Ultimate abilities are special abilities that must be charged before using. Progress is shown on the ultimate meter.
Ultimate charge[ | ]
Ultimate charge is measured in points. Heroes start each round with no ultimate charge, and passively start gaining 5 ultimate charge points per second once the doors open, except for Escort/Hybrid, which only starts gaining ultimate charge points after the attacking team’s door opens. Additionally, charge can be gained through combat, with the amount of points gained equal to the amount of damage dealt to enemy heroes or healing dealt to yourself and your allied heroes. Heroes stop gaining charge when they reach their ultimate cost, meaning that it is not possible to "bank" ultimate charge towards the next ultimate when their ultimate is available.
When the ultimate ability is used, all charge is consumed immediately upon the press of the button. This means that the ultimate will never be refunded if its cast was interrupted, such as by receiving crowd control, or the hero was eliminated.
Limitations and exceptions[ | ]
There are few limitations to gaining charge:
- Heroes cannot gain ultimate charge while their ultimates are active.
- Damage or healing from ultimate abilities does not give any charge.
- Dealing self-damage or healing HP lost by self-damage does not give any charge.
- Damage done to overhealth gives only half the amount of damage dealt as charge.
- Damage or healing dealt to tanks only gives 40% less charge, due to the tank role passive.
- If a player switches heroes, the amount of ultimate charge points is carried over, up to 15% of the new hero's ultimate cost.
There are also some hero- and ability-specific exceptions to these rules.
- Hanzo, Torbjörn, Tracer, and Wrecking Ball can start gaining ultimate charge right after casting their ultimate, however, the damage dealt by their ultimates still doesn't generate any charge.
- Echo can also gain ultimate charge while using her ultimate, but to charge the ultimate of the hero she is duplicating, not
Duplicate itself.
- Additionally, during Duplicate, the amount of charge she gains from all sources is multiplied by 5.5.
- Mauga does not gain ultimate charge from
Cardiac Overdrive lifesteal.
- Mercy also gains charge equal to the damage she amplified against enemy players.
- Mercy does not gain any charge if she damage boosts an attack that cannot be boosted.
- damaging or healing
B.O.B. does not grant ultimate charge, but amplifying his damage with Mercy does grant Mercy ultimate charge.
- Reaper does not gain any charge from his passive,
The Reaping.
- Heroes do not gain any charge from the global self-healing passive.
- Sombra does not gain any charge from hacked Health Packs, despite the healing being credited to her.
Ultimate cost[ | ]
Each ultimate has a cost that describes how many charge points must be generated before the ultimate can be used. Ultimates have varying costs, however, higher costs do not equal longer charge times when ultimate generation from combat is accounted for. For example, Coalescence is considered a fast-charging ultimate despite its high cost due to Moira's high healing and damaging capabilities allowing her to quickly build up ultimate charge. To judge how fast an ultimate charges, the hero's entire kit must be considered.
Ultimate meter[ | ]

The Ultimate Meter in Overwatch.
The ultimate meter is a user interface element which displays the ultimate ability progress the player has achieved as a percentage. It is found at the bottom center of the in-game display. At 0-99%, the Ultimate Meter displays the current progress towards the ultimate. Once 100% is reached, the Ultimate Meter transforms into the hero's Ultimate ability icon.
By communicating "Ultimate Status", the hero will announce to their team the current charge of their Ultimate, with different text and voice lines depending on how much charge the Ultimate currently has:
- Between 0% and 89%: "My Ultimate is charging!"
- Between 90% and 99%: "My Ultimate is almost ready!"
- At 100%: "My Ultimate is ready!"
