Overwatch Wiki

Sigma's voice actor is Boris Hiestand, speaking English and Dutch. To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Experimental Barrier
Actuating the barrier! ▶️
Barrier initialized! ▶️
The barrier appears! ▶️
Experimental Barrier
Collapsing the barrier! ▶️
Return to me! ▶️
Withdrawing the barrier! ▶️
Experimental Barrier
Significant Damage at Once
Barrier is sustaining damage! ▶️
The barrier endures assault! ▶️
The enemy attacks the barrier! ▶️
Experimental Barrier
Low HP
Barrier is nearly spent! ▶️
Barrier is splintering! ▶️
The barrier cannot withstand much more! ▶️
The barrier is weakened! ▶️
Experimental Barrier
Barrier unsuccessful! ▶️
Barrier has been overwhelmed! ▶️
My barrier is gone! ▶️
The barrier has fallen! ▶️
Kinetic Grasp
Absorbing Ability
Hold it together, hold it together...! ▶️
I... I need to think! ▶️
It's wrong... it's all wrong! ▶️
Mass, velocity... no, no, no! ▶️
What is it... what is it? ▶️
Kinetic Grasp
Absorbing Ultimate Ability
Reach for the stars! (absorbing Cassidy's Deadeye) ▶️
A dragonic anomaly! (absorbing Hanzo's Dragonstrike) ▶️
The void of space is colder, still. (absorbing Mei's Blizzard) ▶️
The storm has been weathered. (absorbing Pharah's Barrage) ▶️
You see but a fraction of the universe! (absorbing Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor) ▶️
Out of time, once again. (absorbing Tracer's Pulse Bomb) ▶️
I have harnessed the harness. (absorbing Zarya's Graviton Surge) ▶️
The power of attraction! (absorbing Zarya's Graviton Surge) ▶️
Gravitic Flux
Het universum zingt voor mij! (self and hostile)
English: The universe sings for me!
What is that melody? (friendly) ▶️

