Overwatch Wiki

Torbjörn's voice actor is Keith Silverstein, speaking English only (despite his Swedish nationality). To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
A thing of beauty! ▶️
I've high hopes for you. ▶️
Installed and ready to go. ▶️
Make your maker proud! ▶️
*chuckles* Now it's going to get interesting! ▶️
Show them what you can do! ▶️
Show them what you got. ▶️
They're going to love this. ▶️
Turret deployed. ▶️
Turret in position. ▶️
You're all set up, my dear. ▶️
A little mending's all you need. ▶️
Don't you break on me yet! ▶️
Fixing you right up! ▶️
I'll get you running like new again. ▶️
Just a little touch up. ▶️
Let's patch you up. ▶️
Under Attack
My baby's under attack! ▶️
My turret's under fire! ▶️
My turret's getting hit! ▶️
They're hurting my turret! ▶️
My baby's destroyed! ▶️
My precious work! ▶️
Pick on someone your own size! ▶️
I'm overloading! ▶️
Maximum power! ▶️
Power overwhelming! ▶️
Time to let off some steam! ▶️
Turning up the heat! ▶️
Working the bellows! ▶️
Molten Core
Molten core! (self and hostile) ▶️
Molten floor! (self and hostile) (rare) ▶️
Setting out the welcome mat! (allies) ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Tools in hand; brain in gear. ▶️
During Set-Up
Cassidy said he wanted a bigger grenade, so I built him one. Then he said, "No, this is too large. I need it to fit in my hand." Well, he should have been more clear! ▶️
Hammer: check. Turret: check. Backup turret: check. Second though fourth backup turrets: check, check, and check. ▶️
Hold your thumbs, and we'll get through this alright. ▶️
Ha! Let's go! I've got a few new inventions to try. ▶️
Ragtag bunch... but we'll get it done. ▶️
What about a turret that shoots smaller turrets? ▶️
This is not the reunion I expected... (with Ana, Reaper, Reinhardt and Soldier: 76 on the team) ▶️
I thought I left Overwatch! But, here we are. (with only Overwatch members or former Overwatch members on the team) ▶️
I don't care what evil organization you're a part of. I want you on your best behavior for this mission. (with multiple Talon members on team) ▶️
With this many engineers on the team, we can handle any problem that comes our way! (with multiple engineer heroes on team) ▶️
Match Start
Let's get down to business! ▶️
Let's get her done! ▶️
Move out! ▶️
Time to show them who's boss. ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
No hiccups so far. Let's keep it that way. ▶️
One more win, nothing to it. ▶️
We have two chances to get the job done. Let's do it in one. ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Get your heads screwed on straight. We can still win this! ▶️
*growls* We are not going to lose! ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
Let's get the job done. ▶️
This is it! Let's not screw it up. ▶️
A good bop always gets it working again. Well... ▶️
A Lindholm never gives up! ▶️
Back at it! ▶️
Back down? Not a chance! ▶️
Guess you can learn even at this age. ▶️
I still have some fight in me. ▶️
Let's get to work! ▶️
Oh, I'm just getting warmed up! ▶️
Time to roll up my sleeves! ▶️
It was nice while it lasted. (after multi-kill) ▶️
Team Kill
Still missing a few craftspeople here. ▶️
This workshop's feeling a little empty. ▶️
We're still reassembling. ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
Back to work! ▶️
Much better! ▶️
Yes! ▶️
On Fire
I'm a well-oiled, high-power machine! ▶️
I'm at maximum strength! ▶️
I'm hotter than a furnace! ▶️
I'm on fire! ▶️
No one can withstand me! ▶️
Fully Healed
Back to work! ▶️
Better. ▶️
Thanks for the help. ▶️
Damage Boosted
Good. Good! ▶️
Now that's more like it! ▶️
Time to get my hands dirty! ▶️
Yes! ▶️
Negative Status Effect
Damn! ▶️
Back to work! ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
Enemy's coming back. ▶️
They keep coming, I'll keep building! ▶️
They're popping back like daisies! ▶️
