Overwatch Wiki
Overwatch Wiki

Venture's voice actor is Valeria Rodriguez, speaking English and Spanish.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Coming through! ▶️
Gotcha! ▶️
Hiya! ▶️
Surprise! ▶️
Upsy-daisy! ▶️
Tectonic Shock
Excavation initiation! (self and hostile) ▶️
Plotting out the dig site! (allies) ▶️

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Let's make history! ▶️
During Set-Up
Argh! Let's go already! ▶️
Did I pack my...? Ah, I'm sure it's fine. ▶️
Goggles? On. Boots? On. Drill? Being... held. I'm ready to get into trouble! ▶️
Gear up, crew! Who knows what we'll find out there? ▶️
I can't wait to get out there! ▶️
Intrepid explorers, it's time to get to work! ▶️
The best archeologists get their noses out of books and into the dirt! ▶️
The world lost a lot of history during the Crisis. But I know we'll recover everything we can! ▶️
I've got my eye on you Talon bozos... touch anything, and you'll taste this drill! (with at least three Talon members on the team) ▶️
Whoa, ninjas! Are we doing like a stealth kinda thing? *whispers* I am all over it. (with at least two of the following heroes on the team: Genji, Hanzo or Kiriko) ▶️
Have fun flying, everyone! I'll be, uh... you know... in the ground. (with at least two flying-based heroes on team) ▶️
Match Start
C'mon, slowpokes! ▶️
Let's make it one to remember! ▶️
This is gonna be so much fun! ▶️
Venture forth! ▶️
¡Vamos, vamos!
English: Let's go, let's go!
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Let's do what we did last time, but... this time! ▶️
Winning already? But we just got here! ▶️
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Loss schmoss. This is totally winnable. ▶️
We can do this. I just know it! ▶️
Match Start
Final Round
Last chance. I believe in us! ▶️
Remember: "history is written by the victor"! ▶️
¡Demonios! That one hurt!
English: Damn it! That one hurt!
Back in action, baby! ▶️
*laugh* I am such a klutz! ▶️
I can't die. I've still got more stuff to see! ▶️
I'll keep that off the record. ▶️
If Joan of Arc didn't quit, I won't either! ▶️
Out of the crypt and into the quicksand... ▶️
Pick self up? Check! Dust self off? Uh... in progress. ▶️
That's a bump on the noggin for sure! ▶️
Uh... let's try that one more time. ▶️
Whew! I'm okay! ▶️
Hablarán de mi muerte a lo largo de la historia.
English: They will speak about my death throughout history.
*sniffles* Et tu, Brigitte? (eliminated by Brigitte)
English: You too, Brigitte?
Got a bit too close to the sun. (eliminated by Illari's Captive Sun) ▶️
Team Kill
Aw. I'm all by myself! ▶️
Just me in here? Awkward! ▶️
Quiet in here, huh? *whispers* Echooo. ▶️
Where's the rest of my crew? ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
*sigh* All better. ▶️
Good as new! ▶️
Patched up! ▶️
On Fire
I'm on fire! ▶️
Keepin' the heat on! ▶️
Phew! Getting sweaty over here! ▶️
Fully Healed
Good looking out! ▶️
Thanks! I thought I was a goner. ▶️
Whew! That really helps! ▶️
Damage Boosted
Aw, yeah! *laugh* Let's get 'em! ▶️
I'm raring to go! ▶️
Whoa! This stuff gives me the zoomies! ▶️
Negative Status Effect
Come on! ▶️
Dang it! ▶️
Shoot! ▶️
Aw, I wanted to be a mummy! ▶️
You missed me? Shucks. ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
They're back? Good grief! ▶️
They're back from the dead? Awesome! ▶️
Uh-oh. They brought one back! ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Venture here! ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Here comes trouble! ▶️
Let's get these bozos! ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
Careful, we're outnumbered! ▶️
One, two... uh, yeah, we're outnumbered! ▶️
We're outnumbered! Oh, just like Thermopylae! ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Sniper! Watch your head, gang! ▶️
Turret Sighted
Watch it--enemy turret ahead! ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you! ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Get to cover! ▶️
Take cover! ▶️
Come and get me! ▶️
Let's rock! ▶️
¡Esto va a estar de locos!
English: This is going to be crazy!
Time Running Out
Just a little longer! We got this! ▶️
Not long 'til we write this win in stone! ▶️
Not to jinx it, but I think we've got this made! ▶️
Time Running Out
I know "Rome wasn't built in a day", but we don't have that kind of time! ▶️
If we don't hurry, this might get ugly for us! ▶️
Time's almost up. Let's make a move! ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
On the objective! You with me? ▶️
Point's as good as ours! ▶️
Scouting out the point! ▶️
Capture in Progress
Trouble on the point! Clear it out! ▶️
Uh-oh. They're taking the point! ▶️
We can't let them take the objective! ▶️
Go into next point
Get to the next point! C'mon, c'mon! ▶️
I can't wait to see the next point! ▶️
Ring ring: the next point is calling! ▶️
Payload Moving
All aboard the payload! ▶️
On the payload. Let's roll! ▶️
Payload's on the move! You coming? ▶️
Payload Moving
Payload's moving--and it really shouldn't be! ▶️
They're moving the payload! ▶️
We have to stop the payload! ▶️
Payload Stuck
Are we forgetting something? ...Oh! The payload! ▶️
Hey, don't forget the payload! ▶️
Let's get the payload back on track! ▶️
Payload's waiting on us! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Come on, pal! We gotta move! ▶️
It's you and me, robot! ▶️
*laugh* This robot rules! ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Bad news: they took the robot! ▶️
Hey, that's our robot! ▶️
We need to get the robot back! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
C'mon, robot! Get shovin'! ▶️
Making steady progress! ▶️
Moving right along! ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
They're pushing their barricade! ▶️
Wait... their barricade shouldn't be moving! ▶️
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop that barricade! ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Almost there, just keep pushing! ▶️
The lead's almost ours! Keep at it! ▶️
We're so close! Just a little further! ▶️
Gained Lead
No one can out-push us! ▶️
We've hit uncharted territory, people! ▶️
Yes! Keep pushing! ▶️
About to Lose Lead
Aren't we trying to keep the lead? ▶️
If they push any further, we'll lose our lead! ▶️
Uh, I think they're catching up to us! ▶️
Lost Lead
*scoff* No way they just took the lead! ▶️
They pulled ahead! ¡Rayos!
English: They pulled ahead! Damn!
We can catch up! I know we can! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Last chance! Keep our robot safe! ▶️
This is it! Don't leave the robot behind! ▶️
We can do this! Stay with the robot! ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
Just stop them once, and we're golden! ▶️
Stop them and it's over! ▶️
Stop them and we've got our win! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Got the flag! ▶️
The flag's coming with me! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Hey! Get our flag back! ▶️
They took our flag! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Flag, delivered! *whispers* Yes! ▶️
Score one for us! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
*sigh* Can't save 'em all! ▶️
Well... we didn't need that flag anyway. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
I dropped the flag! ▶️
Oh no, I dropped our flag! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Oh! They dropped our flag! ▶️
They dropped the flag! Get it! ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
Got our flag back! ▶️
Let's get you back to base. ▶️

