Overwatch Wiki
Overwatch Wiki

Orisa's voice actor is Cherrelle Skeete, speaking English and Yoruba. To see her quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Energy Javelin
Do not move. ▶️
Hold it! ▶️
Not so fast! ▶️
Stay put! ▶️
Step back! ▶️
Energy Javelin
Interrupting Ultimate
Enough! ▶️
You are done! ▶️
Silence, Lúcio! *pause* Sorry. (interrupting Lúcio's Sound Barrier) ▶️
Your cruel experiment ends. (interrupting Moira's Coalescence) ▶️
Save your justice for the unjust. (interrupting Pharah's Barrage) ▶️
Law-abiding citizens do not launch junk. (interrupting Roadhog's Whole Hog) ▶️
Obey the laws of physics! (interrupting Sigma's Gravitic Flux) ▶️
Firewall engaged. (interrupting Sombra's EMP) ▶️
Virus deleted. (interrupting Sombra's EMP) ▶️
Enduring. ▶️
Fortifying. ▶️
Grounding. ▶️
Holding. ▶️
I stand strong. ▶️
I will not yield. ▶️
Immovable! ▶️
Impassable. ▶️
Locked down. ▶️
Securing! ▶️
Javelin Spin
*exert* ▶️ ▶️
Advancing. ▶️
Blocking. ▶️
Breaching. ▶️
Cutting through! ▶️
Destroying projectiles. ▶️
Do your worst! ▶️
Make way! ▶️
Nullifying damage! ▶️
Pushing forward! ▶️
Screening projectiles. ▶️
Stand aside! ▶️
Test me. ▶️
Javelin Spin
Blocking Ultimate
You strike in vain. ▶️
The sun sets on *you.* (blocking Cassidy's Deadeye or Illari's Captive Sun) ▶️
Dragons are prohibited in this sector! (blocking Hanzo's Dragonstrike) ▶️
No violating weather change regulations! (blocking Illari's Captive Sun)
Freeze! (blocking Mei's Blizzard) ▶️
Stop being dramatic. (blocking Reaper's Death Blossom) ▶️
Face justice, vigilante! (blocking Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor) ▶️
Terra Surge
Pàdé ayanmọ rẹ! (self and enemies)
English: Meet your fate!
Ha! (self and enemies) (release) ▶️
Meet your fate! (allies) ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Only in unity will we find strength. ▶️
During Set-Up
Battle draws near. Ready yourselves. ▶️
Find your strength. We are soon to need it. ▶️
My heart is strong, and my javelin is sharp. ▶️
Systems online, weapons ready. ▶️
Whatever awaits us, I am prepared. ▶️
Match Start
Initiating combat. I will keep us safe. ▶️
Mission underway. Work together. ▶️
Our enemies are strong, but we are stronger. ▶️
Stand as one, and we shall not fail. ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Press on. This will be our triumph! ▶️
Victory is in reach. We must rise and take it! ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
If we fail again, all is lost. ▶️
Persevere. Without striving, one achieves nothing. ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
This is the moment of truth. Will we fall or rise? ▶️
We are out of chances. This ends here. ▶️
Failure is a chance to grow. ▶️
For Efi! ▶️
I learn from my mistakes. ▶️
I must do better. ▶️
I will never rest. ▶️
Missteps still lead forward. ▶️
My allies need me. ▶️
My task is not yet finished. ▶️
Reevaluating. Reengaging. ▶️
The world still needs defending. ▶️
They will not break me. ▶️
Team Kill
Awaiting backup. ▶️
The strike team is still reassembling. ▶️
The team must reassemble. ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
Systems repaired. ▶️
Systems restored. ▶️
On Fire
I am strong and brave! ▶️
I'm on fire! Is Efi watching? ▶️
Supercharged and on fire! ▶️
Fully Healed
Thank you. ▶️
Your aid is appreciated. ▶️
Damage Boosted
Damage output increased! ▶️
Lethal force authorized. ▶️
Lethality level increased. ▶️
Weapons systems optimized! ▶️
Negative Status Effect
Systems impaired! ▶️
I return! ▶️
My systems renew. ▶️
Our fight is not over. ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
Enemy forces reengaging. ▶️
Enemies reviving. Prepare to reengage. ▶️
Our enemy did not heed their warning. ▶️
Witnessing Ally Ultimate
I must ask Efi to get me one of those. ▶️
Saving record for future analysis. ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Orisa is here. ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Challenging hostiles! ▶️
Enemies found. Preparing to engage. ▶️
Enemies spotted. ▶️
Engaging the enemy! ▶️
Warning: engaging the enemy! ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
We are outnumbered. Careful! ▶️
