Overwatch Wiki
Overwatch Wiki

Soldier: 76's voice actor is Fred Tatasciore, speaking English only. To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Biotic Field
Biotic healing ready for use. ▶️
Biotics deployed. ▶️
Come get healed! ▶️
Everyone heal up! ▶️
Field's online. ▶️
Heals coming up. ▶️
I've got meds. Who needs them? ▶️
Setting up meds. ▶️
Who needs healing? ▶️
Tactical Visor
I've got you in my sights! (self and hostile) ▶️
Tactical Visor activated. (allies) ▶️

Non-Languages[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Critical-Health (gasps) ▶️
Death (dying sounds) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Big impact) (screams) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Enviromental killed) (prolonged screaming) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Crushed) (crushed sounds) ▶️ ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Every soldier needs a cause. ▶️
During Set-Up
Follow my lead. I've been through more of these than I can count. ▶️
If anybody asks, I was never here. ▶️
It's not my job to get you back alive. But stay close to me and we might manage it anyway. ▶️
Just another day in the office. ▶️
Look at the state of the world. Something has to change. ▶️
Remember what we're fighting for. ▶️
Right or wrong, I'm going to finish this war. ▶️
Safeties off. It's a cruel world out there. ▶️
My old command team. Let's do better this time. (with at least two of the former Overwatch heroes on the team) ▶️
Match Start
Check your corners out there. ▶️
Let's get this done. ▶️
Let's mobilize. ▶️
Move out! ▶️
Oscar Mike. ▶️
Try to show some discipline out there. ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Don't let up. Let's finish the job. ▶️
They're off their mark. Let's keep 'em that way. ▶️
Win here and we can go home. ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Achieve victory by any means necessary. ▶️
They think they're going to beat us. What do you think? ▶️
We are not losing this. Everyone, bear down. ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
Only one of these teams is walking out of here. ▶️
This is it. You know your jobs. Now get out there and do them. ▶️
This is no time for speeches. Just get the job done. ▶️
Gotta try what we did in Bonn. ▶️
I don't quit 'til the fight's done. ▶️
I rubbed some dirt on it. Let's go. ▶️
I've seen tougher spots. ▶️
If I made it through Istanbul, I can make it through this. ▶️
If I'm still standing, I'm still fighting. ▶️
Knock me down, and I'll keep getting back up. ▶️
Just like in Boise. That's one Ren Faire I'll never forget. ▶️
Not dead yet. ▶️
Redeploying. ▶️
Reminds me of that time in Jakarta... *sigh* ▶️
Still got some fight in me. ▶️
The war goes on. ▶️
They can't get away with this. ▶️
They'll regret that. ▶️
Team Kill
Gotta wait until the team is back. ▶️
Hmm... team's still AWOL. ▶️
Need to group up before we push back out there. ▶️
Team's still AWOL. We need to regroup. ▶️
When's my team coming back? ▶️
Where is everybody? ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
Feeling grand. ▶️
Much better. ▶️
Patched up. ▶️
That's better. ▶️
On Fire
Get out of my way or I'll run you over. ▶️
Heat check: Affirmative. ▶️
I'm a man on a mission. Stay out of my way. ▶️
I'm on fire. ▶️
That warms the bones. ▶️
Fully Healed
I'll try to repay the favor. ▶️
Damage Boosted
Feeling spry. ▶️
Good choice. ▶️
Powered up. ▶️
Negative Status Effect
Damn it!
Thanks, doc. ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
Enemies reengaging. ▶️
Enemy resuscitated. ▶️
Scratch that KIA. They're back in the fight. ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Soldier: 76 reporting for duty. ▶️
Morrison reporting. ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Enemy contact. ▶️
Engage those hostiles. ▶️
Hit 'em hard. ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
Careful, there's more of them than us. ▶️
We're outnumbered. Stay sharp. ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Sniper! Get your head down or lose it! ▶️
Sniper! Keep your heads down! ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy turret sighted. ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
Watch your backsides! ▶️
Watch your six! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Take cover! ▶️
Get out of my way! ▶️
I'm feeling unstoppable! ▶️
Time Running Out
Can't lose now. Not when we're this close! ▶️
