Before the release of Sombra as a hero, a series of hidden puzzles were placed by Blizzard which revealed small insights into Sombra and the world of Overwatch. This was dubbed the Sombra ARG by the community. Below are all of Sombra's messages, as well as a step-by-step process of how the puzzles were solved.
Note: This page is not finished. Visit the Game Detectives wiki for more complete information.
Messages[ | ]
Ana's Origin Story[ | ]
- ...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...sombra...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...
- ...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...sombra...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...
Developer Update on Ana[ | ]
- Was that easy? Well, now that I have your attention, allow me to make things much more difficult.
- ¿Estuvo eso facilito? Ahora que tengo su atención, déjenme se las pongo más difícil.
Datamoshed Dorado Screenshot[ | ]
- Why do you look to the sky? The answer is not above your heads, it's behind you. Sometimes, you need to analyze your previous achievements.
- Por que estan mirando al cielo? La respuesta no esta sobre sus cabezas, esta detras de ustedes. A veces, necesitan analizar sus logros previos.
Achievement Page[ | ]
- Good job, not bad. But I'm getting bored. Let's try something new in the same direction.
- Vientos, nada mal. No obstante, me aburro. Intentemos algo nuevo en la misma dirección.
Datamoshed Volskaya Industries Screenshot[ | ]
- It seems you like these little games... Why don't we play a real one?
- Parece que te gustan estos jueguitos... por que no jugamos uno de verdad?
Forum Post[ | ]
Sombra made a thread on the Overwatch forums.
- I promised you a game. I believe you game detectives would call it a trail head?
- Les prometi un juego... Creo que ustedes los detectives de juegos lo llamarian un trail head?
Video[ | ]
- You seem to be very interested in these "heroes". Perhaps you would like to know some little details I've found about them?
- Parecen estar muy interesados en estos "héroes". ¿Tal vez les interese conocer algunos detallitos que he averiguado sobre ellos?
A Moment in Crime[ | ]
First message in English:
- Well done, you have my key. Hacking this television program was a piece of cake. Wait for what follows.
- Bien hecho, ya tienen mi clave. Hackear este programa de televisión no tuvo chiste. Espérense a lo que sigue.
Second message in English:
- It seems that things are heating up ... I'll have to go unnoticed while this finishes.
- Parece que se están calentando un poco las cosas... tendré que pasar desapercibida mientras esto se finaliza.
LumériCo's site[ | ]
LumériCo's website can be found here. Translation of emails can be found here.
Three usernames and passwords are known.
Username: GFlores
Password: g#fNwP5qJ
- President of LumériCo, Guillermo Portero
Username: GPortero
Password: Xy@4+Bkuqd<53uJ
- Head of Security, María Jiménez
Username: MJimenez
Password:' d0r*NuLw9
Key: Some Keys Are Shaped as Locks Index[me]
An article published by Atlas News.
Puzzles[ | ]
A full explanation of each puzzle is below.
Puzzle 1: Ana's Origin Story[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
On July 12, 2016, the video [NEW HERO] Ana Origin Story | Overwatch was released. At 1:16 and 2:11, faint text can be seen.[ana origin 1][ana origin 2]
2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E 64 78 7A 75
65 76 2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E 7B 76 20 66 62 72 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 7B 76 20 7E 79 71 78 65 7A 76 74 7E D4 A4 79 2C 20 63 7E 72 79 72 20 72 7B 20 67 78 73 72 65 2E 2E 2E
Step One[ | ]
Convert the text from hexadecimal to ASCII. A hexadecimal to ASCII converter.
For the first message, this gives:
- ...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...dxzu
And for the second, it gives:
- ev...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...{v fbr c~ryr {v ~yqxezvt~Ô¤y, c~ryr r{ gxsre...
Step Two[ | ]
- This section is a stub section. You can help by adding any available information to this section.
