Overwatch Wiki
Overwatch Wiki

Junkrat's voice actor is Chris Parson, speaking English, as well as using some Aussie slang. To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Known for his expertise in explosives and his carefree and chaotic personality, Junkrat's voice lines and quotes shows that he enjoys causing chaos and destruction, and he is always ready to cause mayhem. He has a positive outlook on life, and he approaches everything with a sense of humor.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Concussion Mine
Fly, my little friend! ▶️
Hee hee! Hoo hoo! ▶️
Hold this a minute. ▶️
The pleasure is mine! ▶️
What a lob! ▶️
Woop woop! ▶️
Air bomb! (while airborne) ▶️
Dropping a package. (while airborne) ▶️
Concussion Mine
Waiting to Activate
Come on, let me push it! ▶️
*sucking air through teeth* I want to push the button... ▶️
Let's go, let's go... ▶️
Patience... patience... ▶️
Tick-tock, tick-tock... ▶️
Waiting... waiting...! ▶️
Why have I got this detonator again? ▶️
Concussion Mine
Launching Self
Blasting off! ▶️
Boing! ▶️
Bomb voyage! ▶️
Going up! ▶️
Ha hee hee he hee! ▶️
If mum could see me now! ▶️
Pronk! ▶️
The sky is mine! ▶️
We have liftoff! ▶️
Wheeee! ▶️
Woo hoo! ▶️
I'm just like you, Rocket Lady! (in a team with Pharah) ▶️
Steel Trap
Ho ho ho! Oh ho ho ho! ▶️
Ooh, can't wait! ▶️
Shh. Don't tell anyone! ▶️
This trap exclusive property of Jamison Fawkes! ▶️
This'll tickle their feet! ▶️
Steel Trap
Hee hee hee hee! ▶️
Oh, you really stepped in it, mate! ▶️
Oh, you're in a pickle! ▶️
Snagged! ▶️
Snap! Gotcha! ▶️
They're vulnerable! Get 'em! ▶️
Trapped! ▶️
Steel Trap
Triggered - To Allies
Get the one in the trap! ▶️
Got 'em! Let's pile on. ▶️
Hit the one that's in the trap! ▶️
I trapped one! Get 'em! ▶️
Fire in the hole! (self and hostile) ▶️
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! (allies) ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Plenty of bombs to go around! ▶️
During Set-Up
Anybody got a toothpick? Ugh. Got one of them mantis arms stuck between me molars. ▶️
*singing* A sausage roll and a battered sav, that's what I would like to have! ▶️ ▶️
Fan mail! You get it, I get it--well, I get a lot of it. Guess they love me out there, in this big crazy world... *sigh* ▶️
Feast your eyes upon this hand-curated assortment of tasteful pyrotechnic delights, with which I intend to entertain you this evening. Or possibly morning... What time is it? ▶️
*singing* Had me brekky in a billabong! Me night was short but me day was long... Sooo long! ▶️
I promise to take this one serious. ▶️
I want to write a novel! They said, "No, Jamison, you're not the type to write a novel." Well, I said, "Watch me!" ▶️
I've been thinking about leaving society. Just me, a little cottage, and all the gold bars I can carry! ▶️
If you really think about it, bugs are just little plants that move. ▶️
Let's go, let's go, let's go! ▶️
Lovely arvo for a mission, isn't it? ▶️
Now, I know I ain't got many mates among this group, but I hope we can look past our differences and proceed forward, with mutual respect, into a bold and prosperous future, inclusive of a few modest explosions, as the circumstances permit. ▶️
So, I was like, Roadhog, mate, just 'cause that's how you see it, doesn't mean that's how she sees it, right? But enough of my earbashing. Let's get out there. ▶️
Support your local bombardier! ▶️
Today's a good day for some mayhem! ▶️
A monk, a cowboy, and a gorilla walk into a... hmm. How's that one go again? (with Cassidy, Winston and Zenyatta on the team) ▶️
We've got everybody! Beamsy. Sniperetta. The Lonely Bowman. Oh-ho-ho! We're gonna have fun. (with Hanzo, Widowmaker and Zarya on the team) ▶️
I feel a sweet verse coming on. Roadhog, give me a beat. ...Roadhog? (with Roadhog on the team) ▶️
Things always go well when you're working with Junkrat and Roadhog! (with Roadhog on the team) ▶️
Oh, Torbjörn. I ought to kiss you atop your sweet little head! (with Torbjörn on the team) ▶️
Ah- Almost dropped me launcher, sorry... I've just got nerves, fighting alongside the Champ... (with Wrecking Ball on the team) ▶️
You lot look universally talented in the arena of "pushing," at least. (on any Push gamemode map)
Match Start
I brought the fireworks! *giggles* ▶️
Oh, I'm so excited! ▶️
Time to share me gifts with the world! ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Kick 'em in the teeth! Pow, straight to the dentist! ▶️
One more win, that's all we need. ▶️
Piece of cake! We got this! ▶️
We're one away from winning! And winning is me favorite outcome! ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Can't put me down. Or my pals. We just get back up! ▶️
Forget about that last round. Let's go win this! ▶️
I'm not about to pack it in. Let's win this one! ▶️
That's all right, we're the comeback adults! ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
After all that work, let's not throw it away now! ▶️
Deep breaths, everyone! The final round begins... ▶️
It all comes down to this. The bacon, the lettuce, the tomato: it's blovertime, ladies and gentlemen... let's make a legend! ▶️
It's all tied up. You know what that means. Time for... sudden death! ▶️
This is it! *panting* My heart rate's pushing 400. ▶️
Buckle my shoe, there's mayhem to do! ▶️
Can't keep a bad lad down! ▶️
I ain't quittin'! ▶️
I am indefatibagel! ▶️
I still think we can win... ▶️
I'll keep trying till I run out of limbs! ▶️
I'm going back in! ▶️
Let's give it a fair shake, mate! ▶️
Ooh, I'm ready! ▶️
Ratjunk's back! I mean, Junkrat's back. ▶️
Stiff upper lip now, you've come back from worse. ▶️
Such perfidy cannot go unanswered! ▶️
This situation calls for more bombs! ▶️
Come on, Jamison. This is your big chance to impress Overwatch! (with multiple Overwatch members as teammates) ▶️
Come on, Jamison. This is your big chance to impress Talon! (with multiple Talon members as teammates) ▶️
Just when things were starting to get interesting. (after multi-kill) ▶️
Betrayed by me own bombs... blah! (eliminated by Genji using Deflect from Junkrat)
Now that's a knife! (eliminated by Genji using Dragonblade) ▶️
Team Kill
Alone again! Such woeful tidings... ▶️
Am I the first one back? Oh, that's classic me. ▶️
Oh--where are my fellow rapscallions? ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
All patched up. ▶️
Much better. ▶️
On Fire
I did it, mum! I'm on fire! *sobs* ▶️
I'm on fire! *laughs* ▶️
Look who's on fire again! ME! ▶️
My fuses are alight! ▶️
Someone better get a firie, because I'm on a roll! ▶️
Fully Healed
All better! -- well, y'know... ▶️
Cheers, mate! ▶️
Oh, much better! ▶️
Damage Boosted
Ho ho ho ho!
Now we're cooking with gas! ▶️
Now we're talking! ▶️
Negative Status Effect
*growls* ▶️
...Damn it! ▶️
*huffs* Piece of junk! (when Discorded by Zenyatta or Hacked by Sombra) ▶️
Ooh! I owe you one! ▶️
With friends like these, who needs- eh- other kinds of friends? ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
Looks like they were just playing dead! ▶️
Ally Ultimate Seen You show 'em, Roadhog! (witnessing ally Roadhog use Whole Hog)

