Torbjörn's voice actor is Keith Silverstein, speaking English only (despite his Swedish nationality). To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.
Abilities[ | ]
Ability | Quote | Audio |
Placed |
A thing of beauty! | ▶️ |
I've high hopes for you. | ▶️ | |
Installed and ready to go. | ▶️ | |
Make your maker proud! | ▶️ | |
*chuckles* Now it's going to get interesting! | ▶️ | |
Show them what you can do! | ▶️ | |
Show them what you got. | ▶️ | |
They're going to love this. | ▶️ | |
Turret deployed. | ▶️ | |
Turret in position. | ▶️ | |
You're all set up, my dear. | ▶️ | |
Repairing |
A little mending's all you need. | ▶️ |
Don't you break on me yet! | ▶️ | |
Fixing you right up! | ▶️ | |
I'll get you running like new again. | ▶️ | |
Just a little touch up. | ▶️ | |
Let's patch you up. | ▶️ | |
Under Attack |
My baby's under attack! | ▶️ |
My turret's under fire! | ▶️ | |
My turret's getting hit! | ▶️ | |
They're hurting my turret! | ▶️ | |
Destroyed |
My baby's destroyed! | ▶️ |
My precious work! | ▶️ | |
Pick on someone your own size! | ▶️ | |
I'm overloading! | ▶️ | |
Maximum power! | ▶️ | |
Power overwhelming! | ▶️ | |
Time to let off some steam! | ▶️ | |
Turning up the heat! | ▶️ | |
Working the bellows! | ▶️ | |
Molten core! (self and hostile) | ▶️ | |
Molten floor! (self and hostile) (rare) | ▶️ | |
Setting out the welcome mat! (allies) | ▶️ |
Chatter[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Tools in hand; brain in gear. | ▶️ | |
Cassidy said he wanted a bigger grenade, so I built him one. Then he said, "No, this is too large. I need it to fit in my hand." Well, he should have been more clear! | ▶️ | |
Hammer: check. Turret: check. Backup turret: check. Second though fourth backup turrets: check, check, and check. | ▶️ | |
Hold your thumbs, and we'll get through this alright. | ▶️ | |
Ha! Let's go! I've got a few new inventions to try. | ▶️ | |
Ragtag bunch... but we'll get it done. | ▶️ | |
What about a turret that shoots smaller turrets? | ▶️ | |
This is not the reunion I expected... (with Ana, Reaper, Reinhardt and Soldier: 76 on the team) | ▶️ | |
I thought I left Overwatch! But, here we are. (with only Overwatch members or former Overwatch members on the team) | ▶️ | |
I don't care what evil organization you're a part of. I want you on your best behavior for this mission. (with multiple Talon members on team) | ▶️ | |
With this many engineers on the team, we can handle any problem that comes our way! (with multiple engineer heroes on team) | ▶️ | |
Let's get down to business! | ▶️ | |
Let's get her done! | ▶️ | |
Move out! | ▶️ | |
Time to show them who's boss. | ▶️ | |
Won Previous Round |
No hiccups so far. Let's keep it that way. | ▶️ |
One more win, nothing to it. | ▶️ | |
We have two chances to get the job done. Let's do it in one. | ▶️ | |
Lost Previous Round |
Get your heads screwed on straight. We can still win this! | ▶️ |
*growls* We are not going to lose! | ▶️ | |
Final Round |
Let's get the job done. | ▶️ |
This is it! Let's not screw it up. | ▶️ | |
A good bop always gets it working again. Well... | ▶️ | |
A Lindholm never gives up! | ▶️ | |
Back at it! | ▶️ | |
Back down? Not a chance! | ▶️ | |
