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Overwatch Wiki
This city is filthy, overrun by rats, and the people are terribly rude. Nothing like Paris.
~ Widowmaker
New York

New York

New York is a city on the eastern coast of the United States. It is part of the hyperloop line.[1] Much of the city's transit system is automated.[2] Basketball is a popular sport among the city's teenagers.[3]

While Jack Morrison was a child, he and his mother visited a museum in New York.[4]

Known Locations[ | ]

Known Residents[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Michael Chu has stated that he intended the temple Jack remembered visiting in Bastet to be the Temple of Dendur at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, though he says that Jack probably doesn't remember its name.[7]
  • New York appears in the map "Midtown" in Overwatch 2. Originally, the map was simply called "New York" by itself.
  • If Battle of the Bridges is meant to be a historical account of events, there is evidence that New York was a battleground in the Omnic Crisis.
  • New York retains its nickname of "the Big Apple."[8]
  • Both Widowmaker and Soldier: 76 express disdain for the manners of New Yorkers.[9][10]

References[ | ]