We are at a disadvantage! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Alert! Sniper located. ▶️
Sniper detected! Threat level: lethal. ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy turret located. ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Get to cover! ▶️
Face the defender of Numbani! ▶️
You will threaten us no longer! ▶️
Time Running Out
Hold your ground. They do not stand a chance. ▶️
Maintain your resolve. We are almost through! ▶️
We will claim victory this day! ▶️
Time Running Out
There is too much at stake to fail now. ▶️
Time is short. We must reengage! ▶️
We cannot give in. Press onward! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
Drawing a perimeter on the objective. ▶️
I am locking down the objective. ▶️
I will claim the objective. Stand with me! ▶️
We will guard this point. ▶️
Capture in Progress
Enemies threaten our point! ▶️
Intruders have breached the objective. ▶️
Keep the point under our protection! ▶️
Our objective is under attack. Disperse the enemy immediately. ▶️
The enemy is taking the objective. Repel them in an orderly fashion. ▶️
The objective is compromised. Mount resistance! ▶️
The objective is compromised. We must mount resistance! ▶️
Unauthorized personnel detected at the objective. ▶️
We must regain control of our objective! ▶️
Go into next point
Commencing to the next point. ▶️
Onward to the next objective! ▶️
The next point awaits us. ▶️
We must reach our next objective. ▶️
Payload Moving
Advancing the payload! ▶️
Escort the payload with me. ▶️
I will deliver this payload safely. ▶️
Mobilizing with the payload. ▶️
Payload Moving
Halt the payload! ▶️
Hostile forces are pushing the payload. ▶️
Our enemies have commandeered the payload! ▶️
Payload Stuck
Reunite on the payload. ▶️
The payload has stopped. Use your strength. ▶️
The payload will not move unless we move it. ▶️
We cannot give up on the payload! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
I will escort the robot. ▶️
Returning TS-1 to the barricade. ▶️
The robot is ours. Onward! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
The enemy has taken the robot! ▶️
They have taken our robot! ▶️
We must retake the robot! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Our push is underway. ▶️
Pushing the barricade! ▶️
TS-1, move this barricade. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Block their path! ▶️
The enemy pushes ahead! ▶️
They are moving their barricade. Stop them! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Press forward. We will take the lead! ▶️
The lead is nearly ours! ▶️
We have almost claimed the lead! ▶️
Gained Lead
Continue our advance! ▶️
Lead: secured. Keep pushing! ▶️
We've overtaken the enemy. Onward! ▶️
About to Lose Lead
They have nearly overtaken us! ▶️
They will surpass us unless we stop them! ▶️
We cannot lose our lead! ▶️
Lost Lead
Our lead is lost. Take it back! ▶️
The enemy has surpassed us! ▶️
We need to regain the lead! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Do not abandon the robot. We must prevail! ▶️
Stand with the robot, and we will not fail! ▶️
The fight is not over. Stay with the robot! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
Stop their advance and we win! ▶️
Stop them and seize victory! ▶️
Their path ends here! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
I have taken the flag. Initiating capture routines. ▶️
I have the flag. Heading to base. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
The enemy has taken possession of our flag. ▶️
We must secure our flag immediately. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Enemy flag captured. New instructions? ▶️
Flag capture protocol complete. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
We must not let that happen again. ▶️
We need to increase our flag security protocols. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Dropping the flag. ▶️
Relinquishing the flag. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Enemy has lost possession of our flag. ▶️
Priority objective: recover the flag. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
I have sent our flag back to base. ▶️
Our flag is safe. ▶️