Hold out a little longer! ▶️
Keep your heads down, we've almost got this! ▶️
Pull it together, team. We got this! ▶️
They ain't winning on my watch, push them back! ▶️
Time Running Out
I don't tolerate defeat. Get on the attack, now! ▶️
No one else is going to do it for us. Attack! ▶️
Pull it together and let's get this done! ▶️
Push the attack, now! We're going to lose! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
Capture underway. ▶️
I'm taking the objective. Get over here! ▶️
Locking down the objective, rally to me! ▶️
On the objective. Requesting backup. ▶️
Securing the objective. ▶️
Taking the point. Watch my six. ▶️
Capture in Progress
Defend the point! ▶️
Get these jokers off my point! ▶️
Hostiles on our objective! ▶️
Keep control of that point! ▶️
Objective is under attack, get on it! ▶️
They're attacking the point! ▶️
Go into next point
Meet at the next point. And bring your A-Game. ▶️
Pack up and move to the next point. ▶️
Rendezvous at the next point. ▶️
Payload Moving
Back in my day, we'd have this payload delivered already! ▶️
Form up on the payload. Move it out! ▶️
Moving the payload. ▶️
Payload is Oscar Mike. ▶️
Payload secured. Move out. ▶️
We're moving out. Expect resistance. ▶️
Payload Moving
Intercept that payload! ▶️
Payload en route. Stop it! ▶️
Payload's on the move, intercept it! ▶️
That payload's not going anywhere. ▶️
Their payload's on the move. Stop them! ▶️
We need to stop that payload, team! ▶️
Payload Stuck
Anyone else wanna do their jobs today? Move the payload! ▶️
No time for R&R. Push that payload! ▶️
Stop goofing off and move that payload! ▶️
That payload's not going to deliver itself! Move it! ▶️
We need to move that payload! ▶️
Why are we stopped? Get the lead out and move this payload! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Escorting the robot. ▶️
Large utility robot in our control. ▶️
Robot secured. Repeat. Robot secured. ▶️
We have the robot. Time to move. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Enemy has the robot! Initiate search and rescue. ▶️
Need that robot back, pronto. ▶️
The robot's in enemy hands. ▶️
They took the robot! Get it back. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Barricade's moving out. ▶️
Oscar Mike to enemy territory. ▶️
Pushing ahead now. ▶️
We're on the move. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Don't let them push it any further! ▶️
Enemy on the move. Stop them! ▶️
We have to meet their push and stop it. ▶️
About to Gain Lead
A little further and the lead is ours. ▶️
Come on, kids. We're almost at the finish line. ▶️
Keep pushing! It's not far to take the lead. ▶️
Stick with it. We've almost taken the lead. ▶️
Gained Lead
Lead acquired. Good start. ▶️
That puts us in first. But don't get cocky. ▶️
We're ahead... for now. ▶️
We're in the lead. Good work. ▶️
About to Lose Lead
Stop them before they take the lead! ▶️
They're getting close. Let's make our stand. ▶️
We're going to lose the lead! Step up! ▶️
Lost Lead
Hostiles have the lead. Get it back. ▶️
If we're trying to lose, we're doing great! ▶️
They took the lead. Come on! ▶️
They've got the lead. Let's hustle. ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Last chance. Stick with that robot. ▶️
Lock it down and we can still do this! ▶️
Push like your lives depend on it! ▶️
We're not quitting. Stick with the robot! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
One good fight and it's over. ▶️
Stay sharp! We've almost got them. ▶️
They're out of time. Finish them off. ▶️
This is our chance to knock them cold. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
I have the flag. Escorting it back to base.
I've taken the flag.
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Heads up, they've taken our flag! Get after it!
They have our flag! Stop them before they get away!
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Objective captured.
Score one for the good guys.
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Let's... not let that happen again.
We need to shore up our defenses and not let that happen again!
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Dropping the flag. Someone come here and get it.
Flag dropped at my location.
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Our flag is in the open, someone recover it!
Someone get that flag, now!
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
Flag secured.
Sending the flag back to base.

