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Overwatch Wiki

Wrecking Ball's voice actor is Jonathan Lipow, speaking English only, and Hammond's voice actor is Dee Bradley Baker. To see his quotes in the original Overwatch, view this page.

Abilities[ | ]

Ability Quote Audio
Grappling Claw
Anchored. ▶️
Calculating trajectories. ▶️
Claw locked. ▶️
Grappled. ▶️
It begins. ▶️
Rerouting. ▶️
Grappling Claw
Full Speed
Faster. Faster. ▶️
Highest speed. ▶️
Maximum speed achieved! ▶️
Ramming speed. ▶️
Terminal velocity. ▶️
Top speed. ▶️
Ball form. ▶️
Ground speed. ▶️
Gyroscopic harness activated. ▶️
Navigating. ▶️
Outbound. ▶️
Rolling. ▶️
Exit Roll
Combat mode engaged. ▶️
Engaging. ▶️
Tank form. ▶️
Targeting. ▶️
Quad Cannons online. ▶️
Scanning for targets. ▶️
Weapons free. ▶️
Weapons linked. ▶️
Adaptive Shield
Durability rising. ▶️
Dynamic reinforcement engaged. ▶️
Impact dampeners activated. ▶️
Activating damage buffer. (5 stack) ▶️
Durability maximized. (5 stack) ▶️
Impact dampeners at full. (5 stack) ▶️
Clear impact area. ▶️
Down. ▶️
Downward. ▶️
Dropping. ▶️
Falling. ▶️
Going down. ▶️
Gravity calls. ▶️
Impacting. ▶️
Landing. ▶️
Orbital drop. ▶️
Piledriver. ▶️
Watch out. ▶️
Area denied. (self and hostile) ▶️
Minefield deployed. (friendly) ▶️

Non-Languages[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Critical-Health (hamster gasps) ▶️
Death (hamster noises) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Big impact) (hamster scream) ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Death(Enviromental killed) (prolonged hamster scream) ▶️ ▶️
Death(Crushed) (hamster noises)

Chatter[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Selected
Weapons operational. Grapple primed. Hamster pumped. ▶️
During Set-Up
Beginning calibration of anterior gyroframe. *calibration sounds* Calibration complete. He is that good. ▶️
Do not speak to the pilot at this time. He is speed-eating. ▶️
Do not start the mission yet. The mammal has something in his teeth. (pause) Okay, go ahead. ▶️
This mission would go smoother if everyone had Wrecking Balls. ▶️
You are not prepared to see Wrecking Ball in action. Hype sequence concluded. ▶️
Record levels of hamster displeasure detected. Suggestion: catharsis through violence. Go. (with Winston on the team) ▶️
Match Start
Mission started. Moving out. ▶️
The mammal is moving. Try to keep up. ▶️
Time for combat. Time for victory. ▶️
Untranslatable hamster battle cry. ▶️
Match Start
Won Previous Round
Match Start
Lost Previous Round
Match Start
Final Round
Hamster displeasure rising. ▶️
Loading revenge bullets. ▶️
Plotting course. And vengeance. ▶️
Primary target updated. ▶️
Prolific hamster cursing detected. ▶️
Recalibrations complete. ▶️
The pilot lives. ▶️
Updating grudge list. ▶️
Allies Respawning
Friendly team is missing. Caution suggested. ▶️
Recommendation: join forces with allies. ▶️
Reuniting with teammates advised. ▶️
Pick Up Health Pack
Damage repaired. ▶️
Hull integrity stabilizing. ▶️
Repairs complete. ▶️
On Fire
Behold, the hamster. Behold, the champion. ▶️
Core temperature rising. ▶️
Efficiency rating: maximum danger. ▶️
Fully Healed
Hamster thanks inbound. ▶️
He thanks you. ▶️
Thank you. ▶️
Damage Boosted
Efficiency increased. ▶️
Power maximized. ▶️
Preparing to wreck. ▶️
Negative Status Effect
System m-m-malfunction. ▶️
Systems compromised. ▶️
He... owes you one. ▶️
Enemy Resurrected
Alert: enemy revived. ▶️
An enemy has revived. ▶️
Enemy reviving. ▶️
Ally Ultimate Seen
Specimen 28 anger levels rising. (witnessing Winston use Primal Rage) ▶️