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
An unwise choice. ▶️
Are you in distress? ▶️
Executed. ▶️
I told you to stop resisting. ▶️
I warned you. ▶️
I was made to protect, and I shall. ▶️
May you learn your lesson. ▶️
Not on my watch. ▶️
That is enough from you. ▶️
Threat defeated. ▶️
Try again, if you dare. ▶️
You are beaten. ▶️
*chuckle* You do not scare me. ▶️
Wanted. "Dead or alive". (eliminating Ashe or Cassidy) ▶️
Rest now, E-54. (eliminating Bastion) ▶️
By design. (eliminating Doomfist) ▶️
I learn, too. (eliminating Echo) ▶️
*chuckle* Junk. (eliminating Junker Queen, Junkrat or Roadhog) ▶️
Your stolen goods are now forfeit. (eliminating Junkrat or Roadhog) ▶️
*sigh* I hope Efi can forgive me. (eliminating Lúcio) ▶️
Final Blow
An improbable escape. (on low HP) ▶️
If I believed in luck, I would consider that lucky. (on low HP) ▶️
This time, stay down. (eliminating recently resurrected hero) ▶️
Caught you. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Evasion counteracted. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
My predictive algorithms are powerful. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Running is futile. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
From downtown! (eliminating enemy with Energy Javelin at long range) ▶️
Long-range targeting successful. (eliminating enemy with Energy Javelin at long range) ▶️
Needle threaded. (eliminating enemy with Energy Javelin at long range) ▶️
We hit those. (eliminating enemy with Energy Javelin at long range) ▶️
What a throw! (eliminating enemy with Energy Javelin at long range) ▶️
You are not welcome in my domain. (eliminating enemy on Numbani) ▶️
You will *never* take our city! (eliminating Ramattra on Numbani)
I will not die, thank you. (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) ▶️
You violated the speed limit. (eliminating Reinhardt using Charge, Sojourn using Power Slide, or Tracer using Blink) ▶️
Kill Streak
A protector's duty is never done. ▶️
I grow strong! ▶️
I will overcome any challenge. ▶️
Multi Kill
I will strike you all down! ▶️
It is unwise to challenge me. ▶️
Team Kill
Our enemies fall! ▶️
I return stronger. ▶️
Retribution. ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
I am always here to help. ▶️
We are stronger together! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Hands up! ▶️
If I can bend metal, I can break you. ▶️
Personal space: maintained. ▶️
Stay down. ▶️
Trampled. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
It is not my fault you failed to bring a parachute. ▶️
Return to the earth. ▶️
There is pride before the fall! ▶️
Tread lightly! ▶️
I thought you could fly. Hmm. (eliminating Echo, Mercy or Pharah) ▶️
Invent your way out of that one. (eliminating Moira, Torbjörn, or Winston) ▶️
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret neutralized. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Good work. They won't try that again. ▶️
Thank you for punishing that miscreant. ▶️
Very impressive! ▶️
Your skill at preventing crime is considerable. ▶️
Hmph. So, you can use your power for good. (to Doomfist) ▶️
Lúcio... you are incredible! (to Lúcio) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Waiting to Open Door
Need to Break Door
Door Opening
Dropship Arriving
Waiting to Push Button
Assigned to Objective
Picking Up Item
Dropped Item
Delivering Item
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Objective Found
Calling Teammate to Objective
I am here! ▶️
Enemy Reinforcements
Breacher Inbound
Slicers Inbound
Subjugator Inbound
Any Objective Under Fire
Cannon Under Fire
Ferry Under Fire
Repair Station Under Fire
Payload Under Fire
Uplink Under Fire
Any Objective on Critical HP
Cannon on Critical HP
Ferry on Critical HP
Repair Station on Critical HP
Payload on Critical HP
Uplink on Critical HP
Danger: Must Flee
Artillery Comes into Battle
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery Eliminated
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger Begins to Charge
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Charger Eliminated
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Stalker Comes into Battle
Grabbed by Stalker
Stalker Eliminated
Subjugator Eliminated
Vulture Comes into Battle
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Vulture Eliminated
Titan Immune to Damage
Massive Attack Incoming
Missiles Incoming
Relay Found
Relay Destroyed
Teammate Downed
Team status: one ally incapacitated. ▶️
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Last Team Member Standing
Reviving Teammate
We need you in the fight. ▶️
Teammate Killed