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
Bit the dust, huh? ▶️
Done and dusted! ▶️
Get mummified! ▶️
Gone. But not forgotten. ▶️
Let's see... "cause of death: me." ▶️
*yawn* Old news. ▶️
Rocked and rolled! ▶️
See you in a few thousand years! ▶️
Six feet under! ▶️
You're ancient history! ▶️
¡Oof, que mala suerte!
English: What bad luck!
No looting on my watch, Talon goons! (eliminating any Talon member) ▶️
¡Disculpa, amiga! (eliminating Illari or Sombra)
English: Excuse me, my friend!
Losers-weepers, you big bozo! (eliminating Mauga) ▶️
Maybe don't be such a jerk next time! (eliminating Mauga) ▶️
No hard feelings, Helix...? (eliminating Pharah) ▶️
*sigh* Guess chivalry is dead... (eliminating Reinhardt) ▶️
Sorry, Mr. Lindholm! (eliminating Torbjörn) ▶️
*sigh* Into the Iris, Tekhartha. (eliminating Zenyatta) ▶️
Final Blow
Dirt hurts. ▶️
I should watch where I'm going. ▶️
Lost and found! ▶️
Might wanna watch your step! ▶️
Oops! Didn't see you there! ▶️
Right under your nose! ▶️
*snorts* What were you doing down here? You can fly! (eliminating Echo, Mercy or Pharah who's on the ground) ▶️
Final Blow
Takin' names from strata to stratosphere! (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
Back to the tomb with you! (eliminating recently resurrected enemy) ▶️
Hang on, what time is it? (eliminating Cassidy using Deadeye) ▶️
Gosh, that sword is too cool! (eliminating Genji using Dragonblade) ▶️
*laughs* Who needs lidar? (unknown trigger; possibly Sombra using Stealth) ▶️
Kill Streak
Again, and again, and again! ▶️
I'm a whole terra-cotta army! ▶️
This'll go down in history! ▶️
Multi Kill
Lethal like a mummy's curse! ▶️
It looks like a necropolis in here! ▶️
Team Kill
No way that was all of them... right? ▶️
Now this is a team that can party! ▶️
Right back atcha. ▶️
Stop picking on me! ▶️
You had it coming... ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
Don't worry! I've got your back! ▶️
Got you covered! ▶️
Watching out for you! ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Eugh. This job can't always be glamorous... ▶️
Head-spinning? ▶️
Really drilled it in, huh? ▶️
Sorry to bore you! ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Good ol'-fashioned gravity! ▶️
People have survived higher falls! *pauses* Maybe. ▶️
Oof. That's not gonna be pretty! ▶️
¡Ahí nos vidrios!
English: Seeya later!
Turret Elimination
Turret's busted! ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
Hey, nice one! ▶️
Now that's what you love to see! ▶️
Talk about one for the ages! ▶️
Wow! I'm taking notes! ▶️
¡La estás rompiendo!
English: You're killing it!
A toast, to a knight of old! (to Reinhardt) ▶️
Lookin' good, Mr. Lindholm! (to Torbjörn) ▶️
Wow, you're almost too quick! (to Tracer) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Waiting to Open Door
Doors actually have a long and storied history of being opened. I'll tell you about it sometime. ▶️
I could dig my way out, but the door seems easier. ▶️
Is this a puzzle door?! No, it's just a normal one. ▶️
Let's bust open that door and get out there. ▶️
We can't wait all day! Well, I guess we could. Might get a little boring, though... ▶️
Opening Door
Open sesame! ▶️
We're on the move! ▶️
Slow Door Opening
Hold them off while we get this sorted! ▶️
Let's keep 'em clear 'til we can get moving! ▶️
We gotta hold here! Let's do it! ▶️
Need to Break Door
Bust through the doorway! ▶️
Clear the doorway—and fast!
We gotta break through! ▶️
Dropship Arriving
The dropship's here! Let's go! ▶️
There's the dropship. I call shotgun! ▶️
Waiting to Push Button
If we wait around any longer, I'm gonna start listing the Roman emperors to pass the time. ▶️
Should we be... I don't know, doing something? ▶️
Want me to get that? Or you? Or someone? ▶️
Assigned to Objective
Picking Up Item
Gotcha! ▶️
I got one! ▶️
I'll take good care of you! ▶️
I'll take this! ▶️
Dropped Item
I dropped it! Whoops. ▶️
Shoot, I dropped it! ▶️
Delivering Item
Good to go! ▶️
That takes care of that. ▶️
Turned in. ▶️
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Don't forget to turn that in. ▶️
Make sure you turn that in, okay? ▶️
Objective Found
I can't wait to get to the objective! ▶️
Let's reach that waypoint! ▶️
Race to the objective? Ready-set-go!
The waypoint's not gonna get to itself! Or... hm. ▶️
Calling Teammate to Objective
Get over here, slowpokes. ▶️