Non-Languages[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Critical-Health (gasps) ▶️
Death (dying sounds) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Big impact) (screams) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Enviromental killed) (prolonged screaming) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Crushed) (crushed sounds) ▶️ ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Why seek answers when we do not know the question? ▶️
During Set-Up
At relativistic speeds, length contraction causes an increase in the fluid's density. So the question is, does the bullet sink, or float? ▶️
But though the objects are subject to the same acceleration, the thread between them snaps. Fascinating, fascinating! ▶️
Make your preparations. Careful research is effective research. ▶️
Not all of us are scientists, but that's no reason to be careless. ▶️
The delta M of a given ray Q is approximately... Hmpfh. The formula escapes me. ▶️
These phenomena bear further investigation. ▶️
This is my favorite exercise! A test of force, inertia, and... I-I've lost my train of thought. ▶️
Ik sta te popelen!
English: I can't wait!
*humming a made-up tune* ▶️
Match Start
Are they afraid? Are we? ▶️
Let's test these hypotheses. ▶️
Now, to know the unknown! ▶️
There is much to do! ▶️
Haha! Dit wordt leuk!
English: Haha! This will be fun!
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Success is a near certainty! ▶️
The conditions are optimal for success! ▶️
The experiment is almost concluded! ▶️
The probabilities of victory are favorable! ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Do not conclude the experiment before all the data is in. ▶️
It's all falling apart... We must hold it together! ▶️
Results are still inconclusive; victory may yet be within grasp. ▶️
The experiment has yet to conclude. It isn't a failure yet. ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
All of the variables are in place. Recommence the experiment! ▶️
One last round of tests. Exciting! ▶️
We've reached the final stage. Such immense pressure! ▶️
With this last test, the answer will be made clear! ▶️
Ah, a revelation was within my reach... ▶️
Back from the brink once more. *sigh* ▶️
It seems I lost my balance. ▶️
It would be more comfortable if these feet could breathe. (wearing a skin with shoes) ▶️
Now, to begin again. ▶️
That was not the expected result. ▶️
The answer remains nebulous. ▶️
Through hardships, to the stars! ▶️
Was there a miscalculation? ▶️
Science rarely rewards overconfidence. (killed shortly after a multi-kill) ▶️
Alles heeft een reden.
English: Everything has a reason.
Team Kill
My colleagues will return shortly. ▶️
Reinforcements await. ▶️
Where've the others gone? ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
A marked improvement! ▶️
Condition restored. ▶️
Much better. ▶️
Ik voel me stukken beter.
English: I feel much better.
On Fire
Burning brighter than a supernova! ▶️
The universe is singing to me! ▶️
Not to be academic, but I believe that one would call this being on fire. ▶️
Ik ben een uitslover!
English: I'm an overachiever!
Fully Healed
I feel... better. ▶️
Much appreciated. ▶️
*sigh* Thank you.
Damage Boosted
The universe flows through me. ▶️
What a curious feeling! ▶️
What is this power? ▶️
Negative Status Effect
No, no, no! ▶️
This does not compute! ▶️
Nee, dat klopt niet helemaal!
English: No, that's not quite right!
English: Darn it!
Ah, where was I? ▶️
A scientific miracle! ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
The enemy has returned to life! But how? ▶️
The enemy returns! A statistical improbability! ▶️
Ally Ultimate Seen
The Tobelstein reactor in action... yes, more! (witnessing Zarya use Graviton Surge) ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Sigma, present. ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Enemies in our orbit. ▶️
The fight is imminent! ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
The enemy outnumbers us! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Evidence suggests a sniper ahead. ▶️
Sniper ahead! ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy turret ahead. ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Take cover! ▶️
I see the infinite universe! ▶️
Release me! ▶️
Time Running Out
Haha! A breakthrough is near! Just keep it together. Keep it together... keep it together... keep it together... ▶️
The desired result may soon reveal itself! ▶️
The experiment nears its conclusion. Patience, patience... ▶️
Time Running Out
If we continue upon this trajectory, a less than satisfying outcome is a certainty. ▶️
This may yield a positive outcome. We must hurry! ▶️
Ik ben zo dichtbij!
English: I'm so close!
Victory is slipping away... no, no! ▶️
We cannot fail... not when the answer is so close! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
Claiming the objective. ▶️
Conducting analysis on the objective. ▶️
Moving into position on the objective. ▶️
On the objective. Gather at this position. ▶️
The objective must be taken. ▶️
The point needs to be taken. ▶️
Capture in Progress
The enemy is on the objective! Defend it! ▶️
The enemy is taking the objective! ▶️
The objective is at risk! ▶️
The objective is being lost! ▶️
The objective must be defended! ▶️
The objective requires defense! ▶️
Go into next point
Progressing to the next point. ▶️
The next objective awaits us! ▶️
Where are we headed? Ah, the next point! ▶️
Payload Moving
A payload in motion stays in motion. ▶️
A payload in motion stays in motion... excepting a number of circumstances, of course. ▶️
Ah, the payload moves in accordance. ▶️
The payload advances. Ga door!
English: The payload advances. Keep at it!
The payload moves. Now, to monitor its progress. ▶️
The payload progresses. Excellent, excellent. ▶️
Payload Moving
An unwanted variable moves the payload! ▶️
I have observed movement in the payload. Concerning. ▶️
The payload is moving... has the experiment been compromised?! ▶️
Payload Stuck
A payload in motion stays in motion, whereas a payload at rest stays at rest. Ahem. ▶️
Force is required to move the payload forward! ▶️
Hm, an interesting question. How to make the payload move once again? ▶️
The payload must follow its course. Put it into motion! ▶️
The payload must move, or... no, no, it will move. It will. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Motivating the robot. ▶️
Motivating the robot... Robot, you are doing an excellent job! ▶️
The robot has been acquired! ▶️
The robot is with us, onward to the barricade! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
The enemy has claimed the robot! ▶️
The robot has been taken from us! ▶️
They have led the robot astray! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Exerting force on the barricade! ▶️
*laughs* Let us push! ▶️
The barricade proceeds! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Impede the enemy barricade! ▶️
The enemy barricade moves! ▶️
We must halt the enemy barricade! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
In a short distance we will have a breakthrough! ▶️
Maintain focus and the lead will be ours. ▶️
We have nearly gained the lead! ▶️
Gained Lead
A record interval! And moving further, still! ▶️
Remarkable distance! Shall we keep going? ▶️
Ha! We have reached a new pinnacle of progress! ▶️
About to Lose Lead
The enemy makes concerning headway. ▶️
They nearly have the lead! A worrying development. ▶️
We must stop them or our lead will be compromised. ▶️
Lost Lead
Deksels... We've fallen behind!
English: Curses... We've fallen behind!
The enemy has outpaced us! ▶️
Their distance now exceeds our own! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Stay with the robot. We will win if we maintain our momentum! ▶️
This is the end. Stay within the robot's orbit. ▶️
We cannot fail... remain with the robot! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
Clear the robot's vicinity, and victory will follow! ▶️
Remove them from the robot, and draw the experiment to its conclusion! ▶️
We must stop them, or our efforts'll be rendered futile. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Flag acquired! ▶️
Transporting the flag. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
The enemy has our flag! Stop them! ▶️
The flag must be recovered! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
In principle and execution. ▶️
Theory in practice. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
*sighs* A failed endeavor. Let's not repeat it. ▶️
Ugh, an unwelcome result. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Dropping the flag. ▶️
Giving up possession of the flag. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Our flag has been dropped. ▶️
They've dropped the flag; let's recover it.
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
Flag recovered. Taking it back to base. ▶️
Returning the flag to base. ▶️

