Overwatch Wiki
Overwatch Wiki

Bastion's core = head?[]

Quick question, I can't check it myself for obvious reasons. Is Bastion's core in Sentry mode actually its head or just a weak spot? To be precise, do weapons that normally can't score headshots (Pharah's RL etc.) still deal double damage to Bastion's core?
Namely, in patch notes it was never referred to as "head" and only as "place where it takes 2x damage". --Krupam (talk)--

It's not Bastion's head. I'm pretty positive it's this blue thing hidden underneath the panel on his chest. Fuzzlepuzzle (talk)
Pharah's normal attack doesn't deal double damage to it, though. Sorry for the delay, I needed a friend to check with. --Fuzzlepuzzle (talk)

"Binary" section[]

Could someone who is familiar with the backstory please edit this section? The English is pretty awful, with lots of "theys" and ambiguous phrasing, not to mention the run on sentences and poor grammar. I would correct this section myself, but while I can correct the English errors I'm not ramiliar enough with the story to be sure which "they" is being spoken of in some parts.

Bastions Rate of fire for Sentry is wrong[]

The wiki says his fire rate is 35 rounds per second but when i tested this he actually only has 30 rounds per second can some one please fix this?


The actual entry is protected, but there is an error. footnote 6 refers the the non-existent Brigitte/Quotation. It SHOULD refer to Brigitte/Quotes -- KSmallmoon (talk) 23:46, 17 May 2018 (UTC)

1 of 2 left handed heros as of[]

as of, bastion is one of two left handed heros, this is because his right arm has a gun instead of a hand . orisa is the other hero Bastionlefthanded

Development section is wrong![]

the current passage states: "Bastion's Iron Clad ability used to reduce damage by 35%, allowing it to survive Tracer's pulse bomb with 40 health (If on full health), which very few heroes could do. As of Patch, it was changed to the current 20% and the Pulse Bomb now does 235 damage to Bastion; a Bastion at full health can now only survive with Brigitte's armor, and before their reworks, Torbjörn's Armor Pack the extra health from Symmetra's Shield Generator."

Which is wrong! bastion has 300 health, pulse bomb dealing 235 would leave him at 65!

even in recon, bastion survives with -3 health — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 17:08, 22 June 2019‎ (UTC)

Too OP?[]

I think that bastion may need some tweaks to balance some of the things that he can do, but I can still play him the way that he is but I think that in the end he might be too much for some heroes. For example you could get a bastion, mercy, and baptiste, then sit on the pay load baptiste puts his ult down, bastion configures turret, mercy doesn't let anyone die. strategies like that could really mess up the meta. If not become the meta, But I really don't know

Recon mode section[]

The recon mode section of this article is broken

Bastion disabled[]

Bastion is currently disabled in Overwatch 2 due to a game breaking bug. I noticed we refer to Bastion in the past tense here, but is there a better way to signal a disabled hero (like a patch date in the box)? Nickemccurdy (talk) 03:05, 18 October 2022 (UTC)