Hey! Over here! ▶️
This objective rules! Come check it out! ▶️
Enemy Reinforcements
Drop pods are, uh... dropping. ▶️
More drop pods! ▶️
Robots dropping in! ▶️
Uh oh! Drop pods! ▶️
Any Objective-Damaging Unit Inbound
They're getting close to the objective! ▶️
Trouble's headed for the objective! ▶️
Uh, they're getting a little close! ▶️
Breacher Inbound
Stop that Breacher! ▶️
That Breacher means business! ▶️
Slicers Inbound
Let's deal with those Slicers. ▶️
Slicers--lots of 'em. ▶️
Subjugator Inbound
Don't like where that Subjugator's headed. ▶️
Hey, keep that Subjugator back! ▶️
Subjugator getting close! ▶️
Any Objective Under Fire
Hey, watch the objective! ▶️
Objective's under fire. ▶️
The objective's under attack! ▶️
Cannon Under Fire
The cannon's taking damage! ▶️
They're hitting the cannon! ▶️
Ferry Under Fire
Protect that ferry. ▶️
Watch it. They're hitting the ferry. ▶️
Payload Under Fire
The payload's under attack! ▶️
Trouble on the payload! ▶️
Repair Station Under Fire
Keep the Repair Station safe! ▶️
Repair Station's in trouble! ▶️
Uplink Under Fire
Clear them off the uplink! ▶️
They're hitting the uplink! ▶️
Any Objective on Critical HP
Ouch... objective's seen better days. ▶️
The objective can't take much more! ▶️
The objective's in big trouble! ▶️
Cannon on Critical HP
That cannon won't last much longer! ▶️
This cannon's gonna be a can-off if we aren't careful! ▶️
Ferry on Critical HP
That ferry has a lot of holes... ▶️
This ferry won't sink on my watch! ▶️
Payload on Critical HP
Hang in there, payload! We're almost home! ▶️
Keep the payload safe, no matter what! ▶️
Repair Station on Critical HP
Careful! No Repair Station means no robot. ▶️
The Repair Station's almost trashed! ▶️
Uplink on Critical HP
Protect the uplink, or we're in big trouble! ▶️
The uplink's almost done for! ▶️
Go, go, go!
Move it! ▶️
Run! ▶️
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery barrage headed our way. ▶️
Artillery barrage! Watch out! ▶️
Artillery Eliminated
Adios, Artillery. ▶️
There--no more Artillery. ▶️
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger! Move it! ▶️
It's charging! Move! ▶️
Out of the way! Go, go! ▶️
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Ah, I'm sure it didn't need those legs. ▶️
No legs allowed, bozo! ▶️
Charger Eliminated
Catch you later, Charger! ▶️
Charger's no more. ▶️
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Fliers! Heads up! ▶️
Knock those fliers down! ▶️
Stalker Comes into Battle
I smell a Stalker. ▶️
Stalker. Keep your eyes peeled. ▶️
Grabbed by Stalker
Hey! Let go of me! ▶️
It's got me! Help! ▶️
Let me out, let me out, let me out! ▶️
Oh, this isn't looking good...! ▶️
Stalker Eliminated
So long, Stalker. ▶️
Stalker down. Phew. ▶️
Subjugator Eliminated
Seeya, Subjugator. ▶️
Subjugator's down. ▶️
Fliers Incoming
Fliers! Heads up. ▶️
Knock those Fliers down. ▶️
Vulture Comes into Battle
Vulture? That's never good news. ▶️
Watch out for that Vulture! ▶️
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Get out of there!
Vulture Eliminated
Down goes the Vulture! ▶️
Vulture vanquished. ▶️
Titan Immune to Damage
I think we'll need a bigger drill to pierce the Titan's armor. ▶️
That Titan's tough! Anybody have Zeus's number? ▶️
We'll need something big to take out that Titan... ▶️
Massive Attack Incoming
Get ready. They're mounting up for something big! ▶️
This is gonna be the biggest attack yet! ▶️
Missiles Incoming
It's shooting missiles! ▶️
Missiles! Watch it! ▶️
Oh, no! Missiles! ▶️
Relay Found
Relay Destroyed
Could someone please pick me up? ▶️
I could use a hand! ▶️
I might need a little help. ▶️
Little help? Anyone? ▶️
Teammate Downed
Oh, no. We have one down. ▶️
Someone's down. Be careful. ▶️
Teammate down. Hang in there. ▶️
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Can someone give them a hand? ▶️
Hey, let's help our teammate out. ▶️
Quick, revive our teammate! ▶️
Last Team Member Standing
Reviving Teammate
C'mon! We're in this together. ▶️
Up and at 'em, friendo. ▶️
What are you lying around for? Let's go! ▶️
Get up, Ana! You still need to show me that necropolis you found. (reviving Ana) ▶️
Promise to be nicer if I help you out? (reviving Mauga or Moira) ▶️
See? A helping hand's better than sticky fingers... (reviving Mauga or Moira) ▶️
I've got you, Mr. Lindholm. (reviving Torbjörn) ▶️
Teammate Killed

