Overwatch Wiki
Overwatch Wiki

Sojourn's voice actor is Cherise Boothe, speaking English only.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Railgun Completely Charged
Railgun charged! ▶️
Railgun powered and ready to fire. ▶️
Railgun Remains Completely Charged
Railgun charge holding. ▶️
Railgun still at full power. ▶️
Power Slide
Coming through! ▶️
Disruptor Shot
Area denial. ▶️
Breaking them down! ▶️
Clear out! ▶️
Disrupting. ▶️
Dodge this. ▶️
Going somewhere? ▶️
Hold it. ▶️
Not so fast. ▶️
Stay put! ▶️
What's the rush? ▶️
You're falling apart. ▶️
This ends now! (self and enemy) ▶️
It's GO time! (team) ▶️
1 Elimination
Calculated. ▶️
Confirmed. ▶️
Headshot. ▶️
Heh. ▶️
Mm. ▶️
Target down. ▶️
That's one. ▶️
Who's next? ▶️
You're done. ▶️
2 Eliminations
Double. ▶️
That's two. ▶️
Two down. ▶️
Uh huh. ▶️
3-4 Eliminations
Cleaning house! ▶️
I warned you. ▶️
On a roll. ▶️
5 Eliminations
Canadian hospitality. ▶️
Cooling down. ▶️
Cybernetics regulating. ▶️
Let's get back to basics. ▶️
Recharging. ▶️
Days like this never get old! (3 eliminations or more during ultimate) ▶️