Call-Outs[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Hero Change
Wrecking Ball online. ▶️
Enemy Sighted
Enemy detected. ▶️
Enemies located in the pilot's territory. ▶️
Enemies nearby. Commence annihilation. ▶️
Outnumbered Against Enemy Team
Alert: we are outnumbered. ▶️
Sniper Sighted
Enemy sniper. Recommend caution. ▶️
Turret Sighted
Enemy turret detected. ▶️
Ally Damaged from Behind
Behind you. ▶️
Enemy Ultimate
Get to cover. ▶️
Assessment: you are in trouble now. ▶️
The hamster is coming for you. ▶️
Time Running Out
Assessment: victory is close. ▶️
He says, "Victory is within our claws." ▶️
Hold out a little longer or face the mammal's wrath. ▶️
Time Running Out
Alert: very little time remaining. ▶️
He says, "If we lose, I will be vexed." You do not want him vexed. ▶️
The hamster does not wish to fail this mission. ▶️
Time is running out. So is the hamster's patience. ▶️

Mission Specific[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Capture in Progress
Claiming objective. Securing perimeter. ▶️
Objective reached. Scanning for grapple points. ▶️
Securing objective. Lockdown protocols engaged. ▶️
The champion is claiming the objective. ▶️
Capture in Progress
Defend the objective. ▶️
Get on the objective! ▶️
Help him hold the objective. ▶️
The enemy is on the objective and does not belong there. ▶️
Go into next point
Another point located. ▶️
Next point found. ▶️
There, the next point! ▶️
Payload Moving
Join the hamster on the payload. ▶️
Maximum payload speed reached. It is still too slow. ▶️
Payload has reached maximum speed. ▶️
Payload in motion. Join him. ▶️
Payload Moving
He is going to knock them off the payload. Join him. ▶️
Payload is in motion. This is bad. ▶️
Payload Stuck
Payload stalled. Hamster furious. ▶️
The hamster wants you on the payload. ▶️
Why has the payload halted? ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Escorting robot. ▶️
He says "My robot. Mine." ▶️
Robot claimed. ▶️
Robot Walking to Barricade
Alert: enemy has taken the robot. ▶️
He wants the robot back. ▶️
They have the robot. Chance of victory decreasing. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Barricade in motion. ▶️
Barricade progressing. ▶️
Continue pushing the barricade. ▶️
Stay with the barricade. ▶️
Robot Pushing Barricade
Alert: the enemy is pushing the barricade. ▶️
Knock them off the barricade. ▶️
The enemy team is trying to push the barricade. ▶️
About to Gain Lead
Almost there. Team up with him. ▶️
Assessment: we have almost caught up. ▶️
We are about to take the lead. ▶️
Gained Lead
Assessment: we are ahead. ▶️
He is satisfied with the robot's progress. ▶️
He recommends you keep pushing. ▶️
About to Lose Lead
Alert: enemy team about to take the lead. ▶️
Do not let them take the lead. ▶️
Lead decreasing. Not good. ▶️
Lost Lead
They have taken the lead. Pilot displeased. ▶️
Warning: we have fallen behind. ▶️
We must catch up with the enemy. ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Team
Do not leave the robot's side unless you like losing. ▶️
Stay with the robot and we win. ▶️
We must stay with the robot to succeed. ▶️
Pushing in Overtime
Robot with Enemy
He asks for your assistance in crushing them. ▶️
Stop the enemy team to achieve instant victory. ▶️
Stop them and we win. ▶️
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Flag secured.
Flag status: secure.
Capture the Flag
Flag Taken
Alert: enemy has our flag.
Enemy has taken our flag.
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Flag status: captured.
Increment score.
Capture the Flag
Flag Captured
Alert: enemy has captured our flag.
Enemy score.
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Flag released.
Flag status: dropped.
Capture the Flag
Flag Dropped
Alert: enemy has dropped our flag.
Enemy has dropped our flag.
Capture the Flag
Flag Returned
Flag returning to base.
Flag status: returning to base.

