Overwatch Wiki
Junior Assistant

Efi Oladele
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A Junie is a personal assistant robot built by Efi Oladele that looks like a robotic six-legged spider.[1]

It is capable of walking around independently, recording videos, and displaying holographic images and videos. It is suggested that some are capable of higher intelligence.[1]

Named Junies[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • There are at least eight Junies present on the Hybrid map Numbani.
    • One in the first attacker spawn room, by the escalators.
    • One on the route along the edge of the map to the capture point.
    • One in a tree at the first corner along the payload route.
    • Two by the large health pack near the rhino statue.
    • Three in trees in the final section of the payload route.
  • The symbol of Orisa's Ability Orisa Fortify Fortify can be seen on the top side of a Junie.

References[ | ]