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
Cosmically... insignificant. ▶️
Entity terminated. ▶️
Ik heb het helemaal onder de knie.
English: I have it completely under the knee. (Meaning: I have mastered it completely.)
Inevitable, as all things are. ▶️
*sigh* Like the impression of a dying star. ▶️
Lost to the cosmos. ▶️
Potential... wasted. ▶️
Revolutionary. ▶️
English: Wonderful...
Surely there is a more elegant solution. ▶️
The universe does not weep when the sun sets. ▶️
The universe is magnificent, isn't it? ▶️
What awaits us beyond this plane? ▶️
Hoge bomen vangen veel wind. (against Doomfist)
English: High trees catch a lot of wind. (Meaning: Those who stand out catch alot of flack.)
A fallen angel. (against Mercy) ▶️
Schoenmaker blijf bij je leest. (against Moira)
English: Shoemaker, stick to your last. (Meaning: Don't make judgements about things you don't understand.)
Ah... Schrödinger's me? (against Sigma) ▶️
Perhaps your problem was that restrictive footwear. (against Sigma wearing any skin with shoes)
Caught in the slipstream. (against Tracer) ▶️
Give Dr. Winston my regards. (against Winston) ▶️
Like father, like son. (against Winston) ▶️
An experiment, failed. (against Wrecking Ball) ▶️
Gravity kills! (against Zarya) ▶️
Final Blow
Accretion Mass
A fateful trajectory! ▶️
Brute force! ▶️
Collision! ▶️
Crumble! ▶️
Fundamental! *laughs* Elemental! ▶️
How about a rock? ▶️
Irresistible! ▶️
So obvious! ▶️
The asteroid's shadow looms! ▶️
Earth meets sky! (against an airborne enemy) ▶️
Re-enter the atmosphere! (against an airborne enemy) ▶️
Death has travelled light years to take you! (long-range elimination) ▶️
Counterargument: a boulder. (shutting down an ultimate ability) ▶️
Ultimately, a rock. (shutting down an ultimate ability) ▶️
Immovable object, unstoppable force. (eliminating Orisa using Terra Surge) ▶️
Invisible object, unstoppable force. (eliminating an invisible Sombra) ▶️
Final Blow
Gravitic Flux
Collapse! ▶️
Fallen and forgotten! ▶️
The unbearable weight of gravity! ▶️
To dust you shall return! ▶️
To the void! ▶️
Final Blow
Prediction, or anticipation? (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
The event horizon is ineludible. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Oh--I'm sorry, did I interrupt your swordplay exhibition? (eliminating Genji using Dragonblade) ▶️
Was that for research? (eliminating Moira using Coalesence) ▶️
All will be revealed. (eliminating an invisible Sombra) ▶️
Spacetime restored to normality. (eliminating Tracer using Recall) ▶️
Goodness, I had no idea you could fly. (eliminating Widowmaker mid-air using Grappling Hook) ▶️
Kill Streak
A new understanding of violence! ▶️
A theory emerges from the chaos! ▶️
All things are in order. ▶️
So, there is method in this madness! ▶️
Superlative arch support! (wearing a skin with shoes) ▶️
Multi Kill
And so, the stars align! ▶️
Out they flicker, one by one. ▶️
They cluster... like stars. ▶️
Team Kill
No one escapes gravity. No one. ▶️
The enemy is left in ruin. ▶️
*sigh* Does this mean I can take them off now? (wearing a skin with shoes) ▶️
*sigh* Equilibrium, at last. ▶️
An equal and opposite reaction. ▶️
(Dutch) Who does good, meets well. ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
There is no shame in collaboration. ▶️
Ah, try to remain aware of your surroundings. ▶️
You must be more cautious. ▶️
I'll look out for you, my friend! (to Sombra) ▶️
Careful, Doctor! (to Moira) ▶️
Melee Final Blow
*laughs* A big bang! ▶️
Ah, I'm not so sure... ▶️
That's enough. ▶️
Uh, sorry! ▶️
Oop! Gabriel, I didn't see you there! (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
A fascinating trajectory. ▶️
Experience gravity. ▶️
Like Newton's apple! ▶️
Terminal velocity. ▶️
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret theory: disproven. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Ah, an enviable technique! ▶️
Those results… can you reproduce them? ▶️
You make an excellent colleague! ▶️
Your methodology is impressive! ▶️
Ingenious work, Doctor! (to Moira) ▶️
A devious execution, my friend! (to Sombra) ▶️
Your precision is... unnatural. (to Widowmaker) ▶️
Ha! Give Dr. Winston my regards. (to Winston) ▶️
Your father will be proud. (to Winston) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Waiting to Open Door
Need to Break Door
Door Opening
Dropship Arriving
Waiting to Push Button
Assigned to Objective
Picking Up Item
Dropped Item
Delivering Item
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Objective Found
Calling Teammate to Objective
Enemy Reinforcements
Breacher Inbound
Slicers Inbound
Subjugator Inbound
Any Objective Under Fire
Cannon Under Fire
Ferry Under Fire
Repair Station Under Fire
Payload Under Fire
Uplink Under Fire
Any Objective on Critical HP
Cannon on Critical HP
Ferry on Critical HP
Repair Station on Critical HP
Payload on Critical HP
Uplink on Critical HP
Danger: Must Flee
Artillery Comes into Battle
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery Eliminated
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger Begins to Charge
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Charger Eliminated
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Stalker Comes into Battle
Grabbed by Stalker
Stalker Eliminated
Subjugator Eliminated
Vulture Comes into Battle
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Vulture Eliminated
Titan Immune to Damage
Massive Attack Incoming
Missiles Incoming
Relay Found
Relay Destroyed
I require healing. ▶️
I'm down. ▶️
*grunts* Injuries sustained! ▶️
Someone, please revive me! ▶️
Teammate Downed
Our teammate is down. ▶️
Teammate Yet to be Revived
A teammate must be revived! ▶️
Last Team Member Standing
Reviving Teammate
Don't quit before the experiment concludes! ▶️
Your purpose remains unfulfilled. ▶️
Teammate Killed

