The Elimination Feed is a gameplay element in Overwatch and Overwatch 2. It shows players who has been eliminated by who, as well as the destruction of certain objects via different icons.
Gameplay[ | ]
The Elimination Feed shows which players eliminate who, showing the Hero they are playing, the method of elimination, and the victim of elimination alongside their name and hero. If the player is eliminated with an ability, it will show that ability's icon and if they are eliminated with a critical hit, it will show that alongside it.
Icon Types[ | ]
- Players eliminated with a weapon will show as only an arrow on the feed.
- Alternate fire such as aiming in with Widowmaker or Ashe, or using Peacekeeper's or Tesla Cannon's alt fire will not show a unique icon.
- Players eliminated with a Quick Melee will a fist icon on the feed.
- Players eliminated by themselves or an Environmental Hazard (with no input from another player) will show as only an arrow on the feed, with only them present.
- Players eliminated with a critical hit will show a small red target alongside the method of elimination.
- Players eliminated with an ability will show the ability followed by an arrow.
- Players eliminated with an ultimate ability will show the ultimate ability followed by an arrow. The ultimate ability icon will be animated similar to the one shown when it is fully charged.
- Players eliminated with Forge Hammer will show the weapon followed by an arrow.
Other Feed mentions[ | ]
Normal Size[ | ]
- Players resurrected by Mercy will show in the feed, with the icon for the ability inbetween.
- B.O.B. will be shown in the same format as a normal hero elimination.
Smaller Size[ | ]
- Rip-tire will be displayed if destroyed.
- Immortality Field will be displayed if destroyed.
- Ultimate Abilities D.Va, Orisa or Sigma absorb will be shown.
- Torbjörn's turret will be displayed if destroyed.
- Cage Fight will be displayed if destroyed
- D.Va's mech will be displayed if her mech is destroyed.
- Tree of Life will be displayed if destroyed.
- Healing Pylon will be displayed if destroyed.
- Duplicate will be displayed if Echo's duplication is eliminated.
Genji and Echo can show other heroes ability icons in the feed, as both of these heroes can use other's abilities to gain eliminations. Any attack which stuns an opponent or knocks them back will be shown when a player is eliminated by an environmental hazard because of it.
Assists[ | ]
The Elimination Feed also shows assists, with smaller icons of heroes who aided an elimination alongside the player who obtained the final blow. Icons will only be present if a hero used an ability which debuffs an enemy in any form, such as a Stun or an ability that directly aids the attacker, such as a damage boost. Heroes who simply do damage are not shown alongside.
Heroes that can Assist.[ | ]
- Echo via a multitude of duplicated abilities.
- Mercy via Damage Boost.
- Ana via Sleep Dart, Biotic Grenade (anti-heal), or Nano Boost.
- Roadhog via Hook or Pig Pen.
- Sigma via Accretion or Gravitic Flux.
- Mei via her primary fire or Blizzard.
- Sombra via hack or EMP.
- Zenyatta via Discord.
- Orisa via Energy Javelin.
- Symmetra via her Sentry Turrets.
- Reinhardt via Earthshatter or Charge.
- Kiriko via Kitsune Rush or Protection Suzu.
- Doomfist via an Empowered Rocket Punch or Meteor Strike.
- Brigitte via Shield Bash while using Rally.
- Baptiste via Amplification Matrix.
- Lucio via Soundwave.
- Junkrat via Steel Trap.
- Zarya via Graviton Surge.
- Genji via reflecting any of the above abilities.
- Wrecking Ball via Grappling Claw.
- Illari via Outburst.
- Sojourn via Disruptor Shot.
- Mauga via Cage Fight or Cardiac Overdrive.
- Hanzo via Sonic Arrow.
- Torbjörn via Molten Core.
- Widowmaker via Infra-Sight.
- Bastion via A36 Tactical Grenade.
- Ashe via Dynamite.
- Pharah via Rocket launcher (direct hits)
- Junker Queen via Commanding Shout
- Juno via Hyper Ring or Orbital Ray.
Players can have all team members aid in one elimination of the enemy is debuffed correctly and the team member is boosted in some way.
Strategy[ | ]
- Players should keep a very close eye on the feed as knowing who is alive and which enemies are dead can turn the tide of the fight.
- Players can identify which hero attacked Genji allowing him to deflect his attack back at a team member.
- It is advised not to dwell on this, but it can be used to identify which heroes Genji is countering.
Trivia[ | ]
- Some icons are possible, albeit uncommon to see in the Elimination Feed.
- EMP and Hack can eliminate players via Environmental Hazards.
- Sleep Dart deals 5 damage and can eliminate players via Environmental Hazards.
- Forge Hammer deals 50 damage per hit but is difficult to use to deal damage. It has its own icon in the feed if used to deal a final blow.
- Genji can deflect abilities like Total Mayhem or Sleep Dart to eliminate opponents.
- Echo can use any of the above to get a final blow. Although she can go one step further and duplicate a Genji who deflects one of these abilities, it will not show as anything other than Echo eliminating an enemy with said ability.
- In addition to Jump Pack dealing 50 damage on landing, it deals 1 damage on collision. The icon is the same however.
- In Overwatch, the feed displayed players eliminated by an environmental hazard, shown with a falling person icon.
- It is unknown why these were removed, as it can make identifying why someone was eliminated more difficult.
- In Overwatch 2, on launch, the Quick Melee icon in the kill feed was not present. By week 3 it had returned.
- In earlier Overwatch patches, Resurrection used the same format as it does now, but with Ultimate icons instead of its normal ability icon.
- In one brief Overwatch patch, Ashe's Viper showed an icon for getting an elimination with it, despite it being a regular weapon.
- In Overwatch during an Experimental patch, players could uniquely see Sound Barrier's icon in the feed as the patch allowed it to deal damage.
- The same was also possible with Cryo-Freeze during another patch.
- In Overwatch, Supercharger was shown with a smaller icon in the feed if destroyed.
- In Overwatch, the Elimination Feed showed the arrow and icons in red if they were obtained via a critical hit, including Ultimate Abilities. It was not uncommon to see red Whole Hogs or Dragonstrikes.
- In early Overwatch patches, the Elimination Feed did not display information other than eliminations, with no icons to show which ability caused the final blow.
- The Elimination Feed is present in Junkenstein's Revenge, but not Uprising, Retribution or Storm Rising.
- The Zomnics even have unique icons for the event, including the Rip-tires.
Playlists | |
Maps | |
Heroes | |
Mechanics | Channeled • Damage modification • Environmental kill • Critical hit • Healing • Health pack • Objects (Barrier) • Overtime • Projectile • Respawn • Spawn Room • Status effect |
Systems & Content | Achievements • Avoid as Teammate • Battle Pass • Challenges • Cosmetics • Elimination Feed • Endorsements • Events • Matchmaking • On Fire • Penalties • Ping • Play of the Game • Player Progression • Quick Play: Hacked • Tips • Workshop |
Other |