Overwatch Wiki

An example of the ping system

The ping system is a communication feature that was introduced alongside the release of Overwatch 2.[1] It uses a separate menu from the communication wheel.

Overview[ | ]

The ping wheel is bound to G or D-Pad Left by default. Holding down the ping button will open a wheel that allows the player to tell teammates where they're attacking, defending, need help, and more. There's also a unique set of interactions for responding to a teammate’s ping.

A player can activate a contextual ping depending on what they're aiming at within their line of sight. For instance, if Tracer pings an enemy Reaper, Tracer's team will hear her call out Reaper's location. If line of sight is broken, the ping will show the target's last known location.

A ping can be ‘stuck’ to a hero while they are visible, and the ping shows the last known location when they aren’t visible. The ping will "fall off" if the hero uses a movement ability that makes them invulnerable; Tracer's Ability-tracer3 Recall, Doomfist’s Ability Doomfist Meteor Strike Meteor Strike, and Moira’s Ability Moira Fade Fade are all examples of abilities that will cause the ping to fall off.[2]

Options[ | ]

The following options can be assigned to the ping wheel via the controls menu:

  • Ping - In world
  • Attacking
  • Countdown
  • Enemy
  • Fall back
  • Going in
  • Need help
  • Watching here

Advanced options[ | ]

Detailed settings for the ping wheel are also available.

Setting name Options Description
Enemy ping sensitivity 1 ... 70

(default: 45)

Adjusts the targeting sensitivity when pinging enemy locations. Lower sensitivity means that the player's crosshair must be closer to the target to ping their location.
Double-press speed 0.01 ... 1.0 (default: 0.35) The input sensitivity for two consecutive keypresses to be registered as a double-press.
Ping wheel press delay 0.01 ... 1.0 (default: 0.18) How long the delay is between the player pressing the ping wheel key, and the menu appearing.
Ping opacity 0% ... 100% (default: 100%) Adjusts the appearance of all ping notifications to be more or less opaque.
Enable contextual comms wheel Off (default) All pings will use the option that the player selected.
On When using a ping, the game will alter the character's voice line according to the current situation. (i.e., "Need healing" may result in "Come to me for healing" if the ping target is a low health ally)
Enable automatic need help On (default) When using "Need help," allies will receive a ping with the player's location.
Off Using "Need help" will only play the hero's voice line for that ping.
Confirm/cancel ping sensitivity 1 ... 70

(default: 15)

Adjusts the targeting sensitivity for canceling a ping. Lower sensitivity means that the player's crosshair must be closer to the ping to cancel it.
Injured ally ping sensitivity 1 ... 70

(default: 20)

Adjusts targeting sensitivity for "Come to me for healing" on injured allies. Lower sensitivity means that the player's crosshair must be closer to the ally to use it.
Enable opacity scaling On (default) Automatically increases the ping notification opacity in dark environments, and lowers it in bright ones.
Off Ping opacity will remain static based on what the player has set for "Ping opacity."
Show confirm/cancel prompts On (default) Confirm/cancel prompts will be shown when pinging.
Off Confirm/cancel prompts are not shown when pinging.

References[ | ]

  1. 2022-10-04. OVERWATCH RETAIL PATCH NOTES - OCTOBER 4, 2022. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2024-04-28
  2. 2022-03-24. AN INSIDE LOOK AT THE PING SYSTEM IN OVERWATCH 2. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2022-04-19