Make some turrets! Ahahahaha! Usually they say 'make some noise' so, that was a, joke.
Watch me shake my claw! Hahaha! I'm not a dwarf but I'll give you more! Solid down to my Molten Core!
Skin-Specific[ | ]
Blackbeard or Barbarossa
(Final Blow) Shiver me timbers!
(Hello) Ahoy, matey!
Hahahahaha! Ran a shot across the bow!
(Molten Core) Merry Molten Core!
(Hero Change) Santa Torbjörn is here!
(Repairing turret) I need some elves for this!
Datamined[ | ]
Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.
Please move quotes that do exist in game to their appropriate sections above.
(To Mercy) Angela, you should know that no one could stop Brigitte from doing something she had her mind set on. She is a Lindholm after all.
Output levels maximised!
Everything is awesome!
Trivia[ | ]
Several of Torbjörn's voice lines are idiomatic expressions used in Sweden (although translated to English). They generally hint at that you should always be prepared before doing something. They are:
Voice Line
You're making a chicken out of a feather.
Du gör en höna av en fjäder.
You're making things look much worse than they really are.
Don't get caught with your beard in the letter box.
Fastna inte med skägget i brevlådan.
Don't get caught (red handed/unprepared/unaware).
Let's not buy the pig while it's still in the bag.
Köp inte grisen i säcken.
Don't pay for something unless you can be sure you know what you will receive.
They're like a cat walking around hot porridge!
De är som en katt som går runt het gröt!
Taken from the Swedish idiom "Gå som katten kring het gröt – To walk like a cat around hot porridge." Trying to avoid talking about an embarrassing or difficult topic.
The second to last is based on a supposed situation from which the phrase 'let the cat out of the bag' came, in which people would purchase a 'pig' kept in a sack, which would turn out to instead be a cat.
The Halloween exclusive voice line "If you build it... they will die." is a possible reference to Engineer's achievement of the same name in Team Fortress 2. Both reference the line "If you build it, they will come" from the 1989 film "Field of Dreams."
"I'm giving it all I've got!" may be a reference to Scotty's catchphrase "I'm giving it all she's got!" from the original Star Trek series, as both Torbjörn and Scotty are engineers and are typically clad in red.
"You hear me baby? Hold together." is in reference to a line from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope. Han Solo says it as the Millennium Falcon is being pursued and fired upon by TIE fighters as the main characters escape the Death Star.
The voice line "Everyone get in here" is reference to the Hearthstone card Grim Patron
The voice line "Everything is awesome" references the theme song of The Lego Movie (2014)
The voice line "power overwhelming" references the archon unit from StarCraft.