List of ultimate abilities[ | ]
Hero | Ultimate ability | Description | Cost | Max charge time | Audio cue |
![]() Ana |
Nano Boost | Increases an ally's damage, while reducing damage taken. | 2300 points | 07 minutes 40 seconds | "You're powered up! Get in there!" (self and target) "You're powered up! Destroy them!" (self and target in A-7000 Wargod skin) "Nano boost administered!" (friendly) "Warīhum quwitak!" (male) (hostile)
Arabic: !وريهم قوتَك English: "Show them your strength!" "Warīhum quwitik!" (female) (hostile)
Arabic: !وريهم قوتِك English: Show them your strength! |
![]() Ashe |
B.O.B. | Deploy Bob. He charges forward and knocks enemies into the air, then attacks with his arm cannons. | 2450 points | 08 minutes 10 seconds | "B.O.B.! Do something!" (self and hostile)
"Get in there, B.O.B." (friendly) "Get in there, Beelzebob." (friendly in Warlock skin) "Destroy them, B.O.B." (friendly in Calamity Empress skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Baptiste |
Amplification Matrix | Project a matrix that doubles the damage and healing of allied projectiles. | 2550 points | 08 minutes 30 seconds | "Light them up!" (self and friendly)
"Vide bal sou yo!" (hostile)
English: "Rain bullets on them!" |
![]() Bastion |
Configuration: Artillery | Become immobile and fire up to three powerful artillery shells. | 2200 points | 07 minutes 20 seconds | Ride of the Valkyries Fanfare (self, friendly and hostile only) |
![]() Brigitte |
Rally | Gain armor, empower Barrier Shield and provide extra health to nearby allies. | 2700 points | 09 minutes 00 seconds | "Rally to me!" (self and friendly)
"Alla till mig!" (hostile)
English: "Everyone to me!" |
![]() Cassidy |
Deadeye | Face off against your enemies. Press Q to lock on, then Q or ![]() |
1800 points | 06 minutes 00 seconds | "It's high noon!" (self and hostile) "Step right up." (friendly) "It's high tide!" (self and hostile with Lifeguard skin) ▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() D.Va |
Self-destruct | Eject and overload your mech, causing it to explode after a short time. | 1700 points | 05 minutes 40 seconds | "Nerf this!" (self and hostile) "Activating self-destruct sequence." (friendly) |
Call Mech | Call down a new mech. | 280 points | 00 minutes 56 seconds | "Booting up!" "C'mere, Tokki!" "Calling in the big guns" "Initializing systems" "New mech, new me" "Kkangchong, kkangchong!"
Hangul: 깡총, 깡총! English: Hop, hop! | |
![]() Doomfist |
Meteor Strike | Press Q to leap up into the air. Move the targeting circle, then press ![]() |
1975 points | 06 minutes 35 seconds | "Meteor Strike!" (self and hostile) |
![]() Echo |
Duplicate | Become a copy of the targeted enemy hero. They cannot swap heroes for the duration. | 1850 points | 06 minutes 10 seconds | "Adaptive circuits engaged: [Hero Name]." (self and hostile)
"Duplicating: [Hero Name]." (friendly) |
![]() Genji |
Dragonblade | Unsheathe a deadly melee weapon. | 2125 points | 07 minutes 05 seconds | "Ryūjin no ken o kurae!" (self and hostile) "The dragon becomes me!" (friendly)
Kanji: 竜神の剣を喰らえ! English: Taste the dragon's blade! "Oni no ken o kurae!" (self and hostile with Oni skin) "The demon becomes me!" (friendly with Oni skin) "Byakko no ken o kurae!" (self and hostile with Baihu skin) "The White Tiger becomes me!" (friendly with Baihu skin) "The light becomes me!" (friendly with Cyber Demon skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Hanzo |
Dragonstrike | Launch a deadly Dragon Spirit that devastates enemies it passes through. | 1850 points | 06 minutes 10 seconds | "Ryū ga waga teki wo kurau!" (self and hostile)
"Let the dragon consume you!" (friendly) Kanji: 竜が我が敵を喰らう! English: The dragon consumes my enemies! "Ōkami yo, waga teki wo kurae!" (self and hostile with Lone Wolf/Okami skin)
Kanji: 狼よ、我が敵を喰らえ! English: Come, wolf! Devour my enemies! "The wolf hunts for its prey!" (friendly with Lone Wolf/Okami skin) "Let vengeance consume you!" (friendly with Onryo skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Hazard |
Downpour | Rain down a torrent of spikes, Immobilizing enemies. | 2150 points | 07 minutes 10 seconds | "Tear it down!" (self and hostile) "Bringing the rain! " (friendly) |
![]() Illari |
Captive Sun | Fire an explosive ball of solar energy. Enemies hit are slowed and explode after taking significant damage. | 2975 points | 09 minutes 55 seconds | "Face the sunrise!" (self and friendly) "Inti Iluqsimun!" (hostile)!