Guess you can learn even at this age. | ▶️ | |
I still have some fight in me. | ▶️ | |
Let's get to work! | ▶️ | |
Oh, I'm just getting warmed up! | ▶️ | |
Time to roll up my sleeves! | ▶️ | |
It was nice while it lasted. (after multi-kill) | ▶️ | |
Team Kill |
Still missing a few craftspeople here. | ▶️ |
This workshop's feeling a little empty. | ▶️ | |
We're still reassembling. | ▶️ | |
Back to work! | ▶️ | |
Much better! | ▶️ | |
Yes! | ▶️ | |
I'm a well-oiled, high-power machine! | ▶️ | |
I'm at maximum strength! | ▶️ | |
I'm hotter than a furnace! | ▶️ | |
I'm on fire! | ▶️ | |
No one can withstand me! | ▶️ | |
Back to work! | ▶️ | |
Better. | ▶️ | |
Thanks for the help. | ▶️ | |
Good. Good! | ▶️ | |
Haha! | ||
Now that's more like it! | ▶️ | |
Time to get my hands dirty! | ▶️ | |
Yes! | ▶️ | |
Damn! | ▶️ | |
Back to work! | ▶️ | |
Enemy's coming back. | ▶️ | |
They keep coming, I'll keep building! | ▶️ | |
They're popping back like daisies! | ▶️ | |
Those suckers keep coming back! | ▶️ |
Call-Outs[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Torbjörn, ready to work! | ▶️ | |
Let's show them what's what. | ▶️ | |
There they are. | ▶️ | |
They outnumber us. Careful! | ▶️ | |
We're outnumbered! | ▶️ | |
Sniper! | ▶️ | |
Enemy turret ahead! | ▶️ | |
Enemy turret ahead. Piece of scrap! | ▶️ | |
Turret ahead. Not one of mine! | ▶️ | |
Watch your back! | ▶️ | |
Take cover! | ▶️ | |
*laughs* Boosted up! | ▶️ | |
I'm unstoppable! | ▶️ | |
Upgraded! | ▶️ | |
Watch out! I'm boiling hot! | ▶️ | |
Defense |
Almost there. Keep pushing them back! | ▶️ |
Hold your defenses for a little longer! | ▶️ | |
Just a little longer! Keep up our defense! | ▶️ | |
Stand your ground until the end! | ▶️ | |
Time's running out. Put your backs into it! | ▶️ | |
We keep working until the end! | ▶️ | |
Attack |
Get to work! Time's running out. | ▶️ |
Hurry up and attack! | ▶️ | |
It's not quitting time yet. | ▶️ | |
No time. Fight all the way into the tile! | ▶️ | |
Time's running out. Full steam ahead! | ▶️ | |
We don't have much time. Attack! | ▶️ | |
We need to attack or we're going to lose! | ▶️ | |
We're like a cat walking around hot porridge. Attack! | ▶️ |
Mission Specific[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Capture in Progress Team |
At the point. Now get over here! | ▶️ |
I got the objective. | ▶️ | |
Point's secured. | ▶️ | |
Capture in Progress Enemy |
All hands to the objective! | ▶️ |
Hold down the fort! | ▶️ | |
Push them back! | ▶️ | |
Clash Go into next point |
Let's move along. Swiftly now! | ▶️ |
Let's set up at the next point! | ▶️ | |
Meet me at the next location. | ▶️ | |
Payload Moving Team |
Payload moving. | ▶️ |
Payload's chugging along. | ▶️ | |
Payload's full steam ahead! | ▶️ | |
Payload Moving Enemy |
Are you on the cinnamon? The payload's moving! | ▶️ |
Fika's over. Block the payload! | ▶️ | |
Get off your butt and stop the payload! | ▶️ | |
Go stall that payload! | ▶️ | |
Payload Stuck |
Get this hunk of junk moving! | ▶️ |
Stop twiddling your thumbs and move the payload! | ▶️ | |
They've blocked the payload! | ▶️ | |
Robot Walking to Barricade Team |
Hello, there. Let's move. | ▶️ |
Taking the robot! | ▶️ | |
The robot is in my possession. | ▶️ | |