Non-Languages[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Critical-Health (gasps) ▶️
Death (dying sounds) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Big impact) (screams) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Enviromental killed) (prolonged screaming) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Crushed) (crushed sounds) ▶️ ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
We're in this together. All of us. ▶️
During Set Up
Clear heads, sharp eyes. ▶️
Everything's online, functionality looks good... one last diagnostics check couldn't hurt. ▶️
Follow my lead. I'll make sure this goes smoothly. ▶️
I don't get jittery before a fight the way I used to. And you know what? I kinda miss it. ▶️
I thought my time in the field was done... but I guess you can't predict everything. ▶️
If you can out-think your opponent, it's easy to out-fight them. ▶️
Let's be quick. Murphy must be getting hungry... *laugh* When isn't she? ▶️
Make sure you're ready. Who knows what we'll find out there. ▶️
No nonsense. We do this clean, copy? ▶️
Plan to win, or expect to lose. ▶️
Superior firepower's good, but superior brainpower's better. ▶️
The best-laid plans have backup plans. ▶️
You count on me, I count on you. ▶️
Got a lot of cybernetics on this team, and no one to repair them. *sigh* (with multiple heroes with cybernetics on team) ▶️
Now I know we've got some selfish individuals on this team, but we're not winning this thing alone. (with multiple Talon members on team) ▶️
Match Start
Hustle up! ▶️
Let's get this done. ▶️
Look alive out there! ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Don't go easy. Let's bring this home! ▶️
Solid work. Keep it going. ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
I'm not giving up. Neither are you. ▶️
Keep it together. We can turn this around! ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
Let's win this thing. ▶️
This ends now. No, seriously. ▶️
This is the final stand. Make it count. ▶️
Come on, Vivian... get yourself together! ▶️
Gonna need a new paint job after this. ▶️
Hitting the ground running. ▶️
I'm not a fan of setbacks... ▶️
If they won't quit, neither will I. ▶️
Might have to adjust my approach. ▶️
Recalculating. ▶️
Someone's asking for a faceful of railgun. ▶️
What am I missing? ▶️
All right, Akande. It's my turn. (eliminated by Doomfist) ▶️
Sun got in my eyes. *chuckle* (eliminated by Illari) ▶️
Wilhelm's still got it... heh! Ouch... (eliminated by Reinhardt) ▶️
Team Kill
Backup is still on the way. ▶️
Team's still re-deploying. ▶️
Waiting on reinforcements. ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
Feeling better. ▶️
Nothing a quick repair won't fix. ▶️
On Fire
Efficient design at work! ▶️
I'm on fire! ▶️
Ha! I'm on my game, now! ▶️
Fully Healed
*sigh* Thanks. ▶️
Thanks for the help. ▶️
That feels much better. ▶️
Mmm, Vitamin D. Just what I needed. (healed by Illari) ▶️
Damage Boosted
I'll make it worth your while. ▶️
Just what I was looking for. ▶️
That's the stuff. ▶️
Negative Status Effect
Damn. ▶️
I owe you one. ▶️
Thanks. I'll return the favor. ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
Enemy's back up. ▶️
The enemy's being revived! ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Sojourn en route. ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Enemy in sight! ▶️
Enemy over there! ▶️
Enemy spotted! ▶️
Engaging enemy forces! ▶️
Targets locked. Open fire! ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
We're going against the odds! ▶️
We're outnumbered! Watch yourselves! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
I have eyes on a sniper! ▶️
Sniper spotted. Heads down! ▶️
There's a sniper! Careful! ▶️
Turret Sighted
The enemy's got a turret! ▶️
There's the enemy turret! Take it out! ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
On your six! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
I'm unstoppable! ▶️
Just try to stop me! ▶️
Let's kick this up a notch. ▶️
Time Running Out
Close ranks and hold the line! They don't stand a chance! ▶️
Just as predicted! Keep them off a little longer. ▶️
Keep it tight. These last moments are crucial. ▶️
Victory is in sight... but don't get cocky! ▶️
Time Running Out
I've faced worse odds. It's not over yet. ▶️
Last chance! Make it count! ▶️
Time's running out. Let's pick it up! ▶️
We didn't come this far to quit now. ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
Capturing the point. ▶️
Taking the point. Fall in, team. ▶️
This is our objective now! ▶️
Capture in Progress
Don't let them take the point! ▶️
Team! Hold the point! ▶️
We have to defend the point! ▶️
Go into next point
En route to the next objective! ▶️
No slacking. Get to the next point! ▶️
That point needs capturing. Move it! ▶️
Payload Moving
Come on, let's move this payload. ▶️
Nice work, team. Keep it moving. ▶️
We're on our way. ▶️
Payload Moving
Stop the payload! ▶️
They're moving the payload. Shut it down! ▶️
We can't let them keep pushing. Stop that payload! ▶️
Payload Stuck
I want that payload moving, stat! ▶️
No time for games. Let's move this thing. ▶️
Payload's stalled. Get on it. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Escorting the robot. Let's move! ▶️
Robot is on the move. ▶️
Secure and ready to move. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Enemy has our robot. Not for long! ▶️
They took the robot! Let's fix that! ▶️
We need that robot back! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Inbound with cargo! ▶️
Robot needs exfil! Let's stick with it. ▶️
We're on the move. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Enemy team is pushing forward! ▶️
The enemy's pushing! Let's take care of them. ▶️
They're pushing ahead. Take them out! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Let's bring it home, people! ▶️
Steady! We're almost there. ▶️
The lead is almost ours. ▶️
Gained Lead
That's what I like to see! Keep it moving! ▶️
We're not done yet. Keep pushing! ▶️
Well done! Let's keep it up. ▶️
About to Lose Lead
Get it together. We can't lose our advantage. ▶️
Pick it up. We're about to lose our lead. ▶️
The enemy will take the lead if we don't stop them! ▶️
Lost Lead
No time to waste. We need that lead back! ▶️
The enemy team has taken the lead! ▶️
They're getting ahead! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Almost there! Just stay on target. ▶️
Counting down. Keep on that robot! ▶️
Don't give up. This is our fight to win! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
This is it--now or never! ▶️
We have one chance to stop them! Move! ▶️
We need to stop them! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Enemy flag: acquired. En route to base. ▶️
That flag's coming with me! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
The enemy has our flag. ▶️
They have our flag! Shut it down. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Flag acquired. I'm moving out! ▶️
Try to keep up! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Come on! ▶️
Keep your heads up. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Dropping the flag! Where's my backup? ▶️
Flag dropped! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Team! Recover the flag. ▶️
The enemy dropped our flag! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
Let's bring you home. ▶️
Returning the flag to base. ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Waiting to Open Door
Let's not forget we have a mission. ▶️
I'm worried for you kids if a door is this much trouble... ▶️
The door? Anyone? ▶️
Open the door, and let's get a move on. ▶️
Need to Break Door
Door Opening
Dropship Arriving
Waiting to Push Button
Assigned to Objective
Picking Up Item
Dropped Item
Delivering Item
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Objective Found
Calling Teammate to Objective
Enemy Reinforcements
Breacher Inbound
Slicers Inbound
Subjugator Inbound
Any Objective Under Fire
Cannon Under Fire
Ferry Under Fire
Repair Station Under Fire
Payload Under Fire
Uplink Under Fire
Any Objective on Critical HP
Cannon on Critical HP
Ferry on Critical HP
Repair Station on Critical HP
Payload on Critical HP
Uplink on Critical HP
Danger: Must Flee
Artillery Comes into Battle
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery Eliminated
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger Begins to Charge
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Charger Eliminated
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Stalker Comes into Battle
Grabbed by Stalker
Stalker Eliminated
Subjugator Eliminated
Vulture Comes into Battle
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Vulture Eliminated
Titan Immune to Damage
Massive Attack Incoming
Missiles Incoming
Relay Found
Relay Destroyed
Teammate Downed
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Last Team Member Standing
Reviving Teammate
Get up! The fight's not over! ▶️
I've got you. ▶️
Steady. You're not done yet. ▶️
Teammate Killed