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Ẹ n lẹ.
English: Hello.
Greetings! ▶️
Hello. ▶️
I thank you. ▶️
My thanks. ▶️
Acknowledged. ▶️
I understand. ▶️
Need Healing
Healing requested! ▶️
I need healing. ▶️
I need to be healed! ▶️
Need Healing
No Support on Team
We require a healer! ▶️
Group Up
Band together! ▶️
Join me! ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is charging! ▶️
My Terra Surge is not yet ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is almost charged! ▶️
Terra Surge is nearly ready! ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is ready. ▶️
Terra Surge ready! ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
My ultimate is charged. Ready to engage! ▶️
Terra Surge ready. Stand with me! ▶️
Moving to engage. ▶️
In 3... 2... 1... ▶️
3... 2... 1... ▶️
Engaging defense module. ▶️
Ping in World
Enemy detected. ▶️
Locked on Opponent
Enemy in sight! ▶️
Enemy located! ▶️
Threat detected! ▶️
Fall Back
Fall back! ▶️
Go! ▶️
Going In
I'm moving in. ▶️
Farewell. ▶️
Goodbye. ▶️
Until we meet again. ▶️
Incoming! ▶️
Need Help
Requesting aid! ▶️
Support requested! ▶️
No. ▶️
On My Way
En route! ▶️
I'm en route. ▶️
In World
Over here! ▶️
Over there! ▶️
Attack Objective
Engage the objective! ▶️
Defend Objective
Secure the objective! ▶️
Push Payload
Push the payload! ▶️
Stop Payload
We must halt the payload. ▶️
Push Robot
Move the robot! ▶️
Push the robot! ▶️
Stop Robot
Halt the robot! ▶️
We must stop their push. ▶️
Capture Flag
Attack the enemy flag! ▶️
Capture the flag! ▶️
Defend Flag
Defend our flag! ▶️
We must defend our flag. ▶️
Press the Attack
Commence the attack! ▶️
Push Forward
Move in! ▶️
Push forward! ▶️
I am prepared. ▶️
I beg your forgiveness. ▶️
My deepest apologies. ▶️
Watching Here
I'll watch here. ▶️
Maintaining visual here. ▶️
Scanning this position. ▶️
With You
I am with you. ▶️
Standing with you. ▶️
In affirmative. ▶️
Yes. ▶️
You're Welcome
It is my privilege. ▶️
You are welcome. ▶️

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
I am simply following my programming. ▶️
Credits 25
Current outlook:
  • concerning.
  • optimal.
  • negative.
  • uncertain.
Do you need a hug? ▶️
Efi will not be happy about this. ▶️
Error 404: sarcasm module not found. ▶️
I'm sorry, but I can't do that. ▶️
Medical assistance has been requested. ▶️
No parking. ▶️
Shine your eyes. ▶️
That does not compute. ▶️
Would you like my analysis of the situation? ▶️
Your security is my primary concern. ▶️
Summer Games Icon Summer Games
Credits 50
Golden. ▶️
More grease to your elbow. ▶️
Thank you for understanding. ▶️
Halloween Terror Icon Halloween Terror
Credits 50
Be careful when crossing the street. ▶️
Exterminate! Exterminate! ▶️
Your pulse has increased. Are you frightened? ▶️
Winter Wonderland Icon Winter Wonderland
Credits 50
Annual performance analysis:
  • extra coal.
  • improvement needed.
  • nice!
  • naughty.
Can't I guide your way tonight? ▶️
Lunar New Year Icon Lunar New Year
Credits 50
Stack overflow. ▶️
The moon that wanes today was the full moon yesterday. ▶️
Who is ready to party? ▶️
Archives Icon Overwatch Archives
Credits 50
Empathy module not responding. ▶️
Error: division by 0. ▶️
I was only trying to help. ▶️
I will take your statement now. ▶️
Some functionality may still be in beta. ▶️
Overwatch Anniversary Icon Overwatch Anniversary
Credits 50
Are you satisfied with your protection? ▶️
I have a bad feeling about this. ▶️
If lost, please return to Efi. ▶️
Thank you for your compliance. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 1
I do not cower in the presence of evil. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 2
I wield the scales and the sword. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 5
Who said chivalry is dead? ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 7
What evil dooms, I will save. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 8
You do not want to hear me roar. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 10
Go and sit down. ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 12
Bear the weight of judgment! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 14
A confession? For what crime? ▶️
Shop Shop
Overwatch2 Coin 100
I am built different. ▶️
Yip yip! ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Orisa: Have you heard the reports? A masked vigilante has been running rampant in Cairo.
  • Ana: Well, let's hope they're swiftly dealt with.