Those suckers keep coming back! ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Torbjörn, ready to work! ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Let's show them what's what. ▶️
There they are. ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
They outnumber us. Careful! ▶️
We're outnumbered! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Sniper! ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy turret ahead! ▶️
Enemy turret ahead. Piece of scrap! ▶️
Turret ahead. Not one of mine! ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Watch your back! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Take cover! ▶️
*laughs* Boosted up! ▶️
I'm unstoppable! ▶️
Upgraded! ▶️
Watch out! I'm boiling hot! ▶️
Time Running Out
Almost there. Keep pushing them back! ▶️
Hold your defenses for a little longer! ▶️
Just a little longer! Keep up our defense! ▶️
Stand your ground until the end! ▶️
Time's running out. Put your backs into it! ▶️
We keep working until the end! ▶️
Time Running Out
Get to work! Time's running out. ▶️
Hurry up and attack! ▶️
It's not quitting time yet. ▶️
No time. Fight all the way into the tile! ▶️
Time's running out. Full steam ahead! ▶️
We don't have much time. Attack! ▶️
We need to attack or we're going to lose! ▶️
We're like a cat walking around hot porridge. Attack! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
At the point. Now get over here! ▶️
I got the objective. ▶️
Point's secured. ▶️
Capture in Progress
All hands to the objective! ▶️
Hold down the fort! ▶️
Push them back! ▶️
Go into next point
Let's move along. Swiftly now! ▶️
Let's set up at the next point! ▶️
Meet me at the next location. ▶️
Payload Moving
Payload moving. ▶️
Payload's chugging along. ▶️
Payload's full steam ahead! ▶️
Payload Moving
Are you on the cinnamon? The payload's moving! ▶️
Fika's over. Block the payload! ▶️
Get off your butt and stop the payload! ▶️
Go stall that payload! ▶️
Payload Stuck
Get this hunk of junk moving! ▶️
Stop twiddling your thumbs and move the payload! ▶️
They've blocked the payload! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Hello, there. Let's move. ▶️
Taking the robot! ▶️
The robot is in my possession. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Don't let them take the robot! ▶️
They took the robot! ▶️
We have to get the robot back! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Let's get to work. ▶️
Moving the barricade. ▶️
Time to push. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Let's put a stop to that. ▶️
That's not good. We have to stop them! ▶️
The enemy is moving their barricade! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Hah! Catching up! ▶️
The lead is almost ours! ▶️
We're almost there! ▶️
Gained Lead
Forging ahead! ▶️
Hah, leaving them in the dust. ▶️
Taking the lead. ▶️
About to Lose Lead
How did they get so far? ▶️
They're catching up to us! ▶️
We have to stop them before they overtake us! ▶️
Lost Lead
They pushed past us! ▶️
We have to take back the lead! ▶️
We lost the lead! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Keep them off the robot and we'll win! ▶️
This is it! Protect the robot! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
Hurry! Take the robot! ▶️
Last chance! Get that robot! ▶️
We can still win if we take the robot! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
I have the flag!
Running back to base!
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Get our flag back!
They have our flag!
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Easy as pie. ▶️
What's all the fuss about?
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Hmph, consider it charity.
That's not the way it was supposed to go.
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Dropping the flag!
Getting rid of the flag!
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Someone grab our flag!
They've dropped our flag!
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
Guess I'm on cleanup duty.
Returning the flag!

