Tips are offered to players at various times during play.[1]
General tips[ | ]
General tips are displayed when the chosen map is loading.
- Move in and out of cover to protect yourself while sniping.
- Group up and attack with your teammates. A coordinated attack succeeds more often.
- Your current objective is always marked with a waypoint viewable in the world.
- When low on health disengage and use the health packs located around the map.
- Enemies have a red outline around their character and a red nameplate above their head.
- You can change your current hero in your spawn room at any time.
- Team composition matters! A well-rounded team increases your chance of winning.
- Press and hold [F1] to learn more about your hero.
- Move unpredictably to make it more difficult for enemies to hit you.
- Use the side passages and objects in the map to conceal your location and movement from the enemy.
- A quick melee attack with [V] can finish off very low health enemies.
- The light blue chevrons visible in the world are location markers for your teammates.
- Look out for enemies trying to flank you from behind or above.
- When a teammate dies the location of their corpse is marked by their hero icon visible in the world.
- Tank heroes excel at taking and holding map objectives as well as disrupting the enemy team.
- Support heroes protect and heal their teammates while also providing useful utility capabilities.
- Your most dangerous enemies usually have the loudest weapons and footsteps.
- You hear sounds from your enemies more prominently than those of your allies.
- For your account safety please do not share your account information with others or use any unauthorized third-party programs.
- Press [G] to ping. Hold [G] to open the ping wheel. Tap [G] twice to place a warning ping.
- Move unpredictably to make it more difficult for enemies to hit you.
Hero tips[ | ]
These tips appear after dying during a match, and appear to be tailored to the hero of the player or the enemy hero that caused their death.
Tank[ | ]
D.Va[ | ]
- D.Va's mech has short range and moves slowly while shooting. Keep it at a distance.
- Attack D.Va's mech from multiple angles to outmaneuver her Defense Matrix.
- Self-Destruct has a huge area of effect. Get to cover!
- Quickly take out D.Va after she ejects from her mech to prevent her from calling down another.
- D.Va's fusion cannons do not need to be reloaded but have a short effective range and slow her movement considerably.
- D.Va cannot follow targets very well while firing her fusion cannons. Try to get as close as possible before firing.
- The fusion cannons fire rapidly in a shotgun-like spread. They're very effective against larger heroes such as Winston or Reinhardt.
- Use D.Va's Boosters to fly around tanks and other obstacles then attack more vulnerable targets.
- Use Boosters to knock enemies off cliffs or away from your vulnerable allies.
- D.Va can protect herself and her allies from enemies in front of her using Defense Matrix.
- After your mech is destroyed fight aggressively with your Light Gun to charge your ultimate and get a new mech.
- Try to get in an enclosed space before using Call Mech. It can crush most enemies!
- Use Self-Destruct to clear enemies away from a map objective. Even if it doesn't kill it forces them to move away.
- If you use Self-Destruct after activating Boosters D.Va will eject but her mech will continue to move forward before detonating.
Doomfist[ | ]
- Seismic Slam allows Doomfist to attack from many angles including above.
- Your abilities' movement makes you more difficult to hit.
- Meteor Strike is a powerful engagement tool that easily combines with your teammates' abilities.
- Meteor Strike can also immediately get you out of a dangerous situation.
- Rocket Punch does more damage if it slams you into a nearby wall.
- Run away from Meteor Strike's ground effect: it does less damage if you are further from the center.
- Protecting yourself from heavy damage with Power Block also empowers your Rocket Punch.
- Damaging enemies with your abilities grants bonus health which is crucial in your survival.
- Rocket Punch enemies into walls or other obstructions to do extra damage.
- Doomfist's Hand Cannon slowly reloads each round automatically.
- Create deadly combinations using Doomfist's abilities.
- Using all your abilities at once restricts your mobility and makes you vulnerable to counterattacks.
Junker Queen[ | ]
- Junker Queen wounds you with most of her abilities dealing damage over time. Health packs and certain defensive abilities can remove wounds.
- The Scattergun is most effective up close but can still deal moderate damage at medium range.
- Jagged Blade applies wounds to all enemies it passes through on the way back to Junker Queen.
- A well-timed Jagged Blade recall can pull enemies right into Carnage or a Scattergun shot inflicting massive damage.
- You can still Quick Melee when Jagged Blade is not in your hand but you will not wound enemies with your punch.
- Commanding Shout allows you and your allies to rush into enemies or disengage from dangerous situations.
- Carnage has a long wind-up leaving you vulnerable until the swing finishes.
- Enemies can be affected by up to 3 wounds. Jagged Blade Carnage and Rampage apply one each.
- The more enemies you wound the more healing you'll receive from Adrenaline Rush.
- You are vulnerable for a short duration before charging forward with Rampage. Use Commanding Shout before activating your Ultimate to protect yourself.
- If you are stuck by the Jagged Blade try to get behind terrain to avoid being dragged towards Junker Queen.
- Carnage deals a lot of damage but leaves Junker Queen vulnerable before the swing finishes. Take that opportunity to deal damage or run.
- Try to separate Junker Queen from her team to reduce the effectiveness of Commanding Shout.
Mauga[ | ]
- Don't get too close to Mauga. When he uses both Chainguns at once they do massive damage.
- Your Incendiary Chaingun will ignite enemies on fire if you land enough bullets. Once they're ignited swap to your Volatile Chaingun to deal Critical Damage!
- Using both Primary and Secondary Fire will let you fire both Chainguns at once. This may be less accurate but it deals way more damage.
- Overrun makes you unstoppable! Enemies can't stun or knock you back.
- If you stomp directly on an enemy with Overrun you'll knock them down and deal Critical Damage.
- Cardiac Overdrive heals you whenever you deal damage. You apply this to nearby allies so keep close to your team.