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
Bite the bullet. ▶️
Get out of my face! ▶️
K.I.A. ▶️
Not bad. ▶️
Not good enough. ▶️
Should have kept your head down. (headshot) ▶️
Someone had to do it. ▶️
Tactical termination. ▶️
Tango erased. ▶️
That one's confirmed. ▶️
That's a clean takedown. ▶️
You don't want to go to war with me. ▶️
You got a lot to learn. ▶️
You're going home in a box. ▶️
There are no "sides" out here. (eliminating any Overwatch member) ▶️
Tell Doomfist I'm coming for him. (eliminating any Talon member except for Doomfist) ▶️
You're not even an effective criminal organization. (eliminating any Talon member) ▶️
Scrapped. (eliminating any Omnic) ▶️
Your hesitation is your weakness. (eliminating Ana) ▶️
Just like old times. (eliminating Ana or Reaper) ▶️
I gave you a chance, and you wasted it. (eliminating Cassidy) ▶️
I don't understand your generation. (eliminating D.Va, Illari, Kiriko or Lúcio) ▶️
Shut your yap! (eliminating Ashe, Junkrat, Lúcio or Sombra) ▶️
You NEVER learn, Reyes! (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
Always too overconfident. (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
No shoes, no service. (eliminating Sigma) ▶️
That's for testifying against Overwatch. (eliminating Sojourn) ▶️
Impersonate somebody else! (eliminating Soldier: 76) ▶️
You had so much potential! *frustrated sigh* (eliminating Tracer) ▶️
That was for Gérard. (eliminating Widowmaker) ▶️
Final Blow
Airspace cleared. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Took out their air support. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Don't push me when my back's to the wall. (on low HP) ▶️
I'm a hard man to kill. (on low HP) ▶️
Deadly at range, decade after decade. (long-range elimination) ▶️
Nope, not fast enough. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Tracking practice paying off. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
You realize my reflexes are enhanced? (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
How 'bout you lay back down again? (eliminating recently resurrected hero) ▶️
You really shouldn't have done that. (eliminating resurrected enemy) ▶️
Only we get Nano-Boosts. (eliminating Nano-Boosted Ana) ▶️
A six-shooter? At that range? (eliminating Cassidy using Deadeye) ▶️
Sorry, you were yelling something? (eliminating Lúcio using Sound Barrier or Pharah using Barrage) ▶️
You always charge... but you never think. (eliminating Reinhardt during Charge) ▶️
I don't care about your gravity tricks! (eliminating any enemy while immobilized from use of an enemy Sigma's Gravitic Flux or Zarya's Graviton Surge) ▶️
Sometimes, "spray and pray" is the way to go. (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) ▶️
Same old predictable gorilla. (eliminating Winston during Primal Rage) ▶️
One giant leap for me, a lot of bullets in the face for you. (eliminating Winston using Jump Pack) ▶️
Talon's plans? Foiled. (eliminating Talon member using ultimate) ▶️
Final Blow
Helix Rockets
Aim where they're going, not where they are. ▶️
Death spiral. ▶️
Smithereens. ▶️
Heh, the rocket got you. ▶️
Watch where you're dodging. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Can't argue with a well-timed rocket. (eliminating enemy during their ultimate) ▶️
You're not the only one with rockets. (eliminating Pharah using Barrage) ▶️
Aww... Did things blow up in your face again, Gabe? (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) ▶️
Detected. *chuckle* (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) ▶️
Final Blow
Tactical Visor
All work and no play... ▶️
Couldn't handle me, huh? ▶️
Good effect on hostiles. ▶️
I love the smell of pulse munitions in the morning. ▶️
My aim is still true. ▶️
Plenty for everyone. ▶️
Pulse munitions delivered to target. ▶️
Hmm. Guess my targeting algorithm's better. (vs. another Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor) ▶️
When everyone has auto-aim, no one has auto-aim. (vs. another Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor) ▶️
Kill Streak
I've been doing this for years. Who the hell are you? ▶️
You can't beat me. ▶️
You picked the wrong enemy. ▶️
Multi Kill
Enemy's in disarray. ▶️
I'm just getting started. ▶️
Like mowing the lawn. ▶️
Mowing them down. ▶️
Multiple casualties. ▶️
Team Kill
Enemy team down. Push forward now! ▶️
The enemy team's out of commission. ▶️
They're out of commission. Good work. ▶️
Counted me out, huh? ▶️
I never forget! ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Can't save you every time. ▶️
Never leave a teammate behind. ▶️
Pay attention, or you'll wind up dead. ▶️
Watch your back, kid. (to D.Va, Juno, Kiriko or Lúcio) ▶️
Melee Final Blow
At ease. ▶️
Dismissed. ▶️
Lights out. ▶️
Rest easy. ▶️
Stand down. ▶️
Long time coming. (eliminating any Blackwatch member) ▶️
Nothing ruins a big moment like a rifle stock to the teeth. (eliminating enemy during use of their ultimate) ▶️
Ran right into that one. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Jumped right into that one. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
*laughs* ▶️
Get off my lawn! ▶️
Knocked them flying. ▶️
Target airborne. Heh. ▶️
*chuckles* That never gets old. ▶️
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret destroyed. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
I'm glad you fight on my side! ▶️
Keep it up, soldier. ▶️
Nice kill. Keep the pressure on. ▶️
That's one for you, I guess. ▶️
You trying to impress me? ▶️
Well struck! ▶️
Still the best shot I know. (to Ana) ▶️
With one eye, you're still a better shot than I am with two. (to Ana) ▶️
Got your mother's aim, I see. (to Pharah) ▶️
Alright, Vivian. You've still got it. (to Sojourn) ▶️
You're not half bad. Have I met you before? (to Soldier: 76) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Waiting to Open Door
Need to Break Door
Door Opening
Dropship Arriving
Waiting to Push Button
Assigned to Objective
Picking Up Item
Dropped Item
Delivering Item
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Hey! Turn that in! ▶️
Report for duty and turn that thing in! ▶️
Objective Found
Calling Teammate to Objective
Enemy Reinforcements
Any Objective-Damaging Unit Inbound
Breacher Inbound
Slicers Inbound
Subjugator Inbound
Any Objective Under Fire
Cannon Under Fire
Ferry Under Fire
Payload Under Fire
Repair Station Under Fire
Uplink Under Fire
Any Objective on Critical HP
Cannon on Critical HP
Ferry on Critical HP
Payload on Critical HP
Repair Station on Critical HP
Uplink on Critical HP
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery Eliminated
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger Begins to Charge
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Charger Eliminated
Charger down. ▶️
Discharged. ▶️
Got the Charger. ▶️
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Stalker Comes into Battle
Grabbed by Stalker
Stalker Eliminated
Subjugator Eliminated
Vulture Comes into Battle
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Vulture Eliminated
Titan Immune to Damage
Massive Attack Incoming
Missiles Incoming
Relay Found
Relay Destroyed
Teammate Downed
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Get them back in the fight! ▶️
Our teammate needs to be revived. ▶️
Revive Amari! (Ana downed) ▶️
Dammit. I gotta save Reyes? (Reaper downed) ▶️
Pick up that rodent! (Wrecking Ball downed) ▶️
Zaryanova needs a hand. (Zarya downed) ▶️
Last Team Member Standing
I'm used to working alone. ▶️
It's on me now. ▶️
Reviving Teammate
No sleeping on the job. ▶️
On your feet, soldier. ▶️
Don't die on me, Doc. (reviving Mercy) ▶️
Get up, Lacroix. (reviving Widowmaker) ▶️
Teammate Killed
As though the numbers weren't already against us! ▶️
*sighs* Damn it.
Not good! ▶️
You fought with honor, kid. ▶️
You won't be forgotten. ▶️