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
All according to design. ▶️
Ha! And I only needed one eye. ▶️
Back to the slag heaps. ▶️
*chuckle* Didn't account for that weak spot, did you? (headshot) ▶️
Don't underestimate a Lindholm. ▶️
Go on, get out of here. ▶️
I planned that perfectly. ▶️
If you can't stand the heat... stay out of my way. ▶️
It's an honor to get dismantled by me! ▶️
Scrapped! ▶️
Slagged! ▶️
That's it! ▶️
This old screw's still got it! ▶️
Torbjörn's on top.
What a riveting experience. ▶️
You walked right into that one. ▶️
Should've gotten the Lindholm upgrade! (eliminating Bastion) ▶️
*laughs* Don't worry. I'll fix you up later. (eliminating Bastion)
Don't tell your mother about this. (eliminating Brigitte) ▶️
All fun and games until someone gets hurt. (eliminating D.Va) ▶️
All that sophistication can't save you. (eliminating Echo) ▶️
All that metal, and you're still scrap! (eliminating Hazard)
You're not cut out for the big leagues yet! (eliminating Kiriko or Pharah) ▶️
I'll never hear the end of this from Ingrid. (eliminating Mercy) ▶️
That's your last haunt. (eliminating Reaper) ▶️
I always knew your foolishness would be the end of you. (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
I told you, the size of the hammer's not important. (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
Stay out of my systems! (eliminating Sombra) ▶️
Must be a bug in your system. (eliminating Symmetra) ▶️
I think you need more genetic enhancements. (eliminating Winston) ▶️
Final Blow
*chuckle* A marvel of craftsmanship! Don't you think? ▶️
Calibration's spot on. ▶️
Function and beauty! ▶️
I designed that, you know.
My little assistant. ▶️
Now that's a turret. ▶️
Oops, did I leave that there? ▶️
Pretty useful, if I do say so myself. ▶️
Wonder who designed that little gem? ▶️
You can't mass-product that! ▶️
Takes after her maker. (eliminating Echo) ▶️
I see you fell for my new Anti-Reinhardt turret technology! (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
Sorry, Lena. It was the turret, not me! (eliminating Tracer)
Final Blow
Forge Hammer
Hammered away! ▶️
Kapow! *laughs* ▶️
Knock, knock. ▶️
Nailed it! ▶️
Smack! ▶️
Sorry, thought you were a nail. ▶️
That settles it! Every problem is a nail! ▶️
The most useful tool of them all. ▶️
Who needs a fist when you have a hammer? ▶️
*chuckles* Hammer down. (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
All that speed seems nice until you run into a hammer. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
Final Blow
They never expect a flying Lindholm! (while airborne) ▶️
You maniac! What were you doing up there? (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Popped in the mouth, right there in the sky! (eliminating airborne enemy with a headshot) ▶️
Oh, ho-ho! Sniped! (long-range elimination, eliminating Ana or Widowmaker) ▶️
Tried to do that right in my face? You deserve what you got! (eliminating any enemy using their ultimate in front of Torbjörn) ▶️
Bold of Amari to use my own tech against me. (eliminating a Nano-Boosted enemy) ▶️
Couldn't we have talked this over, Reyes? (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) ▶️
I saw right through you. *chuckles* (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) ▶️
Don't play around with lava. (eliminating another Torbjörn using Molten Core) ▶️
Looks like a fault in your jump pack, Winston! (eliminating Winston using Jump Pack) ▶️
Kill Streak
And that's how it's done! ▶️
Don't count the oldies out yet! ▶️
*laughs* I'm in the zone! ▶️
I've still got the fire! ▶️
It's not luck. It's all skill! ▶️
One eye, one arm, countless wins! ▶️
*chuckles* Short but deadly. ▶️
Sometimes I surprise myself. ▶️
Who's next? ▶️
Multi Kill
A beautiful shot! ▶️
*whistle* Efficient! ▶️
*laughs* They walked straight into that! ▶️
Who's counting? I am! ▶️
Team Kill
Got them all! ▶️
Nailed them all! ▶️
We wiped them out. That's a job well done! ▶️
And stay out of my way! ▶️
Here's your old cheese back. ▶️
No one messes with the beard. ▶️
Thought I'd forget? ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Just doing my job. ▶️
Some Swedish hospitality. ▶️
Someone around here has to keep an eye out. ▶️
You looked like you needed a hand. ▶️
You young chickens still have lots to learn. (to D.Va, Illari, Kiriko or Lúcio) ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Greasing the old shoulder. ▶️
Hammered. ▶️
Here's some percussive maintenance. ▶️
Hit the nail on the head! ▶️
Kapow! ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Enjoy the free-fall! ▶️
*laughs* Enjoy your flight! ▶️
Exhibit A: gravity! ▶️
Hope you packed your wings! ▶️
Off you go. ▶️
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret down! ▶️
Enemy turret down! Clearly not one of mine. ▶️
*grunt* Shoddy workmanship. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Go get 'em! ▶️
Great! Can you do it again? ▶️
Impressive engineering! ▶️
Nice one! ▶️
Not the most elegant, but can't complain. ▶️
That gets my seal of approval! ▶️
That gets my stamp of approval! ▶️
Proud of you, Bastion! (to Bastion) ▶️
Takes after her old papa. (to Brigitte) ▶️
That's my daughter! (to Brigitte) ▶️
*sniff* They grow up so fast... (to Brigitte) ▶️
They teach you that in medical school? (to Mercy) ▶️
Guess brawn sometimes does the trick. (to Reinhardt) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Waiting to Open Door
Need to Break Door
Door Opening
Dropship Arriving
Waiting to Push Button
Assigned to Objective
Picking Up Item
Dropped Item
Delivering Item
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Objective Found
Calling Teammate to Objective
Enemy Reinforcements
Breacher Inbound
Slicers Inbound
Subjugator Inbound
Any Objective Under Fire
Cannon Under Fire
Ferry Under Fire
Repair Station Under Fire
Payload Under Fire
Uplink Under Fire
Any Objective on Critical HP
Cannon on Critical HP
Ferry on Critical HP
Repair Station on Critical HP
Payload on Critical HP
Uplink on Critical HP
Danger: Must Flee
Artillery Comes into Battle
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery Eliminated
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger Begins to Charge
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Charger Eliminated
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Stalker Comes into Battle
Grabbed by Stalker
Stalker Eliminated
Subjugator Eliminated
Vulture Comes into Battle
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Vulture Eliminated
Titan Immune to Damage
Massive Attack Incoming
Missiles Incoming
Relay Found
Relay Destroyed
Teammate Downed
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Last Team Member Standing
Reviving Teammate
Back to battle with you!
Up and at 'em!
Up and at them!
You can take more than that. Get back in the fight!
I'll get you fixed up in no time. (reviving Omnic heroes)
We still need you Angela! (reviving Mercy)
You're not leaving me, not yet! (reviving Mercy)
Returning the favor, doctor. (reviving Mercy)
Come on you rust nut. Show them what you're made of. (reviving Tracer)
Teammate Killed