- Cage Fight will trap you and your enemies inside a barrier. It'll make it harder for enemies to heal their trapped allies.
- Cage Fight also hinders anyone trapped inside. Use this to take out more slippery foes.
- Trapping all your enemies in Cage Fight might be reckless. Make sure you have the right amount of back-up or take the fight one on one.
- Mauga can light you on fire with his Incendiary Chain gun. Whenever you're ignited Mauga deals Critical Damage to you with his Volatile Chain Guns.
- Mauga's Cage Fight will trap you in a barrier but Mauga's stuck in there too. If you have more teammates than him you might stand a chance!
Orisa[ | ]
- Orisa's Javelin Spin destroys projectiles and increases her forward speed allowing her to swiftly close the gap between you and her.
- Fortify prevents many deadly abilities from affecting you including Roadhog's Hook and Reinhardt's Charge.
- Remember to use Fortify whenever you take focused enemy fire.
- While it can be tempting to stay at long range with the Augmented Fusion Driver, as a tank you should try to fight on the objective.
- Take advantage of Orisa's immobility and limited range during Terra Surge.
- Orisa's Augmented Fusion Driver can overheat and become unusable for a short duration. Take advantage of this situation but watch out for her other abilities.
- Use Javelin Spin to destroy projectiles and protect your team.
- Javelin Spin increases your forward speed and pushes enemies back. Use it to help your team move through key doorways and chokepoints.
- Use Augmented Fusion Driver near the enemy. It deals more damage at close range.
- Use Energy Javelin to knockback and stun an enemy. Knocking them into a wall deals extra damage.
- When enemies fire at you use Fortify to reduce your damage and gain temporary health.
- Terra Surge grants you all the bonuses from Fortify giving you some protection while you charge.
- You don't need to fully charge Terra Surge to deal damage. Release early to eliminate low-health targets.
- When you use Fortify nothing will slow you down!
Ramattra[ | ]
- Ramattra's staff excels at damaging far away enemies. When they get in close it's time for Nemesis Form!
- Entering Nemesis Form instantly grants bonus armor for even more survivability.
- Activate Annihilation when facing many enemies. Dealing damage extends its duration.
- Utilize Ravenous Vortex to slow and deter enemies.
- Ramattra's Barrier doesn't last very long. Use it against powerful enemy attacks.
- Blocking in Nemesis Form only reduces damage taken from the front so face your enemies head on.
- Throw a Ravenous Vortex during Annihilation to help keep enemies within the swarm.
- Sometimes it's better to block during Annihilation and let the swarm finish the enemy off.
- Nemesis Form's Pummels pierce through barriers and enemies.
- Ravenous Vortex does a small amount of damage but can finish off enemies in a pinch.
- Ramattra can enter Nemesis Form to perform deadly close-range combat. Try and approach after he transforms back.
- Ramattra's Annihilation lasts longer while it's dealing damage. Try your best to escape the swarm.
- Ramattra's barrier can absorb a lot of damage but doesn't last very long. Either overwhelm it or wait for it to expire.
- Ramattra's Pummel hits through barriers so put on the pressure or get out!
- Ramattra's Ravenous Vortex will slow you and increase your gravity.
Reinhardt[ | ]
- Target Reinhardt when he charges away from his team.
- If your team attacks Reinhardt from two directions he can only partially defend himself with his Barrier Field.
- Coordinate your team's attacks to quickly destroy Reinhardt's Barrier Field.
- Your Rocket Hammer's swing hits all enemies in its path.
- Your Barrier Field can provide cover for your teammates as well as yourself.
- Fire Strike penetrates through all enemies in its path including enemy barriers.
- Use Fire Strike against immobile targets such as stunned enemies or Torbjörn's turret as they can't dodge.
- Charge stuns Torbjörn's turret for a short time. Follow up with your rocket hammer.
- Charge is a devastating follow-up to stunning an enemy with Earthshatter.
- Use Earthshatter when your enemy least expects it to give them little chance to interrupt you.
- You can adjust the direction of your Charge as you rocket forward.
- Your Barrier Field's health begins to regenerate a few seconds after deactivating it.
- The Rocket Hammer goes through enemy barriers.
- Be careful even if Reinhardt misses you with his Charge. He can cancel it at any time.
- Earthshatter's overhead swing deals massive damage. Avoid being close to Reinhardt when he has his Ultimate.
- Cancel your charge by pressing the ability again.
- Hit an enemy directly with overhead slam during Earthshatter to inflict critical damage.
- You can store two Fire Strikes at a time so make sure to use them often.
Roadhog[ | ]
- Always be on the move. Don't make it easy for Roadhog to grab you with his Chain Hook.
- Try to stay far away from Roadhog to avoid the huge damage from his Scrap Gun.
- When you see a Roadhog at low health be sure to finish him off quickly before he can use Take a Breather.
- Roadhog's large size makes him particularly easy to hit allowing shotgun weapons like Reaper's to do devastating damage up close.
- The Scrap Gun can do immense damage up close especially to larger targets such as Reinhardt or Winston.
- The Scrap Gun does not hold much ammunition so try to keep it fully loaded with well timed reloading.
- Ambush players from behind cover or from a flanking position so that they're less likely to notice you and dodge your Chain Hook.
- When choosing targets for your Chain Hook try to grab a less mobile hero. They're easier to kill with your Scrap Gun.
- Always look for opportunities to briefly duck behind cover and use Take a Breather to recover any missing health.
- Whole Hog can quickly push enemy players away from an objective giving your team an opportunity to claim it uncontested.
- There is a short delay before you begin spewing scrap after activating Whole Hog so try to use it aggressively instead of waiting until you're low on health.
- Whole Hog does immense damage at very close targets so you can quickly kill someone if you can keep them knocked into a wall or corner.
- Be wary when Roadhog uses his ultimate as he can still heal with Take A Breather and pull you closer with Chain Hook.