Using Python, enter (replacing "put text here" with the messages obtained from step one): [ana origin 3]
str = "put text here"; ''.join(chr(ord(x) ^ 23) if x != ' ' and x != '.' else x for x in str);
For the first message, this gives:
- ..la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...somb
And for the second, it gives:
- ra...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...la que tiene la información; tiene el poder...
Final Message[ | ]
Put together and translated from Spanish, the final message is: [ana origin 4]
- ...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...sombra...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...she who has the information, has the power...
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2015-07-12, Discovery of and discussion about the message at 2:11, Reddit.
- ↑ 2015-07-12, Discovery of and discussion about the message at 1:16, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-07-12, Python script to get "la que tiene la información; tiene el poder", Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-07-12, Translation of message, Reddit.
Puzzle 2: Developer Update on Ana[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
On July 19, 2016, the video Developer Update | Introducing Ana | Overwatch was released. At 12:25, a beep is heard and and four images flash across the screen.[ana update 1] While the first, second, and fourth are test cards, the third is an original image.
Step One[ | ]
Cut up the image into nine vertical barcodes and run it through a barcode reader.[ana update 2][ana update 3] A barcode reader.
This returns a series of hex values.[ana update 3] Zero pad it by adding zeroes to the beginning of each value with less than four characters.
Values from Barcodes, Zero-Padded
0FEC-0820-0BA9-0BAD-0BAF-0824-0FEA-0005-0F28-0980-05B0-0F59 04B1-02C7-0F83-0748-07F4-0719-0AAA-02C8-01F6-047C-05A8-0DBA 007F-1541-085D-0E5D-035D-1C41-157F-0500-049D-0122-11D8-0D9C 0279-0919-04AA-0800-01E9-0308-03F1-0EDC-0CB3-0602-0DE9-0008 0153-0690-0BF0-0CA1-002B-0D03-09C8-0866-0DF7-0EF9-0C21-0020 1FD7-1F79-1582-1252-0806-1B4B-1FB7-1050-0532-09A9-1870-1FEF 03A0-0A43-0AFF-0793-0658-000C-0FE4-0821-0BA4-0BA8-0BAA-082F-0FED 0B6A-0BD4-0496-0324-0A2F-03C3-078E-0723-0634-00B9-0287-0EFA-0172 1B5E-17F9-083D-0160-1BFE-1D14-0956-0318-05F1-06D7-01BC-0C24-18CF
Step Two[ | ]
- This section is a stub section. You can help by adding any available information to this section.
Convert the hex values to binary.
Rearrange into a QR code.[ana update 4] Scan the QR code. A QR code reader.
When scanned, it reads:
- ¿Estuvo eso facilito? Ahora que tengo su atención, déjenme se las pongo más difícil.
Final Message[ | ]
Translated from Spanish, the end result is:
- Was that easy? Well, now that I have your attention, allow me to make things much more difficult.[ana update 5]
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-07-19, Screenshots of the images found, Imgur.
- ↑ 2016-07-19, Suggestion that the image is multiple vertical barcodes, and zero padding, Reddit.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 2016-07-19, Album of individual barcodes, and hex values (unpadded), Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-07-19, The process of decoding the third image, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-07-19, Translation of the message, Reddit.
Puzzle 3: Tracer's Trail[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
On August 2, 2016, the video [NEW SEASONAL EVENT] Welcome to the Summer Games! | Overwatch was released. Text can be seen in the energy trail of Tracer's chronal accelerator.[tracer trail 1]
The font used makes it difficult to distinguish between uppercase i's and lowercase L's. This is one possibility:
U2FsdGVkX1+vupppZksvRf5pq5g5XjFRlipRkwB0K1Y96Qsv2L m+31cmzaAILwytX/z66ZVWEQM/ccf1g+9m5Ubu1+sit+A9cenD xxqklaxbm4cMeh2oKhqlHhdaBKOi6XX2XDWpa6+P5o9MQw==
Step One[ | ]
Decrypting the above from Base64 gives the following:
The presence of "Salted__" at the beginning means that this (and all other possible variations) is a salted message.[tracer trail 2]
Current Status[ | ]
The password to decrypt the message has not been found. You can try to guess the password here.