Eliminations[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Final Blow
Annihilated. ▶️
Clowns belong in the circus. ▶️
Combat protocols 3 through 7 active. ▶️
Do not come at him. ▶️
Easy prey. ▶️
Eliminated. ▶️
Execute maneuver 284. ▶️
He finds your talent... lacking. ▶️
He has still got it. ▶️
He wonders if that was your best. ▶️
Target terminated. ▶️
Tee hee. ▶️
The hamster will not remember you. ▶️
Untranslatable shriek of glee. ▶️
Warning: hamster triumphant. ▶️
We are the champions. ▶️
Your failure delights the hamster. ▶️
So much for higher mammals. (eliminating human heroes) ▶️
New champion crowned. (eliminating D.Va or Zarya) ▶️
Regicide. Ha ha. (eliminating Junker Queen) ▶️
The Queen sends her regards. (eliminating Junkrat or Roadhog) ▶️
Evolution was wasted on you. (eliminating Moira) ▶️
Hammond squeaks, imitating "Boop" (eliminating Sombra) ▶️
Archnemesis defeated. (eliminating Winston) ▶️
You had it coming. (eliminating Winston) ▶️
Inferior hamster. (eliminating Wrecking Ball) ▶️
Final Blow
Beep beep. ▶️
Catch. ▶️
Crunch. ▶️
Let the mammal roll. ▶️
Roadkill. Ha ha. ▶️
Speed bump detected. ▶️
Unexpected thump. ▶️
You cannot outrun the hamster. ▶️
Block this. (eliminating any heroes with shield) ▶️
The hamster cannot be blocked or deflected. (eliminating any heroes with shield) ▶️
Deflect that, loser. (eliminating Genji) ▶️
So much for ice walls. (eliminating Mei) ▶️
Calculate that velocity. (eliminating Sigma) ▶️
Nice boulder, nerd. (eliminating Sigma) ▶️
Practical physics demonstration complete. (eliminating Sigma) ▶️
Where did you come from? (eliminating Sombra using Stealth) ▶️
Scope unnecessary. (eliminating Widowmaker) ▶️
Try jumping now, primate. (eliminating Winston) ▶️
Out-rolled. (eliminating enemy Wrecking Ball) ▶️
Final Blow
Boisterous laughter. ▶️
Ha ha ha ha ha. ▶️
Look out below. ▶️
Smashed. ▶️
Watch your head. ▶️
Wrecked. ▶️
Final Blow
Boom. ▶️
Careless. ▶️
Easy. ▶️
Step off. ▶️
Final Blow
The skies belong to Wrecking Ball. (eliminating airborne enemy) ▶️
You were fast. He was faster. (eliminating enemy using movement-based ability) ▶️
You had the advantage and you still lost. (eliminating Nano-Boosted enemy) ▶️
At the beep, the time will be 12:01. Beep. (eliminating Cassidy using Deadeye) ▶️
Spinning is his thing. (eliminating Reaper using Death Blossom) ▶️
Gravity cannot stop this mammal. (eliminating Sigma using Gravitic Flux) ▶️
Primal rage is inferior to hamster fury. (eliminating Winston using Primal Rage) ▶️
Kill Streak
The hamster will live forever! ▶️
Unbreakable, unstoppable, invincible. ▶️
Wrecking Ball is dominating. ▶️
Multi Kill
Fighting at peak efficiency. ▶️
Multiple enemies eliminated. ▶️
Team Kill
He says the enemy team is... inadequate. ▶️
No enemy team found. Upsetting. ▶️
The enemy team disappoints the hamster. ▶️
Hamsters always come back. ▶️
He says, "We're even." ▶️
You were unwise to anger him. ▶️
Elimination with Ally on Low HP
He says, "You're welcome." ▶️
You owe the hamster. ▶️
Melee Final Blow
Close-range target eliminated. ▶️
Fist of the Hamster. ▶️
Get out of his way. ▶️
Environmental Final Blow
Enjoy your fall. He will. ▶️
Gravity is for lesser mammals. ▶️
The hamster says, "Goodbye." ▶️
Try using your grapple. Ha ha. ▶️
Turret Elimination
Enemy turret destroyed. ▶️
Ally Eliminates Enemy
The mammal congratulates your efforts. ▶️
We are making this look easy. ▶️
You are approaching hamster levels of efficiency. ▶️
You are on the ball. Ha ha. ▶️
He says, "Not bad, Dez." (to Junker Queen) ▶️

PvE[ | ]

