ▶️
Betrayer Killed
Every time you take the betrayer out, the Ravager resurrects them. Keep an eye out for them. ▶️
Nothing can keep the betrayer down. Focus on your escape, team. ▶️
The Ravager will keep bringing that betrayer back. Secure the ship and fight them off. ▶️

Final Portion of Game[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
First Batteries Installed
That's a good start, but we still need more power to get off the ground. ▶️
The cryonics lab should be open now. Take any batteries you can find there back to the ship. ▶️
Battery Installed
Additional Batteries Required
Keep bringing those batteries back to the ship. ▶️
Keep looking for batteries. ▶️
See if you can find more batteries. ▶️
The ship still needs power. ▶️
We need more power for the ship. ▶️
All Batteries Installed
That should do it. Ship's powered up, I'm starting a repair sequence for you. ▶️
Keep those null forces at bay while the ship prepares for takeoff. ▶️
Ship Ready for Takeoff
The ship is ready for takeoff. Everyone, get on board! ▶️
The Ravager is relentless... straight out of a nightmare. We'll be back for it someday. ▶️