- Use Chain Hook to pull enemies closer to inflict massive damage with Whole Hog.
- Don't let its size deceive you. Roadhog's Pig Pen shoots out wires that allows it to damage a large area.
- Your Primary Fire has bigger and more damage projectiles at its center. Aim to land those projectiles for maximum damage!
- Pig Pen knocks enemies up when it unleashes its wires. It's a great chance to line up a shot with Primary Fire.
Sigma[ | ]
- Avoid shooting Sigma while Kinetic Grasp is active. He gains more health the more he absorbs.
- Sigma's weapon attacks have a limited range before they implode. Keep a safe distance when possible.
- Kinetic Grasp stops projectiles from the front. Attack from other angles or use non-projectile attacks.
- Gravitic Flux damages enemies for a percentage of their maximum health. Heal early or use defensive abilities.
Winston[ | ]
- Concentrated fire will quickly eliminate Winston's Barrier Projector.
- Be aware of your surroundings when fighting Winston while his Primal Rage is active to avoid being punched off of the map to your death.
- Don't let Winston distract you from more threatening enemies.
- Winston's Tesla Cannon can quickly decimate a closely-placed group of Symmetra's turrets.
- Jump Pack allows you to quickly move to the objective while avoiding enemy defenses below.
- Winston excels at attacking snipers and support heroes by leaping onto them from a distance and finishing them with his Tesla cannon.
- Winston leaps in the direction of his targeting reticle when using Jump Pack. By looking up he can jump nearly straight up and land where he took off.
- You can use directional movement for limited air control while using Jump Pack.
- Deploy a Barrier Projector on the objective to protect teammates who are contesting it.
- Winston can move in and out of his Barrier Projector's sphere to keep it between himself and an enemy hero with short range attacks.
- Winston can take a lot of damage but his size makes him easy to hit. Heroes that wield shotgun-style weapons are particularly dangerous.
- Activating Primal Rage completely heals Winston. Try to wait until you reach low health before using it.
- Use Primal Rage to disrupt the enemy team by leaping onto enemies and punching them away.
- Winston's Tesla Cannon has a long range shot but takes a while to charge.
- Winston's Tesla Cannon is most effective at short range. Stay back and force him to use its weaker alternate fire or to jump to you.
- The Tesla Cannon's Primary Fire excels at hitting close range targets. Use the Secondary Fire to damage enemies outside of Primary Fire's range.
Wrecking Ball[ | ]
- You can clear away Wrecking Ball's Minefield by destroying individual mines.
- Stay spread out to avoid having your entire team hit by Piledriver or a fast moving Wrecking Ball.
- Watch out for Wrecking Ball approaching your team in the air with Grappling Claw.
- Use Grappling Claw on nearby low walls to slingshot you forward at maximum speed.
- Use Grappling Claw on high walls and ceilings to vault you into the air and reach maximum speed.
- Collide with enemies while at maximum speed with the Grappling Claw to damage and knock them back.
- Use your movement controls while using Grappling Claw to change the direction and speed of your swing.
- Swing above enemies with Grappling Claw then use Piledriver to slam into them.
- Use Piledriver to knock nearby enemies up towards Wrecking Ball.
- Adaptive Shield absorbs additional damage when more enemies are nearby.
- Use your Minefield on an objective or key choke point to maximize its impact.
- Deploy your Minefield while in the air to spread the mines over a larger area.
Zarya[ | ]
- Try to avoid damaging Zarya's barriers but don't let them stop you from finishing off a low health target.
- Don't let Zarya disengage from combat when she's low health or you will give her time to recover her shields.
- If Zarya's weapon becomes charged with high amounts of energy consider disengaging for a short time to let it dissipate.
- The Particle Cannon's primary fire is Zarya's highest damage attack but its range is short and requires direct aim.
- Use the Particle Cannon's secondary fire to engage enemies at longer distances or at enemies standing close to each other.
- Your barriers prevent and remove most negative effects such as Junker Queen's wounds and Zenyatta's Orb of Discord.
- An easy way to build energy is to activate Particle Barrier before moving in front of an enemy turret.
- Use Projected Barrier on a teammate whenever you spot them actively engaged in combat.
- Whenever your shields are depleted consider retreating momentarily from combat to let them fully regenerate.
- After pulling multiple enemies together with Graviton Surge use the particle cannon's alternate fire to damage all of them at once.
- Graviton Surge can pull enemies away from a map objective giving your team a chance to take the objective uncontested.
- When you are charged with high energy play aggressively with your now highly damaging particle cannon.
- Zarya can project barriers on the same target twice in a row. Destroying both will drastically increase her damage.
- If there's a teammate under constant fire you can use your second barrier on them after the first one bursts.
Damage[ | ]
Ashe[ | ]
- Spread out to avoid having your entire team hit by Ashe's Dynamite or B.O.B.'s charge.
- Avoid open spaces and areas that have long sight lines to minimize Ashe's long range damage.
- Ashe lacks mobility when her Coach Gun is on cooldown.
- Try to use barriers or cover to minimize Bob's damage before he leaves.
- Ashe's primary fire is more effective at shorter ranges.
- Ashe's secondary fire is an extremely accurate and potent long range weapon.
- You can interrupt Ashe's long reload time by firing.
- Use Ashe's Coach Gun to finish off low health enemies nearby or retreat from danger in front of you.
- Using Ashe's Coach Gun while aiming at the ground can propel you onto higher ground.
- You can detonate Dynamite immediately by shooting it.
- Dynamite combos well with abilities such as Zarya's Graviton Surge and Reinhardt's Earthshatter.
- Bob is most disruptive when he charges through the enemy team and fires from behind them.
- Bob runs forward until he collides with an obstruction or an enemy so be careful to not point Bob at cliff edges.
