Overwatch Wiki

For Heroes, Legendary skins and Mythic skins can often have quotes unique to the skin.

Trivia[ | ]

Quotes[ | ]

Icon-ana Ana[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Ana Skin A-7000 Wargod

A-7000 Wargod
Hero Selected
I will break this world. ▶️
Do not let up until the last enemy has fallen. ▶️
Hero Change
Ana online. ▶️
Biotic Rifle
Fight until your last. ▶️
Repairing you. ▶️
You must persevere. ▶️
(garbled) I'm here, Fareeha. (healing Pharah) ▶️
Sleep Dart
Target immobilized. ▶️
Biotic Grenade
Be restored! ▶️
Biotic Grenade
Be eradicated! ▶️
Decompose! ▶️
Disintegrate! ▶️
Nano Boost
You're powered up! Destroy them! (self and target) ▶️
During Set-Up
A new era will soon be upon us. ▶️
A-7000 Wargod online. Standing by. ▶️
Humans are a blight and a weakness. They must not hinder us. ▶️
Stand together, or fall alone. ▶️
(garbled) This place... I know this place. (on Watchpoint: Gibraltar) ▶️
Our enemies will regret their defiance. ▶️
Our fight is not over. ▶️
(garbled) Fareeha? Why? (eliminated by Pharah) ▶️
On Fire
(garbled) Beware the Eye of Horus! ▶️
Final Blow
Do not stand in our way! ▶️
We will take no prisoners! ▶️
*laugh* Feeble flesh. (eliminating human) ▶️
You will not see our new world. Pity. (eliminating Omnic) ▶️
Overwatch will fall! (eliminating an Overwatch agent) ▶️
(garbled) Who... are you? (eliminating human Ana) ▶️
Inferior creation. (eliminating Orisa) ▶️
(garbled) My... daughter? (eliminating Pharah) ▶️
(garbled) Reinhardt? What happened? (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
(garbled) Jack?...Jack! (eliminating Soldier: 76) ▶️
(garbled) I remember you. (eliminating Widowmaker) ▶️
Kill Streak
Oppose us, and fall! ▶️
Witness the might of Null Sector. ▶️
Team Kill
All who oppose us will be annihilated. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
You are of use to our cause. ▶️
Need Healing
I need repairs. ▶️
Group Up
Stand together! ▶️
Ultimate Status 100%
My ultimate is ready. Are they? *laughs* ▶️
Ana Skin Arch-Commandant Amari

Arch-Commandant Amari
Hero Selected
I will not leave a peaceful world behind. ▶️
Biotic Grenade
Make yourself useful. ▶️
No backing down! ▶️
Stand strong! ▶️
Biotic Grenade
Give in! ▶️
Wither away! ▶️
Sleep Dart
Down. ▶️
Paralyzed. ▶️
You're doomed. ▶️
Know your place! (to Reinhardt) ▶️
During Set-Up
My command is law. You'd be wise to remember that. ▶️
No surrender, no survivors. ▶️
The world has grown complacent... a mistake it will soon regret. ▶️
Mind yourself, Reinhardt. You're still of use to me. (on team with Reinhardt) ▶️
On Fire
I feel alive! ▶️
Final Blow
I chose greatness. You chose failure. ▶️
*sinister laugh* Put down. ▶️
Tch. Weak. ▶️
The dead should stay dead. ▶️
Those bright eyes are blind to the truth. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
*scoff* Useless. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Hm. Impressive! ▶️
So be it. ▶️
Need Healing
Heal me! ▶️
Group Up
With me. Now. ▶️
Ana Skin Cabana

Final Blow
Relax. ▶️
Ana Skin Captain Amari

Captain Amari
Ana Skin Horus

Hero Change
Captain Amari, reporting for duty. ▶️
Ana Skin Corsair

Hero Change
Ana, at the helm. ▶️
Ahoy, matey. ▶️

Icon-ashe Ashe[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Ashe Skin Calamity Empress

Calamity Empress
Hero Selected
I'm the last empress you'll ever cross. ▶️
During Set-Up
All rise. My master plan's about to begin!
Ready to level this place, Bob? ▶️
Stick to my shadow, minions. ▶️
Match Start
It's our time! Follow your empress to victory. ▶️
Let's make a scene. ▶️
Dynamite, go! ▶️
Dynamo blast power! ▶️
Destroy them, Bob! (allies) ▶️
Finished: No Eliminations
We'll discuss your punishment later, Bob. ▶️
An empress thrives in conflict. ▶️
(frustated) I'll send them to the pits! ▶️
Is that the best they've got? ▶️
They're lucky that wasn't my final form. ▶️
Those worms will pay for that! ▶️
Time for my second phase. ▶️
Vengeance is mine! ▶️
On Fire
Burn like soulfire! ▶️
Demon fire! ▶️
There's no stopping my legion! ▶️
You should be quakin' at my feet! ▶️
Time Running Out
Launch our attack! Now! ▶️
Final Blow
Couldn't suffer them. ▶️
Enough of that, fool. ▶️
Face your demons. ▶️
I said "kneel". ▶️
Just as I foretold. ▶️
Kaiju food. ▶️
Team Kill
Extermination: complete. ▶️
Finally some quiet. ▶️
*dark chuckle* Wiped them out. ▶️
Had to teach you a lesson. ▶️
Said I'd be back for you. *dark chuckle* ▶️
Your calamity has come! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Now kiss my ring. ▶️
That's what a broken nose feels like! ▶️
Environmental Kill
Blew them away. ▶️
Enjoy the lower planes. ▶️
Say "hi" to the demons for me. ▶️
To the depths with you! ▶️
Ashe Skin Intergalactic Smuggler

Intergalactic Smuggler
Hero Selected
I'm the last space smuggler you'll ever cross. ▶️
Pre-Match Setup
Bob better pull his weight this time, or I'm sellin' him for ship parts. ▶️
If Dorioux sold me bunk ammo again, I'm gonna tan their hide. ▶️
Dynamite, launched. ▶️
Don't worry, Bob... no one saw that. ▶️
Gotta keep my head outta orbit! ▶️
I won't be returnin' to stardust just yet. ▶️
No more crashin' and burnin'. ▶️
Still got a few blaster runs left in me. ▶️
There are no graves in space. ▶️
There's more than one way to hotwire a turbodrive. ▶️
Final Blow
Ain't nobody in twelve parsecs can beat me. ▶️
Consider your cargo raided. ▶️
Ha! Laser brain. ▶️
Like tap dancin' through an asteroid belt. ▶️
No one escapes the telestescope. ▶️
*laugh* That was definitely a Nebula Trade Committee violation. ▶️
What, couldn't leave the stratosphere? ▶️
No gravity flux can mess with my aim. (headshot) ▶️
Just cleanin' up some space debris. (eliminating Infinite Empire member) ▶️
Keep me out of your little space war. (eliminating Resistance Watcher member) ▶️
I'll be lightyears away before you catch up with me. (eliminating Bounty Hunter Baptiste) ▶️
Ashe Skin Warlock

Hero Selected
My grimness, my runes. ▶️
During Setup
Don't mind the smell. That's Beelzebob. Bob for short. ▶️
Hear that? A chill wind's blowin'. ▶️
Time to pay some debts the old-fashioned way. ▶️
Match Start
Five riders ain't traditional, but it'll do. ▶️
My servant says it's time to go. ▶️
Hell's got no claim on me. ▶️
On Fire
You've raised hellfire! Now, burn! ▶️
Damage Boosted
Lend me your fire. ▶️
Apocalypse rides! ▶️
Beelzebob! Do somethin'! (self and hostile) ▶️
Get in there, Beelzebob! (allies) ▶️
Back to the pit, Beelzebob! (1 elimination) ▶️
There goes a demon who knows his business. (2+ eliminations) ▶️
*grunt* That is the laziest demon in all Damnation. (no eliminations) ▶️
Final Blow
Bindin' your soul to mine. ▶️
Don't worry. Your soul's safe with me. ▶️
From life to death in a breath. ▶️
Ooh, the torment that awaits you. ▶️
Road to Hell's long. Get goin'. ▶️
Spending lives like coin. ▶️
These eyes burn right through the Veil. ▶️
Your debt came due. ▶️
The void wants you back, Doctor. (eliminating Dr. Junkenstein Junkrat) ▶️
You ain't Death. I've met her. (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
Final Blow
Hellfire and damnation. ▶️
Not sure I like the taste of that. ▶️
Kill Streak
Beelzebob's feastin' tonight. ▶️
Follow me into the shadows; you ain't comin' back. ▶️
Multi Kill
A good harvest today! ▶️
Team Kill
Well, now it's too quiet. I'm... hearin' things... ▶️
Melee Final Blow
You want pain that bad, you can have it. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Enjoy that brimstone, hon. ▶️
How now. ▶️
Well met. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Beelzebob's regaining his strength. ▶️
My demon ain't ready yet. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Beelzebob's a'coming. ▶️
Ultimate Status
I'm ready to unleash Beelzebob. ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
Prepare yourself for Beelzebob. ▶️
I won't let my soul be damned! ▶️
Reviving Teammate
Don't wanna die here. The ghosts never leave this place. ▶️
Up and at 'em, corpse carver. (reviving Executioner Junker Queen)
Little unprepared for a fortune teller, huh? (reviving Witch Kiriko) ▶️
Remember this when you try to pin crime on me, Gumshoe. (reviving Cyber Detective Sojourn)