English: The sun rises! |
![]() Junker Queen |
Rampage | Charge foward. Wounds enemies, dealing damage over time and preventing them from being healed. | 2700 points | 09 minutes 00 seconds | "Time for the reckoning!" (self and hostile) "Let's take'em to the wasteland!" (friendly) "Let's take'em to the gallows!" (friendly with Executioner skin) "Let's take'em to the underworld!" (friendly with Zeus skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Junkrat |
RIP-Tire | Drive and detonate an exploding tire. | 2100 points | 07 minutes 00 seconds | "Fire in the hole!" (self and hostile) "Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!" (friendly) "Get ready for a shock!" (self and hostile with Dr. Junkenstein skin) "Ladies and gentlemen, my latest creation!" (friendly with Dr. Junkenstein skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Juno |
Orbital Ray | Call down a ray that travels forward, healing allies and increasing their damage. | 2850 points | 09 minutes 30 seconds | "Welcome to orbit!" (self and friendly) "Locking satellite vector!" (hostile) |
![]() Kiriko |
Kitsune Rush | Summon a fox spirit that rushes forward, accelerating the movement, attack speed, and cooldowns of allies that follow its path. | 2525 points | 08 minutes 25 seconds | "Let the Kitsune guide you!" (self and friendly) "Kitsune no kagidzume o tokihanate!" (hostile)
Kanji: 狐の鉤爪を解き放て! English: Unleash the Kitsune's claws! |
![]() Lifeweaver |
Tree of Life | Place a tree that instantly heals allies upon sprouting and continues healing periodically as it lives. | 2200 points | 07 minutes 20 seconds | "Life protects life!" (self and friendly) "Chīwit pkp̂xng chīwit!" (hostile)
Thai: ชีวิตปกป้องชีวิต! English: Life Protects Life! |
![]() Lúcio |
Sound Barrier | Create temporary extra health for nearby allies. | 2650 points | 08 minutes 50 seconds | "Oh, let's break it down!" (self and friendly) "Vamos esculachar!" (hostile)
English: Let's beat em up! |
![]() Mauga |
Cage Fight | Deploy a barrier that traps yourself and enemies. Automatically reloads Mauga's Chainguns at the start of the ultimate. | 2650 points | 08 minutes 50 seconds | "Se se'i koikiiki!" (self and hostile)
English: Come on, stay a while longer! |
![]() Mei |
Blizzard | Launch a weather control drone that freezes enemies in a wide area. | 1925 points | 06 minutes 25 seconds | "Dòng zhù! Bùxǔ zǒu!" (self and hostile)
Hanzi: 冻住!不许走! English: Freeze! Don't move! |
![]() Mercy |
Valkyrie | Gain the ability to fly. Abilities are enhanced. | 2000 points | 06 minutes 40 seconds | "Heroes Never die!" (self and friendly)
"Helden sterben nicht!" (hostile)
English: Heroes never die! "My servants never die!" (self and friendly with Witch skin) "Til Valhalla!" (self and friendly with Sigrún/Valkyrie skin) "Heroes never die... for a price!" (self and friendly with Imp/Devil skin) "Onwards to victory!" (self and friendly with Winged Victory skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Moira |
Coalescence | Fire a beam that heals allies and damages enemies. | 2900 points | 09 minutes 40 seconds | "Surrender to my will!" (self and friendly)
"Géill do mo thoil!" (hostile)
English: Surrender to my will! |
![]() Orisa |
Terra Surge | Sweep in enemies and anchor down, gaining the effects of Fortify and charging up a surge of damage. Use Primary Fire to unleash the surge early. | 2150 points | 07 minutes 10 seconds | Pade ayanmọ rẹ (self and hostile) (self and hostile)English: Meet your fate! "Meet your fate!" (friendly) "Stalk your prey!" (friendly with Grand Beast skin) |
![]() Pharah |
Barrage | Launch a continuous volley of mini-rockets. | 2200 points | 07 minutes 20 seconds | "Justice rains from above!" (self and hostile) "Rocket barrage incoming!" (friendly) "Prophet's barrage incoming!" (friendly with Inarius skin) ▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Ramattra |
Annihilation | Enter Nemesis Form and create a deadly swarm that lashes out at nearby enemies, persisting longer when damaging enemies. | 2300 points | 07 minutes 40 seconds | "Suffer as I have." (self and hostile) "Rip them to pieces"(friendly) |
![]() Reaper |
Death Blossom | Damage all nearby enemies. | 1870 points | 06 minutes 14 seconds | "Die! Die! Die!" (self and hostile) "Clearing the area." (friendly) "Claiming the dead." (friendly with Anubis skin) |
![]() Reinhardt |
Earthshatter | Knock down all enemies in front of you. | 1800 points | 06 minutes 00 seconds | "Hammer down!" (self and hostile only)
"Touchdown!" (self and hostile only with Gridironhardt skin) "Detroit Smash!" (self only with All Might skin) "Texas Smash!" (self only with All Might skin) "For the Crusaders!" (friendly only) "or the Asgardians!" (friendly only with Thor skin) |
![]() Roadhog |
Whole Hog | Damage and knock back enemies in front of you. | 3050 points | 10 minutes 10 seconds | (Mad laughter and coughing)(hostile) "Unloading scrap." (friendly) |
![]() Sigma |
