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Overwatch Wiki
Zero Hour

Blizzard Entertainment
Release date
November 1st, 2019
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The Wastelander

Zero Hour is the cinematic trailer for Overwatch 2. It serves as the game's intro cinematic.[1]

The events of the cinematic take place over a year after Recall.[2]

Description[ | ]

When Null Sector attacks, Winston assembles a small strike team to fend off the invasion. But as hope begins to fade, the team must stand together to overcome the odds.

Featured characters[ | ]

Featured locations[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • The police officer carried a FAMAS assault rifle.
  • This is another chance where Winston is a mistakenly called Monkey after Reaper, Echo, Cassidy.
  • There are a lot of differences to the cinematic than In-Game. Examples:
    • Mei's alt fire frozen enemy units.
    • Genji has no green aura when deflecting.
    • Brigitte uses Rocket Flail to one-shot enemy units.
    • Echo separately fires her Cluster bombs than all at once.
    • Mercy never used her staff instead she touches the hero to heal.
    • Larger shield is only possible for Brigitte, but with Reindhardt already has a large shield coverage.
    • Tracer's pulse bomb has a window amount of time than short.
    • Combination of ultimates: Pulse Bomb + Blizzard.

Videos[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. 2019-11-04, New Gameplay Today – Overwatch 2's Story Experience. Game Informer, accessed on 2020-03-12
  2. Winston, PlayOverwatch. Accessed on 2023-01-01