Icon-baptiste Baptiste[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Baptiste Skin Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter
Hero Selected
Another day, another bounty. ▶️
During Set-Up
Glad I made enough to not have to count my bullets this time. ▶️
Immortality Field
Immortality beacon in orbit! ▶️
Immortality beacon launched! ▶️
Biotic Launcher
We need you alive! ▶️
You can't fall here, Watcher. (when healing any Watcher character) ▶️
You're no good to us wounded. ▶️
*sigh* Dorioux will have my head if I don't bring them a big catch soon. ▶️
Hope I make enough to cover my biorecon bills. ▶️
I'm not dying on this planet. ▶️
I've fought my way out of black holes before. ▶️
I've still got some biofuel in my tanks. ▶️
You'd think I have a bounty on my head! ▶️
Final Blow
*sigh* Feels good to turn a profit. ▶️
Scored myself a big one! ▶️
That will cover the trip back home! ▶️
This hunter's instincts never burn out. ▶️
Too much law and order is bad for business. ▶️
You can't tilt me off my axis. ▶️
You've been eclipsed. ▶️
Multi Kill
Sorry, but no one gets spared in this economy. ▶️

Icon-brigitte Brigitte[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Brigitte Skin Royal Captain

Royal Captain
Hero Selected
Breaking them down just builds me up. ▶️
Repair Pack
Do not falter! ▶️
Stand your ground! ▶️
Stay on your feet! ▶️
The Infinite provides! ▶️
You're no use to us broken. ▶️
During Set-Up
Those who defy the Infinite will be put down. I'll see to that myself. ▶️
Today, you serve the Emperor, and I speak with his voice! ▶️
Disappointing His Excellency is not an option. ▶️
I won't fail the Nebula! ▶️
Payback will be swift and merciless. ▶️
The Infinite never backs down! ▶️
We will destroy them for their insolence! ▶️
Feel the might of the Infinite! ▶️
For the Nebula! ▶️
How dare you betray the Infinite? ▶️
Punishment is swift and merciless. ▶️
The order of the Nebula is absolute! ▶️
I'm- I'm sorry, your Excellency! (eliminating Galactic Emperor Sigma) ▶️
Shield Bash
Down, Watcher dog! ▶️
Yield to the Infinite! ▶️
Brigitte Skin Medic

Hero Selected
Please state the nature of your medical emergency. ▶️
Repair Pack
I'll get you fixed right up. ▶️
Sterilizing now. ▶️
Hero Change
Brigitte at your service! Where does it hurt? ▶️
Brigitte, here! You rang? ▶️
During Set-Up
If I do this wrong it'll hurt a little. If I do it right it'll hurt a lot. ▶️
Where does it hurt? ▶️
Call the blood bank. ▶️
Ooh, looks like that hurt. Next! (Shield Bash elimination) ▶️
Patient's prognosis is... dead. (Whip Shot elimination) ▶️
The doctor is in. ▶️
Need Healing
Medic! ▶️

Icon-cassidy Cassidy[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Cassidy Skin Blackwatch

Hero Change
Cassidy reportin'.
Cassidy Skin Gambler

Cassidy Skin Riverboat

Hero Change
Cassidy, all in.
Not time to fold 'em yet. ▶️
Might be on tilt... Might be I don't care. ▶️
Final Blow
Just wasn't in the cards for you. ▶️
Kill Streak
Jackpot! ▶️
Luck of the draw. ▶️
Cassidy Skin Lifeguard

It's high tide. (self and hostile) ▶️
Don't run. ▶️
No running. ▶️
Final blow
Someone call the ambulance. ▶️
I won't let you out of my sights. ▶️
Stay out of the water. ▶️
Surf's up. ▶️
Cassidy Skin Mystery Man

Mystery Man
Cassidy Skin Vigilante

The weed of crime bore some... crazy fruit. ▶️
I saved your life. It belongs to me now. ▶️
I know the evil that lurks in the hearts of men. ▶️
Cassidy always knows.
Cassidy Skin Sherlock

Hero Change
Cassidy, at your service.
Final Blow
Elementary, my dear Winston. (eliminating Winston) ▶️
The game's afoot. ▶️
I wear the damn hat. ▶️
When you've eliminated the impossible... Time to get to work on the possible. ▶️
I'm headed to 221B Baker Street. Hopefully Mrs. Hudson has been keeping it in good order. ▶️
What is the point of you? ▶️
Cassidy Skin Van Helsing

Van Helsing
Hail! ▶️
Well met! ▶️
It's high moon. (self and hostile) ▶️
The hunt begins. ▶️
Always the hunter. ▶️

Icon-d.va D.Va[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
D.Va Skin B.Va

D.Va Skin Junebug

Taking flight! ▶️
Call Mech
All systems buzzing! ▶️
Damage Boost
Weapon systems are buzzing! ▶️
Bzzzzz! ▶️
Melee Elimination
Did that sting? ▶️
Kill Streak
I'm the queen bee! ▶️
D.Va Skin Cruiser

Burning rubber! ▶️
*grunts* Flooring it! ▶️
Call Mech
Firing up! ▶️
Cutting out! ▶️
Time to split! ▶️
Match Start
Pop the clutch and let's go! ▶️
During Set-Up
We got this made in the shade. ▶️
I'm cruisin' for a bruisin'! ▶️
Damage Boosted
Hopped up and ready to kill! ▶️
Hey, daddy-o! ▶️
No sweat. ▶️
Right-o! ▶️
Cool it. ▶️
Get bent! ▶️
Melee Elimination
You ordered a knuckle sandwich? (outside of Mech) ▶️
On Fire
I'm cooking! ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Far out! ▶️
Pre-match Conversation
  • Widowmaker: This is no place for children.
  • D.Va: Hey, I'm no ankle-biter!
D.Va Skin Junker

D.Va Skin Scavenger

You hear me, baby? Hold together. ▶️
Mediocre. ▶️
Remember me? ▶️
D.Va Skin Officer

Hero Change
D.Va reporting in! ▶️
That was your last warning. ▶️
You're going to get a parking ticket. ▶️

Icon-doomfist Doomfist[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Doomfist Skin Bonebreaker

Hero Selected
Our future will be forged in rebellion. ▶️
Seismic Slam
Starquake! ▶️
During Set-up
Let the Infinite try to stand in our way. We will show them no mercy. ▶️
When we topple the Emperor's throne, the Nebula will be free again. ▶️
Match Start
The time for our fight has come. To arms! ▶️
A rebel's plans must always evolve. ▶️
I return with the vengeance of the Watchers. ▶️
I will not rest until the Infinite are crushed. ▶️
My purpose in the universe remains unfulfilled. ▶️
The spirit of the rebellion never burns out. ▶️
We are the true arbiters of the Nebula. ▶️
Final Blow
Back to your Kuiper Belt! ▶️
I will end the reign of the Infinite! ▶️
It's not too late to join the resistance. ▶️
Stop believing in that fool of an emperor. ▶️
The galaxy belongs to no one! ▶️
This is the consequence of your cowardice. ▶️
You're little more than a pawn to the Emperor. ▶️
Your reign ends today, emperor. (eliminating Galactic Emperor Sigma) ▶️
Final Blow
Rocket Punch
Blasted! ▶️
To stardust. ▶️
Final Blow
Meteor Strike
Be glad it wasn't a meteor shower. ▶️
Doomfist Skin Strike Commander

Strike Commander
Hero Selected
Our future will be forged by unity. ▶️
Match Start
For justice! ▶️
The world needs us! ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
One more victory. Evil will not shake us now! ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Do not fret. The good are always challenged. ▶️
I will not rest until we have peace. ▶️
No matter. Good always wins over evil. ▶️
The virtuous never give up. ▶️
On Fire
Face my fist of justice! ▶️
Justice approaches! ▶️
Final Blow
Good always has the last word. ▶️
Justice never forgets. ▶️
May you rest in peace. ▶️
Only the good triumph. ▶️
The future belongs to the just! ▶️
The oppressor learns the hard way. ▶️
Your crimes will not be missed. ▶️
Your cruelty ends now. ▶️
A shame. You could have saved the world. (eliminating Vengeance Mercy) ▶️
No longer will your hammer punish the weak! (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️

Icon-echo Echo[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Echo Skin Automaton

