Overwatch Wiki
Overwatch Wiki

Genji's voice actor is Gaku Space, speaking English and Japanese. To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Come at me! ▶️
Do your worst! ▶️
No holding back. ▶️
Show me what you're made of! ▶️
Yareru mon'nara yatte miro!
Japanese: やれるもんならやってみろ!
English: Attack me if you dare!
Japanese: 来い!
English: Come at me!
Enryo wa iran zo!
Japanese: 遠慮はいらんぞ!
English: Don't hold back!
Waga katana wa kagami nari.
Japanese: 我が刀は鏡なり。
English: My sword is a mirror.
Inga ōhō da.
Japanese: 因果応報だ。
English: What goes around, comes around.
Deflecting Ultimate
Is that the best you can do? ▶️
Not today. ▶️
Retaliation is swift! ▶️
Okaeshi da!
Japanese: お返しだ!
English: Back to you!
Back at you, brother. (deflecting Hanzo's Dragonstrike) ▶️
Ryū ga waga teki o kurau! (deflecting Hanzo's Dragonstrike)
Japanese: 竜が我が敵を喰らう!
English: The dragon consumes my enemies!
To close to the sun. (deflecting Illari's Captive Sun)
The storm moves quickly. (deflecting Mei's Blizzard) ▶️
This is not a snowball fight. (deflecting Mei's Blizzard) ▶️
Think fast, Pharah! (deflecting Pharah's Barrage) ▶️
It's too early for death to bloom. (deflecting Reaper's Death Blossom) ▶️
And you are in mine. (deflecting Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor) ▶️
Bombs... "away!" (deflecting Tracer's Pulse Bomb) ▶️
Cheers, Tracer! (deflecting Tracer's Pulse Bomb) ▶️
Just like in training. (deflecting Tracer's Pulse Bomb) ▶️
Shatter! (unknown trigger, probably Earthshatter) ▶️
Ryūjin no ken o kurae! (self and hostile)
Japanese: 竜神の剣を喰らえ!
English: Take the blade of the Dragon God!
The dragon becomes me! (friendly) ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Negaeba heiwa wa otozure yo.
Japanese: 願えば、平和 は 訪れよう。
English: Peace returns to those that wish for it.
During Set-Up
I still have much to learn. ▶️
Let us proceed with haste. ▶️
Mental bearing, not skill, is the sign of a matured warrior. ▶️
We should begin. ▶️
We will be the lightning that rides the storm. ▶️
Waga katana wa togisumasa re kokoro ni mijin no mayoi nashi.
Japanese: 我が刀は研ぎ澄まされ心に微塵の迷いなし。
English: My blade is sharpened, and my will is pure.
Match Start
Let's finish this quickly. ▶️
The battle commences! ▶️
Japanese: 覚悟!
English: I am prepared!
Iku zo!
Japanese: 行くぞ!
English: Let's go!
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Our enemies are weak. This is our chance! ▶️
We must press our advantage and seize victory! ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Our enemies have the upper hand, for now. Let us turn the tables! ▶️
Sharpen your resolve. We have it within us to win.
There is no time to dwell on the past. Now, we fight! ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
After this, there will be only one victor. ▶️
It comes to this. Do not falter. ▶️
Each journey has its trials. ▶️
Finally, a real challenge. ▶️
I continue on this path. ▶️
Mistakes will always precede victory. ▶️
My duty calls! ▶️
Nana korobi ya oki.
Japanese: 七転び八起き。
English: Fall down seven times, stand up eight.
Konosaki ni ryū no michi ga.
Japanese: この先に竜の道が。
English: The path of the dragon awaits.
Korede owaru monoka!
Japanese: これで 終わるものか!
English: This is not the end!
Team Kill
A moment alone before my allies return. ▶️
I am strong, but with a team, I am stronger. ▶️
My allies will return soon. ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
Ahh... much better. ▶️
I am healed. ▶️
I am repaired. ▶️
On Fire
I burn like the dawn! ▶️
I burn with purpose! ▶️
I leave flames in my wake! ▶️
I'm on fire! ▶️
My soul is alight! ▶️
My spirit blazes! ▶️
Fully Healed
I am healed. ▶️
I am restored. ▶️
Arigatō yo.
Japanese: ありがとうよ。
English: Thank you.
Damage Boosted
My spirit grows strong! ▶️
The advantage is mine.
Seishin tōitsu!
Japanese: 精神統一!
English: A unified spirit!
Waga kokoro wa ryū no kokoro.
Japanese: 我が心は竜の心。
English: I have the heart of the dragon!
Negative Status Effect
Damn! ▶️
Japanese: 糞!
English: Damn!
Just like old times. ▶️
Arigatō yo.
Japanese: ありがとうよ。
English: Thank you.
Enemy Resurrected
Her work is efficient, as always. ▶️
Our enemy craves another defeat. ▶️
The enemy has been revived! ▶️
The enemy returns! Mata aeta na, anija. (enemy Hanzo resurrected)
Japanese: また会えたな、兄者。
English: We meet again, brother.