Robot Walking to Barricade Enemy |
Don't let them take the robot! | ▶️ |
They took the robot! | ▶️ | |
We have to get the robot back! | ▶️ | |
Robot Pushing Barricade Team |
Let's get to work. | ▶️ |
Moving the barricade. | ▶️ | |
Time to push. | ▶️ | |
Robot Pushing Barricade Enemy |
Let's put a stop to that. | ▶️ |
That's not good. We have to stop them! | ▶️ | |
The enemy is moving their barricade! | ▶️ | |
About to Gain Lead |
Hah! Catching up! | ▶️ |
The lead is almost ours! | ▶️ | |
We're almost there! | ▶️ | |
Gained Lead |
Forging ahead! | ▶️ |
Hah, leaving them in the dust. | ▶️ | |
Taking the lead. | ▶️ | |
About to Lose Lead |
How did they get so far? | ▶️ |
They're catching up to us! | ▶️ | |
We have to stop them before they overtake us! | ▶️ | |
Lost Lead |
They pushed past us! | ▶️ |
We have to take back the lead! | ▶️ | |
We lost the lead! | ▶️ | |
Pushing in Overtime Robot with Team |
Keep them off the robot and we'll win! | ▶️ |
This is it! Protect the robot! | ▶️ | |
Pushing in Overtime Robot with Enemy |
Hurry! Take the robot! | ▶️ |
Last chance! Get that robot! | ▶️ | |
We can still win if we take the robot! | ▶️ | |
Flag Taken Self |
I have the flag! | |
Running back to base! | ||
Flag Taken Enemy |
Get our flag back! | |
They have our flag! | ||
Flag Captured Self |
Easy as pie. | ▶️ |
What's all the fuss about? | ||
Flag Captured Enemy |
Hmph, consider it charity. | |
That's not the way it was supposed to go. | ||
Flag Dropped Self |
Dropping the flag! | |
Getting rid of the flag! | ||
Flag Dropped Enemy |
Someone grab our flag! | |
They've dropped our flag! | ||
Flag Returned |
Guess I'm on cleanup duty. | |
Returning the flag! |
Eliminations[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
All according to design. | ▶️ | |
Ha! And I only needed one eye. | ▶️ | |
Back to the slag heaps. | ▶️ | |
*chuckle* Didn't account for that weak spot, did you? (headshot) | ▶️ | |
Don't underestimate a Lindholm. | ▶️ | |
Go on, get out of here. | ▶️ | |
I planned that perfectly. | ▶️ | |
If you can't stand the heat... stay out of my way. | ▶️ | |
It's an honor to get dismantled by me! | ▶️ | |
Scrapped! | ▶️ | |
Slagged! | ▶️ | |
That's it! | ▶️ | |
This old screw's still got it! | ▶️ | |
Torbjörn's on top. | ||
What a riveting experience. | ▶️ | |
You walked right into that one. | ▶️ | |
Should've gotten the Lindholm upgrade! (eliminating Bastion) | ▶️ | |
*laughs* Don't worry. I'll fix you up later. (eliminating Bastion) | ||
Don't tell your mother about this. (eliminating Brigitte) | ▶️ | |
All fun and games until someone gets hurt. (eliminating D.Va) | ▶️ | |
All that sophistication can't save you. (eliminating Echo) | ▶️ | |
All that metal, and you're still scrap! (eliminating Hazard) | ||
You're not cut out for the big leagues yet! (eliminating Kiriko or Pharah) | ▶️ | |
I'll never hear the end of this from Ingrid. (eliminating Mercy) | ▶️ | |
That's your last haunt. (eliminating Reaper) | ▶️ | |
I always knew your foolishness would be the end of you. (eliminating Reinhardt) | ▶️ | |
I told you, the size of the hammer's not important. (eliminating Reinhardt) | ▶️ | |
Stay out of my systems! (eliminating Sombra) | ▶️ | |