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
My warmest greetings. (rarely)
Why, hello!
Much appreciated.
Thank you.
Clear as quartz.
I hear you.
Loud and clear.
Of course.
Need Healing
I need healing.
Need healing!
Need Healing
No Support in Team
We need a healer.
Group Up
Form up.
Group up.
Group up here!
Group up with me!
Join me!
Let's assemble our might!
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is charging. ▶️
My ultimate is still charging. It's too soon!
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is almost ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
I'm ready to unleash the molten core! ▶️
My ultimate is ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
Ready to activate the molten core. Let's do this!
Attack with me!
Do I have to do everything? Attack!
3... 2... 1.
In 3... 2... 1.
Defend with me.
Follow me and defend!
I'm defending.
Ping in World
Locked on Opponent
Enemy spotted!
Got an enemy here!
There's an enemy here!
Fall Back
Fall back!
Going In
I'm going in!
Need Help
I could use some help here!
I need help!
On My Way
On my way!
In World
Over here!
Over there!
Attack Objective
Attack the objective!
Defend Objective
Defend the objective!
Get them off the objective!
Push Payload
Move the payload!
Stop Payload
Stop the payload!
Push Robot
Let's move this robot.
Push the robot!
Stop Robot
Come on, stop their push.
Stop the robot.
Capture Flag
Attack the enemy's flag!
Let's take their flag.
Defend Flag
Defend the flag!
Protect our flag!
Press the Attack
Press the attack!
Push Forward
Push forward!
I'm ready.
My mistake.
Oopsy daisy.
Watching Here
I'll keep watch here.
Keeping my eye on this position.
Watching this area.
With You
I'm at your side!
I'm with you.
You're Welcome
Don't mention it.
You're welcome.