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-08-02, Discovery and discussion, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-08-05, A detailed breakdown, Axxim.net.
Puzzle 4: Compass[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
On August 2, 2016, the video [NEW SEASONAL EVENT] Welcome to the Summer Games! | Overwatch was released. A series of directions that aren't in-game can be seen in various shots of characters: [compass 1][compass 2]
- Mercy, on Route 66, has an arrow pointing right reading "East"
- D.Va, on Temple of Anubis, has a brick reading "C"
- Torbjörn, on Nepal, has an arrow pointing up
- Genji, on Hanamura, has an arrow pointing down
- McCree, on Hollywood, has a compass with a dot on the Southeast marker
- Symmetra, on Watchpoint: Gibraltar, has a wall reading "West" (the arrow below is in-game)
- Bastion, on Hollywood, has a wall reading "Southwest"
- Winston, on Volskaya Industries has a ship reading "NE"
- Tracer, on King's Row, has an arrow pointing to the upper left
Current Status[ | ]
The following puzzle uses the compass in its solution. However, as the compass was released nine days before, it's theorized that was not its original purpose.
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-08-02, Reddit post about the directions, Reddit.
- ↑ Completed compass, Game Detectives.
Puzzle 5: Datamoshed Screenshots[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
On August 8, 2016, a modified version (henceforth known as "datamoshed") of a Dorado screenshot was added to the media page of the official Overwatch website.[dorado image 1][dorado image 2]
Step One[ | ]
If opened with a text editor, you can see that some characters from the original image have been replaced with exclamation points in the datamoshed version.[dorado image 3] Comparing both files with a diff
utility and outputting the difference gives the following: [dorado image 4]
- Por que estan mirando al cielo? La respuesta no esta sobre sus cabezas, esta detras de ustedes. A veces, necesitan analizar sus logros previos.
Translated from Spanish:
- Why do you look to the sky? The answer is not above your heads, it's behind you. Sometimes, you need to analyze your previous achievements.
It's theorized that this puzzle was a failed attempt to help users solve the salted message or the compass, and that the following steps were improvised when progress continued to not be made.
Step Two[ | ]
On August 11, 2016, a new achievement was added to players' profiles on Play Overwatch.[dorado image 5]
A message is hidden within the page's source code:
- <!--Vientos, nada mal. No obstante, me aburro. Intentemos algo nuevo en la misma dirección. uczihriwgsxorxwunaarawryqhbrsfmeqrjjmu 5552E494 78T3 4VM9 OPL6 IS8208O913KRlrx-->
Translated from Spanish:
- Good job, not bad. But I'm getting bored. Let's try something new in the same direction.
Step Three[ | ]
The non-Spanish in the above message is using a Vigenére cipher.[dorado image 6] It uses the heroes from the compass, starting from the top left and going clockwise, as a key. A Vigenére decoder.