Must be a bug in your system. (eliminating Symmetra) | ▶️ | |
I think you need more genetic enhancements. (eliminating Winston) | ▶️ | |
Turret |
*chuckle* A marvel of craftsmanship! Don't you think? | ▶️ |
Calibration's spot on. | ▶️ | |
Function and beauty! | ▶️ | |
I designed that, you know. | ||
My little assistant. | ▶️ | |
Now that's a turret. | ▶️ | |
Oops, did I leave that there? | ▶️ | |
Pretty useful, if I do say so myself. | ▶️ | |
Wonder who designed that little gem? | ▶️ | |
You can't mass-product that! | ▶️ | |
Takes after her maker. (eliminating Echo) | ▶️ | |
I see you fell for my new Anti-Reinhardt turret technology! (eliminating Reinhardt) | ▶️ | |
Sorry, Lena. It was the turret, not me! (eliminating Tracer) | ||
Forge Hammer |
Hammered away! | ▶️ |
Kapow! *laughs* | ▶️ | |
Knock, knock. | ▶️ | |
Nailed it! | ▶️ | |
Smack! | ▶️ | |
Sorry, thought you were a nail. | ▶️ | |
That settles it! Every problem is a nail! | ▶️ | |
The most useful tool of them all. | ▶️ | |
Who needs a fist when you have a hammer? | ▶️ | |
*chuckles* Hammer down. (eliminating Reinhardt) | ▶️ | |
All that speed seems nice until you run into a hammer. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) | ▶️ | |
Scenario |
They never expect a flying Lindholm! (while airborne) | ▶️ |
You maniac! What were you doing up there? (eliminating airborne enemy) | ▶️ | |
Popped in the mouth, right there in the sky! (eliminating airborne enemy with a headshot) | ▶️ | |
Oh, ho-ho! Sniped! (long-range elimination, eliminating Ana or Widowmaker) | ▶️ | |
Tried to do that right in my face? You deserve what you got! (eliminating any enemy using their ultimate in front of Torbjörn) | ▶️ | |
Bold of Amari to use my own tech against me. (eliminating a Nano-Boosted enemy) | ▶️ | |
Couldn't we have talked this over, Reyes? (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) | ▶️ | |
I saw right through you. *chuckles* (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) | ▶️ | |
Don't play around with lava. (eliminating another Torbjörn using Molten Core) | ▶️ | |
Looks like a fault in your jump pack, Winston! (eliminating Winston using Jump Pack) | ▶️ | |
And that's how it's done! | ▶️ | |
Don't count the oldies out yet! | ▶️ | |
*laughs* I'm in the zone! | ▶️ | |
I've still got the fire! | ▶️ | |
It's not luck. It's all skill! | ▶️ | |
One eye, one arm, countless wins! | ▶️ | |
*chuckles* Short but deadly. | ▶️ | |
Sometimes I surprise myself. | ▶️ | |
Who's next? | ▶️ | |
A beautiful shot! | ▶️ | |
*whistle* Efficient! | ▶️ | |
*laughs* They walked straight into that! | ▶️ | |
Who's counting? I am! | ▶️ | |
Got them all! | ▶️ | |
Nailed them all! | ▶️ | |
We wiped them out. That's a job well done! | ▶️ | |
And stay out of my way! | ▶️ | |
Here's your old cheese back. | ▶️ | |
No one messes with the beard. | ▶️ | |
Thought I'd forget? | ▶️ | |
Just doing my job. | ▶️ | |
Some Swedish hospitality. | ▶️ | |
Someone around here has to keep an eye out. | ▶️ | |
You looked like you needed a hand. | ▶️ | |
You young chickens still have lots to learn. (to D.Va, Illari, Kiriko or Lúcio) | ▶️ | |
Greasing the old shoulder. | ▶️ | |
Hammered. | ▶️ | |
Here's some percussive maintenance. | ▶️ | |