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
Hard work pays off. ▶️
25 Credits
Completion date? *chuckle* When it's done. ▶️
Don't get caught with your beard in the letterbox! ▶️
For the last time, I'm Swedish! ▶️
I'm giving it all I got! ▶️
Let's not buy the pig while it's still in the bag. ▶️
People always underestimate the engineers. ▶️
Some assembly required. ▶️
Ugh, leave this to an expert. ▶️
*chuckle* Working as intended... ▶️
You're making a chicken out of a feather! ▶️
Summer Games
50 Credits
Haha! There's more where that came from.
There's no prize for coming in second!
Halloween Terror
50 Credits
I smell trouble brewing.
*chuckles* If you build it... they will die.
It's not a costume!
Mind the beard.
The viking sought a dragon. But a dragon found him first.
Winter Wonderland
50 Credits
Give me a warm fire and a book on thermodynamic alloys.
Haha, expert craftsmanship!
Made to order!
Lunar New Year
50 Credits
Everyone, get in here!
Too hot for you?
Overwatch Archives
50 Credits
Just start hammering.
*scoff* Poor craftsman blame their tools.
Overwatch Anniversary
50 Credits
Hear me, baby? Hold together.
How riveting.
Trust me.
Now, why didn't I think of that?
*laughs* You should try my meatballs.
Battle Pass: Season 3
My beard is older than you are. ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 6
Someone call for the repairman? ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 7
Pumpkin spice... latte!? Tell me that isn't real. ▶️
You won't sink my battleship! ▶️
Feel the fury of the mountain. ▶️
Cosmic Crisis
Challenge Reward
Stop rocking the boat!
PVE - Invasion Missions
"The Kids Are Alright" Challenge Reward
Sometimes you just have to do it yourself. ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Torbjörn: Retirement looks good on you, Ana.
  • Ana: Aren't we too old for flattery?
  • Torbjörn: Hmph, we're still alive and kicking!
  • Ana: Still young at heart, I see.
  • Torbjörn: I wish your immortality field worked on my turret.
  • Baptiste: Then our enemies would stand no chance!
  • Torbjörn: Baptiste, was it? How did a mercenary like yourself come by such advanced technologies?
  • Baptiste: Oh, I just make use of what I find lying around.
  • Torbjörn: I got some new prototypes that need testing. Thought of you.
  • Baptiste: Me?
  • Torbjörn: Need someone who knows what they're doing.
  • Baptiste: I'm flattered, and honored.
  • Torbjörn: For the last time, tell Ganymede my beard is not a nest!
  • Bastion: *disappointed beeps*
  • Torbjörn: Don't you "beep boop" me. No is no!
  • Torbjörn: Remind me to install a firewall system in you. Can't be too careful nowadays.
  • Bastion: *happy beeps*
  • Torbjörn: Bastion, I bet you haven't had a systems check in years... who knows what kind of weird behaviors you've picked up.
  • Bastion: *surprised denial*
  • Torbjörn: Brigitte, did you check if you brought enough repair packs for everyone?
  • Brigitte: Of course, papa. I'm not a little girl anymore.
  • Torbjörn: You'll always be my little girl.
  • Brigitte: You're embarrassing me...!
  • Brigitte: Papa, remember the music festival I took you to? The headliner, Lúcio, joined Overwatch!
  • Torbjörn: Well, if Null Sector finds that racket as distressing as I did, he'll be a great addition.
  • Torbjörn: *sigh* Just yesterday, Brigitte was a toddler making trouble.
  • Brigitte: Papa! Not right now!
On Esperança
  • Brigitte: Papa, don't the Martins live here?
  • Torbjörn: No, they mostly hang out in that Arcology of theirs.
  • Brigitte: Are they still having problems with curious whales?
  • Torbjörn: Yes, and they still won't let me help!
  • Torbjörn: Don't you ever want to settle down?
  • Cassidy: Maybe. Trouble is, I've got some itchy feet.
  • Torbjörn: I've got some powder for that!
  • Torbjörn: How about you let me build you a new mech?
  • D.Va: Uh... I don't know... I heard your inventions take five minutes to boot up!
  • Torbjörn: That was once!
  • Doomfist: A claw hand? Inefficient.
  • Torbjörn: Well, we can't all have ultra-powerful gauntlets.
  • Doomfist: No. You cannot.
  • Echo: Thank you, Torbjörn. I've learned much from observing you.
  • Torbjörn: Well, I'm known to be an excellent teacher.
  • Echo: Yes. I believe I've grasped what not to do in stressful situations.
  • Torbjörn: You shouldn't believe everything Mercy says, y'know.
  • Genji: My sword and your hammer will lead us to victory.
  • Torbjörn: If you can't cut them, nail them!
  • Torbjörn: Who do I have to bother to get my hands on your pylon's blueprints?
  • Illari: I don't know, those files were destroyed in... an accident.
  • Torbjörn: Oh, that's a shame. I'll just reverse engineer it, then!
  • Torbjörn: What's the secret behind your flight mechanism?
  • Illari: I don't know the specifics. Something about thermodynamics, I think.
  • Torbjörn: Ahh, of course! Convection currents! Why didn't I think of that?