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Genji is with you. ▶️
Enemy Sighted
I see the enemy. ▶️
The enemy is here. ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
The enemy outnumbers us! ▶️
We are outnumbered! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Sniper! Be wary. ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy turret ahead. ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Take cover! ▶️
I am unstoppable! ▶️
Power courses through me! ▶️
You've already lost! ▶️
(Japanese) I am unstoppable!
Chikara ga minagitte kuru!
Japanese: 力がみなぎってくる!
English: My strength is overflowing!
Time Running Out
The fight is almost over. Keep defending! ▶️
Time works against them. Don't lose focus! ▶️
Victory approaches. We must see it through! ▶️
Time Running Out
There's no time to lose. Attack! ▶️
Time is running out. Strike them now! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
Claiming the objective. ▶️
Join me on the objective. ▶️
The objective is in my hands. ▶️
Capture in Progress
The objective is under attack. Cut them down! ▶️
They're attacking the objective. Let us show them a real fight. ▶️
We have unwelcome company on the objective. ▶️
Go into next point
The next point awaits. ▶️
We need to get to the next point. ▶️
We should meet at the next point. ▶️
Payload Moving
Clear the payload's path! ▶️
The payload is moving. ▶️
The payload progresses. ▶️
Payload Moving
Drive them off the payload! ▶️
We must stop the payload's progress. ▶️
We need to stand in the payload's way. ▶️
Payload Stuck
Get the payload moving again! ▶️
Move the payload. Let's go! ▶️
Why has the payload stopped? We must move! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Come on, robot. ▶️
Robot secured. ▶️
We have the robot. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Do not leave the robot! ▶️
Protect the robot! ▶️
We cannot let them take the robot! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Let us move the barricade. ▶️
Now we push. Do not falter. ▶️
The barricade must stay in motion. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Strike quickly and halt their movement! ▶️
The enemy is pushing their barricade! ▶️
The enemy moves. We must stop them! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Let us move with certainty. ▶️
Push ahead! ▶️
Take the lead! ▶️
Gained Lead
Pushing ahead! ▶️
The lead has been taken! ▶️
The lead is ours! ▶️
About to Lose Lead
How did they catch up? ▶️
They must not outpace us! ▶️
We're about to lose the lead! ▶️
Lost Lead
The enemy has the lead! ▶️
They have pushed ahead of us! ▶️
We fall behind! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Final push! Keep the robot close! ▶️
Last chance! Protect the robot! ▶️
We must defend the robot! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
Final push! Capture the robot! ▶️
Hurry! We must take the robot! ▶️
This is our last chance to take the robot! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
I have the flag. Try and stop me.
Taking the flag to base!
The flag and I are one.
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
They have our flag. After them!
We must reclaim our flag!
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
A score for our team!
I have claimed the flag!
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Bolster our defenses, protect our flag from further incursions!
You seem nice. I hate to kill you.
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Dropping the flag.
Giving up the flag.
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
They have dropped our flag!
Our flag is in the open. Get it back!
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
A nice attempt, but I must return our flag now.
Returning the flag to base.