- tracertorbjornwinstonsymmetradvamercybastiongenjimccree
- blzgdapiproaakamaihdnetmediascreenshot 5552e494 78b3 4ce9 acf6 ef8208f913cfjpg
Step Four[ | ]
Add the necessary punctuation to get an image link: blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/media/screenshot/5552E494-78B3-4CE9-ACF6-EF8208F913CF.jpg This is another datamoshed screenshot, this time of Volskaya Industries.[dorado image 7]
This image also has characters replaced with exclamation points, so repeat Step One and compare the two files. The output is the following:
Final Message[ | ]
Parece que te gustan estos jueguitos... por que no jugamos uno de verdad? :PB@Bk: ,jB@@B@B@B@BBL. 7G@B@B@BMMMMMB@B@B@Nr :kB@B@@@MMOMOMOMOMMMM@B@B@B1, :5@B@B@B@BBMMOMOMOMOMOMOMM@@@B@B@BBu. 70@@@B@B@B@BXBBOMOMOMOMOMOMMBMPB@B@B@B@B@Nr G@@@BJ iB@B@@ OBMOMOMOMOMOMOM@2 B@B@B. EB@B@S @@BM@GJBU. iSuB@OMOMOMOMOMOMM@OU1: .kBLM@M@B@ B@MMB@B 7@BBMMOMOMOMOMOBB@: B@BMM@B @@@B@B 7@@@MMOMOMOMM@B@: @@B@B@ @@OLB. BNB@MMOMOMM@BEB rBjM@B @@ @ M OBOMOMM@q M .@ @@ @@OvB B:u@MMOMOMMBJiB .BvM@B @B@B@J 0@B@MMOMOMOMB@B@u q@@@B@ B@MBB@v G@@BMMMMMMMMMMMBB@5 F@BMM@B @BBM@BPNi LMEB@OMMMM@B@MMOMM@BZM7 rEqB@MBB@ B@@@BM B@B@B qBMOMB@B@B@BMOMBL B@B@B @B@B@M J@@@@PB@B@B@B7G@OMBB. ,@MMM@qLB@B@@@BqB@BBv iGB@,i0@M@B@MMO@E : M@OMM@@@B@Pii@@N: . B@M@B@MMM@B@B@B@MMM@@@M@B @B@B.i@MBB@B@B@@BM@::B@B@ B@@@ .B@B.:@B@ :B@B @B@O :0 r@B@ B@@ .@B@: P: vMB :@B@ :BO7 ,B@B
Translated, the Spanish reads:
- It seems you like these little games... Why don't we play a real one?
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-08-08, The modified Dorado screenshot and its original can be found under Screenshots, titled "Screenshot: Dorado", Play Overwatch.
- ↑ 2016-08-08, Discovery of the modified Dorado screenshot, Youtube.
- ↑ 2016-08-08, Differences between original (left) and modified (right) screenshots of Dorado, Diffchecker.
- ↑ How to compare the files on Linux, Axxim.net
- ↑ 2016-08-11, The ¿ achievement, Imgur.
- ↑ 2016-08-11, Solving the achievement puzzle, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-08-11, Achievement comment has been solved! Reddit.
Skycoder's Forum Post: ASCII Skull[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
On August 23, 2016, a locked thread titled "00110010 00110011" ("23" in binary) was created on Overwatch's General Discussion forums by a user named Skycoder, and remained at the top of the forums. It read, "la que tiene la información; tiene el poder". After remaining on the page for a few seconds, the site begins to glitch out and a text box appears, which then is filled with characters.
Step One[ | ]
Decoding the above from Base64 results in the following ASCII art:
Step Two[ | ]
- This section is a stub section. You can help by adding any available information to this section.
Strip both Skulls of Spaces and then Subtract the bytes of each skull that aren't equal to 0 using a script.[ascii skull 1]
That String is a caesar cipher
The Spanish, translated: :I promised you a game. I believe you game detectives would call it a trail head? Note: usa-ambas-calaveras translates to uses-both-skulls.
Message[ | ]
"blzgda" is the start of links on Blizzard's site, so go to blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/media/screenshot/usa-ambas-calaveras.html. There's a video there.
The skull icon from Skycoder's avatar appears at 0:09.[ascii skull 2]
Downloading the video allows users to see the description, which reads, "Parecen estar muy interesados en estos "héroes". ¿Tal vez les interese conocer algunos detallitos que he averiguado sobre ellos?"
Translation: You seem to be very interested in these "heroes". Perhaps you would like to know some little details I've found about them?