Trigger Quote Audio
Opening Door
Waiting to Open Door
Need to Break Door
Door Opening
Dropship Arriving
Waiting to Push Button
Assigned to Objective
Picking Up Item
Dropped Item
Delivering Item
Waiting on Teammate to Deliver Item
Objective Found
Calling Teammate to Objective
Enemy Reinforcements
Breacher Inbound
Slicers Inbound
Subjugator Inbound
Any Objective Under Fire
Cannon Under Fire
Ferry Under Fire
Repair Station Under Fire
Payload Under Fire
Uplink Under Fire
Any Objective on Critical HP
Cannon on Critical HP
Ferry on Critical HP
Repair Station on Critical HP
Payload on Critical HP
Uplink on Critical HP
Danger: Must Flee
Artillery Comes into Battle
Artillery Barrage Incoming
Artillery Eliminated
Charger Comes into Battle
Charger Begins to Charge
Charger's Legs Destroyed
Charger Eliminated
Flying Robots Come into Battle
Stalker Comes into Battle
Grabbed by Stalker
Stalker Eliminated
Subjugator Eliminated
Vulture Comes into Battle
Ally in Vulture's Disabling Zone
Vulture Eliminated
Titan Immune to Damage
Massive Attack Incoming
Missiles Incoming
Relay Found
Relay Destroyed
Current status: disabled. ▶️
I have been disabled. ▶️
Immediate assistance needed. ▶️
System is s-severely c-compromised. ▶️
System is severely compromised. ▶️
Teammate Downed
Teammate Yet to be Revived
Last Team Member Standing
Teammates not found. ▶️
Reviving Teammate
He says to get up. ▶️
Reviving teammate. ▶️
Teammate Killed
Ally lost. ▶️
Odds of success dropping. ▶️

Communication[ | ]

Wheel Option Quote Audio
Greetings. ▶️
He says, "Hello." ▶️
Hello. ▶️
Salutations. ▶️
Traditional hamster greeting. (rarely) ▶️
He says, "Thank you." ▶️
Thanks. ▶️
Affirmative. ▶️
Need Healing
Healing required. ▶️
Hull integrity compromised. ▶️
Repairs required. ▶️
Group Up
Come to me. ▶️
Join him in glory. ▶️
Join the mammal here. ▶️
Move to my position. ▶️
The hamster summons you. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Minefield charging. ▶️
Ultimate charging. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Minefield almost ready. ▶️
Ultimate almost ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
Minefield ready. ▶️
Ultimate ready. ▶️
Ultimate Status
100% to Ally
Minefield ready. Coordination requested. ▶️
Attacking. ▶️
3... 2... 1. ▶️
Defending. ▶️
Ping in World
Look out!
Watch this location! ▶️
Warning! ▶️
Locked on Opponent
Enemy found. ▶️
Enemy located. ▶️
Targeting enemy. ▶️
Fall Back
Fall back. ▶️
Go. ▶️
Proceed. ▶️
Going In
Moving in. ▶️
Bye. ▶️
Goodbye. ▶️
Incoming. ▶️
Need Help
Assistance required. ▶️
Help. ▶️
Incorrect. ▶️
Negative. ▶️
No. ▶️
On My Way
En route. ▶️
In World
Over here! ▶️
Over there! ▶️
Attack Objective
Attack the objective. ▶️
Primary goal: attack objective. ▶️
Defend Objective
Defend the objective. ▶️
Primary goal: defend objective. ▶️
Push Payload
Move the payload. ▶️
Primary goal: move payload. ▶️
Stop Payload
Primary goal: stop payload. ▶️
Stop the payload. ▶️
Push Robot
Move the robot. ▶️
The robot must move. ▶️
Stop Robot
Stop the robot. ▶️
The robot must be stopped. ▶️
Capture Flag
Defend Flag
Press the Attack
Press the attack.
Push Forward
Push forward.
Sorry. ▶️
Watching Here
Position under watch. ▶️
Scanning this position.
Watching this location.
With You
Joining you. ▶️
Affirmative. ▶️
Yes. ▶️
You're Welcome
Affirmative. ▶️
Appreciation acknowledged. ▶️

Voice Lines[ | ]