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Junkrat primed and ready! ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Let's give 'em the what-for! ▶️
Open fire! ▶️
Over there, over there! ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
They've got us outnumbered! ▶️
They're numerically superior! Yikes! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Sniper! *whimpers in fear* ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy turret over there! ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
*yelps* Take cover! ▶️
Watch your head! ▶️
Glowing like a Junkertown doublecow! ▶️
I'm unstoppable! ▶️
There's no one to stop me now! ▶️
They can't stop me now! ▶️
Un-stompable! ▶️
Time Running Out
Start the victory timer, it won't be long now! ▶️
Tick-tock, tick-tock. We're gonna win! ▶️
We got this! Just hold on a little longer! ▶️
Time Running Out
Clock's ticking! Attack... attack! ▶️
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick tock, tick-tock! Attack, attack, ATTACK! ▶️
Time is money, friends! And we're almost flat broke. Attack! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
I'm taking the objective. Anyone else want some? ▶️
Mine, mine, mine! This is my point! ▶️
The point is mine! And you can't have it! ▶️
Capture in Progress
That point belongs to us! Defend it! ▶️
The point's under attack! Let's give them something to think about. ▶️
They're taking the point! Time to blow it... them up! I meant them. ▶️
Go into next point
Don't know about you, but I'm off to the next point. ▶️
Early hare nabs the point! ▶️
Meet me at the next point! ▶️
That next point looks rather alluring. ▶️
Payload Moving
Let’s keep this payload rolling. ▶️
Moving the payload. Clear a path! ▶️
Payload's moving out. All aboard! ▶️
Payload Moving
No, no, no, they’re moving the payload! Stop them! ▶️
Everyone, stop the payload! ▶️
We need to pump the brakes on the payload. ▶️
Payload Stuck
No, no, no! The payload's stopped! Argh! ▶️
We don't have all day. Move the payload! ▶️
Why's the payload stopped? Clock's ticking? ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Houston, we have the robot. ▶️
Robot's in our possession. ▶️
This robot really knows how to walk! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Hey! I thought that robot was on our side! ▶️
They took the robot... Give it back! ▶️
Why've they got the robot? Get it back! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Let our most momentous push commence! ▶️
Let's get this party rolling! ▶️
Movin' right along. ▶️
Push! PUUUUSH! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Don't let them push it... ▶️
It's moving the wrong way! ▶️
They're moving the barricade! Stop them! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Just a little more. Just a little more! ▶️
Just shove him a bit. We've almost got the lead! ▶️
Oh, we're so close. I can smell it! ▶️
Gained Lead
All right, all right! Makin' progress! ▶️
Great job. Keep pushing! ▶️
We're in the lead! Yippee! ▶️
About to Lose Lead
It's time... to stop the enemy! ▶️
They're catching up. *frustrated noise* We've got to stop them! ▶️
They're takin' a swing! Let's push 'em back! ▶️
Lost Lead
Come on, we've gotta push it farther than that! ▶️
They took the lead - let's get it back! ▶️
Ugh, we lost the lead. Come on, let's get it back! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Last chance, amigos. Make it memorable! ▶️
Steady. Last chance, let's make it count! ▶️
Stick by the robot and he won't let us down! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
It's their last chance. Let's stop 'em dead! ▶️
Stop them now and we win! ▶️
They think they still have a chance. Ha! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
I have the flag! I have the flag! ▶️
I've got the flag! ...Now what? ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Enemy's got the flag! Let's... blow it up. ▶️
They've got our flag! After them! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Dun duh duh dun! ▶️
Set off those fireworks, I've captured the flag! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
No way! How'd they do that? ▶️
What an unpleasant development. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Dropped the flag. ...My arms were getting tired! ▶️
I'm ditching the flag. Someone else can take it from here! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Enemy dropped our flag! ▶️
Hm, guess they didn't want it that much. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
Flag's going back to base! ▶️
Now, what's that doing sitting around? ▶️