Step Three[ | ]
By assigning the 26 dashes in the video to letters, the pulses translate to "amomentincrime", the TV show which reported on Junkrat and Roadhog.[ascii skull 3][ascii skull 4] amomentincrime.com leads to a white page with a message (translations in brackets):[ascii skull 5]
...Estableciendo conexión... [...Establishing connection...] ...Protocolo Sombra v1.3 iniciado... [...Protocol Sombra v1.3 initiated...] ...Infiltrando la respuesta automática del email de pistas... [...Infiltrating automatic email response tracks...] ...Terminando conexión... [...Terminating connection...]
Emailing tips@amomentincrime.com, the email originally used when Junkrat and Roadhog were announced, results in an email that says:
A Moment in Crime's anonymous crime line! Thank you for contacting A Moment in Crime's anonymous crime line! We have analyzed your submission and forwarded the information to the relevant parties. Your help could be vital in apprehending these cri ...Estableciendo conexión... ...Protocolo Sombra v1.7 iniciado... 01:07:47 02:02:02 01:08:06 02:13:43 01:18:32 01:18:21 02:10:19 01:06:21 02:05:18 01:04:02 01:07:08 02:18:25 01:13:04 02:19:20 01:23:02 01:16:40 02:16:35 01:23:04 02:17:16 01:06:42 01:13:29 02:18:06 01:05:02 02:15:41 01:08:34 j.7F57O,NLv:qj.7B:,1qv@B1j5ivB:, ...Terminando conexión... minals and bringing them to justice. These fugitives are responsible for a string of robberies, arson, and other crimes stretching from Sydney to King's Row. Authorities believe that they have set their sights on crossing the Atlantic to America.
Ignoring Sombra's interruption, this was the email received at Junkrat and Roadhog's debut.[ascii skull 6]
Step Four[ | ]
- This section is a stub section. You can help by adding any available information to this section.
The Numbers are in a AA:BB:CC Format Where AA represents which skull BB represents Which row in that skull it is in and CC represents which Column in that row of the skull that symbol is this will give you a 5 by 5 matrix which can be used as a bifid key to decode the text below the table of numbers
Final Message[ | ]
- SOMBr@1NF:rM@7iON1SP0vvErrSOMBr@
This is leet speak for "Sombra information is power Sombra", a phrase that's come up previously in the ARG.
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-08-23, First Reddit thread detailing the forum post puzzle, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-08-23, Skull icon in medical video, Imgur.
- ↑ 2016-08-23, Explanation of "amomentincrime" from heart beat, Youtube.
- ↑ 2015-09-21, A Moment in Crime Special Report: "The Junkers", Youtube.
- ↑ 2016-08-23, Archive of amomentincrime.com, Wayback Machine.
- ↑ 2015-09-16, Original A Moment in Crime Email, Reddit.
Skycoder's Forum Post: Datamoshed Reaper Image[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
The page for Skycoder's fake post was updated sometime before 11:30pm GMT, adding a datamoshed image of Reaper.[reaper pic 1]
Previously, the community had datamoshed the base image, and Youtuber Muselk tweeted it to @PlayOverwatch.[reaper pic 2][reaper pic 3] The community's message read, "Bueno Sombra, jugemos un juegito y depaso nos das algo con que jugar," which translated from Spanish means, "Okay Sombra, let's play a little game and in return you can give us something to play with".
Step One[ | ]
- This section is a stub section. You can help by adding any available information to this section.
Decoded, Sombra's datamoshed Reaper picture said:
- Aquiesta tujuego
- With added spaces and marks, this reads: Aquí está tu juego
Final Message[ | ]
Translated from Spanish:
- Here's your game
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-08-23, Second Reddit thread detailing the forum post puzzle, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-08-20, Muselk tweeting Sombra with an image the Game Detectives made, Twitter.
- ↑ Imgur link, Imgur.