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Hello, there! ▶️
Oh, hello! ▶️
Hello. ▶️
English: Greetings!
English: Hello!
English: Hi!
Thank you. ▶️
Why, thank you! ▶️
English: Thanks.
Acknowledged. ▶️
Confirmed. ▶️
Right away. ▶️
Understood. ▶️
English: Got it.
Need Healing
Need healing! ▶️
I require healing! ▶️
Need Healing
No Support in Team
We lack a healer. ▶️
We need a healer. ▶️
Group Up
Assemble at this location. ▶️
Convene here. ▶️
Gather here! ▶️
Group up here! ▶️
Ultimate Status
Gravitic Flux isn't quite ready yet. ▶️
My ultimate is charging. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Almost time for a Gravitic Flux. ▶️
Ultimate is almost ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
A Gravitic Flux is upon us! ▶️
The experiment is ready. Time for a Gravitic Flux! ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
Do you sense it? It's time for a Gravitic Flux! ▶️
Prepare yourselves. Gravitic Flux is ready! ▶️
Attacking. ▶️
Entering the attacking phase. ▶️
3... 2... 1... ▶️
In 3... 2... 1... ▶️
Beginning defense. ▶️
Defending our location. ▶️
Ping in World
Be warned! ▶️
Caution! ▶️
Watch here! ▶️
Locked on Opponent
An enemy appears! ▶️
A threat emerges! ▶️
Enemy vector calculated! ▶️
Fall Back
Fall back! ▶️
We must fall back. ▶️
Go! ▶️
Let's proceed. ▶️
Going In
Going in! ▶️
Follow me! ▶️
Goodbye. ▶️
English: Bye.
English: Farewell.
Incoming! ▶️
Their approach is imminent. ▶️
Need Help
Assistance requested...! ▶️
No. ▶️
English: No.
On My Way
Approaching. ▶️
On my way. ▶️
In World
Over here! ▶️
Over there! ▶️
Attack Objective
Take the objective! ▶️
Onto the objective! ▶️
To succeed, the objective must be taken! ▶️
Defend Objective
Keep them from the objective! ▶️
Defend the objective! ▶️
Don't let them touch the objective! ▶️
Push Payload
Aid the payload on its trajectory! ▶️
The payload must move! ▶️
Stop Payload
Halt the payload's momentum! ▶️
Bring the payload to a stop! ▶️
We must halt the payload's momentum! ▶️
Push Robot
The robot must move! ▶️
Push the robot! ▶️
Stop Robot
Stop the enemy's push! ▶️
Impede the robot! ▶️
Capture Flag
Take the enemy flag! ▶️
Capture the enemy flag! ▶️
Defend Flag
Defend the flag! ▶️
Do not let the flag fall into their hands! ▶️
Protect our flag! (incorrectly captioned as "Do not lose the flag!") ▶️
Press the Attack
We should press the attack. ▶️
Push Forward
Progress forward. ▶️
I am ready. ▶️
Oh, sorry. ▶️
Sincerest apologies. ▶️
Het spijt me.
English: I'm sorry.
Watching Here
Examining this sector. ▶️
Observing this location. ▶️
Watching this position. ▶️
With You
I'll coordinate with you. ▶️
I'm with you. ▶️
Certainly. ▶️
Yes. ▶️
English: Yes.
You're Welcome
You're welcome. ▶️
Graag gedaan.
English: You're welcome.