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Hey there! ▶️
Heyo! ▶️
Hi! ▶️
Hiya! ▶️
Howdy hey! ▶️
¿Qué onda?
English: What's good?
Aw, thanks! ▶️
Thank you! ▶️
You're the best! ▶️
¡Muchísimas gracias!
English: Thanks a lot!
Gotcha. ▶️
Sure thing! ▶️
Way ahead of you! ▶️
You bet. ▶️
Need Healing
Healing, please! ▶️
I need healing! ▶️
Need Healing
No Healers in Team
I think we need a healer. ▶️
There's no healer around. ▶️
Group Up
Group up! ▶️
Let's group up! ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate's charging! ▶️
Tectonic Shock's still spinning up! ▶️
Ultimate's charging! ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is almost ready! ▶️
Tectonic Shock is almost ready! ▶️
Ultimate Status
My ultimate is ready! ▶️
Tectonic Shock is ready to rock! ▶️
Ultimate's ready! ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
Tectonic Shock's ready when you are! ▶️
Ultimate's ready! You know the drill. ▶️
Attack with me! ▶️
On the attack. ▶️
3... 2... 1. ▶️
In 3... 2... 1. ▶️
Defend with me. ▶️
I'm on defense. ▶️
Ping in World
Heads up! ▶️
Keep your eyes peeled! ▶️
Watch here! ▶️
Watch out! ▶️
Locked on Opponent
Enemy here! ▶️
Hey, I see one! ▶️
I spy a baddie! ▶️
There's one! ▶️
Fall Back
Fall back! ▶️
Go! ▶️
Going In
Going in. ▶️
Bye! ▶️
Later, gator! ▶️
See ya! ▶️
¡Nos vemos!
English: See you later!
Incoming! ▶️
Need Help
Help me out! ▶️
I need help! ▶️
Nope! ▶️
Nuh-uh. ▶️
Uh... no. ▶️
On My Way
Be there soon. ▶️
On my way. ▶️
In World
Over here! ▶️
Over there! ▶️
Attack Objective
Attack the objective! ▶️
Defend Objective
Protect the objective! ▶️
Push Payload
Move the payload! ▶️
Push the payload! ▶️
Stop Payload
Stop that payload! ▶️
Push Robot
Move the robot! ▶️
Push that robot! ▶️
Stop Robot
Stop the robot! ▶️
Stop their push! ▶️
Capture Flag
Get that flag! ▶️
Defend Flag
Defend our flag. ▶️
Stolen Flag
Get our flag back! ▶️
Press the Attack
Press the attack. ▶️
Push Forward
Push forward. ▶️
I'm ready! ▶️
Ready! ▶️
Ooh, sorry! ▶️
That's on me! ▶️
Whoops! Sorry. ▶️
Watching Here
Got this covered. ▶️
On the lookout. ▶️
Watching this spot. ▶️
With You
I'm with you. ▶️
Uh-huh! ▶️
Yeah. ▶️
Yup! ▶️
You're Welcome
Anytime. ▶️
No problemo! ▶️