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
Better luck next time. ▶️
Enemy down. ▶️
I expect better from you. ▶️
I'd stay down. ▶️
Kill confirmed. ▶️
Not on my watch. ▶️
Not your finest hour. ▶️
Uh huh. Outfought. ▶️
Right on the money. ▶️
That's just embarrassing. ▶️
Threat neutralized. ▶️
It really was the honor of a lifetime. (eliminating any Overwatch member) ▶️
Maybe stick to magazine covers. (eliminating Lifeweaver) ▶️
You're wild, all right... but that's a weakness too. (eliminating Mauga) ▶️
You sure you're Amari's daughter? (eliminating Pharah) ▶️
Rethink your strategy, lieutenant. (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
Come back wearing shoes, please. (eliminating Sigma) ▶️
You're not in charge anymore. (eliminating Soldier: 76) ▶️
Keep dreaming. (eliminating Winston) ▶️
Final Blow
Secondary Fire
And you thought I was rusty! ▶️
Doesn't get better than that. ▶️
Maximum firepower. Good effect. ▶️
Next time, think twice. ▶️
Pinpoint accuracy. ▶️
Railgunned. *sigh* Come on, Vivian. ▶️
That's that. ▶️
Vaporized. ▶️
You make it too easy! ▶️
Outsniped. (eliminating Ana or Widowmaker) ▶️
Final Blow
Midair Elimination after Power Slide
Airborne elimination. ▶️
Couldn't keep up? ▶️
Forecast said "rain". ▶️
Guess I'm the air support! ▶️
How's that for a fly-by? ▶️
Should have looked up! ▶️
Years of experience! ▶️
Didn't expect a dogfight. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Don't need to fly when I can do that. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Final Blow
Ha! Nice try. (on low HP) ▶️
"Danger Close" is my middle name! (on low HP eliminating any hero using ultimate) ▶️
Always mind your sightlines. (long-range elimination) ▶️
Enhanced accuracy. (headshot) ▶️
Lethal at range. (long-range elimination) ▶️
Speed and precision? No wonder you lost. (headshot final blow whilst Power Sliding) ▶️
This is restricted airspace. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Stay down! (eliminating enemy recently Resurrected by Mercy) ▶️
I though this was your home court? (eliminating Mauga on Samoa) ▶️
Slow down. Think. (eliminating Reinhardt using Charge) ▶️
Slow down. Thank you. (eliminating Reinhardt using Charge) ▶️
You can't let anger get the better of you! (eliminating Winston using Primal Rage) ▶️
Kill Streak
Cybernetic innovation at its finest. ▶️
I'm just getting started. ▶️
Precision and control. ▶️
Multi Kill
Dropped. ▶️
I almost feel bad for them. ▶️
The hits just keep coming. ▶️
What else you got? ▶️
Team Kill
All hostiles neutralized. ▶️
Enemy team eliminated. Solid work. ▶️
Resistance crushed. Let's get on with it. ▶️
Don't test me. ▶️
I've got your number. ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Gotta stay on your toes, soldier. ▶️
I still plan to get you home safe. ▶️
Think I'd ever let you down? ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Move. ▶️
Old-fashioned, but effective. ▶️
You're in the way. ▶️
How's that salute, Jack? (eliminating Soldier: 76) ▶️
Didn't expect the slide punch, huh? (while Power Sliding) ▶️
Eh. It was on the way, anyway. (while Power Sliding) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Enemy down... FAR down. ▶️
I'm not one to gloat, but... that had to hurt. ▶️
So long! ▶️
Take the hint. ▶️
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret destroyed. ▶️
Enemy turret eliminated. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Brought your A-game, huh? ▶️
Efficient! I like it. ▶️
I'm impressed. ▶️
Clean takedown, ma'am. (to Ana) ▶️
Wow. You really, uh... iced them. *nervous chuckle* Get it? (to Mei) ▶️
Guess every Amari's a good shot. (to Pharah) ▶️
Not bad, Lieutenant! (to Reinhardt) ▶️
There's the agent I remember. (to Soldier: 76) ▶️
Quick work, Tracer. (to Tracer) ▶️