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
A simple victory. ▶️
Forever hold your peace. ▶️
Guided by the wind. ▶️
I cherish every victory. ▶️
My aim is true. ▶️
Not everyone escapes their fate. ▶️
Precision is the way of the effective warrior. (headshot) ▶️
Quite the battle. ▶️
The wind blows in my favor. ▶️
This is the end for you. ▶️
Until next time. ▶️
What's your next move? ▶️
You will not find the answer you seek. ▶️
Your choices lead to your fate. ▶️
(Japanese: A half-hearted effort.) ▶️
(Japanese: Become the wind!) ▶️
(Japanese: Choose your enemies more wisely.) ▶️
(Japanese: Easy.) ▶️
(Japanese: Follow the wind's path.) ▶️
(Japanese: How's that?) ▶️
(Japanese: Like a dragon.) ▶️
(Japanese: Swift as the wind.) ▶️
(Japanese: That was no big deal for me.) ▶️
(Japanese: Water under the bridge.) ▶️
(Japanese: You shouldn't underestimate me.) ▶️
A strong wind can fell any tree. (eliminating Tank heroes) ▶️
My deadliest enemy, defeated. (eliminating another Genji) ▶️
I am victorious this time, brother. (eliminating Hanzo) ▶️
Your actions continue to haunt you. (eliminating Hanzo) ▶️
(Japanese: Sparrows do not stop singing.) (eliminating Hanzo) ▶️
A sunset is fleeting. (eliminating Illari) ▶️
No hint of a breeze. (eliminating Kiriko) ▶️
Fallen snow. (eliminating Mei) ▶️
No need to check on me, Doctor. (eliminating Mercy) ▶️
Early blossoms fall from the tree. (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
(Japanese: Even monkeys fall from trees.) (eliminating Winston) ▶️
No need to go easy on me, master. (eliminating Zenyatta) ▶️
Your focus lacks focus, master. (eliminating Zenyatta) ▶️
Final Blow
Swift Strike
Don't blink next time. ▶️
Faster than lightning. ▶️
I part the sea. ▶️
Like slicing through paper. ▶️
Slower than a tortoise. ▶️
Split like bamboo. ▶️
Tōfu no hō ga kirikae ga aru ze.
Japanese: 豆腐の方が 切り替えがあるぜ。
English: Even tofu is harder to slice.
(Japanese: Over here!) ▶️
(Japanese: Remnants of a breeze.) ▶️
(Japanese: Stay on your toes, now.) ▶️
(Japanese: With the wind!) ▶️
Final Blow
*relieved chuckle* (on low HP)
*relieved sigh* Fate smiles upon me. (on low HP)
That was almost a challenge. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
(Japanese: Cut like the gale!) (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Amari chose poorly. (eliminating Nano-Boosted enemy) ▶️
You fought well, swordsman. Just not well enough. (eliminating another Genji using Dragonblade) ▶️
You had the advantage, but I had the edge. (eliminating another Genji that's Nano-Boosted, using Dragonblade) ▶️
Your swordwork needs work. (eliminating another Genji using Dragonblade) ▶️
You should've stuck with the sword. (eliminating another Genji by Deflecting) ▶️
The Kitsune lends its power. (eliminating enemy while assisted by Kiriko's Kitsune Rush)
I turn your momentum against you. (eliminating Reinhardt using Charge) ▶️
Thank you, Zaryanova! (ally Zarya uses Graviton Surge) ▶️
Kill Streak
Fear the focused warrior. ▶️
My aim is unerring. ▶️
(Japanese) I am superhuman. ▶️
(Japanese) Step by step, walk the thousand mile road. ▶️
(Japanese) Who's next? ▶️
Multi Kill
My enemies topple. ▶️
The winds of death are strong. ▶️
(Japanese: Nothing is impossible.) ▶️
(Japanese: Strategy is the craft of the warrior.) ▶️
Team Kill
Our enemy has been swept away. ▶️
The forest has been cut down. ▶️
No deed is forgotten. ▶️
(Japanese: If you wish ill upon someone, it will fall upon you.) ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Be careful. ▶️
This is no time to doubt yourself! ▶️
Stay sharp, brother. (to Hanzo) ▶️
Rashikunai na, Kiriko. (to Kiriko)
Japanese: らしくないな、霧子。
English: This isn't like you, Kiriko.
Melee Final Blow
After you. ▶️
How foolish. ▶️
I learned that from my brother.
*laugh* That was bold of you. ▶️
Your reflexes are slow. ▶️
(Japanese) Idiot. ▶️
(Japanese) Yes! ▶️
Your hand-to-hand needs work. (eliminating Kiriko) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Farewell. ▶️
For a moment, you are weightless. ▶️
Turret Elimination
Yoshi! Enemy turret destroyed. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
A worthy strike. ▶️ ▶️
Admirable! ▶️
Expert work. ▶️
Masterful! ▶️
(Japanese) Superb! ▶️
(Japanese) Well done! ▶️
Side by side again, cowboy. (to Cassidy) ▶️
Hey, that's my technique! (to another Genji) ▶️
A fine shot, brother! (to Hanzo) ▶️
Kiriko, you make everything look easy. (to Kiriko) ▶️
Teach me that one, master. (to Zenyatta) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
This way!
Through here! ▶️
Waiting to Open Door
Every journey begins... with opening the door. ▶️
It's just a door. It won't hurt you. ▶️
Just... open the door. ▶️
Let's go! ▶️
Open the door! ▶️
Need to Break Door
Break through the door! ▶️
Let's make our own path! ▶️
We must break through! ▶️
Door Opening
Hold them off until the door opens! ▶️
Prepare yourselves. This will take some time. ▶️
We must hold our ground for now! ▶️
Dropship Arriving
The shuttle has arrived. Let's go! ▶️
We should board the shuttle! ▶️
Waiting to Push Button
Hello? (Japanese: Is anyone there?) ▶️
Someone want to handle that? ▶️
What are we waiting for? ▶️
What is the delay? ▶️
Assigned to Objective
Here we go. ▶️
I'm on it. ▶️
Sore da.
Japanese: それだ。
English: That's it.
Picking Up Item
I have it. ▶️
Pickup complete. ▶️
Secured. ▶️
Dropped Item
Damn... dropped it!
Item dropped! ▶️
Delivering Item
Delivery complete. ▶️
Returned. ▶️
Turning in. ▶️
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Turn in the objective. ▶️
You should go turn that in. ▶️
Objective Found
Head to the waypoint! ▶️
Our course is clear. Let's go! ▶️
Proceed to the objective! ▶️
Report to the objective! ▶️
We must reach the objective! ▶️
Calling Teammate to Objective
Come to my position! ▶️
I found the objective. You are welcome to join me. ▶️
Join me! Ore ga rōsui de shinu maeni.
Japanese: 俺が老衰で死ぬ前に。
English: Before I die of old age.
Enemy Reinforcements
Drop pods! Be ready! ▶️
Drop pods incoming! ▶️
Enemy forces incoming. ▶️
Enemy reinforcements detected. ▶️
Get ready.
Null Sector attacks once more! ▶️
Our foes approach like drops of rain! ▶️
Prepare for engagement! ▶️
The enemy approaches! ▶️
Any Objective-Damaging Unit Inbound
Enemies are near the objective! ▶️
Our foes draw near. ▶️
They will reach the objective soon! ▶️
Breacher Inbound
Breachers approach the objective! ▶️
The Breachers are getting close! ▶️
Slicers Inbound
Slicers approaching the objective! ▶️
Slicers are near! ▶️
Subjugator Inbound
Stop the Subjugator! ▶️
Subjugator, closing in! ▶️
Any Objective Under Fire
Objective damaged. Hold them off! ▶️
Our objective is taking damage. Drive the enemy back! ▶️
The objective is damaged.
The objective is in peril! ▶️
The objective is under attack! ▶️
They're attacking the objective! ▶️
We must defend the objective! ▶️
Cannon Under Fire
Defend the cannon! ▶️
Do not let them destroy the cannon! ▶️
The cannon is taking damage! ▶️
Ferry Under Fire
Protect the ferry! ▶️
The ferry is under attack! ▶️
We can't let them sink the ferry! ▶️
Payload Under Fire
The payload is taking damage! ▶️
The payload needs protection. ▶️
Repair Station Under Fire
Defend the Repair Station! ▶️
The Repair Station is being attacked. ▶️
Uplink Under Fire
Keep them away from the uplink! ▶️
Protect the uplink! ▶️
The uplink is taking damage! ▶️
Any Objective on Critical HP
If we don't stop them, they will destroy the objective. ▶️
The objective is almost destroyed! ▶️ ▶️
The objective is on the brink of destruction. ▶️
They've almost destroyed the objective! ▶️
Cannon on Critical HP
Save the cannon! It's almost destroyed! ▶️
The cannon is almost destroyed! ▶️
Ferry on Critical HP
Protect the ferry at all costs! ▶️
The ferry cannot take much more! ▶️
The ferry has taken terrible damage! ▶️
Payload on Critical HP
The payload is going to be destroyed! ▶️
The payload won't last much longer. ▶️
Repair Station on Critical HP
Don't let them destroy the Repair Station! ▶️
The Repair Station is under heavy attack! ▶️
Uplink on Critical HP
Protect the uplink! It's almost destroyed! ▶️
The uplink is gravely damaged. ▶️
We're in danger of losing the uplink! ▶️
Everyone, run! ▶️
Hurry! The path is clear! ▶️
Quickly! ▶️
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery firing on our position! ▶️
Careful! Artillery inbound! ▶️
Artillery Eliminated
Artillery destroyed. ▶️
Enemy Artillery has been silenced. ▶️
I took apart their Artillery. ▶️
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger coming in! ▶️
It's charging! Get out of the way! ▶️
Charger Begins to Charge
Look out! ▶️
Watch out! ▶️
Charger's Legs Destroyed
A clever blow. That will slow it down. ▶️
Legs destroyed. Now it is vulnerable. ▶️
We brought it to its knees. ▶️
Charger Eliminated
Charger dismantled. ▶️
Charger eliminated. ▶️
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Fliers above! ▶️
Our foes fill the sky! ▶️
Stalker Comes into Battle
I detect a Stalker. Be careful. ▶️
Stalker nearby. Be on your guard. ▶️
Stay alert. There's a Stalker nearby. ▶️
Grabbed by Stalker
Help me! I cannot escape! ▶️
I require assistance!
I'm being pulled in! ▶️
Stalker Eliminated
I dealt with the Stalker. ▶️
Stalker eliminated. ▶️
Subjugator Eliminated
Subjugator dismantled. ▶️
Subjugator neutralized. ▶️
Vulture Comes into Battle
I sense a Vulture. ▶️
Vulture detected. ▶️
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Move, it's not safe there! ▶️
Quickly, move! ▶️
Vulture Eliminated
Titan Immune to Damage
Our weapons can't damage a Titan. ▶️
The Titan is impervious to our weapons. ▶️
Massive Attack Incoming
Prepare for their ultimate assault. ▶️
They attack with all their might. ▶️
Though vast in number, they will break against us like a wave. ▶️
Missiles Incoming
It's firing missiles! ▶️
Missile strike! Take cover! ▶️
Missiles incoming! ▶️
Relay Found
Attack this one! ▶️
Get this one! ▶️
Take this one down! ▶️
There's one over here! ▶️
Relay Destroyed
Destroyed. ▶️
Don't worry about this one. ▶️
One less. ▶️
(Japanese) Nice! Got one. ▶️
I'm very hurt! ▶️
I've been hit! ▶️
Shutting down... ▶️
Teammate Downed
Taking casualties! ▶️
We lost one! ▶️
Moira's down! (Moira downed) ▶️
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Our teammate is down. ▶️
We need to revive our teammate. ▶️
Last Team Member Standing
I don't mind these odds. ▶️
While one lives, there is hope. ▶️
Reviving Teammate
Come on! ▶️
It's not your day to die. ▶️
You're okay. Get back in the fight. ▶️
Teammate Killed
Honor the fallen. ▶️
Regrettable. ▶️
(Japanese: Damn!)
(Japanese: Do not falter!) ▶️ ▶️
(Japanese: Unfortunate.) ▶️
I will avenge you, brother! (Hanzo killed) ▶️
Angela! (Mercy killed) ▶️
Tracer! (Tracer killed) ▶️
Winston! (Winston killed) ▶️
Master! (Zenyatta killed) ▶️