Gravitic Flux | Manipulate gravity to lift enemies into the air and slam them back down. | 2300 points | 07 minutes 40 seconds | "Het universum zingt voor mij!" (self and hostile) English: The universe sings for me! "What is that melody?" (friendly) "What is that syzygy?" (friendly only with Galactic Emperor) ▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Sojourn |
Overclock | Railgun energy auto-charges for a short duration. | 2300 points | 07 minutes 40 seconds | "This ends now!" (self and hostile) "It's go time." (friendly) "It's gum-shoe time" (friendly with Cyber Detective skin) ▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Soldier: 76 |
Tactical Visor | Automatically aims your weapon at targets in view. | 2750 points | 09 minutes 10 seconds | "I've got you in my sights!" (self and hostile) "Tactical Visor activated." (friendly) "Tactical Sunglasses activated!" (friendly with Grillmaster: 76 skin) "Tactical goggles activated!" (friendly with Alpine: 76 skin ▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Sombra |
EMP | Deal damage to all nearby enemies based on their current health, hacking them and destroying barriers around you. | 1850 points | 06 minutes 10 seconds | "Apagando las luces!" (self and hostile)
English: Turning off the lights! "La oscuridad te espera!" (self and hostile with Demon Hunter skin)
English: The darkness awaits you! |
![]() Symmetra |
Photon Barrier | Deploy a massive energy barrier. | 2025 points | 06 minutes 45 seconds | "Yahi param vaastavikata hai!" (self and hostile)
Hindi: यही परम वास्तविकता है! English: This is the ultimate reality! |
![]() Torbjörn |
Molten Core | Create pools of molten slag that damage enemies. Deals additional damage to armor. | 2350 points | 07 minutes 50 seconds | "Molten core!" (self and hostile only) "Molten floor!" (self and hostile only with rare) "Setting out the welcome mat!" (friendly) "Merry molten core!" (self and hostile with Santaclad skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Tracer |
Pulse Bomb | Throw out a powerful sticky explosive. | 1375 points | 04 minutes 35 seconds | "Bomb's ticking!"
"Catch!" "Here goes nothing!" "Present for ya!" "Special delivery!" (chuckles) "Thought of you!" "Time to drop the bomb!" "Winging it!" "Gotcha something!" (with Jingle skin) "That's some coal for your stocking." (with Jingle skin) "Courier's here!" (with Adventurer skin) "Letter for ya!" (with Adventurer skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
![]() Venture |
Tectonic Shock | Send out damaging shockwaves. | 2125 points | 07 minutes 05 seconds | "Excavation initiation!" (self and hostile) "Plotting out the dig site!" (friendly) |
![]() Widowmaker |
Infra-Sight | Provide your team with a view of the enemy's location. | 1550 points | 05 minutes 10 seconds | "No one can hide from my sight..." (self and friendly) "Personne n'échappe à mon regard." (hostile) "No one can hide from the Huntress." (self and friendly with Huntress/Comtesse skin) "Evil can't hide from my sight... " (self and friendly with Captain Lacroix skin) "No one can resist my spell... " (self and friendly with Spellbinder skin)
English: No one escapes my sights. |
![]() Winston |
Primal Rage | Gain immense health, but you can only leap and punch enemies. | 2300 points | 07 minutes 40 seconds | "roar" |
![]() Wrecking Ball |
Minefield | Deploy a massive field of proximity mines. | 1850 points | 06 minutes 10 seconds | "Area denied." (self and hostile) "Minefield deployed." (friendly) |
![]() Zarya |
Graviton Surge | Launch a gravity well that pulls enemies to it. | 2500 points | 08 minutes 20 seconds | "Ogon’ po gotovnosti!" (self and hostile)
Cyrillic: Огонь по готовности! English: Fire when ready! |
![]() Zenyatta |
Transcendence | Become invulnerable, move faster, and heal nearby allies. | 2300 points | 07 minutes 40 seconds | "Experience tranquility." (self and friendly) "Pass into the Iris!" (hostile) "Experience festivity!" (self and friendly with Nutcracker skin) "Experience nothingness." (self and friendly with Cultist skin) "Pass into the unknown." (hostile with Cultist skin) ▶️▶️▶️▶️▶️ |
Trivia[ | ]
- Passive ultimate generation originally did not exist and was implemented in the February 9th, 2016, beta update to replace ultimate generation from damage taken.
- Ultimate costs were increased by 25% in patch 1.5, then again by 12% in patch 1.39, and again by 10% in Season 9 of Overwatch 2.
- In Snowball Deathmatch, Mei gains 125 ultimate charge for catching snowballs thrown at her.
Playlists | |
Maps | |
Heroes | Ability • Health, Armor & Shields • Melee • Movement speed • Passive ability • Roles • Ultimate ability • Weapon |
Mechanics | Channeled • Damage modification • Environmental kill • Critical hit • Healing • Health pack • Objects (Barrier) • Overtime • Projectile • Respawn • Spawn Room • Status effect • Transformation |
Systems & Content | Achievements • Avoid as Teammate • Battle Pass • Challenges • Cosmetics • Elimination Feed • Endorsements • Events • Matchmaking • On Fire • Penalties • Ping • Play of the Game • Player Progression • Quick Play: Hacked • Scoreboard • Tips • Workshop |
Other |