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
I can dig that! ▶️
Credits 100
History doesn't repeat... it rhymes! ▶️
I'm sorta making this up as I go. ▶️
If it ain't baroque, don't fix it! ▶️
*whistles* Lucky find! ▶️
Neato! ▶️
Ooh, what's that over there? ▶️
*lips-smacking* Tastes like... dirt. ▶️
"X" marks the spot! ▶️
¡Abran cancha!
English: Make way!
Hablando de Roma...
Literal: Speaking of Rome...
English: Speak of the devil...
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 10
This stinks! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 11
Just how retro are we talking? ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 12
I'd gladly share a tomb with you! ▶️
Battle Pass Battle Pass
Season 14
Last one to the dig site's a rotten Jötunn! ▶️
Shop Shop
Overwatch2 Coin 100
Nice try, twinkle toes! ▶️
Avatar: The Last Airbender
'Earth Kingdom Soldier' Challenge
Yeah! Let's break some rules! ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Ana: I happened upon some artifacts in an old necropolis. Would you care to look after them?
  • Venture: Would I?!
  • Ana: I should warn you, they might be cursed...
  • Venture: Ah! Even better!


(only with Ana wearing Bastet or Spiritwarder skin)
  • Venture: That's... a mask of Bastet! Judging by the brushwork, I'd guess it's over 3000 years old... and you're wearing it into battle?
  • Ana: Is there a problem?
  • Venture: Ana... I am so jealous.