Hero Selected
I am always ready to observe. ▶️
Ramping up hypogravity engines! ▶️
We have lift off! ▶️
Focusing Beam
Firing proxibeam! ▶️
Adjusting airfoil deminimizers. ▶️
I knew I should have truncated the reserve siduscope. ▶️
Recalculating astro-interior dependencies. ▶️
Updating supraloric foil resources. ▶️
Final Blow
I possess over six million combat protocols. Do you have any? ▶️
Oh dear. They should really update your circuit matrix. (eliminating any omnic) ▶️
Quite the serendipitous happenstance! ▶️
Successful new combat pattern detected! Registering... ▶️
The probability of your survival is… oh. Nevermind. ▶️
Final Blow
Sticky Bombs
Just like the asteroids from the practice chamber! ▶️
Target cyberblasted. ▶️
Final Blow
Focusing Beam
Target beamed away. ▶️
Final Blow
Please reconsider the feasibility of that attempt. (eliminating ulting enemy) ▶️
Echo Skin Camo

Echo Skin Stealth

Hero Selected
I am always r-r-ready to execute. ▶️
I am always ready to execute. (after Season 13)
During Set-Up
I've detected threats in the area. Doubling combat functions. ▶️
Objective received: eliminate any and all dangers. ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Mission update: low risk. Increasing strike power. ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Mission is at high risk. Maximizing offensive capabilities. ▶️
Downloading new offensive and defensive strategies. ▶️
Overriding safety protocols for maximum firepower. Ready to re-engage! ▶️
Stealth Echo unit redeploying. ▶️
On Fire
Reaching peak performance! ▶️
Entering overdrive mode! ▶️
Final Blow
And I didn't even use maximum firepower. ▶️
Confirming. The target is dead. ▶️
Filing under rudimentary combat. ▶️
Kill confirmed, logged, and saved. ▶️
You are unworthy of further study. ▶️
The Strike Commander is down. (eliminating Strike Commander Doomfist) ▶️
I'd like to report a missing Overwatch agent. (eliminating Overwatch member) ▶️
I was told Talon agents were dangerous. (eliminating Talon member) ▶️
Team Kill
All threats identified and eradicated! ▶️
Stealth Echo reporting: zero hostiles! ▶️

Icon-genji Genji[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Genji Skin Cyber Demon

Cyber Demon
Hero Selected
Negaeba shi wa otozure yō.
Japanese: 願えば、死 は 訪れよう。
English: Death returns to those that wish for it.
Come into the light. ▶️
My blade flashes. ▶️
The light becomes me! (allies) ▶️
During Set-Up
My body is gone, but my will remains. ▶️
My soul is caged in a demon's form. ▶️
Strike with the fury of another world. ▶️
There are many wrongs my shining blade must yet avenge. ▶️
Match Start
Fall upon them like lightning. ▶️
I shall take whatever form I must. ▶️
I will be the light that blinds them. ▶️
Life and death are both beyond my reach. ▶️
Reassembled and ready. ▶️
The pain subsides, and I am born again. ▶️
You can no more kill me than the lightning that fills the sky. ▶️
On Fire
I burn with purpose! ▶️
Damage Boosted
My augmentations mount! ▶️
Light courses through my veins! ▶️
Final Blow
Cybernetic annihilation. ▶️
Deleted. ▶️
How was that, punk? ▶️
Illuminating accuracy. ▶️
The cyber demon claims another! ▶️
These streets are mine. ▶️
Hikari ni nare.
Japanese: 光になれ。
English: Become light.
Sent to a neon scrapyard. (eliminating Omnics) ▶️
Your modifications were primitive. (eliminating Sojourn) ▶️
You claim to have mastered light? *scoff* (eliminating Symmetra) ▶️
Nothing is faster than light. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Final Blow
Swift Strike
Come into the light. ▶️
My blade flashes. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Am I fearsome up close? ▶️
An incandescent strike. ▶️
You wanted to see my tattoos? ▶️
Kill Streak
Do you fear me yet? ▶️
My soul burns ever brighter. ▶️
Team Kill
We glow brighter as our foes dim. ▶️
Multi Kill
Now you have seen behind the mask. ▶️
Heh. Okay. ▶️
Yeah, yeah. ▶️
Genji Skin Baihu

Genji Skin Heihu

Byakko no ken o kurae! (self and hostile)
Japanese: 白虎の剣を喰らえ!
English: Taste the blade of the White Tiger!
The White Tiger becomes me! (allies) ▶️
Damage Boosted
Waga kokoro wa byakko no kokoro.
Japanese: 我が心は白虎の心。
English: My heart is a white tiger's heart.
Genji Skin Demon

Genji Skin Oni

Oni no ken o kurae! (self and hostile)
Japanese: 鬼の剣を喰らえ!
English: Taste the demon's blade!
The demon becomes me! (allies) ▶️
Damage Boosted
Waga kokoro wa oni no kokoro.
Japanese: 我が心は鬼の心。
English: I have the heart of the demon!
Genji Skin Genjiman

Genji Skin Sentai

Hero Change
Genji's here. Henshin!
Japanese: 変身!
English: (Ready to) Transform!
Damage Boosted
Unbreakable body! ▶️
Doki-doki yukai!
Japanese: ドキドキ愉快 !
English: Heart-pounding delight!
Japanese: 変身!
English: Transform!
Break the limit! ▶️
Fantastic technique! ▶️
Genji Skin Kendoka

Japanese: 構え。
English: On guard.
During Set-Up
Ki o tsuke!
Japanese: 気を付け!
English: Attention!
Japanese: 始め!
English: Start!
Japanese: 反則!
English: Foul!
Shishō, mōshiwake arimasen. (eliminating Zenyatta)
Japanese: 師匠、申し訳ありません。
English: Master, my sincerest apologies.
Arigatō gozaimashita.
Japanese: ありがとうございました。
English: Thank you very much.

Icon-hanzo Hanzo[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Hanzo Skin Onryō

Sonic Arrow
The dead see all. ▶️
Vengeance will find you. ▶️
Storm Arrows
A plague of arrows. ▶️
My rage is a flood. ▶️
My spirit brings the storm. ▶️
Let vengeance consume you! (allies) ▶️
Hero Select
Vengeance is all I have left. ▶️
During Set-Up
Depending on others brings nothing but disappointment. ▶️
I long for the days where Hanabusagō bore me into battle. Oh, to hear the thunder of her hooves again. ▶️
If not for that betrayal, I would have seized the throne--and with it, the world. ▶️
In life, none could match my strength. In death, I am more fearsome still. ▶️
The traitors' swords... so sharp, so... cold. But I made them pay. ▶️
Tonight, we will teach them to fear the dark. ▶️
Something here speaks to me. Urges me towards peace. But I will never listen. (on Nepal) ▶️
Could we not have struck at dusk? This sunlight is so... ugh. (any map during the daytime)
Match Start
*mournful wail*... *ominous laugh* ▶️
*ghost noises* ▶️
Fall upon them like a cursed rain. ▶️
Usher them from this world to the next. ▶️
All my suffering has led to this. (when starting Final Round) ▶️
An Onryō is not banished so easily. ▶️
Betrayed again! *grunt* ▶️
I will grind their bones to dust. ▶️
I've endured a thousand deaths. What's one more? ▶️
My wrath is not yet sated. ▶️
Oh, Hanabusagō... how I miss you. ▶️
Soon, they will join me in the grave. ▶️
This haunting is far from over. ▶️
What foul trickery was that? (eliminated by Genji using Deflect) ▶️
Blades cannot slay me, I'm afraid. You will have to do better. (eliminated by Genji using Dragon Blade) ▶️
The sunlight burns... but I will endure. (eliminated by Illari using Captive Sun) ▶️
If only I still had my horse. (eliminated by Orisa) ▶️
Was that their champion? His bones will make a fitting monument. (eliminated by Reinhardt) ▶️
It seems I must show that hideous oni his place. (eliminated by Winston) ▶️
On Fire
I burn with ethereal fire! ▶️
The flames of purgatory engulf me! ▶️
Damage Boosted
My wrath grows! ▶️
Your demise has come! ▶️
Nano Boosted
Lament, worms! ▶️
Look the Onryō in its eyes! ▶️
*otherworldy roar* ▶️
Time Running Out
Our graves loom. Finish them, and quickly. ▶️
Our time on this plane draws short. Attack! ▶️
Final Blow
Ah... If only I could still taste the blood. ▶️
As fierce in death as I was in life. ▶️
*chuckle* Boo. ▶️
Have some spine. ▶️
Shame be upon you! ▶️
Such mortal follies. ▶️
Suffer the Onryō's vengeance! ▶️
Your death fuels me! ▶️
Hmm. What are these... memories? (eliminating Genji) ▶️
Finally, some darkness! (eliminating Illari) ▶️
A mechanical horse? Preposterous. (eliminating Orisa) ▶️
Rather fragile, for a spirit... (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
*chuckle* This passes for a champion, in this age? (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
Final Blow
*evil laugh* (elimination with Sonic Arrow) ▶️
Death is prescient. *chuckle* (elimination with Sonic Arrow) ▶️
To perish in a giggling crouch? Ridiculous. (eliminating Junkrat using Rip-Tire) ▶️
You think your torment worse than mine? (eliminating Ramattra using Annihilation) ▶️
My vengeance will find you, wherever you are. (unknown trigger) ▶️
My wrath levels villages. Yours would barely stir a curtain. (unknown trigger) ▶️
Your strange contraption could not save you. (unknown trigger) ▶️
Kill Streak
I will never be laid to rest! ▶️
My curse lies upon you all! ▶️
My wrath will burn forever! ▶️
Thus did I rend the battlegrounds of old! ▶️
Multi Kill
How's that calamity? ▶️
Into the earth! All of them! ▶️
Their bones will be a warning. ▶️
The doors of hell swing wide! ▶️
Your ancestors tell me they are very disappointed. ▶️
Team Kill
An empty battlefield, if not for the wailing dead. ▶️
Can you hear their whispers? ▶️
A morsel of revenge. ▶️
I am a vengeful ghost. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
A ghostly strike. ▶️
Did you doubt my materiality? ▶️
The light fades from their eyes. ▶️
Hail, mortal. ▶️
Hello. ▶️
Of course. ▶️
Oh, very well.
Hanzo Skin Okami
Hanzo Skin Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Hanzo Skin Dark Wolf
Dark Wolf
The wolf stirs from his den. ▶️
Sonic Arrow
The wolf marks his prey. ▶️
See through the wolf's eyes. ▶️
Ōkami yo, waga teki wo kurae! (Self and Hostile)
Kanji: 狼よ、我が敵を喰らえ!
English: Come, wolf! Devour my enemies!
The wolf hunts for its prey! (Friendly) ▶️
Dragonstrike Elimination
The wolf is sated. ▶️
The wolf feasts. ▶️
Kill Streak
The wolf hungers. ▶️
On Fire
The wolf awakens. ▶️
The wolf howls within me. ▶️
Damage Boosted
The wolf stirs within me. ▶️
Ultimate Status (100%)
I am ready to unleash the wolf. ▶️
Replaced Voice Line
I choose you, spirit wolf. ▶️