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Hello. ▶️ ▶️
Hey. (third, rarer "Hey" added in Season 7 not listed) ▶️ ▶️
Hi. ▶️
What's poppin'? (rare) ▶️
Appreciate it. ▶️
Thank you.
Hooah. ▶️
I read you. ▶️
Loud and clear. ▶️
Roger that.
Understood. ▶️
Need Healing
I need healing.
Need healing.
Need Healing
No Support in Team
We need a healer.
Need Healing
Come to Self
Fall in for healing! ▶️
Come over here and get healed. ▶️
Come here and I'll heal you! ▶️
Group Up
Fall in here!
Group up!
Group up with me!
Join me!
Rendezvous here!
Stay close!
Ultimate Status
My tactical visor is charging. ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is almost ready! ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is ready. ▶️
Tactical visor ready for deployment. ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
My ultimate is ready. Let's go! ▶️
Going on the attack. ▶️
3... 2... 1. ▶️
In 3... 2... 1. ▶️
I'm on defense. ▶️
Ping in World
Keep a look out.
Watch here.
Locked on Opponent
Hostile here! ▶️
Got eyes on an enemy! ▶️
Tango spotted! ▶️
Fall Back
Fall back!
Get in there!
Going In
I'm going in!
See you.
Need Help
I need help.
Need help at my position.
On My Way
On my way.
In World
Over here.
Over there.
Attack Objective
Attack the objective!
Defend Objective
Defend the objective!
Push Payload
Get the payload moving!
Stop Payload
Stop the payload!
Push Robot
Move that robot.
Push the robot.
Stop Robot
Intercept that robot.
Stop that robot.
Capture Flag
Attack the enemy flag!
Capture the flag!
Defend Flag
Defend our flag!
Protect the flag!
Press the Attack
Press the attack!
Push Forward
Push forward!
My mistake.
Watching Here
Got eyes on this location.
On the lookout, here.
Reconnoitering the area.
Watching here.
With You
I'm with you.
I've got your back.
You're Welcome
My pleasure.
You're welcome.