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Hello. ▶️
Hey. ▶️
Good to see you. ▶️
Appreciate it. ▶️
Thank you. ▶️
Thanks. ▶️
Copy. ▶️
Roger that. ▶️
Seen. ▶️
Understood. ▶️
Need Healing
Can I get some healing? ▶️
I need healing! ▶️
Need repairs! ▶️
Patch me up! ▶️
Need Healing
No Support in Team
We need a medic! ▶️
Group Up
Everyone on me. ▶️
Fall in on me. ▶️
Group up here. ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is charging. ▶️
Not ready to Overclock just yet. ▶️
Still charging up. ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate's almost ready. ▶️
Nearly ready to Overclock. ▶️
Overclocking soon. Get ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
I'm ready to Overclock. ▶️
My ultimate is ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
Ready to Overclock! You with me? ▶️
Ultimate's charged! Let's move! ▶️
Attack with me! ▶️
Launching the attack! ▶️
In three... two... one! ▶️
Three... two... one! ▶️
Defend with me! ▶️
Holding our defenses. ▶️
Ping in World
Heads up! ▶️
Keep a lookout. ▶️
Watch here! ▶️
Locked on Opponent
Enemy here! ▶️
Hostile spotted! ▶️
Tango in sight. ▶️
Fall Back
Pull back! ▶️
Go! ▶️
Going In
I'm going in. ▶️
Goodbye. ▶️
Later! ▶️
Take care. ▶️
Incoming! ▶️
Need Help
I could use a hand! ▶️
I need backup! ▶️
Mm, no. ▶️
Negative. ▶️
No. ▶️
On My Way
On my way! ▶️
In World
Over here! ▶️
Over there! ▶️
Attack Objective
Push the objective! ▶️
We need to attack the objective! ▶️
Defend Objective
Defend the objective! ▶️
Hold that objective! ▶️
Push Payload
Focus up and move the payload! ▶️
Push the payload! ▶️
Stop Payload
Stop the payload! ▶️
Push Robot
Move the robot! ▶️
Push the robot! ▶️
Stop Robot
Stop that robot! ▶️
Stop their push! ▶️
Capture Flag
Capture the flag! ▶️
We need that flag! ▶️
Defend Flag
Defend the flag! ▶️
Hold that flag! ▶️
Press the Attack
Press the attack! ▶️
Push Forward
Push forward! ▶️
I'm good to go. ▶️
Ready. ▶️
I'll make it up to you. ▶️
My mistake. ▶️
Sorry! ▶️
Watching Here
Got visual here. ▶️
I have eyes on this position. ▶️
Watching here. ▶️
With You
I'm with you. ▶️
Affirmative. ▶️
Sure. ▶️
Yes. ▶️
You're Welcome
Happy to help. ▶️
You're welcome. ▶️

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
It's about to get real. ▶️
100 Credits
We've got a world to save. ▶️
You can call me Vivian. ▶️
Croissant? ▶️
Eugh... don't give me that decaf. ▶️
Do what you think is right. ▶️
Got anything for me? ▶️
I'm a safe bet. ▶️
Murphy! Down! ▶️
The more things change, the more they stay the same. ▶️
What's this about? ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 1
It's all connected. ▶️
With these upgrades, they don't stand a chance. ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 6
Even the best journeys end. ▶️
Halloween Terror
Witch's Brew Challenge
Credits 50
*sigh* It's always the widow. ▶️
Ultimate Valentine
Thanks Love! Challenge
Hey... you're all right. ▶️
Lunar New Year
Fireshow Challenge
Fortune favors the wise. ▶️
Canadian Hospitality Challenge
You should always have a spare... Spare gun... Spare leg... Whatever. ▶️
ShopOverwatch2 Coin 100
Keep crying. Rain won't stop. ▶️
In the emperor's name. ▶️
The usual. ▶️
On your mark, get set... ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Ana: I'm a little surprised we both went the vigilante route.
  • Sojourn: What can I say? We've got good sense.


  • Sojourn: You're too good with that gun to waste it on a life of crime.
  • Ashe: I'll go on the straight and narrow when hell freezes over.
  • Sojourn: Or when the law catches up with you.
  • Ashe: Same thing.


  • Sojourn: So, Bastion, how are you... settling in? Anything you... need?
  • Bastion: *straightforward beeps*
  • Sojourn: Yeah, uh... Sounds good!




  • Sojourn: In the mood to follow my orders today, Song?
  • D.Va: If those orders involve me wrecking the bad guys, you bet!
  • Sojourn: *chuckles* I'll see what I can do.

  • Sojourn: Did you read the mission brief?
  • D.Va: Huh? Oh, was I supposed to read that?
  • Sojourn: *sigh* What did I say about teamwork?
  • D.Va: "Teamwork gets you out alive"... but homework makes me dead inside!


  • Sojourn: Nice MEKA. Exo-Force, right? What's that like?
  • D.Va: Lots of fighting, not much sleep.
  • Sojourn: Sounds familiar. How do you deal with it?
  • D.Va: More caffeine than you'd ever believe.
  • Sojourn: You'd be surprised.