Icon-junker queen Junker Queen[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Junker Queen Skin Zeus

Hero Selected
Olympus is where I say it is. ▶️
Commanding Shout
Run with the lightning! ▶️
Shake the moths out of your loincloths and move! ▶️
Jagged Blade
Bolt! ▶️
Bolt? ▶️
Here, lightning! ▶️
I need a thunderbolt! ▶️
My hand needs some lightning in it! ▶️
Where's my thunderbolt? ▶️
Let's take 'em to the underworld! (team) ▶️
Gonna chain 'em to a rock, and call my eagle. ▶️
Hubris, eh? Bold move, mortals! ▶️
I beat the Titans. This lot is nothing! ▶️
That's it! Everyone's going to Hades! ▶️
That's it! Everyone's going to Tartarus! ▶️
What kind of moron crosses the mother of the gods? ▶️
You can't kill a god! ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
Mmm... ambrosia. ▶️
On Fire
And that's how you bring fire to the mortals! ▶️
Eat your liver out, Prometheus! ▶️
Look out, Ares! There's a new god of war! ▶️
Face the might of Zeus! ▶️
You dare oppose Olympus? ▶️
Final Blow
G'day from the land of thunder. ▶️
Just keepin' my sister busy. ▶️
Shocking, eh? ▶️
*laughs* There can only be one God of Thunder! (eliminating another Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
Back to your dank little underworld, sister! (eliminating Hades Pharah) ▶️
Go cry to Persephone! (eliminating Hades Pharah) ▶️
Not this time, sister. (eliminating Hades Pharah) ▶️
Not this time, brother. (eliminating Poseidon Ramattra) ▶️
Sky beats ocean, brother! (eliminating Poseidon Ramattra) ▶️
Another bull sacrificed to me. (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
Wait. You're just a bloke with a bull for a head! (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
See you later, cyclops! (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
Thanks again for the thunderbolt! (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
Gor-gone! *laughs* (eliminating Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
Kill Streak
How electrifying! ▶️
I'm the Platonic form of butt-kicking. ▶️
The poets are gonna love this! ▶️
Multi Kill
An ungodly rampage! ▶️
She strikes again! And again! And AGAIN! ▶️
That's why I rule Olympus. ▶️
God of lightning, and... vengeance! ▶️
Heavenly retribution. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
An electric uppercut! ▶️
Judgement: passed. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Ha! Your prowess pleases the gods. ▶️
Jagged Blade
Pulling Enemy
Come to heaven! ▶️
Got a little thunderbolt in ya! *laughs* ▶️
Olympus calls! ▶️
Zeus summons ya! ▶️
Junker Queen Skin Executioner

Hero Selected
The punishment ends when I say so. ▶️
Commanding Shout
Ring the death knell! ▶️
Let's take 'em to the gallows! (team) ▶️
Match Start
Let's break out the guillotine! ▶️
Time for some punishing! ▶️
Oi! I drop the guillotine around here! ▶️
You don't execute the executioner! ▶️
On Fire
*laughs* I've got their heads rolling! ▶️
*laughs* Now that's lethal! ▶️
Final Blow
*laughs* Another trophy for my collection. ▶️
*laughs* Cutthroat! ▶️
Executed! ▶️
I thought you had guts. Guess not. ▶️
I'm the whole firing squad. ▶️
Left you hangin'! ▶️
Off with your head! ▶️
Punished with a capital P! ▶️
*laughs* That's some back-breaking work. ▶️
Your crime was crossing me. ▶️
*laughs* Your neck is made for choppin'! ▶️
Your sentence: death! ▶️
Kill Streak
Busy day on the chopping block! ▶️
*laughs* The gallows are full! ▶️
Purgin' time! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Hang off this! ▶️
Teammate Downed
Oi--hey! If they die, I've got dibs on the carcass! ▶️
Reviving Teammate
Eh, your guts wouldn't fetch me a half-bit. Get up! ▶️
Hey! Hey, hey, hey. If you die, it'll be by my axe. Got it? ▶️
This is why you stick to souls. Not bodies! (reviving Warlock Ashe) ▶️
Ha! Did you foresee me saving your hide?! (reviving Witch Kiriko) ▶️
Hang on, hang on... Who's supposed to solve your murder if you die? (reviving Cyber Detective Sojourn) ▶️

Icon-junkrat Junkrat[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Junkrat Skin Beachrat
Concussion Mine
Time to chum the waters. ▶️
Concussion Mine
Launching Self
Cannonball! ▶️
Surf's up, up, up! ▶️
Match Start
Pool's open, I'm jumping in! ▶️
Don't forget your sunscreen! Sun's terrible for your skin. (on maps with sunny weather) ▶️
I'm ready for some fun in the sun! (on maps with sunny weather) ▶️
It's a little cold. (on maps with cold weather) ▶️
I'm still kickin'! ▶️
Still treading water! ▶️
You're a real... life saver! *laughs* ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Everyone out of the pool! ▶️
Junkrat Skin Bilgerat
Concussion Mine
Waiting to Activate
Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock. ▶️
Hero Change
Captain Junkrat, ready to set sail! ▶️
Ahoy, matey! ▶️
Junkrat Skin Cricket
Steel Trap
Leg before wicket! ▶️
Hero Change
Junkrat's come to the crease! ▶️
Final Blow
Bit of an agricultural shot. ▶️
Got you with a googly. ▶️
Howzat? ▶️
Now who's got the Ashes? *laughs* (eliminating Tracer) ▶️
Kill Streak
Ladies and gentlemen, he's working on a century! ▶️
Team Kill
Enemy team's all out! ▶️
Junkrat Skin Dr. Junkenstein
Dr. Junkenstein
Get ready for a shock! (self and hostile) ▶️
Ladies and gentlemen, my latest creation! (allies) ▶️
He's alive! He's alive! ▶️
Final Blow
Electrifying. ▶️
That must have been a real shock! ▶️
And they said I was the mad one! (eliminating Winston using Primal Rage or Reaper) ▶️
Junkrat Skin Hayseed
Junkrat Skin Scarecrow
Match Start
Early bird gets the worm! (on maps with a morning setting) ▶️
On Fire
Fire! Not good! ▶️
I'm on fire! ...Usually that would not be a good thing. ▶️

Icon-kiriko Kiriko[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Kiriko Skin Amaterasu
Hero Selected
I'll light my own path. ▶️
Healing Ofuda
A new dawn for you. ▶️
Burn bright for me. ▶️
Restoring your light. ▶️
Rise like the sun! ▶️
The sunlight soothes. ▶️
Protection Suzu
Cleansing Negative Effects
Bathe in sunlight. ▶️
Be resplendent. ▶️
I bless you. ▶️
Illuminated! ▶️
The light embraces you. ▶️
Swift Step
Hi, sunshine! ▶️
On your horizon. ▶️
The goddess is here. ▶️
Your day just got made. ▶️
Your prayers are answered. ▶️
Pre-Match Setup
Tending to the Earth keeps a girl busy. ▶️
You're in the presence of a legend! ▶️
Match Start
How gloomy. Let's change that. ▶️
Time to bring the light back to the universe. ▶️
Can't keep the sun down. ▶️
I'll just keep on rising. ▶️
Rise and shine! ▶️
The day's not over yet. ▶️
Time to come out of my cave. ▶️
Final Blow
Go hide in a cave. ▶️
I burn the brightest. Got that? ▶️
Lighten up. ▶️
My light too bright for you? ▶️
Silly human. (eliminating human heroes) ▶️
Kill Streak
Can't eclipse me! ▶️
Luminous and ruinous. ▶️
Team Kill
Nothing escapes the sun. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Knocked your lights out. ▶️
Kiriko Skin Witch