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
A scintillating finish! ▶️
An explosive development! ▶️
Aw, did a bomb getcha? ▶️
Bomb's away! ▶️
Boom! Hahahaha! ▶️
Bonza! ▶️
Diegetic! ▶️
Dy-na-mite! ▶️
How bom-blast-ic! ▶️
(singing) I am Junkrat... and you just died to Junkrat. ▶️
I impress myself. ▶️
I made that bomb meself. Woohoo! ▶️
Jackpot! *laughs* ▶️
That's why I'm famous! ▶️
Where are me manners? ▶️
*chuckle* Write that one in my diary. ▶️
You misunderestimated me! *laughs* ▶️
Now that's the holiday spirit! (while in Winter Wonderland event) ▶️
Oh, no... I blew up a fossil! (eliminating Ana, Reinhardt, Soldier: 76 or Torbjörn) ▶️
*giggles* Howdy, cow person! (eliminating Ashe or Cassidy) ▶️
Sorry about that. Love what you do with the dynamite... (eliminating Ashe) ▶️
Stone Anthony sends his regards. (eliminating Cassidy) ▶️
Wait! I got the Doomfist? Guys! I killed the Doomfist! (eliminating Doomfist) ▶️
Blown up! Blown up... blown up... (eliminating Echo) ▶️
Couldn't you just... fly away? (eliminating Echo or Pharah) ▶️
Does this make me Queen? (eliminating Junker Queen) ▶️
We could've had a beautiful partnership... (eliminating Junkrat) ▶️
Self-defeating! (eliminating Junkrat) ▶️
Never liked going to the doctor. (eliminating Mercy) ▶️
Overwatch? You'll never take me alive! (eliminating any member of Overwatch) ▶️
Guess we know who's really on top, don't we? (eliminating Roadhog) ▶️
Sorry, old friend... (eliminating Roadhog) ▶️
That's for not taking me to space when I asked. (eliminating Sigma) ▶️
What'd you think of MY inventions? (eliminating Torbjörn) ▶️
Monkey see, monkey die! *laughs* (eliminating Winston) ▶️
Never meet your heroes... (eliminating Wrecking Ball) ▶️
Don't lose your head! (eliminating Zenyatta) ▶️
Oh, back to the scrap heap! (eliminating Zenyatta) ▶️
Final Blow
Direct Hit
Demolition, by Jamison. ▶️
I can't miss, and when I do miss, it... doesn't count. ▶️
I'm a direct-hit machine! ▶️
Laserlike accuracy, that's how I do it. ▶️
Right on target! ▶️
They're all landing today! ▶️
Final Blow
Concussion Mine
*scoffs* Aiming's overrated. ▶️
Concussion! ▶️
Half the time, works every time! ▶️
Mine mistake! *laughs frantically* ▶️
Oh, that's where I left it! ▶️
Scattered to the wind! ▶️
Works every time! Terms and conditions may apply. ▶️
Foes always jumping around? Try chuckin' a mine! (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Thar she blows! *laughs* (eliminating female) ▶️
Bet you never thought you'd see pigs fly! *laughs* (eliminating Roadhog) ▶️
Final Blow
And around we go! ▶️
Burnin' rubber! ▶️
Caught beneath the wheel of progress! ▶️
En-tire-ly unavoidable! ▶️
Hey, where'd that come from? ▶️
I never get tire-d of this! *laughs* ▶️
Rolled over! ▶️
That tire popped you! ▶️
Tired of me yet? ▶️
Wheel 'em out! ▶️
You little ripper! ▶️
Uh, personally, I think my big moment was bigger than your big moment... by far! (eliminating an enemy using their ultimate ability) ▶️
Final Blow
I'm more dangerous when I'm hurt! Like a... cornered pheasant. (on low HP) ▶️
Against all odds, the captain falls to the cheeky upstart... (on low HP, eliminating Sojourn) ▶️
I like to maintain some distance from me victims. It's just good practice! (long-range elimination) ▶️
Get down from there! (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
If I can't fly, you're not allowed either! (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Junkrat: Hero of anti-air defense! (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Couldn't you just... fly away? (eliminating enemy with flight ability while they're on the ground) ▶️
Among the most deadly Australian fauna is the "Junkertown Jumping Bean". (while airborne) ▶️
Satellite-ian accuracy... (while airborne) ▶️
No dodging me! I've got a prognosticative mind! (eliminating enemy using movement ability) ▶️
Back, and already in business, baby! (after recent resurrection) ▶️
Knocked you out of the saddle, eh? *giggles* Bit of a spur in the rear, eh? (eliminating Cassidy using Deadeye) ▶️
He was right there with the sword, did you see that? I-I mean, he was right there! Hahaha! (eliminating Genji using Dragonblade) ▶️
I got the imposter, your majesty! I'd always recognize my true Queen. (eliminating Junker Queen, while having a Junker Queen on your team) ▶️
Unfortunately, I know all our hiding spots. (eliminating another Junkrat using RIP-Tire) ▶️
Your magic death beam privileges have been rescinded! (eliminating Moira using Coalescence) ▶️
That's right. I'm her favorite child! (eliminating Pharah, while Nano-Boosted by friendly Ana) ▶️
Thought I'd give you an extra boost, there! (eliminating Pharah using Jump Jet or Widowmaker using Grappling Hook) ▶️
I hate ghosts. Especially when they do that! (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) ▶️
When he does that twirly thing, I find it best to stand a very long way away. (long-range kill against Reaper using Death Blossom) ▶️
Thanks for holding him down. That hammer was scary! (eliminating Reinhardt who's been Slept by friendly Ana) ▶️
Another hogfight for the Cerulean Chancellor! (eliminating Sigma using Gravitic Flux) ▶️
My laucher can't miss either! *laughs* (eliminating Soldier: 76 using Tactical Visor) ▶️
Why detect 'em, when you can blow 'em up? (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) ▶️
That's why I never get mad! Clouds your judgement. (eliminating Winston using Primal Rage) ▶️
Kill Streak
And so I proceeded directly to a kill streak... ▶️
Dear diary. Today I blew up several people -- in a row! ▶️
Ding ding ding! ▶️
Ha ha! Thank you for your patronage. ▶️
I love my job! ▶️
I'm ebullient! ▶️
I'm having a memorable time! ▶️
My, my. Can I count that high? ▶️
Pyrotechnic poetry! ▶️
Can you boost me like this all the time? (when Nano-Boosted by Ana) ▶️
How many kills for an invite to Talon? (with multiple Talon members on team) ▶️
How many kills for an invite to Overwatch? (with multiple Overwatch members on team) ▶️
Multi Kill
A cavalcade of hits! ▶️
How many was that? Oh my stars! ▶️
Multifarious eliminations! ▶️
Someone get the camera! ▶️
Yeah! Collateral damage! ▶️
You're just making it easy for me! ▶️
*wild laughter* ▶️
Circumstances were dire. Jamison's health was alarmingly low. And then... *giggle* (on low HP) ▶️
Team Kill
A historic rout! ▶️
Enemy team's been wiped out! ▶️
Got the whole brigade! ▶️
Razzle-dazzle, that's a wipe! Ha ha! ▶️
The enemy team's down for the count! ▶️
Ding dong! Gotcha back! ▶️
Goes around comes around, mate! ▶️
That's what you get for junking with Messrat! Wait a minute... ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
I accept all major currencies... *laugh* ▶️
No need to thank me. ▶️
Right on time! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Clean hit, clean hit. ▶️
Doink! ▶️
Fisticuffs! ▶️
Wonk! Right in the griddle! ▶️
I see your leap, and raise you a punch! (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Smacked outta the sky! (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Uppercut! Nice. (while using Concussive Mine) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Farewell, goodbye! ▶️
Hooroo, mate! ▶️
My mistake! *chuckle* Just kidding, I meant to do that! ▶️
*laughs* Oh! He's... they've... *laughs* ▶️
Put some air on that one, didn't I! ▶️
Did somebody put a humiliating end to your schemes? Ha ha ha! (eliminating Doomfist or Ramattra) ▶️
You were... ultimately not successful! (eliminating enemy using their ultimate ability) ▶️
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret just blew up. *laughs* ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
I knew there was a reason I kept you around. And it wasn't the sparkling conversation.
I like what you're up to. ▶️
Love the energy, mate! ▶️
That was a good one, mate! ▶️
*laughs* You got 'em good, there! ▶️
Grandma's still got it! (to Ana) ▶️
Sure you don't want to adopt me, Ana? (to Ana) ▶️
Bullseye! Just like a Western. Haha! (to Ashe or Cassidy) ▶️
It's a demolitionist derby! (to Pharah) ▶️
That's what happens when you cross Junkrat and Roadhog! (to Roadhog) ▶️
They messed with the wrong primate! (to Winston) ▶️
Great work, Champ! (to Wrecking Ball) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Come on! ▶️
This way! ▶️
Waiting to Open Door
Door? Door? Doooor! ▶️
I'd like to go through the door now. ▶️
Let's open the door. I know we can do it! ▶️
What are we waiting for? ▶️
What's the hold-up, mate? ▶️
Need to Break Door
...Blow up that door! ▶️
Knock it down and let's slide on through! ▶️
We'll have to blast our way through! ▶️
What is an obstacle, if not something begging to be blown up? ▶️
Door Opening
Hold 'em off while we work on the door! ▶️
Hold them off! We need a moment ▶️
Hold those bogans off. This'll take a sec. ▶️
One minute, please! Just need a minute! ▶️
Dropship Arriving
Dropship's here! ▶️
Dropship's here! Make like an entomologist and bug out! ▶️
Dropship's here! Ooh, I call shotgun! ▶️
Ooh, I can't wait to ride that dropship. ▶️
Juliet Foxtrot here. We are Oyster Manticore Whimsy for extract. ▶️
Waiting to Push Button
I am officially bored! ▶️
Okay, that's enough waiting. Come on! ▶️
What are we waiting on? ▶️
Assigned to Objective
Got it. ▶️
Mh-hmm. ▶️
Tadaa! ▶️
Picking Up Item
Don't mind if I do!
Finders keepers! ▶️
Got one. ▶️
I'll take that. ▶️
Dropped Item
Anybody... got that? ▶️
Ah, dropped it again, did I? ▶️
Uh--where'd it go? ▶️
Delivering Item
Alright, there you go. ▶️
Delivered! ▶️
Do I have to turn it in? ▶️
You're welcome.
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Hey! Turn that in! ▶️
It is my understanding that you are supposed to turn that in. ▶️
Objective Found
Alright, let's move along... ▶️
Come on, come on, come on! ▶️
Let's get on with it. ▶️
Calling Teammate to Objective
Come on... we haven't got all day. ▶️
Get over here, you lazy things! ▶️
I found the objective! Ha! Come take a look. ▶️
Enemy Reinforcements
Bots from above! ▶️
Drop pods! Blow 'em up! ▶️
Enemies coming through! ▶️
Here they come! ▶️
More bots dropping in! ▶️
More on the way! ▶️
Any Objective-Damaging Unit Inbound
Ahem. Ahem... Enemies... near the objective. ▶️
They're closing in! ▶️
They're getting real close to the objective. What do you think they want? ▶️
Whole bunch of 'em, coming right at us! ▶️
Breacher Inbound
Alright, Breachers. You know I sympathize, but we can't let you blow up this objective. ▶️
Breachers! Breachers! Uh, I mean, let's stop them, of course... ▶️
Breachers, gettin' close! ▶️
Breachers! Oh... can't we just let one or two of 'em through?! ▶️
Aww... More of those bomb things, comin' in for a hug! ▶️
Slicers Inbound
Slicers comin' in! ▶️
Slicers! Yow! One of 'em bit me! ▶️
Stop the Slicers, save the thing. ▶️
Subjugator Inbound
Stop that... Subjubagarator! ▶️
Sub-duh... Sub-guh... The brain things! They're gettin' close! ▶️
Any Objective Under Fire
I don't like what they're doin' to the objective! ▶️
Objective's under fire! ▶️
They're defacin' our objective! ▶️
Yowch! Objective's taking hits! ▶️
Cannon Under Fire
They're bombardin' our cannon! ▶️
Ferry Under Fire
They're attackin' the Ferry! Just thought you should know. ▶️
Payload Under Fire
Defend the payload! ▶️
They're disrespectin' our payload! ▶️
Repair Station Under Fire
Don't let them destroy the Repair Station. I want to see the robot shoot! ▶️
Fear not, my botly friend! From this moment forth, we shall endeavor even harder to shield your... steely hide! ▶️
Repair Station's under fire! ▶️
Uplink Under Fire
Hey, enemies! What'd that Uplink do to you? ▶️
Protect the Uplink, you pelicans! ▶️
They really want that Uplink, eh? Maybe we let 'em have it? ▶️
Uplink-uplink, uplink-uplink... Uplink's takin' fire! ▶️
Uplink, uplink, uplink... Uplink's takin' fiiiire!
Any Objective on Critical HP
It's our last chance to save the objective! Oh, I don't like the pressure. ▶️
Normally I'd be all in favor of an objective blowin' up, but this time I think we're supposed to prevent that! ▶️
Objective's in a bad way! ▶️
Our objective's not lookin' good. Not good at all! ▶️
The objective's almost destroyed! ▶️
*yelps* The objective's almost done for! ▶️
Won't somebody save the objective?! ▶️
Cannon on Critical HP
They've practically obliterated our cannon! ▶️
Ferry on Critical HP
Ferry can't take much more! ▶️
Ferry's nearly breached! If that happens, I'm pretty sure we lose! ▶️
Payload on Critical HP
Repair Station on Critical HP
My hopes for our robot friend's survival are not high! ▶️
Repair Station's critical! Hold fast, I say! Hold! ▶️
The Repair Station's lookin' like the Queen's punching bag! ▶️
Uplink on Critical HP
Little bits are fallin' off the uplink!... That can't be good... ▶️
Uplink status: positively terrible! ▶️
We didn't come all this way to let them destroy the uplink... did we? ▶️
Gallop away, mates! ▶️
Hurry, hurry! ▶️
It's high time to abscond! ▶️
Let's bugger off! ▶️
Let's leg it! ▶️
Skeee-daddle! ▶️
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery inbound! ▶️
Artillery's takin' a swing at us! ▶️
Artillery Eliminated
Artillery's dealt with. ▶️
Artillery down! *giggle* ▶️
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger! Heads up! ▶️
It's chargin'! Oh, this is so exciting! ▶️
Charger Begins to Charge
Heads up! ▶️
Watch out! ▶️
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Ah, its legs exploded. That seems promising. ▶️
We blew up its legs! I can tell you from experience, that is not pleasant. ▶️
We got the legs! Rest of this should be easy. ▶️
Charger Eliminated
Charger delineated! ▶️
Charger eliminated! ▶️
Hooroo, Charger! ▶️
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Bots of the air, comin' in fast! ▶️
Fliers! Heaps of 'em! ▶️
Those fliers mean business! ▶️
Stalker Comes into Battle
Did I hear a Stalker? ▶️
I think there's a Stalker nearby. ▶️
Stalker! That's just great. ▶️
Grabbed by Stalker
Help! She's reeling me in! ▶️
I'm feeling a powerful attraction... wait... HELP! ▶️
I've been nabbed! Any of you gonna help me?! ▶️
Stalker's got me! Help! ▶️
Wait! Is it too late for me to join Null Sector?! ▶️
Wait a minute! I'm not with them! I love bots! HELP! ▶️
Stalker Eliminated
I'm sorry, darling... don't hold it against me. ▶️
No more Stalker! ▶️
Stalker down! ▶️
Subjugator Eliminated
Got it! Your brains are safe! ▶️
Subjugrater down! ▶️
Sudgujator-- destroyed! ▶️
That brainsucker wasn't interested in me. I must be too smart for 'em. ▶️
Vulture Comes into Battle
Is that a Vulture? It is! ▶️
Vulture on the way! ▶️
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Get out of there, mate! ▶️
You gotta run! That stuff hurts! ▶️
Vulture Eliminated
Got the Vulture! ▶️
I vanquished the Vulture! ▶️
Titan Immune to Damage
I think we're gonna need somethin' bigger to damage that one. ▶️
Now, I'm no expert, but I don't think you can hurt it like that! ▶️
Massive Attack Incoming
Hey! Who ordered an extra-large attack? ▶️
Huge attack incoming! Oh, I'm so excited! ▶️
There's an extra-special-mega-big attack on the way! ▶️
Missiles Incoming
It's firing missiles! ▶️
Missiles incoming! ▶️
Missiles! They're like bombs that fly! ▶️
Relay Found
Blow this up with me! ▶️
Give it to this one! ▶️
Let's smash it, together! ▶️
Oi! Help me out! ▶️
Relay Destroyed
Boom! Right. ▶️
Clean detonation. ▶️
Kaboom! ▶️
Sha-blam! ▶️
Solved. ▶️
There she goes. ▶️
*excited war cry* ▶️
I'm done for! ▶️
I'm hit! ▶️
I'm hurt pretty bad! ▶️
Teammate Downed
I think they're dead. ▶️
Our teammate's down! ▶️
Our teammate's down! ...It wasn't my fault, I swear!
Don't die on me, you big lug! (Roadhog downed) ▶️
They got Hoggie! (Roadhog downed) ▶️
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Help our mate! ▶️
Our friend's in a Gloucester pickle! ▶️
Our teammate needs to be revived! ▶️
Ooh! Who wants to do CPR? ▶️
Save the Queen, or it's off with our heads! (Junker Queen yet to be revived) ▶️
Who's gonna revive the roadkill? (Roadhog yet to be revived) ▶️
Last Team Member Standing
I could... probably use some backup. ▶️
Looks like it's all up to me! ▶️
Reviving Teammate
Come on, get up! ▶️
You're not gettin' off that easy! ▶️
Teammate Killed
At this rate, I'll be the last man standing! ▶️
Flamin' galah! ▶️
I never liked them anyways. ▶️
Idiot! ▶️
It ain't my day to die! ▶️
Where'd everybody go? ▶️