  • Junkrat: Jamison Fawkes and Torbjörn Lindholm! Two handsome geniuses, just chit-chatting away.
  • Torbjörn: You can't be serious.
  • Junkrat: Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • Junkrat: How many of you Overwatch people are missing an eye?
  • Torbjörn: How many of you scoundrels are missing a leg?
  • Juno: Does your turret have a name?
  • Torbjörn: I... never considered giving it one.
  • Juno: But you are always calling it your baby. I thought all babies had names.
  • Torbjörn: You've got a point! I'll have Brigitte come up with something.


  • Lúcio: Brigitte tells me you can dance, but I won't believe it until I see it!
  • Torbjörn: *chuckle* Are you sure you'll be able to handle it?
  • Lúcio: *laughs* Try me!


  • Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favorite animal?
  • Torbjörn: Moose, of course.
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!
  • Torbjörn: Dr. Zhou. You've made quite the name for yourself.
  • Mei: Oh, thank you! I think there's always more to learn.
  • Torbjörn: Quit being so humble. Nothing wrong being proud of your work!
  • Mercy: You know, anger management classes might help you with that temper.
  • Torbjörn: Doctors! Always wanting you to do the work.
  • Torbjörn: Are you ever going to tell me Valkyrie's airfoil ratio?
  • Mercy: Are you going to tell me Ingrid's apple pie recipe?
  • Torbjörn: Hmph, you drive a hard bargain.
  • Mercy: I'll just ask her myself.
  • Torbjörn: Y'know, Fareeha, it's not a sign of weakness if you take it easy sometimes.
  • Pharah: Mistakes arise when people turn careless.
  • Torbjörn: *sigh* Like mother, like daughter...
  • Reaper: *heavy breathing*
  • Torbjörn: Can't you breathe a little quieter?
  • Reaper: *even heavier breathing*
  • Torbjörn: Brigitte isn't meddling too much with your armor, is she?
  • Reinhardt: Somebody's worried he's turning obsolete.
  • Torbjörn: That's parenthood for you.
  • Reinhardt: How are the grandkids, Torbjörn?
  • Torbjörn: Marta just finished another vampire manuscript. I'm supposed to read it, but... well, you know.
  • Reinhardt: What? I love her stories! Send it to me!
  • Torbjörn: *sigh* I guess it takes all kinds to make a world.
  • Roadhog: Blah, blah, blah. *grunts*
  • Sojourn: Brigitte's one of the best we've got. She's a natural leader.
  • Torbjörn: Do you expect anything less from my daughter?
  • Sojourn: From your daughter? I expected a lot more tantrums.
Soldier: 76
  • Soldier: 76: Still inventing?
  • Torbjörn: Still a one-man posse?
  • Soldier: 76: Heh. Touché.
  • Sombra: Can I interest you in some juicy gossip?
  • Torbjörn: Spare me your fishy information.
  • Sombra: Aw. Not interested in Volskaya's latest plans?
  • Torbjörn: Fine. But just a few blueprints!
  • Symmetra: I am impressed. I would not think such crude creations actually function.
  • Torbjörn: Why, thank you! I must admit I'm surprised--hey...
  • Symmetra: You often call your inventions beautiful.
  • Torbjörn: And they are.
  • Symmetra: It seems beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • Venture : Mr. Lidholm, good to see you! Hey, the excavator's working great!
  • Torbjörn: It'd work better if you didn't overload it with all those modules.
  • Venture : Psh, it's fine! Just a few degrees overheated is all.
  • Torbjörn: You Wayfinders seem to like digging up old problems.
  • Venture : And we couldn't do it without Ironclad tools!
  • Torbjörn: Maybe you should try some Ironclad judgement.
  • Torbjörn: I bet my turret's a better shot than you.
  • Widowmaker: And what are you willing to bet?
  • Torbjörn: The Lindholm reputation!
  • Widowmaker: How about your other eye?
Wrecking Ball
  • Torbjörn: Hey. Someone repaired my turret while I was napping!
  • Wrecking Ball: He says, "You're welcome."
  • Torbjörn: Don't roll over me, you hear? I'm not a bowling pin.
  • Wrecking Ball: He is unable to promise zero casualties.
  • Torbjörn: Let me talk to him face-to-face.
  • Wrecking Ball: That is not advisable.
  • Torbjörn: If you ever need a punching bag, I got plenty of metal that needs scrapping.
  • Zarya: That is the greatest present I've ever gotten.
  • Torbjörn: Maybe you need better friends.
  • Torbjörn: Who developed those orbs of yours?
  • Zenyatta: Ask not who their maker is, but what they mean.
  • Torbjörn: You don't know, do you?
  • Zenyatta: I embrace the unknown.

Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Bastion & Reinhardt
  • Bastion: *questioning beeps*
  • Torbjörn: It's like I told you! Humans start out small, but they get big quick!
  • Bastion: *more questioning beeps*
  • Torbjörn: No, no. I'm much bigger than I used to be.
  • Reinhardt: Especially around the midriff! Hahahaha!
Brigitte + one of the following: Echo, Orisa, Ramattra, or Zenyatta
  • Brigitte: Papa, is there anything you'd like to say to our teammates?
  • Torbjörn: I'm... looking forward to working with you.
  • One of four:
    • Echo: Likewise.
    • Orisa: And I with you.
    • Ramattra: How gracious of you.
    • Zenyatta: It will be a pleasure.
  • Torbjörn: Yes, well. Let's get this done.


Brigitte & Reinhardt
  • Reinhardt: Twice as many Lindholms as I'm used to!
  • Brigitte: But still the same amount of Reinhardt.
  • Torbjörn: Maybe too much.


  • Reinhardt: How are the grandkids, Torbjörn?
  • Brigitte: Do Astrid and Alma still want to be firefighters when they grow up?
  • Torbjörn: Last I heard, they'd decided to be artists, like their father.
  • Reinhardt: Ah, yes! That creative Lindholm spark.


Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio
Torbjörn Skin Blackbeard

Torbjörn Skin Barbarossa

Match Start
*laugh* Run a shot across the bow! ▶️
Ahoy, matey! ▶️
Final Blow
Shiver me timbers! ▶️
Torbjörn Skin Santaclad

Molten Core
Merry molten core! (self and hostile) ▶️
Hero Change
*laugh* I'm jolly ol' St. Torbjörn. ▶️
Santa Torbjörn is here. ▶️
(grumble) I need some elves for this! ▶️
Torbjörn Skin Starship Engineer