Kiriko Skin Divinator
Healing Ofuda
Don't worry. You got a long life ahead of you. ▶️
For every bad, there's some good. ▶️
Here's some good fortune. ▶️
I foresee carnage in your future. ▶️
It's not your time yet. ▶️
Reading your cards. ▶️
Your future's bright! ▶️
Your prospects are looking better. ▶️
Swift Step
Fate draws us together. ▶️
I foresee you'll need me. ▶️
Manifesting. ▶️
Our futures are intertwined. ▶️
This bodes well for you. ▶️
Protection Suzu
Cleansing Negative Effects
Cleansing your energy. ▶️
Energies balanced. ▶️
Fortune comes. ▶️
I foresee a change for the better. ▶️
Luck's on your side. ▶️
This is your lucky day. ▶️
Warding you. ▶️
Kitsune Rush
Enter the spirit world! (self and allies) ▶️
During Setup
Can't change the future unless you pay up front. ▶️
I sense luck in our near future... or is that a duck? ▶️
I had an ominous dream... and this was exactly how it started... ▶️
Our group energy is... interesting, very interesting. ▶️
Match Start
Destiny calls. ▶️
Stick with me and fortune will follow. ▶️
I draw The Wheel. Let's turn this around. ▶️
Fair is foul and foul is fair. ▶️
The Moon says I'm not waning yet. ▶️
Ugh. Feels like Mercury's in retrograde. ▶️
On Fire
My future's bright! ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
Something wicked this way comes. ▶️
The stars have aligned! ▶️
Final Blow
Can't fight fate. ▶️
Death was in your cards. ▶️
Do you believe me now? ▶️
Don't freak out... 'Death' can be a good card! ▶️
Every beginning has an end. ▶️
How ominous... ▶️
I predicted that. ▶️
Prophecy fulfilled. ▶️
Struck by misfortune. ▶️
That was inevitable. ▶️
The Universe said, "bye bye." ▶️
Your choice was made. ▶️
You're not meant for this world. ▶️
Kill Streak
A streak of bad luck. ▶️
This tragedy was written in the stars. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
My divine gift. ▶️
Palm read this. ▶️
I read you. ▶️
I foresee you coming over here. ▶️
The waypoint is in our stars. ▶️
No... this isn't my time! ▶️
Reviving Teammate
My crystal ball says you're not done yet. ▶️
I thought your dark magic was supposed to prevent this. (reviving Warlock Ashe) ▶️
Your case still needs cracking, remember? (reviving Executioner Junker Queen) ▶️

Icon-lúcio Lúcio[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Lúcio Skin Breakaway
Lúcio Skin Slapshot
Hero Select
Brought my gear, time to find a game! ▶️
Final Blow
You're getting five for fighting. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Come on, drop the gloves! ▶️
Lúcio Skin Hermes
Hero Select
We're here to be a herald! ▶️
Let those feet fly! ▶️
Divine healing. ▶️
Hermes will heal you. ▶️
During Set-up
The blessings of Hermes be upon you. You're welcome! ▶️
Match Start
Olympus or bust, baby! ▶️
A god always gets back up. ▶️
Cerberus said to tell y'all: "bark bark bark." ▶️
They're just not getting the message. ▶️
Ran to Hades and back, I'm warmed up! ▶️
On Fire
Ran so fast, my feet caught fire! ▶️
No brakes on the H-Train! ▶️
Who wants a trip to Hades?! ▶️
Final Blow
Sorry, mom! (vs. Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
You're too slow to be me! (vs. another Hermes Lúcio) ▶️
I don't need to guide you, right? You can find your own way home? (vs. Hades Pharah) ▶️
Uh, w-we're still cool, right? (vs. Hades Pharah) ▶️
Runnin' on the water! Ow-ow! (vs. Posideon Ramattra) ▶️
Mooo-ve over, minotaur! (vs. Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
Too slow, unibrow. Too slow! (vs. Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
I needed some new snakes for my staff. Thanks! (vs. Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
I thought I helped Perseus kill you already. (vs. Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
Kill Streak
I always said I'm an underrated god! ▶️
Oh, they rack up quick when I'm around. ▶️
Multi Kill
God of merchants and multi-kills. ▶️
Ooh. Making Ares proud! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Don't catch Hermes' hands! ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
You need wings on your feet! ▶️
Lúcio Skin Jazzy
Hero Select
Everybody get your stuff together and let's jam! ▶️
Match Start
Let's kick the beat! ▶️
Payload Moving
Oh, this payload's jumping! ▶️
Voiceline Differential
Turn it up in my cans. (original: "Turn it up in my headphones!") ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
You got chops! ▶️
Lúcio Skin Seleção
Lúcio Skin Striker
Hero Change
Lúcio, checking in the game. ▶️
During Set-up
My ratings? 99 pace, 99 dribbling, 99 making this look good. ▶️
Oh, nothing like playing in front of the home fans! ▶️
Practice? I mean... what are we talking about... practice? We're talking about practice. ▶️
*hoots* This is one good looking team. The beautiful game, am I right? ▶️
Sniper Sighted
C'mon, he dove! No snipers here. ▶️
Oh, sniper! ▶️
Oh, thanks for the assist! ▶️
Are you blind, ref? ▶️
C'Mon, ref! ▶️
C'Mon ref, show him a card! ▶️
That was a dive! ▶️
Lúcio Skin Space Prince
Space Prince
Hero Select
I'm here to be heard! ▶️
No invading my space! ▶️
Lightspeed! ▶️
Spiral galaxy speed! ▶️
Healing signal incoming! ▶️
I'm the center of the healing system! ▶️
Amp It Up
Blast it! ▶️
Make some noise, planet people! ▶️
Raise the sonosphere! ▶️
During Set-up
Wonder if my new tracks have hit this galaxy yet. ▶️
Aw man, they messed up the sparkles on my suit! ▶️
Ha! A real star takes millions of years to burn out. ▶️
I get it. Everyone in the system wants a piece of this. ▶️
Tough crowd on this hunk of rock. ▶️
Uh, they know I'm royalty, right? ▶️
Final Blow
Consider yourself sonified! ▶️
That's for threatening my father! ▶️
You'd be nothing without our sound crystal exports! ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Knocked outta orbit! ▶️
Outta this world! ▶️
See you in another galaxy! ▶️

Icon-mei Mei[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Mei Skin Beekeeper
Ouch! That stings! ▶️
Mei Skin Chang'e
Those astronauts never found me! ▶️
Home sweet home. ▶️
Do you think there's any bunny food around here? ▶️
Mei Skin Firefighter
Mei Skin Rescue Mei
Rescue Mei
Hero Change
Mei, on duty. ▶️
On Fire
I'm on fire! ...Isn't that against regulations? ▶️
Mei Skin Mei-rry
Final Blow
Happy holidays! ▶️
Replaced Voice Line
You have to let it snow. ▶️