  • Sojourn: Bet it's fun, hanging out in the sky.
  • Echo: I do enjoy the perspective and tactical advantages, yes.
  • Sojourn: Do you... ever pretend you're a bird?
  • Echo: Constantly!


  • Sojourn: How are you still so optimistic, Echo?
  • Echo: It's not always easy, but Dr. Liao created me to improve the world.
  • Sojourn: She'd be proud of you.


  • Sojourn: What kind of armor polish do you use, anyway?
  • Genji: I make my own.
  • Sojourn: With... *sniffs* Walnuts?
  • Genji: Among other things.


  • Genji: My cybernetic form came at great cost. But you asked to change?
  • Sojourn: I learned too young that my body couldn't always keep up with me. Besides... it's hard to turn down rocket legs.


  • Sojourn: You can't act like a lone wolf on my team.
  • Hanzo: Depending on others brings nothing but disappointment.
  • Sojourn: Let's see if this mission proves you wrong.


  • Hanzo: Is... Murphy a lot to handle?
  • Sojourn: Nah. Healthy snacks and belly rubs keep her content. Why, considering adoption?
  • Hanzo: Maybe one day. When I settle down.


  • Sojourn: Nice augments! They must have cost quite a bit.
  • Illari: *bitter laugh* You have no idea...


Junker Queen
  • Junker Queen: Are you, on average, more mechanical or more human?
  • Sojourn: Why?
  • Junker Queen: Tryna figure out whether to scrap you for parts.
  • Sojourn: Hm. Consider the railgun before you decide.


  • Junkrat: United again! The Overwatch strike team prepares for action!
  • Sojourn: Hey. Keep the comms clear, please.
  • Junkrat: This is the discipline the commander is known for.
  • Sojourn: I'm about to be known for kicking your butt.


  • Junkrat: We're more metal than meat, you and I! Why... We could be twins!
  • Sojourn: *sigh* And I was having such a nice day...


  • Sojourn: So, you invented a form of light that's somehow alive. What's next for you?
  • Lifeweaver: Saving the Earth, and maybe... learning to blow glass.
  • Sojourn: Ha... those are on my list, too.


  • Lifeweaver: I need durable volunteers for some kinetic biolight experiments. Can I... count on you?
  • Sojourn: I'm not your best subject. And this body isn't exactly cutting-edge tech anymore.
  • Lifeweaver: Miss Chase, I insist that you never take yourself down in my presence again.
  • Sojourn: *chuckle* All right, I get the picture.


  • Lúcio: Who's your favorite hockey team?
  • Sojourn: I'm more of a basketball person.
  • Lúcio: Not a fan of your home team, huh?
  • Sojourn: Don't put words in my mouth.


  • Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?
  • Sojourn: I don't see why it's relevant but... Leopard seal.
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!


  • Mauga: Ha! Remember me, Captain? From the Blacksand Fires near Tahiti?
  • Sojourn: Yeah. You still have our chainguns, I see.
  • Mauga: Yep. Getting some good mileage out of 'em.


  • Sojourn: I saw you training yesterday. Can I give you a tip?
  • Mei: Um... sure!
  • Sojourn: Widen your stance. Might feel strange at first, but it keeps you balanced.
  • Mei: Oh... thank you, Sojourn! I'll try that next time!


  • Mercy: Vivian! What have you been up to?
  • Sojourn: Oh, you know... surviving.
  • Mercy: And how's Murphy?
  • Sojourn: Doing much better, now that you aren't feeding her scraps all the time.


  • Mercy: So... how is that man you were telling me about?
  • Sojourn: Angela, I'm not discussing my love life on a mission.


  • Orisa: You were Efi's favorite character from the Overwatch cartoon.
  • Sojourn: Ah... it made me look like a superhero. The reality was... not as inspiring.
  • Orisa: You gave Efi courage when she needed it most. I am grateful for you, Captain.
  • Sojourn: That... means a lot, Orisa.


  • Pharah: I think I'm going to get a chihuahua.
  • Sojourn: You're joking.
  • Pharah: Why, what's wrong with chihuahuas?
  • Sojourn: Uh, well, for starters, they aren't corgis.


  • Ramattra: It is surprising that you would resist freedom for omnics. I'd heard you championed our cause.
  • Sojourn: Maybe my optics need calibrating, because I don't see any "freedom" in indoctrination.


  • Sojourn: *sigh* Why didn't you talk to me before you ran off with Talon?
  • Reaper: It would have turned into an argument.
  • Sojourn: I thought we were friends Gabe.
  • Reaper: That's exactly why I left you out of it.


  • Sojourn: I'll be watching your back out there, Lieutenant.
  • Reinhardt:
    • I'm sure Brigitte could give you some pointers!
    • You have nothing to worry about, Captain.