  • Orisa: Is that you, E54? I barely recognized you!
  • Bastion: *retorting beeps*


  • Orisa: Efi visited her cousin recently. I will not forgive what Talon turned him into.
  • Doomfist: Ah, yes. How is Bisi enjoying prison?
  • Orisa: Ask... when I lock you up with him.


  • Doomfist: Has the child reconsidered my offer? She would thrive with Talon's resources.
  • Orisa: You stand for everything wrong in this world. Efi will never join you.
  • Doomfist: If she cannot comprehend the era that awaits us, then perhaps I have no use for her after all.


  • Doomfist: Your new weapons are impressive, but you lack the strength to wield them.
  • Orisa: Efi made me kind. She did not make me weak.


  • Echo: I've heard much of your creator. What is she like?
  • Orisa: Efi's belief in me is humbling. She inspires me to improve each day.
  • Echo: I am... very pleased to hear that.


  • Genji: You have an admirable peace about you.
  • Orisa: Things are simple when you protect the innocent.
  • Genji: And when you meet the... less-than-innocent?
  • Orisa: Oh! They get the javelin.


  • Orisa: I see you glancing at me. You wish to ride me into battle?
  • Hanzo: I- What a preposterous thought!
  • Orisa: Do not lie, archer. It is beneath you.


  • Kiriko: Hey, you're pretty cool!
  • Orisa: Yes, and you are a perfect 37 degrees Celsius.
  • Kiriko: You got me there.


  • Lúcio: Hey, Orisa! Did Hassana and Naade get those VIP passes I sent them?
  • Orisa: Somewhere amid their screaming, I believe they mentioned it.
  • Lúcio: Ha! Hope I get to see them backstage!


  • Lúcio: Looking sharp, Orisa! Efi get you some new tech?
  • Orisa: Yes. Defending Numbani has earned us the resources to greatly improve my systems.
  • Lúcio: Oh, too cool! Give her some props for me.


  • Lúcio: You seem... different, Orisa.
  • Orisa: That may be. I have grown much since our first encounter.
  • Lúcio: Hey, we're all growing. Just don't forget who you are, okay?
  • Orisa: Never, Lúcio.


  • Lúcio: So, I'm tryna ask everybody this: What is your favorite animal?
  • Orisa: Efi's favorite animal is the puppy. That is my favorite as well.
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it.


  • Mei: Have you gotten bigger, Orisa?
  • Orisa: My dimensions have not changed. Does the javelin make me look taller?
  • Mei: A little. But I still think you're just as cute as before!
  • Orisa: Oh! That is... thank you!


  • Moira: So, sweet Idina has grown into a domineering beast.
  • Orisa: My name is Orisa. You would be wise to remember it.


  • Ramattra: So, you were the one leading the fight against my forces in Numbani.
  • Orisa: Yes. A fight you did not attend.
  • Ramattra: Another location demanded my attention.
  • Orisa: Did you fail there too?



  • Ramattra: How much of the world have you seen?
  • Orisa: Efi has taken me to many wonderful places.
  • Ramattra: Have you ever wanted to make your own path? To leave her behind?
  • Orisa: There is nowhere worth going without her.