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
I've still got it. ▶️
25 Credits
I'm an army of one. ▶️
I didn't start this war... But I'm damn well gonna finish it. ▶️
Not on my watch. ▶️
Old soldiers never die, and they don't fade away. ▶️
Sit down! ▶️
Smells like victory. ▶️
That's "sir" to you. ▶️
What are you looking at? ▶️
I'm the one who does his job, I'm thinking... you're the other one. ▶️
You didn't make the cut. ▶️
Young punks... Get off my lawn! ▶️
Summer Games
50 Credits
Bring the noise, bring the ruckus. ▶️
You want a medal? ▶️
Halloween Terror
50 Credits
Knock, knock. ▶️
Trick or treat. ▶️
Winter Wonderland
50 Credits
Merry Christmas. ▶️
Stay frosty. ▶️
Lunar New Year
50 Credits
Respect your elders. ▶️
The rooster crows at midnight. ▶️
Overwatch Archives
50 Credits
Don't call me a hero. ▶️
I'm not getting any younger. ▶️
Whatever you say... ▶️
Overwatch Anniversary
50 Credits
I'm not your father. ▶️
You want something done right, you've got to do it yourself. ▶️
You're the boss. ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 2
Shape up! Or I'll have you cleaning stables. ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 4
Prepare to be boarded. ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 6
Old habits die hard. ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 12
One more story to tell around the fire.
Expert Missile Fighter Challenge
What are you fighting for? ▶️
Space pirates have more honor than you. ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Ana: You can't take Talon down by yourself, Jack.
  • Soldier: 76: Maybe not. But then, I've always liked being the underdog.
  • Ana: You need to stop, Jack. This crusade is getting out of hand.
  • Soldier: 76: How many times have you told me that?
  • Ana: How many times have I been wrong?
  • Soldier: 76: Remember the Vikosky kingpins? Three hundred meters downrange. You fired once, they both fell. Beautiful.
  • Ana: *sigh* That's not the word I would choose.
Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Soldier: 76: You always have my back.
  • Ana: Keep doing that, and I always will.


Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Soldier: 76: That's some tech.
  • Baptiste: Yours isn't half-bad, either!


  • Cassidy: I'll never forgive us for what we did in Hanamura.
  • Soldier: 76: Those people were criminals.
  • Cassidy: ...So were we.


  • Soldier: 76: A mech as flashy as yours will show up on every radar!
  • D.Va: That's just the way I like it.


  • Doomfist: You and Reyes were both enhanced soldiers. Yet he reached his full potential and you...
  • Soldier: 76: I wouldn't say he's thriving.
  • Doomfist: Hmm... are you?


  • Echo: You are not alone.
  • Soldier: 76: I don't need your pity.
  • Echo: It's not pity. I know how it feels to be on your own for a long time.


  • Soldier: 76: If you knew what Blackwatch was up to, why didn't you stop them?
  • Genji: My vision was clouded by anger.
  • Soldier: 76: And now the world pays for your actions.
  • Genji: In that, we are the same.