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
I don't think you understand the gravity of this situation. ▶️
25 Credits
A pattern forms! ▶️
Approaching escape velocity. ▶️
C-can you hear that music? ▶️
Doe maar normaal, hé? Dan doe je al gek genoeg.
English: Just act normal, eh? Then you're acting crazy enough.
Fascinating. ▶️
Hah, ik weet het!
English: Hah, I know it!
Hold it together. ▶️
Many find the universe confusing. That's the beauty of it. ▶️
The answers lie beyond our stars. ▶️
Wie boter op zijn hoofd heeft, moet uit de zon blijven.
English: Whoever has butter on their head must stay out of the sun. (Meaning: If you can't handle criticism, don't criticize.)
*humming* ▶️
*gasps* Frightful! ▶️
Don't just sit there with your mouth full of teeth. ▶️
De messen zijn geslepen.
English: The knives are sharpened.
Fijne kerstdagen!
English: Happy Christmas!
Glorious! ▶️
People often ask me to explain escape velocity at parties... I don't go to many parties. ▶️
Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
English: Merry Christmas!
Lunar New Year
An anomaly! ▶️
Gelukkig Jaar van de Os!
English: Happy Year of the Ox!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
English: Happy New Year!
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. ▶️
The calculations should have been correct! ▶️
Reality is rarely what it seems. ▶️
The results are... inconclusive. ▶️
Ah, so like a spherical cow! ▶️
Reduce your expectations to zero. ▶️
The universe is a holovid. ▶️
Battle Pass
You are parts and I am whole. (Season 1) ▶️
The man who enters Hell is not the man who leaves. (Season 2) ▶️
Infinitus in infinitum. (Season 4) ▶️
Unlimited power! (Season 4) ▶️
How can this be real? (Season 9)
What has risen may sink, and what has sunk may rise. (Season 9)
Are fingers merely hand-toes? Or are toes feet fingers? (Season 10)
You are my starlight. (Better to have Loved and Won challenge from the Ultimate Valentine event 2023) ▶️
Kneel. (Quantum Life challenge from the Starwatch event 2023) ▶️
The night is cold and dark. (Call of the Ravager challenge from Cosmic Crisis event 2024)

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Ana: The older I get, the faster the years go.
  • Sigma: It's likely that time is passing at the same rate it always has. *chuckles* Barring relativistic effects, of course.
  • Ana: I liked you better when you were talking to yourself.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Baptiste: You're strong enough to leave Talon. They can't trap you!
  • Sigma: But, I-I am not trapped! My colleagues give me everything I need!
  • Baptiste: I thought the same thing for too long.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: An American cow hand! Has this dimension shifted timescales?
  • Cassidy: That's right, big man. It's the 1880's all over again.
  • Sigma: Remarkable! How far are we from Bonn? I'd like to meet Heinrich Hertz.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Sigma: Oh! Where has everyone gone?
  • Cassidy: Don't worry, big man! We took care of 'em.

▶️ ▶️

  • Sigma: Self-propagating biomass? A deadly weapon in the wrong hands.
  • Lifeweaver: No need to fear. I won’t sell my biolight to anyone.
  • Sigma: We never plan for our creations to escape our control.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: That music... could the volume be increased?
  • Lúcio: Really? You're a fan of my tunes?
  • Sigma: Of course! They are delightfully... distracting...
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favourite animal?
  • Sigma: The tardigrade, of course! The most adorable phylum in the irradiated vacuum of space.
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: Doctor, are we still meeting for lunch after the seminar today?
  • Mercy: Siebren, that was years and years ago. But we had a lovely talk.
  • Sigma: Oh, I remember now. Birds, wasn’t it? Birds and music.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: In the field, doctor? Testing a hypothesis, perhaps?
  • Moira: With the rate at which our colleagues get injured, I expect I'll be testing my patience.
▶️ ▶️
  • Moira: You've been rather quiet today, Doctor. I've gotten a lot done.
  • Sigma:
    • Can a fish that never sees the surface know it's under water?
    • I wonder if frogs dream of ponds.
    • If one built a violin of Planck length, could one play music into another universe?
    • Someone must build a particle collider around the sun!
  • Moira: Ugh. There it goes.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma:
    • Can one know that one knows nothing?
    • Can a single grain of sand differentiate between heap and not-heap?
    • If the universe is a simulation, why aren't there more elephant seals?
    • Someone must build a particle collider around the sun!
  • Moira: It thrills me to put aside my preparations and humor your brilliant inquiries, Doctor. It thrills me!
  • Sigma: Kind words. Thank you!
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Moira: Have you enjoyed your time away with the fairies, Dr. De Kuiper?
  • Sigma: They do make lovely conversation.