- Use Ashe's Coach Gun before deploying Bob to put an enemy in the path of Bob's charge.
- Bob can contest map objectives.
Bastion[ | ]
- While in assault configuration Bastion has an additional critical hit location on its back.
- Look for alternate paths to your objective that avoid Bastion's devastating line of fire.
- Your assault configuration's cannon does immense damage especially to large targets like tank heroes and barriers.
- Use assault configuration at locations that have a view of your objective.
- Switch into Configuration: Assault behind cover to avoid taking damage during the transformation.
- You have infinite ammo during Configuration: Assault. Deal as much damage as possible during its limited duration.
- The A-36 Tactical Grenade will bounce off any walls it hits exploding when it hits an enemy or the ground.
- Your Ironclad passive allows you to take less damage while reconfiguring. Use it defensively to stay alive.
- Reconfigure back into Configuration: Recon if you need to move faster.
- You're stationary during Configuration: Artillery so hide behind cover before using it.
Echo[ | ]
- Holding Jump when using the Flight ability launches you up into the air.
- Duplicate makes Echo briefly invulnerable and heals her at low health protecting her from death.
- Focusing beam deals low damage to enemies above half health but very high damage to enemies below half health.
- Use Focusing Beam to finish off any enemies brought below half health by your teammates.
- Use Sticky Bombs immediately followed up with Focusing Beam to deal a large burst of damage quickly.
- Use Duplicate while using Flight to surprise the enemy team from above.
- Quickly focus attacks on Echo after she uses Duplicate to prevent her from using a devastating ultimate ability.
- Keep your distance and move erratically to make it more difficult for Echo to land her attacks.
- Look for opportunities to attack Echo when her Flight ability is on cooldown and she has no easy means of escape.
Cassidy[ | ]
- Be wary of moving close to Cassidy while his Magnetic Grenade is available.
- Head for cover when Cassidy begins using Deadeye especially if you don't know where he is.
- Keep moving while Cassidy's around or you'll be an easy target for his Peacekeeper.
- While Cassidy can shoot at long range targets he is still at a disadvantage against a dedicated sniper.
- Cassidy's Peacekeeper is extremely accurate and has a very long range. If you can see it you can shoot it.
- Peacekeeper's alternate fire quickly shoots the remaining rounds in the weapon so try to stay fully loaded.
- Although the Peacekeeper's alternate fire shoots wildly it can still be effective at close range or against large targets such as Reinhardt.
- Performing a Combat Roll also reloads the Peacekeeper.
- Avoid enemy attacks by using Combat Roll to dodge behind cover.
- Try to initate Deadeye from behind cover then move into line of sight afterwards to target your enemies.
- You can pull the trigger on Deadeye before its targeting reticles completely lock on but the shots will not deal killing blows.
- Enemy barriers can block the shots from Deadeye.
- The Magnetic Grenade automatically seeks out nearby targets but has a limited range. Try getting close to enemies.
- The Magnetic Grenade does extra damage to the enemy if it sticks to them. Use your Peacekeeper to finish off weakened foes.
Genji[ | ]
- Genji's mobility allows him to attack from any angle so make sure to watch your surroundings at all times.
- When you see or hear Genji using Deflect don't attack him or you will risk dying to your own attacks.
- Shuriken are highly accurate even at very long ranges allowing Genji to attack anyone he sees on the battlefield.
- Fan of Blades is useful at short range especially against large targets such as tank heroes.
- Use Deflect to defend yourself when caught in the open and you don't have Swift Strike or an escape route available.
- Aim at enemies when using Deflect to hit them with their own attacks.
- Be careful when using Swift Strike to engage an enemy. It can leave you without a means of escape.
- Swift Strike's cooldown resets if you kill a target allowing you to finish them off then escape.
- You can Swift Strike into the air allowing you to reach high ledges and other hard-to-reach locations.
- Use Cyber-Agility's mobility to surprise enemies from unexpected locations and escape from bad situations.
- If you can surprise your opponents with Dragonblade its immense damage can quickly decimate a group of enemies.
- After killing someone with Dragonblade use Swift Strike to quickly move within range of the next target.
Hanzo[ | ]
- When Hanzo uses Dragonstrike he yells out to the entire map. Listen for him to have a better chance of dodging it.
- Avoid open spaces and areas with long sight lines as you approach your objective.
- If you must enter an area covered by Hanzo try to move unpredictably.
- Dragonstrike does not damage deployable static defenses such as Torbjörn's or Symmetra's turrets but it will damage heroes and Ashe's B.O.B.
- Try to Dragonstrike from unpredictable angles so your enemies have less time to get away.
- Dragonstrike pairs well with abilities that restrict movement such as Reinhardt's Earthshatter or Zarya's Graviton Surge.
- Placing a Sonic Arrow on a side route helps prevent your team from being ambushed.
- Hanzo's best sniping locations not only have a great view of the enemy but good escape routes as well.
- Be unpredictable and never stay in one sniping position for too long.
- Watch out for enemy snipers. They are the greatest threat to you.
- Don't forget to move as you aim. It makes you harder to hit.
- Partially charged shots can finish off low health targets.
Junkrat[ | ]
- Try to keep a height advantage over Junkrat. He's much less effective if he has to aim up.
- Damage a Steel Trap on the ground to safely destroy it.
- Stay away from a dying Junkrat to avoid Total Mayhem's grenades.
- Listen for a RIP-Tire and try to shoot it before it gets too close.
- Use Frag Launcher's high arc and bouncy grenades to attack enemies from behind cover.
- The Frag Launcher excels at destroying immobile targets such as Torbjörn's turret or enemies caught in a Steel Trap.
- Attack enemies in enclosed areas to increase the chance that your missed shots still do damage.
- Detonate a Concussion Mine at your feet to launch yourself into the air reaching higher areas.
