「 | 有建設,才有破壞。
」 |
巔峰時期的捍衛者,擁有地球上最先進的武器,而這些武器都出自於一位名叫托比昂‧林霍姆的天才工程師之手。 在智械危機之前,托比昂就因為設計出不少世界各國爭相使用的武器系統而惡名昭彰。但事實上,他認為科技是為了要讓人類更具遠見。不過他的老闆可不這麼想,他的老闆只想要利用電腦智慧網路控制托比昂的武器系統。 托比昂一向不信任具有知覺的機器智能,但他的同事都認為這只是個人偏執而已。托比昂長久以來所擔心的事情還是發生了,智械危機發生時,全世界的機器人都起身反抗人類。由於托比昂在工程學方面的才能,因此他受到招募,成為捍衛者的早期成員,而他的許多項發明也對終結危機提供了莫大幫助。在接下來的幾年內,捍衛者成為國際間的維和部隊,而托比昂依舊是滿足捍衛者的技術需求與專屬武器系統的重要來源 不過在捍衛者分崩離析之後,有許多托比昂做出的武器在混亂中被偷走或是被藏在世界各地。托比昂覺得他必須要為這些發明負責,於是下定決心要阻止這些發明流入惡人的手中,不讓無辜的人們為此受害。
鉚釘槍 鍛造鎚 設置砲塔 裝甲強化包 爐心超載
File:Torbjorn bla.jpg | File:Torbjorn citron.jpg | File:Torbjorn gron.jpg | File:Torbjorn plommon.jpg | File:Torbjorn cathode.jpg |
BlåTemplate:75credits | CitronTemplate:75credits | GrönTemplate:75credits | PlommonTemplate:75credits | CathodeTemplate:250credits |
File:Torbjorn woodclad.jpg | File:Torbjorn barbarossa.jpg | File:Torbjorn blackbeard.jpg | File:Torbjorn chopper.jpg | File:Torbjorn deadlock.jpg |
WoodcladTemplate:250credits | BarbarossaTemplate:1000credits | BlackbeardTemplate:1000credits | ChopperTemplate:1000credits | DeadlockTemplate:1000credits |
Emotes cost 250 credits.
- Clicking Heels
- Fisticuffs
- Overload
Victory Poses[]
File:Torbjorn Hammer.jpg | File:Torbjorn Sitting Pretty.jpg | File:Torbjorn Take Five.jpg |
HammerTemplate:75credits | Sitting PrettyTemplate:75credits | Take FiveTemplate:75credits |
Voice Lines[]
Voice Lines cost 25 credits.
- Hard Work Pays Off (default)
- A Chicken Out Of A Feather (You're making a chicken out of a feather.)
- Completion Date? (Completion date? When it's done.)
- Don't Get Caught (Don't get caught with your beard in the letterbox.)
- Engineers (People always underestimate the engineers.)
- I'm Giving It All I've Got!
- I'm Swedish! (For the last time, I'm Swedish!)
- Leave This To An Expert
- Let's Not Buy The Pig (Let's not buy the pig while it's still in the bag.)
- Some Assembly Required
- Working As Intended
Highlight Intros[]
Highlight Intros cost 250 credits.
- In Your Face
- Refreshing
- Ride 'Em
Template:Achievement Template:Achievement
Torbjörn was one of the Ironclad Guild's top weapons designers and engineers whose machinery was used around the world. Among his designs was the Titan, a giant mech capable of efficient urban development. When the Omnic Crisis began, the God Programs weaponized Titans and other weaponry Torbjörn developed. Torbjörn's knowledge of the weapons gave him an integral role in Overwatch's original strike team, alongside Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Ana Amari, and Liao. Torbjörn stayed with Overwatch until its collapse.
In Destroyer, Torbjörn travels to Kurjikstan to combat a Titan that was destroying the city of Boklovo. He found out that it was piloted by his old coworker Sven, and quickly dispatched him before crashing the Titan.
At the time of the Overwatch Recall, Torbjörn was in Russia, near Moscow or Novgorod.
Torbjörn was always distrustful of self-aware AI and even after the first Omnic Crisis, he's distasteful towards Omnics regardless of their personality, as shown by his disdain for Zenyatta and his anger when a match is in Numbani, a city where humans and Omnics live in peace together.
Torbjörn also seems to have a playful side, as seen in the animated short, Recall where there is a picture of him and Mercy dressed up for Halloween in Winston's laboratory.
- Torbjörn can build a deadly turret to help him dominate an area.
- Use scrap to create armor packs for allies.
- Turrets, when upgraded properly, can function without his assistance in taking out heroes.
- Torbjörn and Bastion can work together to create a formidable Defense by using Torbjörn's turrets and Bastion's Sentry mode.
- Two Torbjörn heroes with both turrets make an unstoppable defense.
- Building a level 2 turret takes only a few moments, re-positioning the turret often will keep attackers on their toes and make it more difficult to find and destroy.
- Look for opportunities to attack enemies with your weapon, using primary fire at long range and secondary fire at short range. Both do good damage to enemies but more importantly, they build your ultimate meter. Use your ultimate when enemies make a coordinated attack.
- When using Molten Core, it can be advantageous to leave your turret and go on the offensive with your weapon. The turret HP raises to 800 during Molten Core making it extremely difficult to destroy even with focused fire. Meanwhile, your own HP raises to 500, and you gain increased attack speed, turning you into a formidable threat. Just be careful not to overextend, if you die during Molten Core, your turret loses it's bonus damage and HP.
- Due to his complex Swedish name, it is often mispronounced. The pronunciation is intended to be said as "Tore-be-urn."
- Torbjörn's skin Barbarossa translates to "red beard" in Italian.
- Torbjörn's ability Molten Core may be a reference to the name of a raid instance in World of Warcraft called The Molten Core.
- Torbjörn's rare character skins are written in Swedish, translating into Blue, Lemon, Green and Plum respectively.
- Several of Torbjörn's voicelines are old Swedish proverbs translated into English.
- Torbjörn's surname, Lindholm, is likely a reference to Lindholmen, a prominent engineering district in Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Torbjörn shares many similarities with the Dwarf race of Blizzard's ever popular MMORPG World of Warcraft
Patch changes[]
Template:Patch Changes