Hit the nail on the head! | ▶️ | |
Kapow! | ▶️ | |
Enjoy the free-fall! | ▶️ | |
*laughs* Enjoy your flight! | ▶️ | |
Exhibit A: gravity! | ▶️ | |
Hope you packed your wings! | ▶️ | |
Off you go. | ▶️ | |
Enemy turret down! | ▶️ | |
Enemy turret down! Clearly not one of mine. | ▶️ | |
*grunt* Shoddy workmanship. | ▶️ | |
Go get 'em! | ▶️ | |
Great! Can you do it again? | ▶️ | |
Impressive engineering! | ▶️ | |
Nice one! | ▶️ | |
Not the most elegant, but can't complain. | ▶️ | |
That gets my seal of approval! | ▶️ | |
That gets my stamp of approval! | ▶️ | |
Proud of you, Bastion! (to Bastion) | ▶️ | |
Takes after her old papa. (to Brigitte) | ▶️ | |
That's my daughter! (to Brigitte) | ▶️ | |
*sniff* They grow up so fast... (to Brigitte) | ▶️ | |
They teach you that in medical school? (to Mercy) | ▶️ | |
Guess brawn sometimes does the trick. (to Reinhardt) | ▶️ |
PvE[ | ]
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Back to battle with you! | ||
Up and at 'em! | ||
Up and at them! | ||
You can take more than that. Get back in the fight! | ||
I'll get you fixed up in no time. (reviving Omnic heroes) | ||
We still need you Angela! (reviving Mercy) | ||
You're not leaving me, not yet! (reviving Mercy) | ||
Returning the favor, doctor. (reviving Mercy) | ||
Come on you rust nut. Show them what you're made of. (reviving Tracer) | ||
Communication[ | ]
Wheel Option | Quote | Audio |
Hello! | |
Hey. | ||
My warmest greetings. (rarely) | ||
Why, hello! | ||
Much appreciated. | ||
Thanks. | ||
Thank you. | ||
Clear as quartz. | ||
Gotcha. | ||
I hear you. | ||
Loud and clear. | ||
Of course. | ||
Understood. | ||
I need healing. | ||
Need healing! | ||
No Support in Team |
We need a healer. | |
Form up. | ||
Group up. | ||
Group up here! | ||
Group up with me! | ||
Join me! | ||
Let's assemble our might! | ||
0-89% |
My ultimate is charging. | ▶️ |
My ultimate is still charging. It's too soon! | ||
90-99% |
My ultimate is almost ready. | ▶️ |
100% |
I'm ready to unleash the molten core! | ▶️ |
My ultimate is ready. | ▶️ | |
100% to Ally |
Ready to activate the molten core. Let's do this! | |
Attack! | ||
Attack with me! | ||
Do I have to do everything? Attack! | ||
3... 2... 1. | ||
In 3... 2... 1. | ||
Defend with me. | ||
Follow me and defend! | ||
I'm defending. | ||
Ping in World |
Locked on Opponent |
Enemy spotted! | |
Got an enemy here! | ||
There's an enemy here! | ||
Fall back! | ||
Go! | ||
I'm going in! | ||
Goodbye. | ||
Incoming! | ||
Help! | ||
I could use some help here! | ||
I need help! | ||
On my way! | ||
In World |
Over here! | |
Over there! | ||
Attack Objective |
Attack the objective! | |
Defend Objective |
Defend the objective! | |
Get them off the objective! | ||
Push Payload |
Move the payload! | |
Stop Payload |
Stop the payload! | |
Push Robot |
Let's move this robot. | |
Push the robot! | ||
Stop Robot |
Come on, stop their push. | |
Stop the robot. | ||
Capture Flag |
Attack the enemy's flag! | |
Let's take their flag. | ||
Defend Flag |
Defend the flag! | |
Protect our flag! | ||
Press the attack! | ||
Push forward! | ||
I'm ready. | ||
My mistake. | ||
Sorry. | ||
Oops. | ||
Oopsy daisy. | ||
I'll keep watch here. | ||