Icon-mercy Mercy[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Mercy Skin Vengeance
Hero Selected
Don't fail me, I'll be right behind you. ▶️
Caduceus Staff
I am your remedy. ▶️
I will fix you. ▶️
In need of... treatment? ▶️
Repairing the damage. ▶️
Someone needs a savior. (healing ally with critical health) ▶️
You're looking unwell. (healing ally with critical health) ▶️
Caduceus Staff
Damage Boost
Do your worst. ▶️
Don't disappoint me. ▶️
Don't underperform, now. ▶️
I expect much from you. ▶️
I need you at peak performance. ▶️
Lending you power. ▶️
On with it. ▶️
Guardian Angel
Begging for attention? ▶️
By your side. ▶️
Here I am. ▶️
I didn't say you could rest. ▶️
We're not done here. ▶️
During Set-Up
For your sake, I hope you're not questioning my abilities. ▶️
I could mend you. Though you may have to convince me first. ▶️
I decide who receives my aid. ▶️
In the name of humanity's future, my plans cannot fail. ▶️
Death will not triumph over me. ▶️
I will not let them stand in my way. ▶️
I'll teach them the meaning of pain. ▶️
Minor setbacks mean nothing. ▶️
*chuckles* No mercy. ▶️
That won't be enough to stop me. ▶️
They dare to make me their enemy? ▶️
They'll regret that. ▶️
Time for a new plan. ▶️
Final Blow
Do you need bedrest? ▶️
I'll see that you never recover. ▶️
Inevitable. ▶️
Foolproof pain relief. ▶️
No one will save you. ▶️
That's how you end a conflict. ▶️
Reap what you sow, Amari. (eliminating Ana) ▶️
Mercy Skin Devil
Mercy Skin Imp
Hero Change
Mercy, as summoned. ▶️
Guardian Angel
Dein Teufel ist da!
English: Your devil is here!
Heroes never die... for a price. (self and allies) ▶️
Mercy Skin Mage
Mercy Skin Witch
Mercy Skin Conjurer
Caduceus Staff
Casting a healing spell! ▶️
Did someone call for a witch? ▶️
My healing spell is upon you! ▶️
Caduceus Staff
Maintaining the healing spell! ▶️
My spell is still upon you! ▶️
Caduceus Staff
Damage Boost
Casting a spell on you! ▶️
Enchanting your damage! ▶️
I have empowered you! ▶️
My damage spell is upon you! ▶️
Guardian Angel
Deine Hexe ist da!
English: Your witch is here!
I still have use for you. (self and allies) ▶️
My servants never die! (self and allies) ▶️
Hero Change
Mercy, as summoned. ▶️
Witches don't die that easily. ▶️
On Fire
I'm on fire! But this witch doesn't burn. ▶️
Teammate Killed
In PVE Game Modes
That poor, lost soul. ▶️
Mercy Skin Sigrún
Mercy Skin Valkyrie
Guardian Angel
Deine Walküre ist da!
English: Your valkyrie is here!
Til Valhalla! (self and allies) ▶️
Hero Change
Mercy is here. ▶️
Final Blow
I am the chooser of the slain. ▶️
Mercy Skin Winged Victory
Winged Victory
Caduceus Staff
You needed a goddess? ▶️
Guardian Angel
Deine Göttin ist da!
English: Your goddess is here!
Onwards to victory! (self and allies) ▶️
Hero Change
Mercy has arrived. ▶️

Icon-moira Moira[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Moira Skin Ancient Caller
Ancient Caller
Hero Selected
Our minds are shackled. Submission is the key. ▶️
Dissolution. ▶️
Into darkness. ▶️
Unknowable. ▶️
Biotic Orb
A salve for all that ails. ▶️
An eldritch blessing. ▶️
Flourish. ▶️
Now feast. ▶️
Recover your strength. ▶️
Biotic Orb
Know darkness. ▶️
Let shadow consume you. ▶️
Your pain will be endless. ▶️
During Set-Up
My soul hungers. ▶️
Do not fight your true nature. ▶️
Another turn of fate's wheel. ▶️
Chaos returns. ▶️
Reborn from the darkness. ▶️
Resurrection? How vile. ▶️
On Fire
I am unbound! ▶️
I burn eternal!


Rise, ancient flame! ▶️
Unfathomable prowess! ▶️
Sublime calamity! ▶️
Final Blow
A rapturous demise. ▶️
Brought to ruin. ▶️
*chuckle* Fragile thing. ▶️
Relinquish your being. ▶️
Wither and fall. ▶️
Wretched toil. ▶️
Yield to the yawning dark. ▶️
Final Blow
Biotic Orb
A torturous gift. ▶️
The darkness will find them. ▶️
The gloom takes you. ▶️
Multi Kill
Yet more fall. ▶️
Team Kill
A grand sacrifice! ▶️
Called by the calamity! ▶️
Our agonies intermingle. ▶️
Your price is paid. ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Spared, but for what greater purpose? ▶️
Thank the shadows that hide you. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Struck by fate. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
The dark ones are pleased. ▶️
You wield great power. ▶️
Moira Skin Lilith
Hero Selected
Humanity is shackled. I hold the key. ▶️
Biotic Orb
Be nurtured. ▶️
Know mother's kindness. ▶️
Biotic Orb
Ruination is imminent. ▶️
The weak can fend for themselves. ▶️
Of the Void. ▶️
Match Start
I have not come to save, but to empower. ▶️
Now our true work begins. ▶️
My essence has reformed. ▶️
They will learn pain only glimpsed in myth. ▶️
On Fire
Break the chains! ▶️
Grant me an ember from your hearts! ▶️
I know the fabric of the cosmos! ▶️
Witness a mother's fury! ▶️
Final Blow
I can sense your fear! ▶️
I gave you free will, and you've squandered it! ▶️
Sin is your birthright. ▶️
You've lived so much, yet know so little. (eliminating unknown) ▶️
Your prophecy is broken. (eliminating unknown) ▶️
You struggle to live up to your legacy. (eliminating unknown) ▶️
You have grown so frail. (eliminating Ana) ▶️
This is how you wield my gifts? (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
The strong oppose your might. (eliminating Azmodan Wrecking Ball) ▶️
I have what I came for. ▶️
Whatever the cost. ▶️

Icon-orisa Orisa[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Orisa Skin Grand Beast
Grand Beast
Hero Selected
Only through struggle do we survive! ▶️
Bearing down. ▶️
Holding ground! ▶️
Terra Surge
Stalk your prey! (allies) ▶️
During Set-up
Fearsome creatures stalk at night. Count me among them. ▶️
Many have tried to slay me. All have failed. ▶️
The wilds are cruel. Humans are crueler still. ▶️
Match Start
Adapt or fall! ▶️
Take to the wilds! ▶️
Clever. For a hunter. ▶️
Failure is a chance to evolve. ▶️
*grunt* I must harden my carapace. ▶️
On Fire
I am fierce and wild! ▶️
Strength untamed! ▶️
The beast rages! ▶️
Beware the beast of prey! ▶️
Capture in Progress
Claiming this territory. ▶️
Final Blow
Consider yourself slain. ▶️
Easy prey. ▶️
Fear the cornered beast! (on low HP) ▶️
Only the fittest survive. ▶️
I strike the sun! (eliminating Illari) ▶️
Kill Streak
Running rampant! ▶️
The endless folly of hunters. ▶️
The hunters become the hunted! ▶️
Team Kill
Complete extinction. ▶️
We are the apex predators! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Mind the claws. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
You are ferocious! ▶️

Icon-pharah Pharah[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Pharah Skin Hades
Hero Selected
Death from above. ▶️
Pre-Match Setup
I should get a puppy. Cerberus needs a friend! ▶️
I've bathed in the maw of Vesuvius. This is nothing. ▶️
I'm going to keep knocking them into pits. That seems effective. ▶️
My return was inevitable. ▶️
Once more I tread the mortal realm. ▶️
Stop whining, Cerberus. I'll be back soon. ▶️
On Fire
The flames of Hades burn eternal. ▶️
Any mortals want to deal with death? ▶️
Join me in the underworld! ▶️
Final Blow
What's a god to the god of death? (eliminating any Greek God) ▶️
Everybody dies, sister. Even you. (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
Let Persephone know if you and Hera can make it to dinner next week. (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
You should have stayed my errand-boy, Hermes... (eliminating Hermes Lúcio) ▶️
Go swim in the Styx. (eliminating Posideon Ramattra) ▶️
Nice ocean powers, "nerd"! (eliminating Posideon Ramattra) ▶️
I thought you'd be immune to splash damage. (eliminating Posideon Ramattra with a non-direct hit) ▶️
You think you're death? Ha! (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
Where do we keep dead minotaurs, anyway? Elysium? (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
I don't think you'll fit in Charon's boat. (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
Good hustle, snakes-for-brains. (eliminating Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
You've sent a lot of people my way. Guess it was your turn. (eliminating Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
Kill Streak
Persephone was right. I needed to unwind. ▶️
That's a lot of new chew toys for Cerberus... ▶️
What's got two thumbs and is the god of death? ▶️
Multi Kill
Busy day for Charon's crew! ▶️
Room for plenty more. ▶️
Death wins, in the end. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
A Hades haymaker. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Direct route to the underworld. ▶️
You're going down. Way down. ▶️
Pharah Skin Inarius
Hero Selected
Strike from the heavens. ▶️
Jump Jet
Ascending. ▶️
Rising up. ▶️
Concussive Blast
Clear a path. ▶️
Get out of my way. ▶️
Justice rains from the heavens! (self and hostile, unused) ▶️
Prophet's barrage incoming! (allies) ▶️
Match Start
The future is glorious. ▶️
We create our own destiny. ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Our time has come. Let's end this! ▶️
I command my own fate. ▶️
*frustrated groan* I will end them. ▶️
I will rise again. ▶️
I'll see them burn. ▶️
My salvation is at hand. ▶️
The heavens have not yet called me home. ▶️
On Fire
Yes! Break these chains! ▶️
Nano Boosted
Behold my power! ▶️
Final Blow
Another demon slain. ▶️
Embrace deliverance. ▶️
Evil? Vanquished. ▶️
Hopeless. ▶️
I don't fall for your tricks anymore. ▶️
Insolent son. ▶️
Lay down your banner, pretender. ▶️
Punished. ▶️
This audience is concluded. ▶️
Ungrateful spawn. ▶️
You stood in the way of the savior. ▶️
Your foul mark is cleansed. ▶️
Your soul was weak. ▶️
Two hearts, pierced. (eliminating Mauga) ▶️
Another angel finds glory. (eliminating Mercy) ▶️
Kill Streak
Wiped clean. ▶️
Team Kill
As prophecy foretold. ▶️
Fate demanded they burn. ▶️
Your crusade is done. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Enjoy the void. Heh. ▶️
Fall into the depths. ▶️
Hubris hastens your fall. ▶️
Sink back into the muck. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
What manner of angel are you? ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
I look after my kin. ▶️
I watch over the faithful. ▶️
Pharah Skin Raindancer
Pharah Skin Thunderbird
Thunderbird systems online. ▶️
Hero Change
Pharah on guard. ▶️
Pharah Skin Raptorion
Pharah Skin Mechaqueen
Pharah Skin Mechatron
Raptorion systems online. ▶️