Skycoder's Forum Post: Countdown[ | ]
Forum Post Countdown[ | ]
When it was posted at ~9:30pm UTC, the timestamp read 21 hours ago. By 10:30pm UTC that number dropped to 20 hours, and continued to drop at a 1:1 rate each hour.[countdowns 1] At 7:19pm UTC, when the countdown hit 0 seconds, the link to the post disappeared from the forums and amomentincrime was updated.[countdowns 2] [countdowns 3]
A Moment In Crime Countdown[ | ]
In purple, on a black background, the site read:
...Estableciendo conexión... ...Protocolo Sombra v1.9 iniciado... ...Transmitiendo información a ómnicos activos... 2% ...Terminando conexión...
The percentage ticked up at an uneven rate, reaching 3% on August 24 at 7:35pm UTC; 4% on August 24 at 10:01pm UTC; 5% on August 26 at 03:24am UTC;[citation needed] and 5.4410% at 6:49pm UTC.[countdowns 4] It then began increasing at a rate of roughly 0.0038% every 3 minutes.[countdowns 5] Nearing its completion, the increment changed to only 0.0031% every 3 minutes.[citation needed]
Upon reaching 5.4410%, v1.9 changed to v1.95.[countdowns 6][countdowns 7]
During the countdown, some newspapers in the game were updated, talking about a global hacking spree.
The countdown was completed on October 18 at 7:03pm UTC.[countdowns 8][countdowns 9]
First Message[ | ]
Looking at the source code for amomentincrime revealed a message:
- <!-- Bien hecho, ya tienen mi clave. Hackear este programa de televisión no tuvo chiste. Espérense a lo que sigue.-->
Translated from Spanish:
- Well done, you have my key. Hacking this television program was a piece of cake. Wait for what follows.
Second Message[ | ]
Upon reaching 5.4410%, a second message was added to the source code:[countdowns 7]
- <!-- Parece que se están calentando un poco las cosas... tendré que pasar desapercibida mientras esto se finaliza. -->
Translated from Spanish:
- It seems that things are heating up ... I'll have to go unnoticed while this finishes.
Third Message[ | ]
When the countdown finished, the page changed to read:
...Estableciendo conexión... ...Protocolo Sombra v1.95 iniciado...
...Transmisión finalizada - finalizando carga... ...Carga finalizada. Unidad Bastion E-54 comprometida...
...Terminando conexión...
Roughly translated to English: ...Transmission finished - finishing loading... ...Loading complete. Bastion Unit E-54 compromised...
In the source code, "v1." was added. The patch version at that time was v1.
- This has since been updated. Currently, the source code displays "v1.", which is odd, as the current patch is v1.
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-08-23, Observation of the countdown, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-08-24, It's gone, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-08-24, amomentincrime is loading!!, Reddit.
- ↑ Spreadsheet documenting increments and times, starting at 5.4410%, Google Docs.
- ↑ 2016-08-26, Reddit post and another spreadsheet documenting increments and times, starting at 5.5700%. KatalDT, Reddit & Google Docs.
- ↑ 2016-08-26, Earliest cached log, showing that by 5.4751% it had already changed to 1.95, amomentincrime.s3.amazonaws.com.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 2016-08-25 Archive showing that at 5%, it was still at v1.9 and had only one message in the source code, Wayback Machine.
- ↑ 2016-08-25, Prediction of Oct 17 date, Reddit.
- ↑ 2016-08-26, Prediction of Oct 18 date, Reddit.
LumériCo's Emails[ | ]
Discovery[ | ]
Shortly after the percentage on amomentincrime.com got to 100%, going to a certain monitor on Dorado as Bastion would result in Bastion beeping in an unusual way.
These beeps, which were in Morse code, translated to SQOFJFBNITIZWGDXSDO. Using SOMBrNFrMiONSPvvErr
(taking the letters from the decoded ASCII skull) as the password for a Vigenère cipher, the resulting message is ACCESSWWWLUMERICOMX. lumerico.mx is in-game company LumériCo's official site.