- Use your Concussion Mine to knock away approaching enemies or to knock yourself out of danger.
- You can detonate a Concussion Mine in midair to damage airborne heroes.
- Place a Steel Trap around corners or in other locations where the enemy can't see it until it's too late.
- Fighting around one of your Steel Traps can give you an advantage fighting at close range.
- You are completely vulnerable while using RIP-Tire. Stay out of sight of the enemy!
- The RIP-Tire can climb over walls or drive from behind cover making it harder for enemies to spot.
- Try to die next to an enemy so that they'll be damaged by Total Mayhem.
Mei[ | ]
- Attack Mei from farther away where her Endothermic Blaster cannot reach.
- Try to single out Mei so that if she slows you her teammates cannot take advantage.
- Your primary weapon is deadly to highly mobile heroes. When slowed they are more easily taken out.
- Use Endothermic Blaster's secondary fire to finish off frozen targets.
- Endothermic Blaster's secondary fire is accurate at long range.
- Cancel Cryo-Freeze early to surprise enemies and disrupt the timing of their attacks.
- In addition to making yourself invulnerable you can use Cryo-Freeze to heal yourself and reload in a pinch.
- Use Ice Wall defensively to provide you and your team cover from enemy attacks.
- Ice Wall can be used to separate your enemies giving you and your own team a huge advantage.
- Placing an Ice Wall under you or your teammate will move them to the top of the wall giving them access to higher areas.
- Blizzard is not a deadly attack but it can freeze your enemies so they cannot avoid attacks from your team.
- Use Blizzard to deny a strategic area from the enemy such as a map objective or a key pathway.
- Mei's Endothermic Blaster can slow multiple people at once. Spread out to reduce its effectiveness.
- Endothermic Blaster damages and slows your target making it easier for your teammates to hit them.
Pharah[ | ]
- Move erratically to make it more difficult for Pharah to hit you with her Rocket Launcher.
- Pharah stays in place when using Barrage making her an easy target.
- Take advantage of enclosed spaces to avoid Pharah's long range aerial attacks.
- Use Jump Jets and Hover to avoid static enemy defenses and set up ambushes.
- Jump Jets can quickly move Pharah out of danger from close range heroes such as Reaper or Reinhardt.
- Take advantage of your rocket launcher's long-range and explosive damage to destroy static defenses from relative safety.
- Sometimes it is better to aim at the ground under your target than to attempt a direct hit.
- Don't aim your rockets at your target's current location. Aim where you think they will be when your rocket reaches them.
- Barrage can quickly destroy enemies who are close together but it leaves you vulnerable to their return fire.
- Don't pass up good opportunities to use Barrage while waiting for the "perfect" one.
- Watch for enemy snipers while airborne. You have little cover and your movement can be easy to predict.
- Be careful when firing a rocket at point blank range as it will damage you as well.
- Pharah's hovering can be slow and predictable making her vulnerable to your own long-range attacks.
Reaper[ | ]
- Reaper is most effective at very close range. Keep him at a distance.
- Be careful when using Wraith Form as you could find yourself in a situation with no way out.
- The best counters to a Reaper's Death Blossom are to stun or kill him.
- When a Reaper is on the enemy team watch for him to attack from above and behind you.
- Listen for the unique sound of Reaper's Shadow Step. He's vulnerable as he fades away and reappears.
- Use Shadow Step to attack the enemy from unexpected directions.
- You are vulnerable as you fade away and reappear with Shadowstep.
- Reaper's Hellfire Shotguns are most effective at extremely close range.
- When approaching an unaware enemy don't open fire too soon.
- Reaper's Hellfire shotguns are most effective against large targets such as Reinhardt and Winston.
- Wraith Form removes negative status effects such as Zenyatta's Orb of Discord.
- Use Wraith Form to cross well-guarded choke points or to reach cover.
- Reaper can still pick up health packs while in Wraith Form.
- Surprise and flank enemies so you get in close.
- Use Death Blossom when your enemies are distracted by other members of your team to maximize its impact.
Sojourn[ | ]
- While moving along the ground with Power Slide, jumping will launch you into the air much higher than normal. Take advantage of high ground positions.
- Power Slide will propel you in the direction you are moving when it is activated. Strafe or move backwards when activating Power Slide to quickly evade enemies.
- Once detonated, Disruptor Shot damage cannot be blocked by enemy barriers. Use it to force enemies to reposition.
- The Railgun primary fire becomes less accurate the longer you fire. Shoot in quick bursts when at long range for higher accuracy.
- The Railgun secondary fire consumes all stored energy when fired dealing damage proportional to the amount of energy spent.
- Fully charged Railgun shots may be overkill for low health enemies. Sometimes it's better to fire partially charged shots.
- While the Overclock ultimate is active Railgun secondary fire shots can pierce through enemy players but not barriers.
- The Railgun primary fire deals low damage but generates energy for the powerful secondary fire shot. Use a combination of the two for maximum effectiveness.
Soldier: 76[ | ]
- Soldier: 76 prefers to keep his enemies at medium range to allow him to retreat use cover and heal with Biotic Field.
- The Heavy Pulse Rifle can hit enemies at nearly any distance but excels at medium range.
- Fire the Heavy Pulse Rifle in short bursts to be more accurate.
- It is often better to aim at the ground under your target with Helix Rockets than to attempt a direct hit.
- Use your Helix Rockets to finish off low health targets when you need to reload.
- Your Biotic Field also heals your allies.
- If you're in an unfavorable situation Sprint behind cover then use Biotic Field to heal yourself.
- Sprint isn't just for getting back into the fight after you respawn. It's a flexible tool for repositioning on the battlefield.
- Tactical Visor can allow you to quickly kill difficult-to-hit heroes such as Tracer, Lúcio and Genji.