Availability Quote Audio
Shut down. ▶️
25 Credits
Beware of small mammals. ▶️
Do not disturb. ▶️
Frustration detected. ▶️
He says, he's sorry. ▶️
No hard feelings. ▶️
Odds of success increasing. ▶️
Error. Profanity filter enabled. ▶️
Relief detected. ▶️
This is happening. ▶️
Vocabulary not found. Translation impossible. ▶️
What he said. ▶️
Summer Games
50 Credits
Be the ball. ▶️
Keep your eye on the ball. ▶️
More power! ▶️
Halloween Terror
50 Credits
Heart rate increasing. ▶️
Trick or treat. ▶️
Winter Wonderland
50 Credits
Deck the Halls with me. ▶️
Ho. Ho. Ho. ▶️
*Hammond sings "Deck the Halls"* ▶️
Lunar New Year
50 Credits
"Assessing luck" plays one of the following at random:
  • Assessing luck: small fortune.
  • Assessing luck: medium fortune.
  • Assessing luck: great fortune.
  • Assessing luck: small misfortune.
  • Assessing luck: medium misfortune.
  • Assessing luck: great misfortune.
  • Assessing luck: success in academics.
  • Assessing luck: good time for romance.
  • Assessing luck: financial outlook strong.
  • Assessing luck: be careful crossing the street.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️
Engaging festive mode. *festive music plays* ▶️ ▶️
Too early for flapjacks? ▶️
Overwatch Archives
50 Credits
Access denied. ▶️
Ha ha. Laughter. ▶️
K.O. ▶️
Translation not found. ▶️
Overwatch Anniversary
50 Credits
Amusement. ▶️
Encouragement module not found. ▶️
Rolled. ▶️
Self assessment: lonely rolling ball. ▶️
V-v-victory for the small mammal! ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 2
Do not tell the mammal how high he can go. ▶️
Battle Pass: Season 7
The hamster smells your fear.
Battle Pass: Season 8
He will not be caged again.
Under the sea, under my tyranny. ▶️

Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
  • Wrecking Ball: He says, if you have many aliases, why call yourself "Ana"?
  • Ana: These days, being myself is exciting enough.


  • Ashe: Can you build me a bike? Money's no object.
  • Wrecking Ball: He is an artist, not a mechanic.
  • Ashe: All right. How about a new chassis for Bob?
  • Wrecking Ball: That is... intriguing.


  • Baptiste: I can't perform a checkup with you in the ball.
  • Wrecking Ball: *scared hamster noises* The ball is safe. The ball is kind.


  • Bastion: *curious beeps*
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises*
  • Bastion: *fascinated beeps*
  • Wrecking Ball: Alert: translation buffer full.


  • Brigitte: Hammond, did you eat Ganymede's birdfeed again?
  • Wrecking Ball: He asks whether it's still called birdfeed if a hamster eats it.
  • Brigitte: That's a shame. I'll be giving these cookies I made to teammates who deserve them.
  • Wrecking Ball: Translation failure. Profanity database error.


  • Brigitte: You've got a lot of armor for a little guy!
  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster's temper is rising.
  • Brigitte: I wonder how Mitzi would look in armor like that...


  • Cassidy: I'd get dizzy always rollin' around like that. Tell me you're always right side up.
  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster says that unlike you, he does not imitate tumbleweeds.
  • Cassidy: Hey, now. What's that supposed to mean?!


  • D.Va: I bet you're a pro at bowling.
  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster says, "No comment."
  • D.Va: Aw! Who am I going to go with now?
  • Wrecking Ball: Tuesdays are usually free.
  • Wrecking Ball: How do you keep track of your master plans?
  • Doomfist: True tacticians do not plan. They act and force others to react.
  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster uses a puffy notebook.
  • Echo: May I borrow your copy of Thucydides's History sometime?
  • Wrecking Ball: Unfortunately, that is not possible.
  • Echo: I can wait until you're done with it.
  • Wrecking Ball: It was shredded for bedding.
  • Wrecking Ball: He asks if you have ever fought in an arena.
  • Genji: No, I have not.
  • Wrecking Ball: He asks if you would like to.
  • Wrecking Ball: He wonders if you are staying out of combat.
  • Hanzo: Of course not.
  • Wrecking Ball: He asks why you left your gun at home, then.
  • Hanzo: I will not be disrespected by vermin!
Junker Queen
  • Junker Queen: Champ, I need ya to make me something else.
  • Junker Queen:
    • A robot guard dog for me dirt garden. Maybe it can fly, you decide.
    • A suit of armor, right, but one that shouts my name.
    • I need a slop bucket that's bulletproof, and don't you dare ask why!
    • A grenade launcher with one trigger, three barrels. Paint, glitter, and nails.
  • Wrecking Ball: He says, "Fine, but give me a challenge next time."
  • Junkrat: The Champ himself! Can you sign my forehead?
  • Wrecking Ball: He does not do autographs.
  • Junkrat: Hey Champ, why've you got that wombat riding around with you?
  • Wrecking Ball: He is the pilot.
  • Junkrat: Ha! And I’m President of the Moon! Seriously though, what’s he for?
  • Wrecking Ball: Please move along.
  • Junkrat: Champ! Which of your glorious victories was your favorite?
  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster is tired of your questions.
  • Junkrat: Mine was when you beat Three-Arm Luke. Oh, you gave him the what-for!
  • Wrecking Ball: Be advised: the hamster has an instinctive fear of foxes.
  • Kiriko: Is it because he looks delicious?
  • Wrecking Ball: He says, "Yes, and damn right I do."