Keeping my eye on this position. | ||
Watching this area. | ||
I'm at your side! | |
I'm with you. | ||
Yes. | ||
Don't mention it. | ||
You're welcome. |
Voice Lines[ | ]
Availability | Quote | Audio |
Hard work pays off. | ▶️ | |
![]() |
Completion date? *chuckle* When it's done. | ▶️ |
Don't get caught with your beard in the letterbox! | ▶️ | |
For the last time, I'm Swedish! | ▶️ | |
I'm giving it all I got! | ▶️ | |
Ironclad! | ||
Let's not buy the pig while it's still in the bag. | ▶️ | |
People always underestimate the engineers. | ▶️ | |
Some assembly required. | ▶️ | |
Ugh, leave this to an expert. | ▶️ | |
*chuckle* Working as intended... | ▶️ | |
You're making a chicken out of a feather! | ▶️ | |
50 ![]() |
Haha! There's more where that came from. | |
There's no prize for coming in second! | ||
50 ![]() |
I smell trouble brewing. | |
*chuckles* If you build it... they will die. | ||
It's not a costume! | ||
Mind the beard. | ||
The viking sought a dragon. But a dragon found him first. | ||
50 ![]() |
Give me a warm fire and a book on thermodynamic alloys. | |
Haha, expert craftsmanship! | ||
Made to order! | ||
50 ![]() |
Everyone, get in here! | |
Too hot for you? | ||
50 ![]() |
Bingo! | |
Just start hammering. | ||
*scoff* Poor craftsman blame their tools. | ||
50 ![]() |
Hear me, baby? Hold together. | |
How riveting. | ||
Trust me. | ||
Now, why didn't I think of that? | ||
*laughs* You should try my meatballs. | ||
My beard is older than you are. | ▶️ | |
Someone call for the repairman? | ▶️ | |
Pumpkin spice... latte!? Tell me that isn't real. | ▶️ | |
You won't sink my battleship! | ▶️ | |
Feel the fury of the mountain. | ▶️ | |
Challenge Reward |
Stop rocking the boat! | |
"The Kids Are Alright" Challenge Reward |
Sometimes you just have to do it yourself. | ▶️ |
Interactions[ | ]
Hero | Quote | Audio |
On Esperança |
▶️ | |
Multi-Interactions[ | ]
Hero | Quote | Audio |
▶️ | |
▶️ | |
▶️ |
Skin-Specific[ | ]
Skin | Trigger | Quote | Audio |
*laugh* Run a shot across the bow! | ▶️ | ||
Ahoy, matey! | ▶️ | ||
Shiver me timbers! | ▶️ | ||
Merry molten core! (self and hostile) | ▶️ | ||
*laugh* I'm jolly ol' St. Torbjörn. | ▶️ | ||
Santa Torbjörn is here. | ▶️ | ||
Repairing |
(grumble) I need some elves for this! | ▶️ | |
Took wun huk. Brees'tin gree! | ▶️ | ||
Placed |
Launching turret! | ▶️ | |
Time to burn up some stars! | ▶️ | ||
That Dorioux told me their hypertrinometer would hold together, but no! 300 light years later - busted already! | ▶️ | ||
If one more laser brain complains about fur in their starship hood, I'll punt them into the sonosphere! | ▶️ | ||
Mo'weefo du spreegeenu! | ▶️ | ||
Ow! They singed my flingle-dingles! | ▶️ | ||
Shoo gree'nurah jaboobee heeri nee! | ▶️ | ||
This is nothing compared to when the exoperator blew up! | ▶️ | ||
Try to put me out the airlock? Ha! | ▶️ | ||
Ah! Free parts! | ▶️ | ||
Bah! That starship wasn't meant to fly. | ▶️ | ||
Foo'reestu hee miwaroo! | ▶️ | ||
Ha! Take that, you teek-teek-wu'ree! | ▶️ | ||
Looks like you've been decommissioned! | ▶️ | ||
That's for increasing taxation on turbodrive parts! | ▶️ | ||
That's why you don't put all your tendrils in one garbutrex! | ▶️ | ||