- Use Tactical Visor when your enemies are unaware of your location. They'll have less time to seek cover or use defensive abilities.
- Be careful when using Tactical Visor at low health. It won't help you if you're dead.
- Avoid fighting Soldier: 76 when he's standing in his Biotic Field.
- When Soldier: 76 activates Tactical Visor immediately seek cover. If you're caught out in the open try to kill him before he kills you.
Sombra[ | ]
- Damage Sombra while she's hacking you or a teammate to interrupt the hack.
- Your Hack reveals the enemy for your team.
- Stealth will cancel if you hack an enemy hero.
- Abilities like Widowmaker's Infra-Sight and Hanzo's Sonic Arrow reveal Sombra.
- When you see Sombra's location make sure to communicate it to the rest of your team.
- Enemies will be able to see you if you move too close to them.
- Taking damage removes your invisibility so look for cover after stealth activates.
- Use your Translocator to reach areas of the map that allow you to engage from unexpected angles.
- Use your Translocator to quickly retreat from the fight.
- Hack health packs to prevent enemies from using them and make them respawn faster for your team.
- Try to hack enemies from directions they don't expect.
- Taking damage will interrupt your hacking attempt so be careful of explosions and other attacks that do damage over an area.
- EMP the enemy team at the start of a major team fight to gain a major advantage.
- Use your EMP to destroy barriers protecting the enemy team from your allies' ultimate abilities.
- If a particular enemy hero is countering your team's composition prioritize hacking that hero.
- Change directions after you become invisible to try and prevent the enemy from locating you.
- When Sombra hacks you, you're revealed to all enemies. Stay close to your team.
Symmetra[ | ]
- Watch out for projectiles from Symmetra's Photon Projector they now explode on contact.
- Look out for signs of a Teleporter as it allows the enemy team to quickly reposition.
- Area of effect attacks can destroy a nest of Sentry Turrets.
- The photon projector's beam remains fully empowered even if you quickly switch targets after it reaches maximum charge.
- The projectile from the photon projector's alternate fire explodes on contact dealing damage to nearby enemy targets.
- Use your Photon Barrier to protect your team from snipers as they approach the objective.
- When placing your Teleporter use locations near your current objective but hidden from the enemy.
- A single Sentry Turret is not much of a threat but several of them together creates a deadly trap.
- Keep your Sentry Turrets out of view. Place them high on walls or on ceilings.
Tracer[ | ]
- Use Tracer's mobility to quickly reach health packs located across the map.
- Have Blink or Recall ready to avoid being killed by your own Pulse Bomb.
- Blink behind enemies to confuse them.
- Use multiple Blinks in rapid succession to cross gaps and reach normally inaccessible areas.
- Tracer excels at skirmishing. Avoid fights where the odds are not in your favor.
- Let your teammates create a distraction before you enter combat.
- Speed is the key to your survival so beware of heroes with crowd control like Mei and Sombra.
- Save your last Blink to escape your enemy.
- If you Recall immediately after taking damage you will regain your lost health (if you're not dead).
- Recall teleports Tracer to her location from three seconds ago. Try to predict where she will reappear.
- Try to keep track of Tracer's location at all times.
- Stay near your teammates to avoid being singled out by Tracer.
- Crowd control abilities like Roadhog's Chain Hook and Orisa's Energy Javelin are very effective against Tracer.
- Heroes with weapons that do not rely on accuracy such as Winston or Torbjörn can be problematic for Tracer.
Torbjörn[ | ]
- Turrets have a range of 40 meters so long range attacks (like Pharah's Rocket Launcher) can destroy them from safety.
- Turrets can be stunned by abilities such as Reinhardt's Charge.
- Torbjörn's turret is extremely accurate. Destroy or avoid it.
- Barriers can protect teammates from a turret's damage for a short time.
- Your turret automatically attacks targets you hit with your Rivet Gun's primary fire.
- Use Overload proactively to take full advantage of its additional offensive firepower.
- Use Molten Core at key choke points and map objectives to maximize its impact.
- Stacking lava at a location does not increase Molten Core's damage so spread the lava around.
- When using Molten Core targeting enemy heroes that have limited mobility can be particularly effective.
Venture[ | ]
- Venture cannot be damaged while underground. Wait for them emerge before attacking!
- Venture deals the most damage at close range. Stay far away to limit their effectiveness.
- Tectonic Shock has surprising reach. Stay in the air or behind cover to avoid taking damage.
- Use Burrow and Drill Dash to get behind enemy lines or to setup ambushes.
- Charging up Burrow increases its damage and range while also launching you higher. Use it with Drill Dash to get to higher ground.
- Burrow removes negative status effects like Ashe's Dynamite fire.
- You can turn when using Drill Dash underground. Use it to reposition or knock back enemies.
- Using abilities generates shields increasing your survivability.
- Tectonic Shock has limited charges while active. Use each one wisely!
Widowmaker[ | ]
- If you must enter an area covered by Widowmaker try to move unpredictably.
- Avoid open spaces and areas with long sight lines as you approach your objective.
- Be careful when ambushing Widowmaker if you have low health. She can easily finish you off with her rifle in assault mode.
- Watch out for enemy snipers. They are the greatest threat to you.
- A Venom Mine placed along an attacker's path can warn you of an approaching threat.
- The best sniping positions have multiple escape routes. (And don't forget your grappling Hook!)
- The Grappling Hook isn't just for reaching high locations. You can use it on a wall or the floor to quickly move short distances.
- Your vision is highly restricted while sniping. Listen for incoming threats.
- A fully-charged critical headshot kills nearly all non-tank heroes.
- Stay unpredictable and never stay in one sniping position for too long.
- Don't forget to move as you aim. It makes you harder to hit.
- Partially charged shots can finish off targets with low health.
Ana[ | ]
- Ana has no escape or movement abilities so heroes that can rapidly close distance will cause problems for her.