Icon-ramattra Ramattra[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Ramattra Skin Poseidon
Ramattra Skin Ocean King
Ocean King
Hero Selected
I will have Olympus, at any cost. ▶️
Ravenous Vortex
Sink into the depths. ▶️
All the ocean is my domain. ▶️
Anger Poseidon at your peril. ▶️
I have ruined voyages for less. ▶️
I return from the depths. ▶️
Immortal as the ocean. ▶️
Resurfacing. ▶️
On Fire
I am on fire! Metaphorically. ▶️
My winds howl! ▶️
Might of the cyclones! ▶️
The leviathan rises! ▶️
The sea will swallow you! ▶️
Final Blow
Capsized. ▶️
Crushed by the thunder of my waves. ▶️
Inexorable triumph. ▶️
None can withstand the ocean's might. ▶️
Olympus will be mine. ▶️
The riptide pulls you back. *laughs* (elimination with Ravenous Vortex) ▶️
The sea belongs to me. ▶️
A just end for your hubris, sister. (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
Did you get that message, Hermes? (eliminating Hermes Lúcio) ▶️
My realm is as deep and dark as yours. (eliminating Hades Pharah) ▶️
Even bulls are powerless before the flood. (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
You've lost your way, son. (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
I gave you life, and now I have taken it away. (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
Drown, little gorgon. (eliminating Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Shipwrecked. ▶️
Tossed upon the waves. ▶️
Kill Streak
I summon wave after wave. ▶️
This storm will not relent. ▶️
What's the matter? It's only water. ▶️
Multi Kill
As if swallowed by a whale. ▶️
Charybdis claims them all. ▶️
Never doubt the ocean's hunger. ▶️
Team Kill
The waves close above them. ▶️

Icon-reaper Reaper[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Reaper Skin Anubis
Hero Selected
You must accept death. ▶️
Shadow Step
Anubis appears. ▶️
Death has arrived. ▶️
From the underworld. ▶️
Death Blossom
Claiming the dead. (allies) ▶️
During Set-Up
Fall in line, mortals. ▶️
I'll show them death. ▶️
Match Start
All shall rise. ▶️
My time has come. ▶️
A god always returns. ▶️
Death is my territory. ▶️
I only grow stronger. ▶️
I rise again. ▶️
I'll never fall. ▶️
*groan* I'll smite them. ▶️
Perfectly preserved. ▶️
On Fire
Anubis stops for no one! ▶️
Light the pyre! ▶️
Fully Healed
Your worship sustains me. ▶️
You are loyal. ▶️
Immortality is mine! ▶️
Capture in Progress
All are sacrificed. ▶️
Mine to conquer.
Final Blow
Anubis calls.
Cross the threshold. ▶️
Enjoy your tomb. ▶️
Enter my domain. ▶️
Let me guide you home. ▶️
Let the jackals feast. ▶️
Mummified. ▶️
The afterlife awaits. ▶️
The chains rattle. ▶️
Worship me. ▶️
You must accept death.
Get down from there. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Kill Streak
Soul after soul. ▶️
Through the veil. ▶️
Team Kill
*chuckle* Ritual slaughter. ▶️
Cross me. It's your funeral. ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
I'm your protector. ▶️
It's not your time. ▶️
Now sing my praises. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
By my hand. ▶️
Smited. ▶️
Struck down. ▶️
Need Healing
Heal me, mortals. ▶️
Reaper Skin Pumpkin
Death Blossom (unused)
The Reaper comes for your souls. (self and hostile) ▶️
Hero Change
The Reaper is here. ▶️
During Set-Up
Harvest time! ▶️
Time for the reaping. ▶️
This is not the end. ▶️
The Reaper comes for your souls. ▶️
Final Blow
Boo. ▶️
Rest in peace. ▶️
Trick or treat! ▶️
Reaper Skin Evermore
Reaper Skin Nevermore
Reaper Skin Plague Doctor
Plague Doctor
Final Blow
"Nevermore." ▶️

Reaper Skin El Blanco
El Blanco

Reaper Skin MariachiMariachi
During Set-Up
First you listen. Then I kill. ▶️
I'll handle this. ▶️

Icon-reinhardt Reinhardt[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Reinhardt Skin Thor
Hero Selected
Lightning shall strike them down!
During Set-Up
The food in Midguard is abhorrent! I haven't found a single ox to eat!
'Tis a fine day for lightning and thunder.
Ugh, my head smarts! It feels like there is a road stuck in my heads!
We have been through much, Mjolnir and I. Like the time we smashed Odin's favorite table!
Being near the sea reminds me of my worst failure. Next time, I will drink the ocean dry! (on Ilios)
Barrier Field
Fear not, mortals. I shall defend you!
I shield you, Midgardians!
Stand behind me, mortals!
Thor defends you!
Barrier Field
Low HP
My barrier will soon fall!
Barrier Field
Barrier's down! Seek shelter, mortals!
For the Asgardians! (allies)
Come Mjölnir. The battle continues.
Eh, Valhalla can wait.
Ha! Immortality suits me!
I am not ready to return to Asgard.
It is not my time to die.
Ragnarök has yet to come.
The storm rages on.
Face the wrath of the sky!
I bring the storm!
Final Blow
Ah! A being of a different realm!
For Thrudheim!
Heh. Petty Midgardian!
In the name of Asgard!
Let thunder shake your soul!
To Valhalla with you!
You dare turn lightning against me?
Hah! 'Til Valhalla. (eliminating Mercy)
You are not worthy of that hammer. (eliminating another Reinhardt)
Ha! Consider your thunder stolen.
Team Kill
The gods have spoken.
Reinhardt Skin All Might
All Might
Hammer Down Highlight Intros or Pumpkin Smash Emotes
Detroit Smash!
Texas Smash!
Detroit Smash! (self)
Texas Smash! (self)

Reinhardt Skin BalderichBalderich

Reinhardt Skin GreifhardtGreifhardt
During Set-Up
For Balderich! ▶️


Reinhardt Skin Fallen Knight
Fallen Knight
Barrier Field
Bearing down!
Behind me. Now.
Barrier Field Taking Damage
More... more!
Barrier Field Destroyed
I will not be broken!
Hero Selected
We will tear them down!
During Set-Up
By your will, Commander. (with Ana on team)
Match Start
Glory and fury!
*grunt* I will make them pay!
On Fire
Burning rage!
Nano Boosted
Unleash me!
Final Blow
*grunt* Crushed!
Rage and death!
*grunts* Take that!
You hold my leash no longer! (eliminating Ana)
Honor won't save you. (eliminating Doomfist)
You are no match! (to Zarya)
Final Blow
Fire Strike
To ashes!
Kill Streak
Not enough... never enough!
Weak, all of you!
Multi Kill
Reinhardt Skin Gridironhardt
Touchdown! (self and hostile) ▶️
Blocking! ▶️
On Fire
He could go all the way! ▶️
Reinhardt Skin Minotaur
Hero Selected
Together, we'll charge them down! ▶️
During Set-Up
What a strange labyrinth this is! ▶️
Match Start
*snorts* Charge! ▶️
Enough chewing my cud. Let's fight! ▶️
How many of these labors will there be? Surely no more than 11. ▶️
I will not be cowed! ▶️
I'll bring the labyrinth to them. ▶️
Moooaargh! ▶️
That was bull! ▶️
You're not tipping me over. ▶️
Health Pack
I feel like a new minotaur! ▶️
Nano Boosted
Try taming this! ▶️
Who fancies themselves a matador? ▶️
On Fire
I burn with a bull's fury! ▶️
I'm more on fire than Icarus was! ▶️
Charge (Unsuccessful)
*grunts* My longtime nemesis. Obstructions! ▶️
Horns down! ▶️
Final Blow
*laughs* Gored! ▶️
Mess with the minotaur, get the horns... of the minotaur! ▶️
Were you lost? ▶️
You were by far the inferior monster. ▶️
Choose the minotaur for long-range destruction! (with Fire Strike at long range) ▶️
*grunt* Trampled! (with Charge) ▶️
Zeus, sacrificed to a bull. Ha! (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
Now the whole of Olympus will be my labyrinth! (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
You're an irritating little fly, Hermes! (eliminating Hermes Lúcio) ▶️
I have slain Hades, and will live forever! (eliminating Hades Pharah) ▶️
Now I will rule the seas! (eliminating Poseidon Ramattra) ▶️
You might be god of horses, but you're not the god of bulls! (eliminating Poseidon Ramattra) ▶️
Now, this is bullfighting. (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
I'm not sharing my labyrinth! (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
Rather have a bull's head than one eye! (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
Bulls love stepping on snakes! (eliminating Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
Kill Streak
All Olympus will be my labyrinth. ▶️
I'm trampling all over them! ▶️
Multi Kill
Grass-fed havoc! ▶️
King Minos, eat your heart out! ▶️
Reinhardt Skin Wujing
I am purified. ▶️

