Overwatch Wiki

Timer during overtime

Overtime is a gameplay mechanic in Overwatch 2 that occurs if the objective is being contested when the round timer is about to run out, extending the normal time given in a match. Overtime is indicated by a "burning wick" animation on the timer display. While in Overtime, Wave Respawn is disabled and respawn times are increased for both teams: to 13 seconds in Flashpoint and to 14 seconds in other standard game modes. There is no limit to how long overtime can go for, as long as the attacking team is still on the objective.

Initiating Overtime[ | ]

Overtime can be initiated if an attacking team's player has entered the objective area within three seconds of the round timer running out. In Hybrid, Escort and Assault game modes, the "attacking" team is predetermined before the round starts. In Control and Flashpoint, the attacking team means the team that is currently not in control of the point, and in Push, attacking team refers to the team that currently is not in the lead.

In Control and Flashpoint matches, Overtime is checked at 99% mark instead of 100%, resulting in a slightly longer time window to trigger Overtime in these game modes. Due to the differences in capture rates, in Control this makes the window 4.2 seconds and in Flashpoint 3.7 seconds. If expressed as capture progress, Overtime can be initiated at ~96.5% and ~94.7% respectively.[1] Additionally, whenever a point is captured, the team losing control of the point counts as having contested the point for the purposes of Overtime even if they were not present. For example, if Team A has 99% and Team B has current control of the point, but then Team A take back control of the point, Overtime will automatically trigger and start to burn down unless Team B can touch again.[2]

Maintaining Overtime[ | ]

Upon entering Overtime a wick appears in place of the round timer, indicating the duration of Overtime. Overtime starts at 5 seconds, resetting whenever a player from attacking team is on the objective. In other words, the timer does not start depleting as long as any players from the attacking team are within the objective area, and only when all attacking players have left the area will it start depleting, indicating the amount of time they have to re-enter the area and reset the timer before the round ends.

While Overtime can technically be extended indefinitely, the duration of Overtime gradually get shorter the longer it has been active, making it harder to maintain. Once Overtime has lasted 20 seconds or more, the timer will be reduced from 5 to 3 seconds and after 30 seconds of Overtime the timer is reduced again to 1.5 seconds.[3]

Trivia[ | ]

  • There is a theme song that plays when overtime is initiated.
  • For some time after the release of Overwatch 2, if a team retook the objective in Control while at 99% capture percent, overtime would not trigger, and they automatically won the round. This was reportedly a side effect caused by a bug fix and was addressed in December 6, 2022 Patch.

References[ | ]

  1. 2022-05-19. Overtime Happens Sooner on Control Than Other Modes - May 19, 2022. YouTube, accessed on 2024-04-28
  2. December 6, 2022 Patch
  3. CloverFour (2023-09-09). TIME MECHANICS in Overwatch 2.