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Greetings. ▶️
Hello. ▶️ ▶️
Hi. ▶️
Mata aeta na.
Japanese: また会えたな。
English: Good to see you.
Japanese: よお。
English: Hi.
I thank you. ▶️
Thanks. ▶️ ▶️
Thank you. ▶️
Arigatō yo.
Japanese: ありがとうよ。
English: Thank you.
Japanese: 忝い。
English: I am grateful.
I understand.
Very well.
Need Healing
I need healing. ▶️
I require healing. ▶️
Need Healing
No Support in Team
We need a healer.
Group Up
Find me here!
Gather to me!
Group here!
Group up!
Group up here.
Join me!
Quick, join me!
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is charging!
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is almost ready!
Ultimate Status
My blade is ready to be unleashed.
My ultimate is ready.
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
My ultimate is charged. Attack with me!
I move to strike!
3... 2... 1.
In 3... 2... 1.
(Japanese) 3... 2... 1.
I am defending.
Ping in World
Be careful!
Eyes here!
Watch here!
Locked on Opponent
Enemy here.
Enemy seen.
I see one.
Fall Back
Fall back!
Going In
Going in!
(Japanese) Goodbye.
Need Help
I need help.
I require assistance.
(Japanese) No.
On My Way
On my way!
In World
Over here!
Over there!
Attack Objective
Attack the objective!
Defend Objective
Defend the objective!
Push Payload
Move the payload!
Push the payload!
Stop Payload
Stop the payload.
Push Robot
Push the robot!
The robot must move.
Stop Robot
End their advance!
Stop the robot!
Capture Flag
Capture the enemy flag!
We must attack the enemy flag!
Defend Flag
Defend our flag!
We must defend our flag!
Recover Flag
They have our flag! After them!
We must reclaim our flag!
Press the Attack
Press the attack!
Push Forward
Push forward!
I am ready.
Sorry. ▶️
Sorry about that. ▶️
(Japanese) Apologies. ▶️
(Japanese) I'm sorry. ▶️
(Japanese) Sorry. ▶️
Watching Here
I will watch this position.
I'll watch here.
Watching here. ▶️
With You
I'm with you.
Japanese: ああ。
English: Yeah.
You're Welcome
You're welcome. ▶️
Ii desu yo.
Japanese: いいですよ。
English: Don't mention it.
Japanese: いえいえ。
English: Not at all.