There is a phone number at the bottom of the page. When called, a woman's voice lists a series of numbers in Spanish: 5-2-4-1-3 (pause) 23-4-14-8-6-18-17-23-21-18-15 in Spanish. Using a simple A=1 conversion, the second series of numbers turns into WDNHFRQWURO
. Using a Caesar cipher with the key 23, you finally get TAKECONTROL. lumerico.mx/TAKECONTROL leads to an encoded message from Sombra. Using the first part of the phone call, 52413
, in a column order transposition cipher, gives the following message (spaces added for clarity):
Los felicito por haber llegado hasta aquí. Solo quería saber si estaban listos. (Hey, es muy difícil encontrar buena ayuda últimamente...deberían ver algunos de los payasitos que están trabajando conmigo) Por ahora, continuemos con el verdadero reto: acabar con LumériCo y su president e Guillermo Portero. ¿Y porqué? Porque es un hombre codicioso, corrupto y un ladrón abominable. Su plan de traer en línea el más grande y el más poderoso zigurat el 1 de noviembre no es nada más que una artimaña, un elaborado plan designado para ejercer aún más influencia sobre la gente de México y en gordar los bolsillos de sus compinches. ¿Y quién va a pagar por eso? La gente común y corriente, los mismos que siempre quedan olvidados. He empezado a mejorar mis protocolos para que sean usados para derrumbar la infraestructura de LumériCo y Los Muertos también están intentando levantarse en contra de la corrupción. Mientras tanto, escarben por el sitio de LumériCo y busquen información que podamos usar en contra del cabrón, mejor aún, encuentren su nombre de usuario y contraseña para asegurarnos de que ciertos detalles no muy favorables sobre el presidentito...aparezcan... Pude encontrar el nombre de usuario y contraseña de un empleado de soporte de LumériCo, empiecen por ahí: GFlores/g#fNwP5qJ
I congratulate you for having come this far. I just wanted to know if you were ready or not. (Hey, it's really hard to find good help lately... you should see some of the clowns I'm working with). For now, let's continue with the real challenge: taking down LumériCo and its president Guillermo Portero. Why? Because he's a greedy, corrupt man and an abominable thief. His plan to bring online the largest and most powerful ziggurat on November 1st is nothing more than a ruse, an elaborate plan designed to exert even more influence on the people of Mexico and thicken the pockets of his cronies. And who will pay for that? Common people, the same ones that are always forgotten. I've started upgrading my protocols so that they can be used to take down the LumériCo infrastructure and Los Muertos are also trying to stand up against the corruption. Meanwhile, search the LumériCo site for information we can use against the bastard, or better yet, find his username and password so that some not so favorable details about the president...appear... I was able to get the username and password of a LumériCo employee (support?), start here: GFlores/g#fNwP5qJ
Gonzalo Flores's Emails[ | ]
This username and password allows one to log in on LumériCo's site and access Gonzalo Flores' emails. Most of them are general work emails without further hints, but one email talks about lumerico.mx/president-bypass. In the source code of that page is a git dump with codebehind files. From these, and after another cipher,[citation needed] is another username and password: GPortero/Xy@4+Bkuqd<53uJ
The President's Emails[ | ]
Guillermo Portero's emails are also mostly work-related, but there is one from Sombra:
Veo que se han podido infiltrar en su correo. No se preocupen, él no puede ver este correo, lo he ocultado de su vista si se conecta desde una de sus direcciones conocidas de IP. Necesito un poco más de tiempo para establecer el próximo grupo de potocolos. Manténganse atentos a principios de la otra semana. Le echaré unos cuantos trapitos sucios en sus correos para que se filtren al público "accidentalmente". Ya veremos como reaccionan los medios de comunicación.
I see you have been able to infiltrate his mail. Don't worry, he can't see this email, I've hidden it from view if you connect from one of the known IP addresses. I need a little more time to set the next group of protocols. Stay tuned early next week. I'll take a few dirty rags in their emails to be filtered to the public "accidentally". We'll see how they react to the media.