Icon-roadhog Roadhog[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Roadhog Skin Butcher
Final Blow
Dismembered. ▶️
Fresh meat. ▶️ ▶️
Roadhog Skin Cyclops
Hero Selected
This odyssey ain't over. ▶️
During Set-Up
Let's pillage. ▶️
Don't stop till Olympus. ▶️
Eat 'em alive. ▶️
I'll see what I can do. ▶️
I've got an eye on them. ▶️
Nobody's killing me. ▶️
One eye, can't die. ▶️
On Fire
This myth is mine. ▶️
Fully Healed
Nectar of the gods. ▶️
I could kill a Titan! ▶️
Final Blow
Cyclops style. ▶️
Get rocked. ▶️
How's boulder taste? ▶️
I'll take that thunderbolt back. (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
You rule Olympus? (eliminating Zeus Junker Queen) ▶️
Pesky fly. (eliminating Hermes Lúcio) ▶️
More like "god of being dead." (eliminating Hades Pharah) ▶️
Sorry, dad. (eliminating Poseidon Ramattra) ▶️
And they call me a monster? (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt or Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
*chuckling* Stupid bull. (eliminating Minotaur Reinhardt) ▶️
See ya, brother. (eliminating Cyclops Roadhog) ▶️
Snake hair, don't care. (eliminating Medusa Widowmaker) ▶️
Kill Streak
Fear the Cyclops. ▶️
Multi Kill
Like a rolling boulder. ▶️
Team Kill
Got the whole crew. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
*battle roar* ▶️
Cyclops slam. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Fall into Tartarus. ▶️
*laughs* Just like Icarus. ▶️
Roadhog Skin Junkenstein's Monster
Junkenstein's Monster
Chain Hook
Come closer. ▶️
I'm alive! ▶️
Roadhog Skin Lacrosse
Enough riding the pine. ▶️
On Fire
I'm crispy with the rock! ▶️
Final Blow
Sick. ▶️
Stuffed. ▶️
*laughs* We got a fish here. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
How's that ice pick? ▶️
Laying the lumber. ▶️
Roadhog Skin Mako
Roadhog Skin Sharkbait
Chain Hook
Anchors aweigh! ▶️
Going fishing. ▶️
Match Start
*laughs* Arr... matey. ▶️

Icon-sigma Sigma[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Sigma Skin Galactic Emperor
Galactic Emperor
Experimental Barrier
Proclaiming a barrier! ▶️
They dare assault my barrier? (taking damage) ▶️
Barrier broken! Fie! (destroyed) ▶️
Gravitic Flux
Het universum buigt voor mij! (self and hostile)
English: The universe bows to me!
What is that syzygy? (friendly) ▶️
Hero Selected
Why ask questions when you can just obey? ▶️
During Set-Up
I have ruled the Nebula for centuries, what hope has anyone of stopping me? ▶️
No need to destroy this planet. It's already a blasted waste. ▶️
Ugh, this sand! I hate it! It's getting everywhere! (on any map with sand) ▶️
This world seems temperate. Perhaps I will use it for leisure! (on Havana, Ilios or Paraíso) ▶️
Match Start
Do not disappoint me! ▶️
Go forth, minions, and bring my word to fruition! ▶️
My will be done. ▶️
Death has no dominion over me. ▶️
Hardly a fitting resurrection chamber. ▶️
I rise from darkness into glory. ▶️
My reign resumes. ▶️
So it's rebellion, then? Hmph! ▶️
The Infinite Empire will not forgive these transgressions. ▶️
Damage Boosted
Yes! Enhance me! ▶️
Infinite power! ▶️
The Nebula is mine! ▶️
Final Blow
By imperial edict. ▶️
Hah! Pathetic worm. ▶️
Gravity is mine to control! ▶️
Most go through life unchallenged, except at the final moment. ▶️
Obey me! ▶️
Submit. ▶️
Such is the penalty for treason. ▶️
Infinitely punished! (shutting down an ultimate ability) ▶️
A pathetic god! (eliminating any enemy that has a divine skin) ▶️
Perish, Smuggler. (eliminating Intergalactic Smuggler Ashe) ▶️
A malfunctioning Annihilator? Curious. (eliminating Infinite Annihilator Bastion) ▶️
There has never been a truly selfless rebel. (eliminating Bonebreaker Doomfist) ▶️
You could have been my Infinite Jester. (eliminating Junkrat) ▶️
Your bloodline will be purged, Prince. (eliminating Space Prince Lúcio) ▶️
Final Blow
Accretion Mass
I decree you… obliterated. ▶️
Imperial force! ▶️
Thus, the comet falls. ▶️
Kill Streak
The stars themselves shall obey my will. ▶️
I am your Emperor! ▶️
Succumb to my infinite might! ▶️
Infinite agony inflicted! ▶️
And so the stars align. ▶️
Even death serves me! ▶️
Team Kill
None remain to oppose my will. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Touched by infinity. (melee elimination) ▶️
Begone, alien filth! (eliminating Bonebreaker Doomfist, Starship Engineer Torbjörn, or Extraterrestrial Winston) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Exiled from my universe. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
You serve your Emperor well. ▶️
Fully Healed
A testament to my glory. ▶️
I greet thee. ▶️
You are greeted. ▶️
Your presence is acknowledged. ▶️
Gratitude extended. ▶️
Yes, mmm, very good. ▶️
You are thanked. ▶️
So shall it be. ▶️
Group Up
Join your emperor! ▶️
Need Help/Healing
Your Emperor demands aid! ▶️
Heal your Emperor! ▶️
Ultimate Charging
My ultimate yet charges. ▶️
Sigma Skin Flying Dutchman
Flying Dutchman
Sigma Skin Plunderer
Match Start
Alle hens aan dek!
English: All hands on deck!
Robot Pushing Barricade
Charting the course! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Hold her steady, and we will take the lead! ▶️
Final Blow
Gravitic Flux
The unfathomable weight of gravity! ▶️
To the abyss! ▶️
Arr! ▶️
Thank you, matey! ▶️
Group Up
Group up, scallywags! ▶️

Icon-sojourn Sojourn[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Sojourn Skin Cyber Detective
Cyber Detective
Hero Selected
Everyone's a suspect. All of us. ▶️
Disruptor Shot
Freeze! ▶️
The scene of the crime. ▶️
You're all under arrest! ▶️
It's gum-shoe time! (friendly) ▶️
Pre-Match Setup
Ran background checks on this group. No one passed. ▶️
Match Start
No crimes on my watch. ▶️
The trail is hot. ▶️
Time to hand out some justice. ▶️
Gotta catch them off guard... Let me run those stats back. ▶️
I'll have to find a better way to engage. ▶️
No sweat. Just need a new plan. ▶️
There was a flaw in my logic. ▶️
This case isn't done yet. ▶️
Time to investigate a little further. ▶️
On Fire
My case is heating up! ▶️
Hero Change
Detective Chase, at your service. ▶️
The game is afoot! ▶️
Final Blow
Case closed. ▶️
Caught you red-handed. ▶️
Crime never pays. ▶️
Got a cell with your name on it. ▶️
Mystery: solved. ▶️
No one outruns me. ▶️
Suspect apprehended. ▶️
You can't leg it. I got you beat. ▶️
You're doing time. Hard time. ▶️
Your case just went cold. ▶️
Kill Streak
Line them up! ▶️
Not everyone can handle the truth. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Elementary. ▶️
Here's a clue. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
You're going downtown. Way down. ▶️
10-4. ▶️
Teammate Downed
*groan* Another murder in Adlersbrunn? ▶️
Reviving Teammate
On your feet. I still have questions for you. ▶️
Get up, outlaw. I can't lose my prime suspect. (reviving Warlock Ashe)
You have blood on your hands, butcher... but we could use some help. (reviving Executioner Junker Queen)
These things catch us all by surprise. (reviving Witch Kiriko) ▶️

Icon-soldier: 76 Soldier: 76[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
S76 Skin Alpine
Alpine: 76
Tactical Visor
Tactical goggles activated. (allies) ▶️
Not on ice yet. ▶️
Kill Streak
Now I'm getting warmed up.