▶️ ▶️

  • Sigma: This must be the robot of which Akande speaks so highly. Such ingenious design!
  • Orisa: Tell him to deliver his compliments in person.
▶️ ▶️
  • Reaper: This time, stay focused, old man.
  • Sigma: How can one focus when viewing the infinite universe?
  • Reaper: You'd better find a way. Fast.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: What a strange and fascinating molecular makeup! It could be worth examining.
  • Reaper: No thank you.
▶️ ▶️
Soldier: 76
  • Soldier: 76: Snap out of it, old man. Talon is using you!
  • Sigma: An ant on the ceiling! Where are you going, little friend?
  • Soldier: 76: Hey! I'm talking to you!
  • Sigma: Oh, there's another one! What delightful creatures.

▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️

Soldier: 76
Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Soldier: 76: Ha! Up top, Doctor!
  • Sigma: Hm? Up where?
  • Soldier: 76: Too slow! Um... never mind...

▶️ ▶️ ▶️

  • Sigma: Hm? Ah, there you are, my friend!
  • Sombra: What, are you surprised to see me?
  • Sigma: Well, it's not unlike you to disappear without warning.
  • Sombra: Someone has to keep you from wandering off!
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sombra: The boss was talking to Moira the other day. Kept looking over at you.
  • Sigma: Ah, yes! He wanted the doctor to run some "non-invasive" tests.
  • Sombra: Ay... You come to me if they try anything, okay?
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sombra: You're zoning out again, viejito.
  • Sigma: Forgive me. My mind has been... Turbulent, lately.
  • Sombra: Aw. Stick by me, okay? I'll keep you focused.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
On Circuit Royal
  • Sigma: Hm... Why does this place feel familiar?
  • Sombra: We've been here, viejito. This is where Max lives.
  • Sigma: Ah, yes, Maximilien! His collection of Greek sculptures is quite charming!
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
On Dorado
  • Sigma: My friend, you are from around here, no?
  • Sombra: I used to be, yeah.
  • Sigma: But how could one's place of origin change?
  • Sombra: Let's hope you never know what I mean.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
On Oasis
  • Sombra: Moira's not around... think she's hiding anything in her lab?
  • Sigma: Ah... the doctor would likely prefer we respect her privacy.
  • Sombra: Aw, you're so boring, viejito!
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Sigma: Magnificent electromagnetism!
  • Sombra: You were pretty magnificent yourself, Doc.

▶️ ▶️

  • Sigma: Your work is to be admired! Form and function, working in harmony...
  • Symmetra: Form is vital to function. The two are inseparable, like movement and music.
  • Sigma: Ah, well... Perhaps I will take your word for it.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: I saw you at Luna's cabaret the other evening. Would you care to go together sometime?
  • Widowmaker: I prefer to attend events alone.
  • Sigma: Apologies. I wouldn't wish to intrude.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Winston: I remember you. You visited the doctor on the lunar colony.
  • Sigma: *sigh* He was a good friend. And you were much smaller back then.
▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: Do you ever miss it? The moon?
  • Winston: Sometimes. But there's nothing there for me now.
▶️ ▶️
Wrecking Ball
  • Sigma:
    • Remarkable! The subject weaponizes momentum through geometrical navigation...
    • The subject appears to be piloting the device. It may be worth observing further.
  • Wrecking Ball:
    • Stop making the hamster sound boring.
    • The "subject" reminds you he is sitting right here.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Zarya: I like your research, Doctor.
  • Sigma: Why, thank you! If I may ask, what intrigues you about it?
  • Zarya: Gravity is my greatest rival, too.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: Is it true you share an interest in the study of gravity?
  • Zarya: I shoot black holes at people I don't like.
  • Sigma: Ah! Applied science!
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: How does this omnic defy gravity? No repulsors are to be detected!
  • Zenyatta: I owe my gifts to the Iris.
  • Sigma: Oh, the Iris, of course! We've met.
  • Zenyatta: How... fortunate for you.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️

Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Junkrat, Mei, Moira or Venture
  • Sigma: If you know what you're looking for, inquiry is unnecessary. But if you don't know... how do you inquire?
  • One of four:
    • Junkrat: Ah, Xeno's Paradox!
    • Mei: Well, maybe you know a little bit, and you keep asking questions until you figure it out!
    • Moira: Ugh. Somehow even more tiresome than the chicken and the egg.
    • Venture: Maybe inquire why you're not inquiring. I mean, when I'm not inquiring, I know something's wrong.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️

Starwatch: Galactic Rescue Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
as Infinite Annihilator
  • Emperor Sigma: Bow before the grace of the Infinite.
  • Infinite Annihilator Bastion: *reverent beeping*
▶️ ▶️
as Infinite Captain
  • Emperor Sigma: Strike down those who defy me.
  • Infinite Captain Brigitte: They'll be dust in the infinite void.
▶️ ▶️

Triggered if the Watchers capture all control points.

  • Infinite Captain Brigitte: I don’t understand, Your Excellency. Why aren’t we chasing them?
  • Emperor Sigma: Let them think they’ve escaped. Soon they will know the full wrath of the Infinite Empire.
▶️ ▶️
as Infinite Seer
  • Emperor Sigma: Speak to me, Seer! What is the fate of the Nebula?
  • Infinite Seer Mercy: It is infinite, Your Excellency.
▶️ ▶️
as Infinite Admiral
  • Infinite Admiral Sojourn: Your Eminence, the rebels are gaining ground.
  • Emperor Sigma: Then steal it from beneath them.
▶️ ▶️
Soldier: 76
as Infinite Guard
  • Emperor Sigma: Show them the might of my Empire.
  • Infinite Guard Soldier: As you command, Your Infinite Grace.
▶️ ▶️

Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Sigma Skin Galactic Emperor
Galactic Emperor
Experimental Barrier
Proclaiming a barrier! ▶️
They dare assault my barrier? (taking damage) ▶️
Barrier broken! Fie! (destroyed) ▶️
Gravitic Flux
Het universum buigt voor mij! (self and hostile)
English: The universe bows to me!
What is that syzygy? (friendly) ▶️
Hero Selected
Why ask questions when you can just obey? ▶️
During Set-Up
I have ruled the Nebula for centuries, what hope has anyone of stopping me? ▶️
No need to destroy this planet. It's already a blasted waste. ▶️
Ugh, this sand! I hate it! It's getting everywhere! (on any map with sand) ▶️
This world seems temperate. Perhaps I will use it for leisure! (on Havana, Ilios or Paraíso) ▶️
Match Start
Do not disappoint me! ▶️
Go forth, minions, and bring my word to fruition! ▶️
My will be done. ▶️
Death has no dominion over me. ▶️
Hardly a fitting resurrection chamber. ▶️
I rise from darkness into glory. ▶️
My reign resumes. ▶️
So it's rebellion, then? Hmph! ▶️
The Infinite Empire will not forgive these transgressions. ▶️
Damage Boosted
Yes! Enhance me! ▶️
Infinite power! ▶️
The Nebula is mine! ▶️
Final Blow
By imperial edict. ▶️
Hah! Pathetic worm. ▶️
Gravity is mine to control! ▶️
Most go through life unchallenged, except at the final moment. ▶️
Obey me! ▶️
Submit. ▶️
Such is the penalty for treason. ▶️
Infinitely punished! (shutting down an ultimate ability) ▶️
A pathetic god! (eliminating any enemy that has a divine skin) ▶️
Perish, Smuggler. (eliminating Intergalactic Smuggler Ashe) ▶️
A malfunctioning Annihilator? Curious. (eliminating Infinite Annihilator Bastion) ▶️
There has never been a truly selfless rebel. (eliminating Bonebreaker Doomfist) ▶️
You could have been my Infinite Jester. (eliminating Junkrat) ▶️
Your bloodline will be purged, Prince. (eliminating Space Prince Lúcio) ▶️
Final Blow
Accretion Mass
I decree you… obliterated. ▶️
Imperial force! ▶️
Thus, the comet falls. ▶️
Kill Streak
The stars themselves shall obey my will. ▶️
I am your Emperor! ▶️
Succumb to my infinite might! ▶️
Infinite agony inflicted! ▶️
And so the stars align. ▶️
Even death serves me! ▶️
Team Kill
None remain to oppose my will. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Touched by infinity. (melee elimination) ▶️
Begone, alien filth! (eliminating Bonebreaker Doomfist, Starship Engineer Torbjörn, or Extraterrestrial Winston) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Exiled from my universe. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
You serve your Emperor well. ▶️
Fully Healed
A testament to my glory. ▶️
I greet thee. ▶️
You are greeted. ▶️
Your presence is acknowledged. ▶️
Gratitude extended. ▶️
Yes, mmm, very good. ▶️
You are thanked. ▶️
So shall it be. ▶️
Group Up
Join your emperor! ▶️
Need Help/Healing
Your Emperor demands aid! ▶️
Heal your Emperor! ▶️
Ultimate Charging
My ultimate yet charges. ▶️
Sigma Skin Flying Dutchman
Flying Dutchman
Sigma Skin Plunderer
Match Start
Alle hens aan dek!
English: All hands on deck!
Robot Pushing Barricade
Charting the course! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Hold her steady, and we will take the lead! ▶️
Final Blow
Gravitic Flux
The unfathomable weight of gravity! ▶️
To the abyss! ▶️
Arr! ▶️
Thank you, matey! ▶️
Group Up
Group up, scallywags! ▶️