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
G'day! ▶️ ▶️
G'day, cobber! ▶️
G'day, mate! ▶️ ▶️
Hello! (rarely) ▶️
Hey. ▶️ ▶️
Cheers! ▶️ ▶️
Ta! ▶️ ▶️
Thanks, mate. ▶️
Thanks, mate! ▶️
Gotcha. ▶️
I got ya. ▶️
I got you. ▶️
Okay! ▶️
Right-O! ▶️
Right, okay. ▶️
Sure. ▶️ ▶️
Need Healing
I need healing! ▶️
Need healing! ▶️
Need Healing
No Support in Team
We need a healer. ▶️
Group Up
Get over here! ▶️
Group up! ▶️
Group up here! ▶️ ▶️
Group up with me! ▶️
Join up with me! ▶️ ▶️
Ultimate Status
My RIP-Tire is charging. ▶️
My ultimate is charging. ▶️
Still filling up me tire. ▶️
Ultimate Status
My RIP-Tire is almost ready. ▶️
My ultimate is almost ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate's ready! ▶️
RIP-Tire ready to roll! ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
My ultimate is ready! Time for some mayhem! ▶️
I'm on the attack! ▶️
3...2...1... ▶️
In 3...2...1...
I'm on defense! ▶️
Ping in World
Alert! Alert! ▶️
Heads up! ▶️
Hey! Watch here! ▶️
Keep your eyes peeled! ▶️
Locked on Opponent
Baddy over here! ▶️
Enemy here! ▶️
There's an enemy here! ▶️
Fall Back
'Kay, fall back! ▶️
Go! ▶️
Going In
I'm going in! ▶️
Catch you later! ▶️
See ya! ▶️
Incoming! ▶️
Need Help
Help! ▶️
I could use some help here! ▶️
Nah. ▶️
No. ▶️
On My Way
On my way! ▶️
In World
Over here! ▶️
Over there! ▶️
Attack Objective
Attack the objective! ▶️
Defend Objective
Defend the objective! ▶️
We have to protect the objective! ▶️
Push Payload
Push the payload! ▶️
Stop Payload
Stop the payload! ▶️
Push Robot
Let's move that robot! ▶️
Shove the bot! ▶️
Let's all push together now... ▶️
Stop Robot
Please, stop the robot! ▶️
Their push! Stop it! ▶️
We must halt the robot! ▶️
Capture Flag
Let's take the flag! ▶️
Someone grab the flag! It's just sitting there. ▶️
Someone take that flag! ▶️
Defend Flag
Don't let them get our flag! ▶️
We need to protect our flag! ▶️
Press the Attack
Press the attack! ▶️
Push Forward
Push forward! ▶️
Ready! ▶️
Oops! ▶️
Oopsies. ▶️
Sorry, sorry! ▶️
Sorry about that. ▶️
Watching Here
I got me eye on this position. ▶️
I'm eyeballin' it. ▶️
I'm watching here! ▶️
Keeping an eye out! ▶️
Watching this spot like a Conifer's Hawk. ▶️
With You
I'm with you! ▶️
Yeah! ▶️
Yes! ▶️
You're Welcome
Don't mention it. ▶️
You're welcome! ▶️