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
A steady blade balances the soul. ▶️
Credits 25
Come on! ▶️
Hah! Simple. ▶️
Measure twice, cut once. ▶️
You are only human. ▶️
Iza, jinjō ni shōbu!
Japanese: いざ尋常に勝負!
English: Let's fight fairly!
Japanese: 覚悟!
English: I am prepared!
Japanese: 糞!
English: Damn!
Mada mada!
Japanese: まだまだ!
English: Not good enough!
Waga tamashī wa kinkō o motomeru.
Japanese: 我が魂は均衡を求める。
English: My soul seeks balance.
Waga tamashī wa fukushu o motomeru.
Japanese: 我が魂は復讐を求める。
English: My soul seeks vengeance.
Japanese: 良し!
English: Okay!
Summer Games Icon Summer Games
Credits 50
I was hoping for a challenge. ▶️
Touché. ▶️
Halloween Terror Icon Halloween Terror
Credits 50
I am the sword in the shadows. ▶️
My Halloween costume? Cyborg ninja. ▶️
Okashi o kurenakya itazura suru ze.
Japanese: お菓子をくれなきゃ悪戯するぜ。
English: Trick or treat.
Literal translation: If you don't give me a treat, I'll play a trick on you.
Yoi harōin o!
Japanese: 良いハロウィンを。
English: Happy Halloween!
Winter Wonderland Icon Winter Wonderland
Credits 50
Count your blessings. ▶️
Japanese: メリークリスマス!
English: Merry Christmas!
Lunar New Year Icon Lunar New Year
Credits 50
All bark, no bite. ▶️
To know yourself is to be at peace. ▶️
Archives Icon Overwatch Archives
Credits 50
Life and death balance on the edge of my blade. ▶️
Ryu-ichimonji strikes. ▶️
Your eyes deceive you. ▶️
Japanese: 替え玉!
English: Another serving!
Overwatch Anniversary Icon Overwatch Anniversary
Credits 50
I am not impressed. ▶️
My blade never dulls. ▶️
The sword is an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. ▶️
You need healing. ▶️
You seem nice. I'd hate to kill you. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 1
The dragon and I are one! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 3
Japanese: あさきゆめみし。
English: Bygone are the daydreams.
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 5
Rust... my greatest weakness. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 6
I have accepted what I am. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 9
Kage to kieyo.
Japanese: 影と消えよ
English: Disappear with the shadows.
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 10
Doko e ikōtomo, ore wa ore de ari tsuzukeru.
Japanese: どこへ行こうとも、俺は俺で在り続ける。
English: No matter where I go, I will continue to be myself.
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 11
My name is... green cyborg ninja dude. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 12
Shinrabanshō, ichigoichie.
Japanese: 森羅万象、一期一会。
English: Each moment comes only once in a lifetime.
Shop Shop
Overwatch2 Coin 100
That's rough, buddy. ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Ana: You're hard to keep a scope on, Genji. Always so unpredictable.
  • Genji: Oh. I'm... sorry?
  • Ana: Don't be. It keeps me sharp.


Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Ana: I never knew you to be a show-off, Genji.
  • Genji: Only a fool wastes an opportunity.


  • Genji: I still feel that final blow from yesterday's training.
  • Brigitte: Aw, come on. I didn't hit you that hard.
  • Genji: If that is the case, our enemies have much to fear.


  • Cassidy: This one might get tricky. Can I count on you to watch my back?
  • Genji: Of course. You are like a brother to me.
  • Cassidy: You've told me about your family. Not sure that's a compliment.


  • Genji: You haven't slept.
  • Cassidy: *laugh* Yeah. Was up last night, thinking about who we used to be.
  • Genji: I try to focus on the good times.
  • Cassidy: Hey, yeah. We did have some of those!


  • D.Va: Genji, let's go to the arcade after this!
  • Genji: A battle's end calls for meditation. Not games.
  • D.Va: I get it. Everyone's scared to take on the best player in the world...
  • Genji: ...Fine. I'll go.


  • Doomfist: Who taught you the blade?
  • Genji: The best swordmaster in the world.
  • Doomfist: *tsk* Her...


  • Genji: Talon. You are lucky I do not cut you down where you stand.
  • Doomfist: *laugh* We would welcome the challenge.


  • Genji: I live, brother. Why are you still grieving?
  • Hanzo: You were not the only thing I lost.


  • Genji: It was not easy, living in your shadow.
  • Hanzo: I would have preferred you at my side.


  • Genji: You cared too much about how the family perceived you.
  • Hanzo: Have you ever been the eldest son?


  • Hanzo: I have always been bound to my duty. Now, I have nothing.
  • Genji: There is always a way to make something from nothing, brother.


  • Hanzo: What are you wearing?
  • Genji: I could ask the same of you.


  • Illari: *humming*
  • Genji: Nice melody. Does it have a name?
  • Illari: No, sometimes I just hum when I'm thinking. I can stop.
  • Genji: Humming? Or thinking?
  • Illari: Ugh...


  • Illari: How did you end up like this?
  • Genji: I refused to walk my family's path. This was the result.
  • Illari: And you still overcame that?
  • Genji: Only when I learned to accept the help I was offered.


  • Juno: I tried the chicken nuggets you suggested. But... why are they shaped like dinosaurs?
  • Genji: That is what makes them superior.


  • Kiriko: Remember when you had a bowl cut?
  • Genji: Yes. You didn't want to be the only one.
  • Kiriko: I never had one!
  • Genji: I believe I have pictures.


  • Kiriko: You should come home, Genji. We need your help.
  • Genji: There are others in the world who need saving.
  • Kiriko: When I was a kid, you said you'd always be there for me.
  • Genji: You are old enough to know it's not that simple.


Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Kiriko: "Swift as the wind", huh, Genji?
  • Genji: Even swifter, thanks to you.


  • Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?
  • Genji: Yeah... Triceratops.
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!


  • Mauga: I'd get a bigger sword, if I were you.
  • Genji: What counts is the sharpness of the blade and the mind of the wielder.
  • Mauga: I said a bigger sword, not bigger words.


On Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Mei: Genji? Were you the last one in the kitchen?
  • Genji: Yes. I was preparing my meals for the week.
  • Mei: Oh! Well... could you use a knife next time? The sword is a bit messy.


Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Genji: You are as dangerous as your storm!
  • Mei: That's nice of you to say! I think.


  • Mercy: Now that Overwatch is back, I insist that you start dressing up for the Halloween parties.
  • Genji: What? I always dress up.
  • Mercy: You can't be 'cyborg ninja' every year.
  • Genji: How about... 'cyborg ninja in a hat'?


  • Mercy: So... why did we really stop writing? I know my sketch wasn't that terrible.
  • Genji: Conflict got in the way. It is as you say: "war takes every happiness".
  • Mercy: An unfortunate truth. But... we're still friends, aren't we?
  • Genji: Nothing could ever take that from us.


On Colosseo
  • Genji: Angela, have you tried the coffee here?
  • Mercy: Not yet, unfortunately.
  • Genji: It tastes a bit like yours. Although, it's 'dark roast', not 'charred'.
  • Mercy: For your information, I like my coffee burnt.


On Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Genji: It is strange to be here again.
  • Mercy: It's... different. Certainly not the Gibraltar I remember.
  • Genji: If you are missing old times, I could try almost dying again.
  • Mercy: *laugh* You make my job hard enough when you're not trying.


  • Moira: I could have rebuilt you without all that metal.
  • Genji: And left me a monster, like other creations?
  • Moira: That is a matter of perspective.


  • Genji: You have an admirable peace about you.
  • Orisa: Things are simple when you protect the innocent.
  • Genji: And when you meet the... less-than-innocent?
  • Orisa: Oh! They get the javelin.


  • Ramattra: My brother wasted too much of his life teaching you.
  • Genji: I agree.
  • Ramattra: Really?
  • Genji: Yes. And like you, I was undeserving of his patience.


  • Genji: I have not forgotten your part in Blackwatch.
  • Reaper: What, do you want an apology?
  • Genji: I no longer expect regret from you.


  • Sojourn: What kind of armor polish do you use, anyway?
  • Genji: I make my own.
  • Sojourn: With... *sniffs* Walnuts?
  • Genji: Among other things.


  • Genji: My cybernetic form came at great cost. But you asked to change?
  • Sojourn: I learned too young that my body couldn't always keep up with me. Besides... it's hard to turn down rocket legs.


Soldier: 76
  • Soldier: 76: If you knew what Blackwatch was up to, why didn't you stop them?
  • Genji: My vision was clouded by anger.
  • Soldier: 76: And now the world pays for your actions.
  • Genji: In that, we are the same.


  • Genji: My sword and your hammer will lead us to victory.
  • Torbjörn: If you can't cut them, nail them!


  • Venture: You'll like this one: How does a non-binary ninja take out a target?
  • Genji: Uh... how?
  • Venture: They slash them!
  • Genji: Oh. They should try shurikens too.


  • Winston: Anyone wanna hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?
  • Genji: I do not.


Wrecking Ball
  • Wrecking Ball: He asks if you have ever fought in an arena.
  • Genji: No, I have not.
  • Wrecking Ball: He asks if you would like to.


Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Zarya: You do good work with that blade!
  • Genji: When the path is clear, one walks with confidence.


  • Genji: Master, how do you maintain your tranquility amid endless battles?
  • Zenyatta: I focus on my breathing.
  • Genji: But... you don't breathe.
  • Zenyatta: Indeed.


Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Cassidy, Moira and Reaper
Blackwatch Members
  • Moira: *sigh* What a nauseating bout of déjà vu.
  • Cassidy: Yep. Working with you has always made me sick.
  • Reaper: Are you planning to whine the whole time... again?
  • Genji: *sigh*


Kiriko + one of the following: Brigitte, Cassidy, Junker Queen,Mei, Mercy, Reinhardt, Tracer or Winston
  • Kiriko: Genji, remember the time you tripped over your sword in training?
  • One of eight:
    • Brigitte: *laugh* Really?
    • Cassidy: That sounds like him.
    • Junker Queen: Ha! Some ninja.
    • Mei: No way! *giggle*
    • Mercy: Ho ho! Wish I was there!
    • Reinhardt: What?! Haha, hahahahaha!
    • Tracer: Ha! Is that true?
    • Winston: *chuckle* Is that true?
  • Genji: It only happened once.
  • Kiriko: Once was enough.


Zenyatta + Reinhardt, Tracer or Zarya, and 1 of the following heroes: D.Va, Doomfist, Roadhog or Sigma
  • One of three:
    • Reinhardt: What did you do, you know, before the Crisis?
    • Tracer: Tekhartha Zenyatta. If you don't mind me asking... what did you do before the Crisis?
    • Zarya: What was your function before the Crisis?
  • Zenyatta:
    • I collected payments at a laser-tag arena.
    • I was a lifeguard. At a water park.
    • I served coffee.
    • I drove a tractor.
    • I massaged sheep on a free-range pasture.
  • One of seven:
    • D.Va: Wait, for real?
    • Doomfist: Is that true?
    • Reinhardt: *chuckling* Is that true?
    • Roadhog: Really?
    • Sigma: Could that be...?
    • Tracer: Seriously?!
    • Zarya: Really?
  • Genji: He won't tell me either.
  • Ramattra: Ha! I don't think so. But he wouldn't tell me, either.


Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Genji Skin Cyber Demon

Cyber Demon
Hero Selected
Negaeba shi wa otozure yō.
Japanese: 願えば、死 は 訪れよう。
English: Death returns to those that wish for it.
Come into the light. ▶️
My blade flashes. ▶️
The light becomes me! (allies) ▶️
During Set-Up
Fall upon them like lightning. ▶️
Strike with the fury of another world. ▶️
Match Start
My body is gone, but my will remains. ▶️
My soul is caged in a demon's form. ▶️
There are many wrongs my shining blade must yet avenge. ▶️
I shall take whatever form I must. ▶️
I will be the light that blinds them. ▶️
Life and death are both beyond my reach. ▶️
Reassembled and ready. ▶️
The pain subsides, and I am born again. ▶️
You can no more kill me than the lightning that fills the sky. ▶️
On Fire
I burn with purpose! ▶️
Damage Boosted
My augmentations mount! ▶️
Light courses through my veins! ▶️
Final Blow
Cybernetic annihilation. ▶️
Deleted. ▶️
How was that, punk? ▶️
Illuminating accuracy. ▶️
The cyber demon claims another! ▶️
These streets are mine. ▶️
Hikari ni nare.
Japanese: 光になれ。
English: Become light.
Sent to a neon scrapyard. (eliminating Omnics) ▶️
Your modifications were primitive. (eliminating Sojourn) ▶️
You claim to have mastered light? *scoff* (eliminating Symmetra) ▶️
Nothing is faster than light. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Final Blow
Swift Strike
Come into the light. ▶️
My blade flashes. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Am I fearsome up close? ▶️
An incandescent strike. ▶️
You wanted to see my tattoos? ▶️
Kill Streak
Do you fear me yet? ▶️
My soul burns ever brighter. ▶️
Team Kill
We glow brighter as our foes dim. ▶️
Multi Kill
Now you have seen behind the mask. ▶️
Heh. Okay. ▶️
Yeah, yeah. ▶️
Genji Skin Baihu

Genji Skin Heihu

Byakko no ken o kurae! (self and hostile)
Japanese: 白虎の剣を喰らえ!
English: Taste the blade of the White Tiger!
The White Tiger becomes me! (allies) ▶️
Damage Boosted
Waga kokoro wa byakko no kokoro.
Japanese: 我が心は白虎の心。
English: My heart is a white tiger's heart.
Genji Skin Demon

Genji Skin Oni

Oni no ken o kurae! (self and hostile)
Japanese: 鬼の剣を喰らえ!
English: Taste the demon's blade!
The demon becomes me! (allies) ▶️
Damage Boosted
Waga kokoro wa oni no kokoro.
Japanese: 我が心は鬼の心。
English: I have the heart of the demon!
Genji Skin Genjiman

Genji Skin Sentai

Hero Change
Genji's here. Henshin!
Japanese: 変身!
English: (Ready to) Transform!
Damage Boosted
Unbreakable body! ▶️
Doki-doki yukai!
Japanese: ドキドキ愉快 !
English: Heart-pounding delight!
Japanese: 変身!
English: Transform!
Break the limit! ▶️
Fantastic technique! ▶️
Genji Skin Kendoka

Japanese: 構え。
English: On guard.
During Set-Up
Ki o tsuke!
Japanese: 気を付け!
English: Attention!
Japanese: 始め!
English: Start!
Japanese: 反則!
English: Foul!
Shishō, mōshiwake arimasen. (eliminating Zenyatta)
Japanese: 師匠、申し訳ありません。
English: Master, my sincerest apologies.
Arigatō gozaimashita.
Japanese: ありがとうございました。
English: Thank you very much.

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
At times, I can almost hear the voices of those who lost their lives here. ▶️
It is not my duty to face the Hashimoto, yet. I cannot bear to walk away.
What has become of my home?
Junkertown or New Junk City
This is a silly place. ▶️
This should be a place of reflection and learning. It saddens me that it is in danger. ▶️
I remember this place. *sigh* ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
*sword noises* (self and hostile) ▶️
Tatakae! (allies)
Japanese: 戦え!
English: Fight!

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio

Trivia[ | ]

  • "Asakiyumemishi" is a passage from the Japanese poem Iroha, from which the Japanese title of the manga The Tale of Genji: Dreams at Dawn also gets its namesake.
  • The April Fools voice line "Tatakae!" is a reference to protagonist Eren Yeager from the popular manga and anime series Attack on Titan, who can often be heard saying this and became a meme among fans.

Navigation[ | ]