  • Wrecking Ball: The hamster has a message for your fox.
  • Kiriko: That's not how it works.
  • Wrecking Ball: The mammal is disappointed.
  • Mei: Omigosh! A hamster! So cute!
  • Wrecking Ball: *angry squeaks* Do not call the hamster cute.
  • Mei: Oops, sorry. Kě tā zhēn de tài kě'àile, xuě qiú?
  • Wrecking Ball:
    • *angry squeaks* Tā shuō bì zuǐ.
    • *angry squeaks* Zuìhòu jǐnggào nǐ yīcì.
  • Mei: Oops, sorry. 可他真的太可爱了雪球?
  • Wrecking Ball:
    • 他说闭嘴。
    • 最后警告你一次。
  • Mei: Oops, sorry. But really, isn't he cute, Snowball?
  • Wrecking Ball:
    • He said shut up.
    • This is your final warning.


  • Orisa: Cause trouble in my city, and I will show you how we deal with vermin.
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises* The hamster will use your chassis as a vacation home.
  • Ramattra: From one engineer to another: why a ball?
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises* A wheel would fall over.
  • Ramattra: *chuckle* Delightful.
  • Reaper: If you screw this up, I'll kill you myself.
  • Wrecking Ball: The mammal says, "Likewise."
  • Reaper: We're gonna get along just fine.
▶️ ▶️ ▶️
  • Sigma: one of two:
    • Remarkable! The subject weaponizes momentum through geometrical navigation.
    • The subject appears to be piloting the device. It may be worth observing further.
  • Wrecking Ball: one of two:
    • The subject reminds you he is sitting right here.
    • Stop making the hamster sound boring.
  • Symmetra: *sniffs* Something smells foul. Is it you, rodent?
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises* Exhaust port fan power increased by 600%.
  • Symmetra: Your grapple looks rather thin. How much weight can it bare?
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises* One mech, two hamsters.
  • Symmetra: Oh, is there seating for another in there?
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises* No. The mammal eats a lot.
  • Torbjörn: Hey. Someone repaired my turret while I was napping!
  • Wrecking Ball: He says, "You're welcome."
  • Torbjörn: Don't roll over me, you hear? I'm not a bowling pin.
  • Wrecking Ball: He is unable to promise zero casualties.
  • Torbjörn: Let me talk to him face-to-face.
  • Wrecking Ball: That is not advisable.
  • Winston: Hammond, we were friends on Horizon. Where did we go wrong?
  • Wrecking Ball: Perhaps it was when you stole his rocket design.
  • Winston: Oh no! I found that in the system. It was an accident!
  • Wrecking Ball: Was it also an accident when you left for Earth without him?
  • Wrecking Ball: Where did all the simians in the lunar colony go?
  • Winston: I wish I knew. Hypatia especially.
  • Wrecking Ball: Oh, her.
  • Winston: I miss the Lunar Colony sometimes, especially that view.
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises* He does not miss the food.
  • Zenyatta: I have always wondered what it is like being inside an orb.
  • Wrecking Ball: He says, "Don't even think about it."

Multi-Interactions[ | ]

Hero Quote Audio
Mercy & Moira
  • Mercy: I've read about the genetic therapy they put you through. It sounds unpleasant.
  • Wrecking Ball: *hamster noises* It was, but ignorance was worse.
  • Moira: Don't bother. Reason is lost on her.

▶️ ▶️ ▶️

Map-specific[ | ]

Map Quote Audio
Circuit Royal
High concentrations of valuable items found. Omega-priority message sent to [REDACTED]. ▶️
Note to self. Design sweet Roman gladiator armor with scary grapple. ▶️
Junkertown or New Junk City
Do not kick rocks in the hamster's house. (final blow) ▶️
Welcome to the hamster's playground. (final blow) ▶️
The hamster intends to spin around a skyscraper. You cannot stop him. ▶️
New Queen Street
Hamster has detected pancakes. Bring pancakes to the hamster, or the hamster will locate pancakes. ▶️

Event-Specific[ | ]

Event Trigger Quote Audio
April Fools
Collect the little balls to win a prize. (self and hostile in April Fools) ▶️
Behold the children of Wrecking Ball. (friendly in April Fools) ▶️

Emotes[ | ]

Emote Quote Audio
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. ▶️
Weeeeee. ▶️