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock! ▶️
Credits 25
If at first you don't succeed... Blow it up again! ▶️
Anyone want some barbecue? Heheh. ▶️
Everything's coming up explodey! ▶️
Good morning! ▶️
Happy birthday. ▶️
Have a nice day! ▶️
It's the little things. ▶️
Ooooh, shiny! ▶️
Smile! ▶️
Summer Games Icon Summer Games
Credits 50
I give it a 10! ▶️
I give it a 3. ▶️
Aww... But I wanted to watch the footy! ▶️
Halloween Terror Icon Halloween Terror
Credits 50
You can't scare me. I'm-- AHH! *Pause* That one doesn't count. ▶️
Happy Halloween! ▶️
I'm aliiiiiive! ▶️
Winter Wonderland Icon Winter Wonderland
Credits 50
Go on... give it a shake. ▶️
Happy holidays! ▶️
Ahh! It's snowing! ▶️
Merry Christmas! ▶️
Season's greetings! ▶️
Lunar New Year Icon Lunar New Year
Credits 50
Gõng xǐ fā cái!
Chinese: Simple: 恭喜发财 Traditional: 恭喜發財
English: May you have a prosperous New Year! (New Year's greeting)
Happy new year! ▶️
Ohhh... my dog is barking! ▶️
Archives Icon Overwatch Archives
Credits 50
Don't you come the raw prawn with me! ▶️
I really blew that one. ▶️
Too right! ▶️
Overwatch Anniversary Icon Overwatch Anniversary
Credits 50
Dipstick. ▶️
Inconspicuous! ▶️
At least I'm not a hog. ▶️
Oops, dropped something! ▶️
That was the bomb. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 2
If I was a Greek god, I'd be Dyne... Dyon.... The one with the grapes! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 3
I've always had a gift for fire! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 8
I am a sly and stealthy hunter.
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 10
Who says I can't be a scientist? I can be whatever I want. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 13
Sorry I'm late. This rat encountered a black cat, so this rat ratted away!
Ultimate Valentine
Login Reward
Happy Valentine's day! ▶️
Shop Shop Overwatch2 Coin 100
Beep beep! Boom boom! ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Junkrat: It's so hard to tell right from wrong. If only I had someone to give me guidance.
  • Ana: Mh hmm.
  • Junkrat: Someone wise, and experienced! An adoptive mother, if you will...
  • Ana: Oh no. Absolutely not.