Gor'ibblo! Stop fooling around! (eliminating Extraterrestrial Winston) | ▶️ | ||
Shove that up your exhaust pipe! (eliminating Wrecking Ball [?]) | ▶️ | ||
Calibrated to the billionth planck length! | ▶️ | ||
Psh! I wrote the manual for your gravity compensators. (eliminating unknown hero) | ▶️ |
Map-Specific[ | ]
Map | Quote | Audio |
There better be no penguins on this base. (match start) | ▶️ | |
That damn tower... I don't care if tourists like it, it's falling over and needs to be fixed! | ▶️ | |
I can't believe I fell for all that anti-omnic claptrap. | ▶️ | |
All these skyscrapers just hurt my neck. | ▶️ | |
Broken safety compliances everywhere! | ▶️ | |
City of Lights? I prefer the northern lights. | ▶️ | |
New York's Chief Engineering Advisor has returned! | ▶️ | |
Now this is what proper engineering does for a city! | ▶️ | |
I'm a little... embarrassed of some things I said here. But I'm doing my best to learn. | ▶️ | |
Now this is a city that understands engineering. And that child genius, whew! A future Ironclad, no doubt. | ▶️ |
Event-Specific[ | ]
Event | Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Ahem. La-va! (self and hostile) | ▶️ | ||
The floor is lava! (allies) | ▶️ | ||
I'm re-Bjorn! |
Emotes[ | ]
Emote | Quote | Audio |
Back to work. | ▶️ | |
Champion! Azeroth calls for aid. | ▶️ | |
Feel the fury of the mountain! | ▶️ | |
Fight for our world. | ▶️ | |
My magma's fixing to boil! | ▶️ | |
Our world needs us, champion. | ▶️ | |
The wounds, champion! | ▶️ | |
These stones have tales to tell. | ▶️ |
Non-Languages[ | ]
Hero | Quote | Audio |
Critical Health | (gasps) | ▶️ |
Death | (dying sounds) | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Death (Big impact) | (screams) | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Death (Enviromental killed) | (prolonged screaming) | ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ |
Death (Crushed) | (crushed sounds) | ▶️ ▶️ |
Datamined[ | ]
Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.
Trigger | Quote | Audio |
Got it. | ▶️ | |
There we go. | ▶️ | |
Head to the objective, everyone! | ▶️ | |
I'd lead the way, but I do have the shortest legs. | ▶️ | |
If we get there soon, we might have time for a snack. | ▶️ | |
If you make it to the waypoint, I've got a juice box with your name on it. | ▶️ | |
Keep moving. It isn't far! | ▶️ | |
Come to the objective! | ▶️ | |
Hurry! Over here! | ▶️ | |
Make like a moose and run to my location! At up to an impressive top speed of 55 kilometers per hour... | ▶️ | |
Stop lollygagging and get over here! | ▶️ | |
Bastion! Over here! (to Bastion) | ▶️ | |
Come on, Sparkplug! (to Brigitte) | ▶️ | |
Wilhelm! Get over here! (to Reinhardt) | ▶️ | |
Come on! | ▶️ | |
Hurry up! | ▶️ | |
Hm. I wonder if there's something I should be doing. | ▶️ | |
What are we waiting for? | ▶️ | |
Got it. | ▶️ | |
Got one. | ▶️ | |
I picked up a little something special. | ▶️ | |
Package secured. | ▶️ | |
Secured. | ▶️ | |
That's an interesting one. | ▶️ | |
Ah, I dropped it! | ||
It just fell through my fingers. | ▶️ | |
Break through so we can proceed! | ▶️ | |
Smash through that obstacle! | ▶️ | |
We'll have to force our way through. | ▶️ |
Trivia[ | ]
[ | ]
Heroes |
| ||||||||||
Other |