  • Venture: Hey, what's the name of that omnic who's always with you?
  • Ashe: Oh, that big hunk of metal? Name's B.O.B.
  • Venture: Huh! How good is he at carrying priceless artifacts?
  • Ashe: The very best. But I'm afraid he's spoken for.


  • Venture: No way... you're Echo! Like, Mina Liao's Echo! Oh, I have so many questions for you!
  • Echo: I... suppose I could answer them.
  • Venture: Awesome! I don't even know where to start, uh, I mean, um... what was she like?
  • Echo: She was... like me.


  • Echo: I understand you study omnic archaelogy.
  • Venture: It's only my favorite specialization!
  • Echo: What do you know of the Awakening? Could Aurora's sentience be replicated?
  • Venture: That one... might be beyond my expertise.


  • Echo: ...and, unlike with base 10, you begin at the rightmost number and work left.
  • Venture: Right. But... when did you pick your pronouns? Did you... download those?
  • Echo: Do you believe we are discussing "non-binary", rather than the binary counting system?
  • Venture: Oh! Uh... yeah.


  • Venture: You'll like this one: How does a non-binary ninja take out a target?
  • Genji: Uh... how?
  • Venture: They slash them!
  • Genji: Oh. They should try shurikens too.


On Hanamura or Hanaoka
  • Venture: Legend has it that Japanese castles were built with squeaky floorboards to prevent ninja attacks!
  • Genji: It certainly made sneaking out much harder...


  • Venture: Your spikes look just like the stalactites in Carlsbad!
  • Hazard: Stalackety— What're you sayin' to me now?
  • Venture: Don't tell me you've never been spelunking!
  • Hazard: Alright, now you've just got to be makin' up words.


  • Illari: Why do you dig around in the past?
  • Venture: How couldn't I! Every site's like a big history mystery just begging to be solved!
  • Illari: Everyone wants the truth until they find out what it costs.


  • Venture: I was trying to recreate a quipu, but the threads kept getting tangled, so I made this friendship bracelet instead! Want it?
  • Illari: Are you sure? What if I lose it?
  • Venture: I'll just have an excuse to make another!


On Temple of Anubis or Throne of Anubis
  • Venture: Isn't it amazing that all these structures are still standing after thousands of years?!
  • Junkrat: Ooh, not so impressive when you know they were built by... aliens!
  • Venture: There weren't aliens in ancient Egypt! *sigh* Believe me, I've checked.


