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Overwatch Wiki
Jetpack Cat

Jetpack cat

Brigitte Lindholm (presumably)

"Jetpack Cat"[1] is an off-hand name used to describe a canceled hero from Overwatch. As the name suggests, the hero was a cat in a jetpack, who controlled the device with its paws. It was decided that the cat would take things "too far," even for Overwatch, and the concept was "scratched". According to Jeff Kaplan, there was also the issue of seeing things when playing in first person from the cat, namely its paws on the controls.[2]

Kaplan mentioned the existence of "Jetpack Cat" in April, 2017. The interview and reception to the idea was noted by Michael Chu, who was not on the development team when the idea was pitched. He commented in a Reddit interview that he'd "been thinking Torbjörn has a particularly interesting cat, and who knows what stuff Torbjörn has lying around..."[1]

However, the origin story of a new hero revealed on February 28, 2018, Brigitte Lindholm, Torbjörn's daughter, shows her family owning a fluffy white cat. After she became old enough to spend time in her father's workshop, she started making and fitting the family cat with its own armor. Though the cat was not all that eager to participate, it nevertheless resigned to its fate.[3]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 2017-05-16, Overwatch Lore - Michael Chu Reddit A.M.A Summary! | Hammeh. YouTube, accessed on 2017-05-18
  2. 2017-04-04, Overwatch Director Talks Abandoned Cat Hero, Patching Out Genji, And More. GameSpot, accessed on 2017-05-18
  3. 2018-28-02, NEW HERO – COMING SOON Brigitte Origin Story | Overwatch. YouTube, accessed on 2018-03-01