  • Sojourn: Follow my lead, and we make it out of here in one piece.
  • Roadhog: Watch the high ground.
  • Sojourn: Huh, I didn't take you for a tactician.
  • Roadhog: *grunt* Used to it.


  • Sojourn: I remember Overwatch tailing you back in the day. Before you teamed up with your... sidekick.
  • Roadhog: Quieter times.


Soldier: 76
On Circuit Royal
  • Sojourn: You know, I'm not so bad at cards myself. Even beat Burnes, one time.
  • Soldier: 76: I think she let you win.
  • Sojourn: Hah! Burnes never let anybody win.


  • Sombra: Vivian Chase. Your Overwatch record was spotless. And your retirement was just as quiet, right?
  • Sojourn: It was. And I plan to keep it that way.


  • Sojourn: I saw Vishkar is opening an office in Toronto.
  • Symmetra: Yes... are you interested in applying?
  • Sojourn: *chuckle* I'd rather clean cattle pens in Alberta.


  • Sojourn: Brigitte's one of the best we've got. She's a natural leader.
  • Torbjörn: Do you expect anything less from my daughter?
  • Sojourn: From your daughter? I expected a lot more tantrums.


  • Sojourn: You look familiar.
  • Widowmaker: You don't.
  • Sojourn: You were at my induction, standing with Gérard... Amélie?
  • Widowmaker: Call me by that name again, and you will share his fate.


  • Winston: Anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?
  • Sojourn: Uh, Winston, please, no.


  • Sojourn: I'm surprised to see you here. Overwatch isn't all that popular where you come from.
  • Zarya: I am not here representing them.
  • Sojourn: Huh. You going to be in trouble when you get home?
  • Zarya: *chuckle* Only if we survive.
  • Sojourn: Ah, an optimist.


Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio

Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Sojourn Skin Cyber Detective
Cyber Detective
Hero Selected
Everyone's a suspect. All of us. ▶️
Disruptor Shot
Freeze! ▶️
The scene of the crime. ▶️
You're all under arrest! ▶️
It's gum-shoe time! (friendly) ▶️
Pre-Match Setup
Ran background checks on this group. No one passed. ▶️
Match Start
No crimes on my watch. ▶️
The trail is hot. ▶️
Time to hand out some justice. ▶️
Gotta catch them off guard... Let me run those stats back. ▶️
I'll have to find a better way to engage. ▶️
No sweat. Just need a new plan. ▶️
There was a flaw in my logic. ▶️
This case isn't done yet. ▶️
Time to investigate a little further. ▶️
On Fire
My case is heating up! ▶️
Hero Change
Detective Chase, at your service. ▶️
The game is afoot! ▶️
Final Blow
Case closed. ▶️
Caught you red-handed. ▶️
Crime never pays. ▶️
Got a cell with your name on it. ▶️
Mystery: solved. ▶️
No one outruns me. ▶️
Suspect apprehended. ▶️
You can't leg it. I got you beat. ▶️
You're doing time. Hard time. ▶️
Your case just went cold. ▶️
Kill Streak
Line them up! ▶️
Not everyone can handle the truth. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Elementary. ▶️
Here's a clue. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
You're going downtown. Way down. ▶️
10-4. ▶️
Teammate Downed
*groan* Another murder in Adlersbrunn? ▶️
Reviving Teammate
On your feet. I still have questions for you. ▶️
Get up, outlaw. I can't lose my prime suspect. (reviving Warlock Ashe)
You have blood on your hands, butcher... but we could use some help. (reviving Executioner Junker Queen)
These things catch us all by surprise. (reviving Witch Kiriko) ▶️