  • Venture: You're the one from Mars! Oh, I'd do anything to add a Mars rock to my collection...
  • Juno: When I return someday, I will bring you one!


  • Kiriko: I like your nickname. How'd you get it?
  • Venture: I gave it to myself!
  • Kiriko: Isn't that a little... tacky?
  • Venture: Oh, very!


  • Lúcio: So, I'm trying to ask everybody this. What is your favourite animal?
  • Venture: *gasp* I've always wanted to be eaten alive by scarabs!
  • Lúcio: Uh... yeah, I can see it!


  • Mauga: Better watch it, kid, or those relics might end up in my pocket.
  • Venture: Don't do that! You don't even know their cultural value!
  • Mauga: Uh, I know the value of 'a lot of money'.
  • Venture: Well... I know the value of... 'bopping you on the head'!


  • Mauga: When are you gonna give me my cut of all those treasures?
  • Venture: When are you gonna stop being a big doofus?!
  • Mauga: You first.
  • Venture: You second! Oh... shoot.


On Ilios
  • Venture: You'd better not mess with any of the relics here.
  • Mauga: Why not? If anything breaks, you can just buy another from the store.
  • Venture: You can't just "buy another" millennia-old statue, bozo!
  • Mauga: *laughs* You're too funny, kid. *sigh* Now I'm gonna break some stuff on purpose...


  • Venture: Whoa! Your drone is so cool!
  • Mei: Thank you! His name is Snowball. Say hi, Snowball!
  • Venture: Hey, little guy! Aw, I wish my holoreplicator had a face.
  • Mei: *giggle* You should try sticking some googly eyes on it!


  • Venture: You're a geneticist? If you're up for it, I bet our bioarchaeology team would love to have you!
  • Moira: The dead tell intriguing tales. But my interest lies with the living.


  • Venture: I've always wanted to make Aurora's pilgrimage to the Shambali Monastery!
  • Ramattra: The monks do not mind humans. What is stopping you?
  • Venture: I don't know. Maybe I have... asthma?
  • Ramattra: *sigh* Asthma.


  • Venture: Do you ever wish you were back in medieval times?
  • Reinhardt: A true knight's valor is timeless, little historian. The world needs us now.
  • Venture: Yeah, cool! *pause* ...But imagine living in a castle, though!
  • Reinhardt: *laughs* I suppose that does sound tempting!


On Eichenwalde
  • Reinhardt: My life was forever changed in this place. It pains me to see it forgotten.
  • Venture: Will you tell me what happened here? I'll always remember--promise!
  • Reinhardt: It would be an honor, my friend.


  • Sigma: If you know what you're looking for, inquiry is unnecessary. But if you don't know, how do you inquire?
  • Venture: Maybe inquire why you're not inquiring. I mean, when I'm not inquiring, I know something's wrong.


  • Sojourn: What part of Canada are you from?
  • Venture: Well, I was born in Nova Scotia. Then we moved to Nevada, then Buenos Aires, Reykjavík, Mexico City, Singapore, back to Nevada... sorry, what was the question again?
  • Sojourn: Eh... don't worry about it.


  • Venture : Mr. Lindholm, good to see you! Hey, the excavator's working great!
  • Torbjörn: It'd work better if you didn't overload it with all those modules.
  • Venture : Psh, it's fine! Just a few degrees overheated is all.


  • Torbjörn: You Wayfinders seem to like digging up old problems.
  • Venture : And we couldn't do it without Ironclad tools!
  • Torbjörn: Maybe you should try some Ironclad judgement.


  • Venture : *sudden sharp inhale, sputtering coughs and giggles*
  • Torbjörn: Gah! What's the matter with you?
  • Venture : I wanted to see... how long I can hold my breath... if I'm ever stuck... in a cave-in! *laugh*
  • Torbjörn: I worry about you sometimes, you know.