Head Security[ | ]
- This section is a stub section. You can help by adding any available information to this section.
On October 25th, lumerico.mx/omnics.txt was updated to
Allow: Tzolk'in
Allow: Imix ChikchanManik Imix ChikchanImixChikchanImix Manik Chikchan Imix Kimi Chikchan Chikchan Kimi ChikchanImixChikchanImix ChikchanKimi
Tzolk'in is the name of a mayan calendar. the second is a list of animals in the mayan dialect that represent different days on the calendar
Change the second line into numbers based off the order of the days they represent on the Tzolk'in which gives
1 57 1 5151 7 5 1 6 5 5 6 5151 56
Then Change Does numbers into Mayan Numerals to get
. -..- . -.-. ..- - . .- - - .- -.-. -.-
Which is Morse Code that when Translated gives EXECUTEATTACK
An article by Atlas News was posted on October 28th.
If you go to VolskyaIndustries.com And View Source Code Then Click on assets/img/favicon.png then View Source Again and Scroll all the way to the bottom you find
<?xpacket end="w"?>õo\� cHRMz%€ƒùÿ€éu0ê`:˜�o’_ÅF��IDATxÚì×;hTA�ÆñßF��µ�ƒ¯ �°°�µ1(jjEˆv‚�Å"�%¨QAƒÁ'(�$ñ¯ ئŒD‹H�4±��Á·DˆAMX›�†á†ÍÆ•möÀ�÷?‡9ßùΙÙ\>ŸWΨRæ¨�¨�(»€\o}]+ê1‚\à�±�;"žÃ <˜d®e¸9øièÉõÖ×-F�–Fƒ?`�ÎcyÄ?¡�ƒE&Ÿ�r¬ŠØG¬¯Â�ìÄpôr.öã�~D¼�íA}1q!Iþ�»0ð×�½!Y�›°�- ¯Ek�É�ÂjÆцîÔ„í¸Ÿ�<ˆ/èJx�¶N ùêðõqtãLV�äшˆMÅ9ÜÆˤz®�c�ÕèÀ̈½Æ>ŒŽW†_±�C�›�¶ç8¾G|^H0}œò¾‚•�� [ñ®P�xŠc Û€58ᇓ�s4b{ÂNáÑD�Ñ5ÜIØ¡P:]�|[ô¼.CèC\*¦�æq�Ï�?´á�^%ü2�avh63¢÷ƒaEF‹mşÞÅû^�¾8í��BâëX�ñá0ÇûÉž�}hNØÆP^�|KÂŽ†�óO‡Q�n%¬�o�œ�wC©–ä4lB?ô<�gƒ�^dŒïÇ॒��ÂÞ¤?Ô�sub,�Û€o¥¾�ô��Ʊ9�2—¬Ö³ÿu!¹�Ü�ÇÂhžÎ�¿”üFÔŒ'aÙ?†ß��gTLá�QåIE@E@¹�ü�‰ vRGÆe%IEND®B`‚
Trivia[ | ]
- Sombra's pseudonym on the Overwatch forums is a reference to the "skycode", a red herring found while trying to solve the Summer Games puzzles. Prompted by Jeff Kaplan saying that the puzzles were "way above [his] head", players found what seemed to be suspicious artifacting in Dorado's skybox.[1][2] Despite many theories and attempts to decode it over the next five days, it was eventually debunked when players solved a puzzle which said, "Why do you look to the sky? The answer is not above your heads, it's behind you."
- The number 23 used to decrypt the Ana Origin Story puzzle was a reference to Sombra being the 23rd hero in the game.
References[ | ]
- ↑ 2016-08-03, Fairlight_Excalibur asks about the compass, Twitch.
- ↑ Vectors of the skycode, Imgur.