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
*laughs* Get down with Sigma tonight! Lekker, stroopwafel.
English: *laughs* Get down with Sigma tonight! Yummy, stroopwafel.
Mm, mm, ooh, mm, ooh, yeah. Come on, now. ▶️
Oh, yeah, baby, come on! *laughs* ▶️
Circuit Royal
This city is dazzling! *laughs* And far more lavish than I can handle. ▶️
The night life here is said to be unlike anywhere in the world! *sigh* ...I would like to leave before the sun goes down. ▶️
Ah, Oasis... I miss the quiet confines of a laboratory. ▶️
Nepal & Shambali Monastery
Hm... strange fluctuations emanate through this space. ▶️
Havana, Ilios & Paraíso
These conditions are not optimal for experimentation, but they are optimal for a tan. ▶️
Horizon Lunar Colony
Using the telescope
By looking far out into space, we are also looking far back into time. Back toward the horizon of the universe. ▶️
The stars are like the trees in the forest: alive and breathing. And they're watching us. ▶️
Beyond the edge of world, there's a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap. Where past and future form a continuous, endless loop. And hovering about there are signs no one has ever read, chords no one has ever heard. ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Gravitic Flux
JIm roov tgniz musrevinu teh! (Reversed: Het universum zingt voor mij!) (self and hostile)
English: The universe sings for me!
What are those? (allies) ▶️
As NPC Starwatch
Defend the ship and our prisoner at all costs. Your Emperor commands it. ▶️
The Watchers have docked their ship. Keep them from the droid at any cost.
Regarding Implosion Barrels
You are hereby commanded to detonate those barrels when enemies are near.
Use those implosion barrels to your advantage.
Ah, gravity implosion barrels! Detonate them - strategically!
Round Begins
Their attack begins. Crush them all!
Destroy them! No one will defy the Infinite Empire!
Take your positions! They must be held back!
Point Unlocks
The point requires defenders!
Defend the point! Argh, they will rue the day they set foot on this ship!
What delays you? Protect the point.
If they seize this point, the droid is theirs! Drive them back with all force! (final point only)
This final point must hold! (final point only)
Point Lost
Bah, they’ve seized a point!
They took a point. I do not tolerate failure.
Gah, they’re advancing! Stop them!
Point lost? Rally your defences or face my incandescence!
Ugh, entire point taken by the Watchers. Distasteful.
Killstreak Announcements
Double kill!
Killed in triplicate!
Slain in quadruple!
Time Remaining
Hold! A mere minute remains.
Thirty seconds! Reach inward, and prevail.
Ten seconds! Hold strong!
You failed to stop them? No matter. They won’t get far.
Witness the crumbling of your pitiful rebellion! *laughs*
Behold the play that pleased me best!
Play of the game.

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio
Starwatch NPC

If an impossible Draw condition is reached in a game of Starwatch: Galactic Rescue.

  • A draw? But... how?

Trivia[ | ]

  • Sigma's hero selected voice line may be a reference to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
  • Sigma's "Unlimited power" voice line cosmetic is a reference to a famous quote by Palpatine as inspiration for Sigma's Infinite Empire - and by extension, Season 4's theme - comes directly from the Galactic Empire in Star Wars.
  • Sigma's "You are my starlight" voice line cosmetic is probably a reference to 2020 song "Levitating" by Dua Lipa, as the first half of the chorus sings "I got you, moonlight / You're my starlight".
  • Galactic Emperor Sigma will sometimes say “It’s rebellion then… hmph” while respawning. This is a reference to Sheev Palpatine’s “It’s treason then” line in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
  • Galactic Emperor Sigma's voice line "Ugh, this sand! I hate it! It's getting everywhere!" is likely a reference to Anakin Skywalker's comment about sand, in which he says "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere" in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

Navigation[ | ]