  • Venture: Uh, hey, so... What's the deal with your whole... "blinking" thing?
  • Tracer: Well, Winston describes it as "localized time travel".
  • Venture: Time travel? Like... you can go back in time and be there for when they laid the first brick of the Great Pyramid of Giza?!
  • Tracer: Not... exactly. But, I guess I've never tried.


  • Winston: Winston!
  • Venture: Venture!
  • Winston: Winston!
  • Venture: Venture.
  • Winston: Winston!
  • Venture: Uh... *whispers* Hey, is he okay?


  • Venture: Our research on Shambali shows that the human monks abandoned it a thousand years ago!
  • Zenyatta: Indeed. It sat dormant until Aurora's arrival.
  • Venture: I bet they left because they divined that omnics would need it in the future!
  • Zenyatta: An... interesting theory...


Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio

Skin-Specific[ | ]

Skin Trigger Quote Audio

Map-Specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
When in Rome, do as the Romans do--and I sure hope the Romans like studying columns! ▶️
The die has been cast! (match start) ▶️
I know "Rome wasn't built in a day", but we don't have that kind of time! (time running out on defense) ▶️
I came... I saw... I conquered! (kill streak) ▶️
Adlersbrunn or Hollywood during Halloween
I've got the heebie jeebies. Good thing I packed a bolillo! ▶️
Colosseo or Ilios
Classical archaeology? My favorite! ▶️
Remind me to visit mi abuelita while I'm in Mexico. I gotta show her pictures from my last dig! ▶️
Check out the stratification in this castle's stonework--looks like a lot of groups have called this place home! ▶️
Every site tells a story. *sigh* Not always happy ones. ▶️
Medieval archaeology? My favorite! ▶️
Whatever Talon's looking for, I won't let it fall into their hands. ▶️
I've got my eye on you, Talon bozos... touch anything, and you'll taste this drill! (with Talon members on team) ▶️
I hear the Styx is lovely this time of year. (final blow) ▶️
Nepal or Shambali Monastery
This is where Aurora changed the world forever. I am gonna freak out! ▶️
Peruvian archaeology? My favorite! ▶️
If I look reeeeally hard, I bet I can see the Nazca lines from here! ▶️
Temple of Anubis or Throne of Anubis
Egyptology? My favorite! ▶️
Just look at the array of pristine late kingdom hieroglyphics here... Ooh! I think this one is a curse! ▶️
Hope your heart's not heavy! (final blow) ▶️
Throne of Anubis
The AI that caused the Crisis is quarantined in this temple! So, uh... let's be careful, huh? ▶️
Any Previous Map
The cool thing about this site is... well, I'm saying that like there's not a HUNDRED cool things. Ah, just wait until you see it! ▶️
You died here? Lucky! (final blow) ▶️
Blizzard World
Ooh! Can we ride the Hellscream while we're here?! Please-please-please-please-please? ▶️
Horizon Lunar Colony
Think about all that's happened down there. ▶️
New Queen Street
Sometimes I miss Canada, but the world's not gonna explore itself! ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Tectonic Shock
Bingus schmungus! (self and hostile)
This is not a drill! (self and hostile) ▶️
Drill go brrr! (allies) ▶️

Progression Levels[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Leveled Up
Aw, shucks! ▶️
Doing what I do best! ▶️
Not too shabby! ▶️
Reward Granted
A legend for the ages! ▶️
There's nowhere I'd rather be! ▶️

Datamined[ | ]

Quotes marked "datamined" might not exist in-game, and may be outdated. Do not take them as representative of the game in its current or future states.

Trigger Quote Audio

Non-Languages[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Critical Health
*gasps* ▶️
*dying sounds* ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Big Impact
*screams* ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Environmental Kill
*prolonged screaming* ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
*crushed sounds* ▶️ ▶️

Trivia[ | ]

  • Venture's voice line when eliminated by Brigitte, "Et tu, Brigitte?", is a reference to the Shakespeare quote "Et tu, Brute?" from his play Julius Caesar.

Navigation[ | ]