- Retreat or take cover when Ana hits you with a Biotic Grenade. It prevents your allies from healing you!
- Avoid open spaces and areas that have long sight lines as you approach your objective.
- Your vision is highly restricted while sniping but you can still listen for incoming threats.
- Stay unpredictable and never remain in one sniping position for too long.
- Always be on the lookout for enemy snipers. They are the greatest threat to you.
- Your rifle cannot score a critical hit so aim for your target's body.
- Use your Sleep Dart on enemy ambushers to allow you to get to safety.
- Your Sleep Dart interrupts many powerful abilities such as Pharah's Rocket Barrage or Roadhog's Whole Hog.
- Throw a Biotic Grenade at your feet to quickly heal yourself.
- Using a Biotic Grenade on an ally also improves the healing they receive from health packs and other healers.
- Coordinate the use of Nano Boost with your teammates to turn the tide of battle.
- If you need to quickly heal a low health tank hero throw a Biotic Grenade at them before shooting them with your Biotic Rifle.
Baptiste[ | ]
- Baptiste cannot heal himself without his Regenerative Burst try to pressure him after he uses this ability.
- Use Regenerative Burst to heal yourself when low health.
- Use Amplification Matrix in emergency situations for increased healing.
- Immortality Field has a long cooldown so try to save it for important moments.
- Use corners and other cover to protect your Immortality Field from enemy attack.
- Use your Amplification Matrix with heroes that have high damage projectiles such as Soldier: 76, Bastion or Junkrat.
- Be careful when you reload to make sure you won't need to heal your allies during that time.
- Use Exo Boots to reach high ground.
- Try to destroy Baptiste's Immortality Field quickly when it is deployed.
- Try to knock enemies out of Baptiste's Immortality Field to make them vulnerable.
- Be careful when trying to attack enemies that are firing through Baptiste's Amplification Matrix.
Brigitte[ | ]
- Keeping Brigitte away from melee range limits her ability to heal with Inspire.
- Brigitte can knockback your teammates into dangerous situations with both Whip Shot and Shield Bash.
- Concentrate fire from your team on Brigitte's Barrier Shield to quickly bring it down.
- Protect your fellow support! Enemy flankers will have a hard time if you can keep them alive.
- To activate Inspire's area of effect healing attack enemies with your Rocket Flail.
- Before your Barrier Shield breaks use Shield Bash to quickly escape.
- Your Barrier Shield's damage absorption begins to regenerate a few seconds after putting it away.
- Use Barrier Shield to give yourself cover then use Shield Bash to quickly enter Rocket Flail range.
- Look for opportunities to knock enemies into pits or off cliffs with Whip Shot.
- Use Rally at the beginning of a big team fight to keep your teammates alive with additional health.
- Rally's increased movement speed allows you to quickly reposition and use your abilities effectively.
- Use Whip Shot to push deadly short ranged enemy heroes like Reaper to a safer distance.
- All damage you inflict triggers healing from Inspire.
Illari[ | ]
- Illari relies on Outburst to escape. During her cooldown she is vulnerable.
- Take cover when Sunstruck to avoid being targeted for detonation.
- During Illari's Captive Sun spread out from the rest of your team to avoid triggering a chain reaction.
- Illari's Captive Sun projectile can be absorbed or deflected by certain heroes.
- Use cleansing abilities to remove Illari's Sunstruck effect.
- Destroy Illari's Healing Pylons before facing her to gain an edge.
- Shoot your Solar Rifle when it's fully charged to deal maximum damage.
- Rapidly firing the Solar Rifle is most beneficial when finishing off low health targets.
- Fully depleting your solar energy results in a longer Healing Beam recharge time.
- Focus your Healing Beam on one target alone for maximum effect.
- Place your Healing Pylons in locations the enemy team cannot easily target.
- Periodically move your Healing Pylon to protect it from enemies.
- Cover more ground by focusing your Healing Beam on targets your Healing Pylons can't reach.
- Take advantage of your auto-charging Solar Rifle by firing a shot before using your abilities.
- Captive Sun's projectile is blocked by barriers and can be destroyed by abilities like D. Va's Defense Matrix.
- Notify your team before using Captive Sun. All of your allies can detonate Sunstruck enemies.
- Using Captive Sun on clustered enemies can cause a chain explosion.
- To surprise enemies reposition yourself with Outburst before using Captive Sun.
Kiriko[ | ]
- Healing Ofuda projectiles will move toward an ally if you were aiming at them when it is fired. The color of the projectile changes when it was attempting to follow a target.
- Healing Ofuda projectiles are slow moving. Get close to your allies to heal them sooner or begin healing early from long range if you think they may take damage soon.
- Kunai normally deal low damage but have a high critical damage multiplier. Aim for the head when possible.
- Healing Ofuda don't need to be reloaded but do have a recovery time before they can be fired again.
- Swift Step can only be used when allies are in range. Keep track of your allies in case you need to escape or help them.
- Swift Step teleports directly to an ally and can be used even if they're behind a wall.
- Protection Suzu will briefly make allies invulnerable. Try to time it correctly to avoid massive bursts of damage.
- The Kitsune Rush path is created in a straight line based on where you are aiming when it's activated. Use it in an open area for maximum coverage.
Lifeweaver[ | ]
- Lifeweaver's Thorn Volley is a surprisingly effective emergency defense weapon. Be careful moving predictably while he's wielding it.
- Healing Blossom can be used to anticipate and prepare for incoming damage to allies.
- When threatened, Petal Platform can be thrown beneath yourself to allow for a covered escape.
- Petal Platform can be used to catapult to higher positions with a well timed jump.
- Remember to fight back with Thorn Volley if you are caught alone or unable to escape danger.
- Tree of Life heals for a large amount when initially placed potentially saving critical health allies.