  • Junkrat: One stick o' dynamite? Well, that's just adorable.
  • Ashe: BOB!
  • Junkrat: I meant admirable! Admirable!


  • Baptiste: I feel sorry for your doctor.
  • Junkrat: She's the best in the outback! Cured me of my pie woe mania.
  • Baptiste: I think you mean... pyromania?
  • Junkrat: That one I'm still seeing her for.


  • Baptiste: What's wrong, man?
  • Junkrat: It's nothing. Just beginning to think nobody likes me.
  • Baptiste: Maybe if you stopped stealing and blowing up everybody's stuff?
  • Junkrat: Is it even worth it, if I don't get to do what I love?


On Havana or Paraíso
  • Baptiste: I wanted to go to the beach earlier, but some maniac stole all the volleyball nets.
  • Junkrat: *nervous chuckles* Why would someone do that? (quieter): Unless they had a brilliant plan...


  • Junkrat: Jamison Fawkes, channel nine news. Mr. Gunbot, sir, how do you think the battle's going to go?
  • Bastion: *excited, talkative beeps*
  • Junkrat: Could you repeat that in words? Hold on, breaking news! The moon has fallen into the ocean!


  • Junkrat: So. Did you have a chance to think about my proposal?
  • Brigitte: I'm not putting explosives on my mace.
  • Junkrat: What? Oh, no no no no no, you misunderstood. I was talking about your shield.
  • Brigitte: That's even worse!


  • Cassidy: You rob any trains in your day?
  • Junkrat: They get all gummed up together in a big pile when I try.
  • Cassidy: ...You're supposed to stop them first.
  • Junkrat: I do stop them. I think my problem is that I stop them a little too hard.


  • Junkrat: Look at us! Two superstars out and about.
  • D.Va: Uhhhh... What?
  • Junkrat: We should keep our heads down. Don't want the paparazzi finding us.
  • D.Va: Riiight... It's probably risky for us to talk at all.

▶️ ▶️

  • Junkrat: Doomfist. Doom... fist! Haha! It's a great name!
  • Doomfist: What's yours?
  • Junkrat: They call me... Junkrat!
  • Doomfist: Not as good.
  • Junkrat: No. *sigh* Not as good...


  • Doomfist: Why did the chicken cross the road?
  • Junkrat: Uh... why?
  • Doomfist: Because to stagnate is to die. Never forget that.


  • Junkrat: Sticky bombs? What a fantastic idea! How do they work?
  • Echo: This is classified information.
  • Junkrat: No worries. I'll figure it out on me own. All I need is some glue.


  • Junkrat: What's on your mind, mate?
  • Hanzo: I am thinking of what I have lost.
  • Junkrat: What, your keys? Arrows? Snacks? I've got snacks. Cheer up!