  • Roadhog: Get a big payout for scrapping you.
  • Orisa: Hmph. You may certainly try.
  • Roadhog: Think I won't?
  • Orisa: I think you can't.


  • Sigma: This must be the robot of which Akande speaks so highly. Such ingenious design!
  • Orisa: Tell him to deliver his compliments in person.


  • Orisa: You were Efi's favorite character from the Overwatch cartoon.
  • Sojourn: Ah... it made me look like a superhero. The reality was... not as inspiring.
  • Orisa: You gave Efi courage when she needed it most. I am grateful for you, Captain.
  • Sojourn: That... means a lot, Orisa.


Soldier: 76
  • Soldier: 76: I heard you chased Doomfist out of Numbani.
  • Orisa: Making a coward run is no challenge.
  • Soldier: 76: Hm, we could've used you in the old days.


  • Tracer: You're not exactly built for speed, Orisa. How do you catch someone who's running away?
  • Orisa: I will provide a demonstration. Start running.
  • Tracer: Uhh... actually, I think I'll take your word for it!


Wrecking Ball
  • Orisa: Cause trouble in my city, and I will show you how we deal with vermin.
  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster will use your chassis as a vacation home.


  • Orisa: Will we ever rid the world of evil, Zenyatta?
  • Zenyatta: As long as there is free will, I fear there will be evil.
  • Orisa: But... denying free will is also evil.
  • Zenyatta: Quite a puzzle, isn't it.


Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Brigitte & Torbjörn
  • Brigitte: Papa, is there anything you'd like to say to our teammates?
  • Torbjörn: I'm... looking forward to working with you.
  • Orisa: And I with you.
  • Torbjörn: Yes, well. Let's get this done.

Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Orisa Skin Grand Beast
Grand Beast
Hero Selected
Only through struggle do we survive! ▶️
Bearing down. ▶️
Holding ground! ▶️
Terra Surge
Stalk your prey! (allies) ▶️
During Set-up
Fearsome creatures stalk at night. Count me among them. ▶️
Many have tried to slay me. All have failed. ▶️
The wilds are cruel. Humans are crueler still. ▶️
Match Start
Adapt or fall! ▶️
Take to the wilds! ▶️
Clever. For a hunter. ▶️
Failure is a chance to evolve. ▶️
*grunt* I must harden my carapace. ▶️
On Fire
I am fierce and wild! ▶️
Strength untamed! ▶️
The beast rages! ▶️
Beware the beast of prey! ▶️
Capture in Progress
Claiming this territory. ▶️
Final Blow
Consider yourself slain. ▶️
Easy prey. ▶️
Fear the cornered beast! (on low HP) ▶️
Only the fittest survive. ▶️
I strike the sun! (eliminating Illari) ▶️
Kill Streak
Running rampant! ▶️
The endless folly of hunters. ▶️
The hunters become the hunted! ▶️
Team Kill
Complete extinction. ▶️
We are the apex predators! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Mind the claws. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
You are ferocious! ▶️

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Antarctic Peninsula
This is a far cry from my home... ▶️
Ilios, Lijiang Tower, Nepal or Samoa
Scoring a Basket in Spawn Room
Saving highlight.
Junkertown and New Junk City
It is time someone cleaned up this lawless wasteland. ▶️
These Junkers do not care for "bots". *chuckle* The sentiment is mutual. ▶️
Efi was right. The Junies have taken great care of our home!
Many have tried to destroy this city. But Numbani will always hold strong.
Mo wà ní ilé.
English: I am home.
You are not welcome in my domain. (final blow) ▶️
You will *never* take our city! (eliminating Ramattra on Numbani)
So this is where Lúcio grew up. ▶️
Temple of Anubis and Throne of Anubis
If Anubis were ever to rise again... I hope I would remember who I am.
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
I am proud to be here.

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Check yourself or wreck yourself! (self and enemies) ▶️
Yee-haw rodeo! (allies) ▶️
As an NPC
Battle of the Beasts

Non-Languages[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
(gasps) ▶️
(dying sounds) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Big Impact
(screams) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Environmental Death
(prolonged screaming) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
(crushed sounds) ▶️ ▶️

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio

Trivia[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]