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Poor Reinhardt. What he must have seen here... ▶️
Emre always said he'd retire here. Wonder where he ended up.
Horizon Lunar Colony
Looking Through Telescope
Wow... I need to get one of these! ▶️
I really need to come here off the clock. Been dying to try the octopus. ▶️
New Queen Street
I live here, so... don't blow up anything you don't have to. ▶️
My home and native land. ▶️
The true North - strong and free. ▶️
Surprised everyone got here on time. The 401 was backed up like crazy. *scoff* As usual. ▶️
Might be hypocritical of me, but I think there are some parts of science humans weren't meant to explore. ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Bye-bye, bad guys! (self and hostile) ▶️
That starts then!... *pause* What? (allies) ▶️
As an NPC
Cosmic Crisis
Storm Rising (Archives)
  • Sojourn: Sojourn here, I'm isolating Maximilien's position. I'll have it in a few seconds.
  • Tracer: Understood, Captain. Team, let's get out there.
  • Tracer: Sojourn, you said Maximilien was an accountant, nothing about him having a small army of Talon soldiers!
  • Sojourn: All we knew was that he had ties to Talon and that he owns the rum distillery here in Havana. And now we know there's more to this omnic than meets the eye.
  • Tracer: Copy that, captain!
  • Tracer: Accountant... Next you'll be telling me Doomfist is just a guy who gives firm handshakes.
  • Winston: Captain, is there any additional background you can give us on Maximilien?
  • Sojourn: He owns the Casino Monaco and other businesses around the world. He started as an accountant, but found his true talent in money laundering. Talon gave him a chance to use those skills.
  • Sojourn: We found Maximilien, he's at the Don Rumbotico Distillery. Try and keep the damage to a minimum. I'm already going to be up all night writing the report for this one.
  • Winston: Sorry about that.
  • Genji: Dark clouds gather on the horizon. A storm is coming.
  • Sojourn: There's a hurricane moving in from the east. You're going to have to catch Max before the storm catches you.
  • Sojourn: Confirmed. Maximilien is at the Don Rumbotico Distillery. Let's catch this accountant.
  • Tracer: Understood! Anything else we should be ready for? Surprise tax audit?
  • Mercy: Actuarial tables?
  • Genji: Abacus?
  • Winston: Uh... Spreadsheets?
  • Sojourn: Clock's ticking, agents.
  • Tracer: Does Max have any allies?
  • Sojourn: We've connected him to Vialli in Italy, and we've intercepted some transmissions between him and Ogundimu. He took up the mantle of Doomfist after killing his old mentor. Three Doomfists and only the first a hero. It's a shame.
  • Tracer: Cuban cigars? Fancy!
  • Mercy: I wouldn't describe lung cancer as fancy.
  • Genji: Tell that to Cassidy.
  • Sojourn: You can shop for souvenirs after. And don't forget to bring me back something.
  • Tracer: Sojourn, does it seem like Maximilien had more muscle with him than we were expecting.
  • Sojourn: Ever since this new Doomfist appeared on the scene, he's been taking a more active hand in Talon's business. I'm guessing that has something to do with it.
  • Tracer: What do you think of Sojourn? Change of pace from Reinhardt, isn't she?
  • Winston: I feel a little nervous around her, like she might do something terrible to me if I let her down.
  • Tracer: I like her, though.
  • Sojourn: Just so you know, the line is open.
  • Winston: It's been an honour serving with you all.
  • Sojourn: Noted.
  • Tracer: Distillery in sight!
  • Sojourn: We lost track of Max once he got inside. They've sealed the place up tight and our satellites are blind. Be ready for anything.
  • Mercy: More surprises. Lovely.
  • Winston: There's the distillery.
  • Sojourn: Keep on him agents. We need him in custody. Intact.
  • Genji: We are at the distillery!
  • Sojourn: Clear out the building and find Max!
  • Tracer: We're outside the distillery, captain!
  • Sojourn: I'm opening the doors now, stay on your toes. Clear out the building and find Max.
  • Tracer: Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
  • Sojourn: That's the spirit.
  • Tracer: No sign of Max, Sojourn. Is it possible he had another way out?
  • Sojourn: (static)
  • Winston: Did you... hear something?
  • Tracer: I've heard Commander Morrison has been under pressure to disband this strike team.
  • Winston: But we're only just getting started.
  • Sojourn: The commander believes in you. Just deliver results, and he'll have all the ammunition he needs to keep things going.
  • Tracer: I guess it's up to us, then.
  • Winston: I'm sure the rum distillery's business would give Maximilien a lot of room to hide Talon's money in.
  • Sojourn: He knows what he's doing, give him that.
  • Winston: I wish he could pay my taxes.
  • Tracer: You pay taxes? What, to the moon?
  • Winston: No, Switzerland.
  • Tracer: You know, a gorilla from the moon paying Swiss taxes is probably just the kind of situation Max would be great at! (laughs)
  • Winston: I'll be sure to ask when we catch him.
  • Sojourn: Communications back online. Team, come in! Tracer, there's a truck filled with explosives near your position, I need you to secure it and bring it over to the sea fort. There's some serious doors between you and Max.