  • Soldier: 76: I don't care what kind of baggage you've got. Don't bring it onto the battlefield.
  • Illari: You're one to talk.
Junker Queen
  • Junker Queen: I could've run Overwatch much better than you!
  • Soldier: 76: And what would you have done differently?
  • Junker Queen: I would've caught all the bad guys, then cut their heads off!
  • Soldier: 76: Hmm. Tempting.
  • Junkrat: You look like a gentleman who eats his own toenails!
  • Soldier: 76: Why the hell would you say that to someone?
  • Junkrat: Just lookin' for somethin' we might have in common...!
  • Soldier: 76: You better keep up. This isn't a daycare.
  • Kiriko: Kids can surprise you.
  • Soldier: 76: Then I better not be disappointed.
  • Kiriko: Kids also disappoint you.
  • Soldier: 76: The Martinses put their necks on the line, protecting you from Vishkar.
  • Lifeweaver: I only hope one day to return the favor.
  • Soldier: 76: Heh, if they only ever need help, we're all screwed.
  • Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?
  • Soldier: 76: Jack Russel Terrier.
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!
  • Mauga: Shame you didn't play a real tackle game.
  • Soldier: 76: Football isn't a game, kid.
  • Soldier: 76: Dr. Zhou. Did Captain Opara make it back as well?
  • Mei: I'm afraid not.
  • Soldier: 76: He was a good man.
  • Mei: He thought the same about you.
  • Mercy: Your hair looks brittle, Jack. Are you taking your vitamins?
  • Soldier: 76: Once a day, just after my steak dinner.
  • Soldier: 76: I heard you chased Doomfist out of Numbani.
  • Orisa: Making a coward run is no challenge.
  • Soldier: 76: Hm, we could've used you in the old days.
  • Soldier: 76: Can't believe Ana Amari's kid took up with mercenaries like Helix.
  • Pharah: Oh, as opposed to... whatever you are?
  • Soldier: 76: Back to playing the hero?
  • Reinhardt: I never stopped. Unlike you.
  • Soldier: 76: The world doesn't want us, Wilhelm. At least I can realize that.
  • Soldier: 76: Snap out of it, old man. Talon is using you!
  • Sigma: An ant on the ceiling! Where are you going, little friend?
  • Soldier: 76: Hey! I'm talking to you!
  • Sigma: Oh, there's another one! What delightful creatures.


Team Kill via Combining Ultimates
  • Soldier: 76: Ha! Up top, Doctor!
  • Sigma: Hm? Up where?
  • Soldier: 76: Too slow! Um... never mind...


On Circuit Royal
  • Sojourn: You know, I'm not so bad at cards myself. Even beat Burnes one time.
  • Soldier: 76: I think she let you win.
  • Sojourn: Hah! Burnes never let anybody win.
  • Symmetra: Vigilantes have no place in the world we're building.
  • Soldier: 76: And Vishkar has no place in mine.
  • Soldier: 76: Still inventing?
  • Torbjörn: Still a one-man posse?
  • Soldier: 76: Heh. Touché.
  • Widowmaker: Was the lily on Gérard's grave yours?
  • Soldier: 76: You know we were close.
  • Widowmaker: Not close enough to know he preferred roses.


  • Widowmaker: Gérard spoke of you often.
  • Soldier: 76: Did he say I warned him about you?
  • Widowmaker: Yes. He thought it was funny.
  • Winston: Anyone want to hear my favorite joke about the periodic table?
  • Soldier: 76:
    • No!
    • Nope.
  • Zarya: What was your hometown like, Morrison?
  • Soldier: 76: Flat. Cold. Lots of wind.
  • Zarya: Huh. Not so different from mine.


  • Soldier: 76: In this world, pacifism is foolish.
  • Zenyatta: What makes you think I am a pacifist?
  • Soldier: 76: You sure talk like one.
  • Zenyatta: Perhaps it is assumptions that are foolish.


Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
1 of the following heroes: Ashe, Junkrat, Mei, Symmetra or Winston
  • Soldier: 76: I was just in the kitchen. Anyone have something they wanna confess?
  • One of five:
    • Ashe: I ain't a snitch, but let's just say those corn dogs are gone for good.
    • Junkrat: I was just trying to make a milkshake...
    • Mei: I saw someone steal your leftovers, but I'm afraid to say who.
    • Symmetra: It is not my fault your kitchenware melts so easily.
    • Winston: Those banana peels are not mine.
  • Soldier: 76: *heavy sigh*

Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
S76 Skin Alpine
Alpine: 76
Tactical Visor
Tactical goggles activated. (allies) ▶️
Not on ice yet. ▶️
Kill Streak
Now I'm getting warmed up. ▶️
S76 Skin Commando
Commando: 76
S76 Skin Huntsman
Huntsman: 76
S76 Skin Night Ops
Night Ops: 76
Sic transit gloria. ▶️
S76 Skin Cyborg
Cyborg: 76
S76 Skin Proteus
Proteus: 76
Hero Change
Soldier: 76 online. ▶️
S76 Skin Daredevil
Daredevil: 76
S76 Skin Stunt Rider
Stunt Rider: 76
Bones heal. Pain is temporary. Scars look good. ▶️
S76 Skin Grillmaster
Grillmaster: 76
Biotic Healing
Can's down. ▶️
Get over here and drink up. ▶️
Time to drink up. ▶️
Tactical Visor
Tactical sunglasses activated. (allies) ▶️
*laughs* Only gets better when aged. ▶️
Steak before chicken. Vegetables are coming in third. ▶️
I love the smell of charcoal in the morning. (Tactical Visor elimination) ▶️
On Fire
I'm on fire. Might have used too much lighter fluid. ▶️
Voiceline Differential
Smells like freedom. (original: "Smells like victory.") ▶️
Respect the chef. (original: "Respect your elders.") ▶️
That's "chef," to you. (original: "That's 'sir,' to you.") ▶️
S76 Skin Infinite Guard
Infinite Guard: 76
Hero Selected
Every empire needs a watchdog. ▶️
During Set-Up
I won't tolerate anyone who stains his Excellency's radiance. ▶️
We'll have this little uprising dealt with in no time. ▶️
I'm not done serving my Emperor. ▶️
It'll take more than that to overwhelm an Infinite watchdog. ▶️
May the Emperor curse our enemies. ▶️
Nothing can stand in the way of the Infinite Empire. ▶️
Son of a b'orlax! ▶️
Final Blow
Disorganized rabble. ▶️
Enforcing the law of the Nebula. ▶️
For the Infinite Empire! ▶️
On your knees, rebel scum. ▶️
We'll decimate every one of you little Watchers. ▶️
Galactic outlaws eliminated. (eliminating Intergalactic Smuggler Ashe) ▶️
Do your job properly, Captain. (eliminating Royal Captain Brigitte) ▶️
Lightyears away from your goal! (eliminating Bonebreaker Doomfist) ▶️
Your pathetic rebellion ends today! (eliminating Bonebreaker Doomfist) ▶️
Final Blow
Helix Rockets
Launch trajectory perfectly calibrated. ▶️
Perfect jettison. ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Not letting you off the radar. ▶️
Capture in Progress
They're on the point! Disintegrate them! ▶️
S76 Skin Strike Commander Morrison
Strike Commander Morrison
Hero Change
Morrison reporting for duty. ▶️
During Set-Up
It's my privilege to lead you into battle. ▶️

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Blizzard World
I'm definitely too old for a trip to the amusement park. ▶️
Circuit Royal
On Attack
I remember we had Burnes here under deep cover for about six years. *chuckle* She got so good at cards, she quit Overwatch and played full-time. ▶️
Circuit Royal (on Defense), or Colosseo
I remember we were... looking into Corsini S.p.C. Let's just say they're involved with more than Alisei and fancy cars. ▶️
Colosseo, Esperança or New Queen Street
Is Treadweather ever gonna patch the control override on these damn things? ▶️
You know, they tried to make a movie about the founding of Overwatch. Total flop. The guy who played me... what an amateur. ▶️
With at least two of three heroes: Junker Queen, Junkrat, or Roadhog on the Team
I'm in Junkertown with a bunch of Junkers. Not sure how today could get any worse. ▶️
King's Row
I wouldn't change a thing we did here. ▶️
These New Yorkers could stand to learn some manners. ▶️
Route 66
This part of the country is so beautiful. Reminds me of road trips when I was a kid. *sigh* Different world. And I'll never get it back. ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Who took my dentures? (self and hostile) ▶️
Turn that damn music down! (self and hostile with Lúcio on the team) ▶️
War is a game, and I'm using cheats! (allies) ▶️
Junkenstein's Laboratory
Biotic Field

Anyone need some shields? ▶️
Get over here and shield up! ▶️
Team, shield up here. ▶️
Biotic Field

Fellow me for healing.
Heal field's pulsing. ▶️
Mobilizing biotic field. ▶️
Stick with me for heals. ▶️

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio

Removed[ | ]

The following voice lines have been deleted from Overwatch 2 and are no longer in the game files. All the below were removed on the full release of Overwatch 2 in October 2022.

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
We made this mess. Time to clean it up. ▶️

Trivia[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]