Starship Engineer
Hero Selected
Took wun huk. Brees'tin gree! ▶️
Launching turret! ▶️
Time to burn up some stars! ▶️
During Set-Up
That Dorioux told me their hypertrinometer would hold together, but no! 300 light years later - busted already! ▶️
If one more laser brain complains about fur in their starship hood, I'll punt them into the sonosphere! ▶️
Mo'weefo du spreegeenu! ▶️
Ow! They singed my flingle-dingles! ▶️
Shoo gree'nurah jaboobee heeri nee! ▶️
This is nothing compared to when the exoperator blew up! ▶️
Try to put me out the airlock? Ha! ▶️
Final Blow
Ah! Free parts! ▶️
Bah! That starship wasn't meant to fly. ▶️
Foo'reestu hee miwaroo! ▶️
Ha! Take that, you teek-teek-wu'ree! ▶️
Looks like you've been decommissioned! ▶️
That's for increasing taxation on turbodrive parts! ▶️
That's why you don't put all your tendrils in one garbutrex! ▶️
Gor'ibblo! Stop fooling around! (eliminating Extraterrestrial Winston) ▶️
Shove that up your exhaust pipe! (eliminating Wrecking Ball [?]) ▶️
Final Blow Turret
Calibrated to the billionth planck length! ▶️
Psh! I wrote the manual for your gravity compensators. (eliminating unknown hero) ▶️

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Antarctic Peninsula
There better be no penguins on this base. (match start) ▶️
Colosseo or Rialto
That damn tower... I don't care if tourists like it, it's falling over and needs to be fixed! ▶️
King's Row
I can't believe I fell for all that anti-omnic claptrap. ▶️
All these skyscrapers just hurt my neck. ▶️
Broken safety compliances everywhere! ▶️
City of Lights? I prefer the northern lights. ▶️
New York's Chief Engineering Advisor has returned! ▶️
Now this is what proper engineering does for a city! ▶️
I'm a little... embarrassed of some things I said here. But I'm doing my best to learn. ▶️
Now this is a city that understands engineering. And that child genius, whew! A future Ironclad, no doubt. ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Molten Core
Ahem. La-va! (self and hostile) ▶️
The floor is lava! (allies) ▶️
I'm re-Bjorn!

Emotes[ | ]

Emote Quote Audio
Quest Giver
Back to work. ▶️
Champion! Azeroth calls for aid. ▶️
Feel the fury of the mountain! ▶️
Fight for our world. ▶️
My magma's fixing to boil! ▶️
Our world needs us, champion. ▶️
The wounds, champion! ▶️
These stones have tales to tell. ▶️

Non-Languages[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Critical Health (gasps) ▶️
Death (dying sounds) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death (Big impact) (screams) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death (Enviromental killed) (prolonged screaming) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death (Crushed) (crushed sounds) ▶️ ▶️

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio
Assigned To/Completed Objective
Got it. ▶️
There we go. ▶️
Found Objective
Head to the objective, everyone! ▶️
I'd lead the way, but I do have the shortest legs. ▶️
If we get there soon, we might have time for a snack. ▶️
If you make it to the waypoint, I've got a juice box with your name on it. ▶️
Keep moving. It isn't far! ▶️
Calling Teammate to Objective
Come to the objective! ▶️
Hurry! Over here! ▶️
Make like a moose and run to my location! At up to an impressive top speed of 55 kilometers per hour... ▶️
Stop lollygagging and get over here! ▶️
Bastion! Over here! (to Bastion) ▶️
Come on, Sparkplug! (to Brigitte) ▶️
Wilhelm! Get over here! (to Reinhardt) ▶️
Waiting on a Teammate's Action For a Long Time
Come on! ▶️
Hurry up! ▶️
Hm. I wonder if there's something I should be doing. ▶️
What are we waiting for? ▶️
Picked Up Package
Got it. ▶️
Got one. ▶️
I picked up a little something special. ▶️
Package secured. ▶️
Secured. ▶️
That's an interesting one. ▶️
Dropped Package
Ah, I dropped it!
It just fell through my fingers. ▶️
Closed Door Ahead
Break through so we can proceed! ▶️
Smash through that obstacle! ▶️
We'll have to force our way through. ▶️

Trivia[ | ]

Navigation[ | ]