  • Tracer: If only we had a way to open up doors quickly!
  • Sojourn: You want to try one of Torbjörn's inventions?
  • Tracer: Once is plenty, thank you very much!
  • Sojourn: Can you hear me? We had a communications block, but we're back online now.
  • Tracer: We noticed.
  • Sojourn: Everyone in one piece?
  • Tracer: We are, but can't say the same for them!
  • Sojourn: Here's what we learned: Max slipped out of the distillery and headed for the sea fort. I'll get those doors open so you can follow him.
  • Sojourn: We're back online, is everyone alright?
  • Tracer: Sojourn, give me some good news.
  • Sojourn: We tracked Max to the sea fort, you're gonna need something to blow the doors.
  • Tracer: How about a truck filled with explosives?
  • Sojourn: That would work.
  • Tracer: Then we're all set!
  • Sojourn: There's a truck with explosives just lying around?
  • Tracer: Sure is!
  • Sojourn: Well, then... Proceed!
  • Genji: The storm is getting worse!
  • Sojourn: That's a hurricane coming in from the coast. Be careful, team!
  • Genji: The ocean is so beautiful! It reminds me of home.
  • Mercy: Shame we're not here to sight see.
  • Sojourn: You can take some photos afterwards.
  • Tracer: Seems like a storm is coming, looks like a nasty one.
  • Sojourn: There's a hurricane moving in from the east. You're going to have to catch Max before the storm catches you.
  • Winston: I smell a storm coming.
  • Sojourn: You smell the storm coming? Can't you see it?
  • Winston: I meant in addition to that!
  • Tracer: Why is Max showing himself now? He ran a tight ship before, but now he's getting sloppy? Doesn't that seem strange?
  • Sojourn: You know how Doomfist has been shaking up the Talon hierarchy? They've started to make some mistakes because of it.
  • Tracer: Good for us, then.
  • Sojourn: Not unless we catch him.
  • Mercy: The wind is picking up. It's hard to stay airborne.
  • Sojourn: There's a hurricane moving in from the east. You're going to have to catch Max before the storm catches you.
  • Tracer: Sea Fort Doors in sight, captain!
  • Sojourn: Clear out the area, then blow the door.
  • Sojourn: Max is getting ready to take off, time to hurry it up, team!
  • Sojourn: Tracer!
  • Tracer: What is it, captain?
  • Sojourn: Just checking in. Making sure you're all doing okay.
  • Tracer: Everything's fine! Though right now I'm wishing we'd stolen a quicker truck.
  • Tracer: Sojourn, any information about the sea fort?
  • Sojourn: Scan indicates that Max has done some major renovations. Wait...
  • Tracer: What?
  • Sojourn: You won't believe this. The whole thing is opening up. There's an entire hangar inside.
  • Tracer: That can't have been cheap.
  • Sojourn: There's been a serious increase in Talon activity lately. Something's brewing, and if we don't know what it is, we can't do anything to stop it.
  • Tracer: Why now all of the sudden?
  • Sojourn: It's Doomfist. He's pushing the world to war, and he's transforming the entire organization to deliver it.
  • Sojourn: The intel we got from Blackwatch indicates that this is the heart of Max's operations. At least in Havana. He's got his fingers in a lot of pies.
  • Tracer: Then let's take this pie away!
  • Winston: Mmm… Something smells delicious… Like empanadas!
  • Tracer: Mmm… I haven't had a good empanada in ages.
  • Sojourn: Have you tried the ones in the cafeteria?
  • Tracer: Like I said.
  • Tracer: Do you really think Max will talk?
  • Sojourn: At the end of the day, he's just a Talon pawn. He doesn't want to get caught up in all this, he'll be practical.
  • Mercy: Nothing about Max seems practical.
  • Genji: He does seem a bit dramatic, doesn't he?
  • Tracer: This will be a great place for a holiday with Emily.
  • Sojourn: Depending on how things turn out, I might be able to swing you all a few days leave before you need to report back to base.
  • Tracer: How's that for motivation!
  • Sojourn: Genji, how are your new cybernetics?
  • Genji: They do not feel a part of me.
  • Sojourn: Tell me. When you look at me, do you think, "There's a machine that looks like Sojourn," or "That's Sojourn?"
  • Genji: You're Sojourn, of course.
  • Sojourn: See? You'll figure it out. You have a good head on your shoulders.
  • Genji: ...Was that a joke?
  • Sojourn: Poor choice of words.
  • Sojourn: Mercy, how's the team's status?
  • Mercy: No major injuries so far. I'm hoping we can keep it that way.
  • Sojourn: You and me both.
  • Sojourn: Just a reminder, Mercy, we're gonna need your medical assessment on the Egypt situation when you return.
  • Mercy: Is Commander Morrison actually thinking about sending Overwatch?
  • Sojourn: I'm sure he'll take your recommendations into consideration.
  • Mercy: In that case, I'll try to restrain my optimism.
  • Tracer: Sojourn, how is Maximilien gonna help us against Talon?
  • Sojourn: This is just the first piece to a puzzle much bigger than Max.

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio
Voted Epic
No need to thank me. ▶️
You're too kind. ▶️
Voted Legendary
A job well done. ▶️
Trying to make me blush? ▶️

Trivia[ | ]

  • "With these upgrades, they don't stand a chance" is a direct reference to a victory line for Prophet in Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Navigation[ | ]