Junker Queen
  • Junker Queen: Didn't I say I'd rip out your tongue if I saw you again?
  • Junkrat: My Queen! Your voice, ever sonorous, is like a gentle waterfall upon my ears! *giggles*
  • Junker Queen:
    • Right after the mission. Mark my words.
    • Yeah. The ears are next.


  • Junker Queen: I've met mozzies with more brains than you, Fawkes.
  • Junkrat: With all due respect, milady, I believe that's a knock against the Junkertown education system.
  • Junker Queen: We've got an education system?


  • Junkrat: My exquisitous Queen, I come bearing news of great import!
  • Junker Queen: Not now, Ratjunk.
  • Junkrat: My name's Junkrat!
  • Junker Queen: No, it isn't.


  • Kiriko: So, how'd you pull all those heists?
  • Junkrat: Bombs!
  • Kiriko: Uh huh. And...?
  • Junkrat:
    • Was... was there supposed to be another step?
    • Get this: more bombs!


  • Junkrat: We should do a concert together.
  • Lúcio: Oh, what do you play?
  • Junkrat:
    • I sing. Laaaa... *continues singing*
    • I sing. La la la la la la... *singing scales*
    • I-I sing! *high operatic singing*
    • I sing. (singing): Figaro figaro figaro figaro figaro figarooo...
  • Lúcio: Wow. Yeah, uh... I'll have to get back to you on that!


  • Lúcio: So, I'm tryna ask everybody this: What is your favorite animal?
  • Junkrat: I've always wanted a guinea pig. I'd name it... Melrose!
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!

▶️ ▶️

  • Junkrat: Me mate Roadhog says there's a fetching price on your noggin. Not as high as the one on ours, mind you...
  • Lifeweaver: He said all that?
  • Junkrat: It was more like, "Gonna turn that bloke in. Worth a heap, hurrrrrrr..."
  • Lifeweaver: Thank you for the warning. And the convincing impression.


  • Lifeweaver: Are you and Roadhog together?
  • Junkrat: Do you ever see us apart?
  • Lifeweaver: No. I mean, are you a couple?
  • Junkrat: Yes! A couple of dashing rogues! Not sure what you're missing here...


  • Junkrat: I was thinking of becoming an underwear model. How does one get pecs as hulking as yours?
  • Mauga: You wouldn't like it.
  • Junkrat: Why? Does it include work? Ugh, I can't stand work!


  • Junkrat: Doc, I've got this rash that won't go away. I've tried everything: radiation, dirt, radioactive dirt...
  • Mercy: Have you tried bandaging your mouth?
  • Junkrat: Wh- Would that help?
  • Mercy: *sigh* It'd help me.


  • Junkrat: You looking for a lab assistant? I'm great with chemicals.
  • Moira: Certainly. We would begin by testing your tolerance for pain.
  • Junkrat: Uh- What's pain have to do with science?
  • Moira: Everything, my strange little friend.


  • Junkrat: Hey, Rocket Lady... do they make that suit my size?
  • Pharah: *laughs* Oh, you couldn't handle one of these.
  • Junkrat: Why not? I was born to fly...


  • Junkrat: How come you don't stay a big bloke all the time?
  • Ramattra: I prefer tactical precision over brute force.
  • Junkrat: Oh, likewise, likewise. Some of my favorite bombs are extraordinarily precise!


  • Junkrat: Jamison Fawkes, reporting live. Let's ask this scary metal bloke how he thinks the battle's gonna go!
  • Ramattra: You are not a journalist.
  • Junkrat: A puzzling prognostication. Now back to Natasha for a look at the weather!


  • Junkrat: I like what you've got going on... the ghost powers, the magically replenishing shotguns, the mysterious identity.... *light chuckle* You're a real character!
  • Reaper: Shut. Up.


  • Junkrat: Wouldn't a scythe be more on brand?
  • Reaper: I prefer shotguns.
  • Junkrat: Can't really harvest with them, but who am I to argue with Death himself?


  • Junkrat: Mr. Wilhelm, I'm working on me resume. What sounds better: "itinerant scoundrel," or "perspicacious rapscallion"?
  • Reinhardt: *chuckle* Is there room for both?
  • Junkrat: I KNEW you were the right person to ask! *laugh*


  • Roadhog: Say "bacon" one more time.
  • Junkrat: "Bacon, one more time."


  • Sigma: If you know what you're looking for, inquiry is unnecessary. But if you don't know, how do you inquire?
  • Junkrat: Ah, Xeno's Paradox!


  • Junkrat: United again! The Overwatch strike team prepares for action!
  • Sojourn: Hey. Keep the comms clear, please.
  • Junkrat: This is the discipline the commander is known for...
  • Sojourn: I'm about to be known for kicking your butt.


  • Junkrat: We're more metal than meat, you and I! Why... we could be twins!
  • Sojourn: *sigh* And I was having such a nice day...


Soldier: 76
  • Soldier: 76: I was just in the kitchen. Anyone have something they want to confess?
  • Junkrat: I was just trying to make a milkshake...
  • Soldier: 76: *tired sigh*


  • Junkrat: You look like a gentleman who eats his own toenails!
  • Soldier: 76: Why the hell would you say that to someone?
  • Junkrat: Just looking for something we might have in common...


  • Symmetra: When I look at you, I see pure unadulterated chaos.
  • Junkrat: Is it the bombs? You don't like the bombs?


  • Junkrat: Jamison Fawkes and Torbjörn Lindholm! Two handsome geniuses, just chit-chatting away.
  • Torbjörn: You can't be serious.
  • Junkrat: Don't be so hard on yourself!
  • Junkrat: Cheers love! It's time to save the world!
  • Tracer: Oh, what, again?


  • Tracer: It's a perfect day for some mayhem!
  • Junkrat: That's what I am always sayin'!


  • Winston: Anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?
  • Junkrat: I dunno. Will it make me go "He He"? Eh?
  • Winston: *chuckles*
Wrecking Ball
  • Junkrat: The Champ himself! Can you sign my forehead?
  • Wrecking Ball: He does not do autographs.


  • Junkrat: Champ! Which of your glorious victories was your favorite?
  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster is tired of your questions.
  • Junkrat: Mine was when you beat Three-Arm Luke. Oh, you gave him the what-for!


Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Zarya: Rat. Say "thank you".
  • Junkrat: Ah! My most sinciferest thanks to the second most intimidating person I know.
  • Junkrat: (half-whispering): Look, he's the strangest bot I've ever seen. That's all I'm sayin'.
  • Zenyatta: Strangeness is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Junkrat: Oh no, he heard me. This is so awkward...


  • Junkrat: Jamison Fawkes, interviewing this fancy robot. Any wisdom to share with us as the battle begins?
  • Zenyatta: Victory goes to those who maintain their focus.
  • Junkrat: Boring! Back to you Natasha– Any car chases we could watch?


Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Bastion & Brigitte
  • Brigitte: Trust me everyone– with Bastion on our side, this is going to go great!
  • Bastion: *sheepish beeps*
  • Junkrat: Who, the bot? I thought he was decorative!
  • Brigitte: Well, I'm happy to have you.
Kiriko + either Mercy, Pharah, Tracer, or Winston
  • Junkrat: Peter Piper picked a pepp– no. Peter Piper pecked a– ugh!
  • Kiriko: Are you people always this loud?
  • One of four:
    • Mercy: Don't lump us in with him.
    • Pharah: He's not with us.
    • Tracer: *whispers* He's not with us!
    • Winston: He's uh... not with us.


Reaper & Roadhog
  • Reaper: Roadhog, take them head on.
  • Roadhog: Got it.
  • Junkrat: Hey, I want a mission too!
  • Reaper: Try not to blow yourself up.
  • Junkrat: Aw... but it's me specialty!



  • Reaper: You got a problem, Junker?
  • Roadhog: *chuckle*
  • Junkrat: I don’t do problems—just solutions!
  • Roadhog: *laughs* Yeah!
Reinhardt or Torbjörn
  • Junkrat: How many of you Overwatch people are missing an eye?
  • One of two:
    • Reinhardt: I don't need two eyes to swing a hammer!
    • Torbjörn: How many of you scoundrels are missing a leg?


Zenyatta + Roadhog
  • Zenyatta: Those who seek only to enrich themselves live the most impoverished lives of all.
  • Roadhog: *sigh*
  • Junkrat: That's why I'm an artist.

Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Junkrat Skin Beachrat
Concussion Mine
Time to chum the waters. ▶️
Concussion Mine
Launching Self
Cannonball! ▶️
Surf's up, up, up! ▶️
Match Start
Pool's open, I'm jumping in! ▶️
Don't forget your sunscreen! Sun's terrible for your skin. (on maps with sunny weather) ▶️
I'm ready for some fun in the sun! (on maps with sunny weather) ▶️
It's a little cold. (on maps with cold weather) ▶️
I'm still kickin'! ▶️
Still treading water! ▶️
You're a real... life saver! *laughs* ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Everyone out of the pool! ▶️
Junkrat Skin Bilgerat
Concussion Mine
Waiting to Activate
Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock. ▶️
Hero Change
Captain Junkrat, ready to set sail! ▶️
Ahoy, matey! ▶️
Junkrat Skin Cricket
Steel Trap
Leg before wicket! ▶️
Hero Change
Junkrat's come to the crease! ▶️
Final Blow
Bit of an agricultural shot. ▶️
Got you with a googly. ▶️
Howzat? ▶️
Now who's got the Ashes? *laughs* (eliminating Tracer) ▶️
Kill Streak
Ladies and gentlemen, he's working on a century! ▶️
Team Kill
Enemy team's all out! ▶️
Junkrat Skin Dr. Junkenstein
Dr. Junkenstein
Get ready for a shock! (self and hostile) ▶️
Ladies and gentlemen, my latest creation! (allies) ▶️
He's alive! He's alive! ▶️
Final Blow
Electrifying. ▶️
That must have been a real shock! ▶️
And they said I was the mad one! (eliminating Winston using Primal Rage or Reaper) ▶️
Junkrat Skin Hayseed
Junkrat Skin Scarecrow
Match Start
Early bird gets the worm! (on maps with a morning setting) ▶️
On Fire
Fire! Not good! ▶️
I'm on fire! ...Usually that would not be a good thing. ▶️

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Antarctic Peninsula
The! Antarctic! Peninsula! ▶️
Antarctic Peninsula, Nepal, New Queen Street or Shambali Monastery
Is it snowing? I really love it when it snows... ▶️
Have you tried the coffee here? It'll make your eyes v-v-vibrate out of your skull! ▶️
Take me down to Junkertown, where the grass is brown and the sky is... brown! ▶️
Remember the plan! (match start) ▶️
Home-field advantage, y'know? (final blow) ▶️
Queen couldn't have done better herself! (final blow) ▶️
Payload's moving! Ooh, the Queen's gonna love this! *giggles* (moving payload on attack) ▶️
Ilios, Lijiang Tower, Nepal or Samoa
Scoring a Basket in Spawn Room
0.4 seconds ago, there's the buzzer... and he scores! He's done it! ▶️
Boom! Shakalaka!
Haha! Buckets!
I call that a three hundred thousand pointer!
Junkertown or New Junk City
Gotta stop in and see No-Eyes Tadd. Heh. Though he never sees me. ▶️
Mmm. Smell that? I think Outback Bill is working up a barbie! ▶️
Our sumptuous Italian vacation begins... now! ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Everyone stand very still! (self and hostile) ▶️
Who's using a tire? Not me! *laughs* Don't worry! (allies) ▶️
As NPC Concert Clash
Joining in It’s the hit show, Concert Clash!
Player selects D.Va Defiant and Dangerous, you don’t want to mess with Dazzle D.Va!
Player selects Tracer A Carmer when she winks, but watch out when she blinks! It’s Traysi Tracer
Player selects Sombra Watcg your back! ou’ll never know when to expect Slay Star Sombra!
Player selects Brigitte B is for brawns, B is for brains, throw ‘em together for BB Brigitte!
Player selects Kiriko What’s that twinkling out of the corner of me eye? It’s none other than Kira-Kira Kiriko!

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio

Removed[ | ]

The following voice lines have been deleted from Overwatch 2 and are no longer in the game files.

Trigger Quote Audio
Frag Launcher
3 Direct Hits
Ooh, a triple!
Three hits!
Frag Launcher
4 Direct Hits
Four. Direct. Hits!
Four directs?!
Frag Launcher
6 Direct Hits
A cavalcade of hits! (moved to Multi-Kill) ▶️
I'm a direct-hit machine! (moved to Final Blow) ▶️
They're all landing today! (moved to Final Blow) ▶️

Trivia[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]