- Tree of Life can be used to block access to small paths and doorways.
- Pinging your Petal Platform can help allies identify its position if you intend for them to use it.
- Life Grip and Rejuvenating Dash can be used while charging Healing Blossom.
- Use the long range of Healing Blossom and the verticality of Petal Platform to find safe positions to heal from.
- Rejuvenating Dash will lightly heal you and can be used to stay hardy during combat.
- Healing Blossom's healing throughput can be increased by holding Primary Fire to charge it up before releasing.
- You can use [Q] to destroy an active Tree of Life and [F] to destroy an active Petal Platform.
- Petal Platform enables enemies to post up in high locations. Be wary of death from above.
- Lifeweaver's Rejuvenating Dash lightly heals himself making him more difficult to take down without focused damage.
- Lifeweaver often relies on Petal Platform to make an effective escape. Knowing if this is unavailable can help eliminate him.
Lúcio[ | ]
- Lúcio should keep his teammates in view so they are boosted by his songs.
- The Sonic Amplifier is accurate but its damage is low and its projectiles can be dodged.
- Don't try to fight the enemy team alone. Stay with your team and move as a unit.
- When using Speed Boost to run back after respawning don't forget your teammates!
- Use Healing Boost to return your teammates to full health after a fight.
- Use Speed Boost with Amp It Up to quickly move your entire team through dangerous choke points.
- If you or a nearby teammate take a lot of damage use Healing Boost with Amp it Up to quickly restore their health.
- Coordinate your Sound Barrier with your teammates' ultimates to push objectives.
- Sound Barrier can counter enemy ultimates such as Reaper's Death Blossom that could otherwise kill your entire team.
- Having enemy heroes near you is dangerous. Use Soundwave to push them away.
- Always keep moving around the battlefield to make it harder for enemies to locate and aim at you.
- Since Lúcio can heal himself over time try to finish him off with a short and powerful burst of damage.
- As a support hero Lúcio is always a high priority target.
- Lúcio needs line of sight to his teammates for his abilities to work on them so try to separate him from his team.
Mercy[ | ]
- Target Mercy first. It keeps her from using Resurrect and she's often more vulnerable than the rest of her team.
- Be careful when taking on Mercy while you have low health. Her Caduceus Blaster can do a surprising amount of damage.
- Long fights favor Mercy and her healing ability. Be aggressive and try to finish off enemies quickly.
- Stay behind cover while attached to a teammate who is in combat.
- Escape danger by using Guardian Angel to fly to a distant teammate.
- After using Guardian Angel to reach an airborne Pharah or Echo gliding can keep you away from ground-based threats.
- Don't forget about your Caduceus Blaster. It is accurate and useful for finishing off enemies with low health.
- You are vulnerable while alone. Fall back and group up with your teammates as they respawn.
- Resurrect is best used behind cover because you're vulnerable to being damaged.
- You can see the location and current health status of your teammates at all times even through walls and terrain.
- Valkyrie's flight and self-healing are powerful defensive abilities but you are still vulnerable to bursts of damage.
- Use Valykrie proactively to make coordinated attacks by your team even more effective.
- Mercy can launch herself in different directions during Guardian Angel. She is most vulnerable when separated from her allies.
- While in flight with Guardian Angel the meter indicates how far you will travel forward if you press jump or vertically if you press crouch.
- Holding move backwards and jump during Guardian Angel will propel Mercy away from her target. Use this if you need to back off from your original destination.
Moira[ | ]
- Once Moira uses Fade she has no other movement or escape abilities.
- Don't overheal allies at full health it consumes biotic energy you'll need later.
- The healing from Biotic Grasp continues to affect allies for a short duration.
- Biotic Grasp's secondary fire recharges your biotic energy allowing you to heal more.
- A Biotic Orb is very effective when it can bounce around in small rooms and tight corridors.
- Maximize a Biotic Orb's healing by launching it at a wall that bounces it back towards your team.
- Use Biotic Orb to heal teammates you can't reach with your Biotic Grasp.
- Biotic Orbs also bounce off floors and ceilings.
- Biotic Orb Biotic Grasp's Secondary Fire and Coalesence all provide healing to Moira.
- Use Fade to quickly reposition behind cover and confuse the enemy about your location.
- Use Fade to quickly move to injured teammates who need Biotic Grasp healing.
- Coalescence is most effective when the beam passes through multiple enemy and allied targets.
- Spread out when Moira uses Coalescence so she can't easily attack multiple heroes at once.
- Biotic Orbs are not difficult to dodge but be careful of how they bounce.
Zenyatta[ | ]
- Zenyatta has no escape or movement abilities so heroes that can rapidly close distance cause problems for him.
- Although Zenyatta is invulnerable and cannot be stunned while using Transcendence he can still be knocked away from his team.
- Orb of Discord cannot be placed on heroes located behind barriers.
- You can see the location and current health status of your teammates at all times even through walls and terrain.
- Always keep your Orb of Harmony on a teammate even if everyone is at full health.
- When your Orb of Discord is on an enemy you can see their location even through walls.
- Use cover to charge your Orb of Destruction. You're vulnerable when you attack.
- Keep your enemies at a healthy distance. You have no easy means of escaping if they reach you.
- Although Zenyatta is a support hero his Orbs of Destruction are powerful long-range weapons.
- Use Transcendence to counter area of effect abilities such as Zarya's Graviton Surge.
- Use Transcendence to save yourself from immediate danger then retreat to your team for support.
- Killing Zenyatta removes his Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony from their targets.
- Be wary of getting close to Zenyatta. His Snap Kick can knock you back.
- When in melee range use Snap Kick for a powerful knockback.
References[ | ]
- ↑ Spilo, CactusPuppy, Brax. Ranking OW2 Death Tips. Retrieved on May 27, 2024.
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