鬥陣特攻 Wiki



萊因哈特‧威爾海姆把自己打扮成古代的勇士,依循著騎士的信條:無懼、正義,和勇氣而活。 三十多年以前,因應世界各地機器人所引發的威脅,捍衛者隨之成立。萊因哈特這位功勳彪炳的德國士兵也是捍衛者的早期成員之一,智械危機也就是仰賴他們才得以結束。在危機解除之後,捍衛者成為了全球性的機構,在飽受戰火摧殘的世界維持和平。萊因哈特證明了他在捍衛者中是名十分可靠的勇士。 萊因哈特崇高的道德理想以及讓人印象深刻的風格,令同儕和長官十分尊敬。他從不畏懼說出心中想法,萊因哈特不只是大力聲援捍衛者,有必要的話,他也會對捍衛者做出最嚴厲的批評,提醒捍衛者的力量應該為良善服務。 在捍衛者服務到五十多歲的時候,萊因哈特被強制從戰鬥行動中退役。他為了無法繼續履行責任感到相當沮喪,害怕他為了理想和榮耀奉獻的日子就此結束。局勢隨著時間推移變得越來越不明朗,捍衛者也飽受貪汙和叛變的指控,但萊因哈特唯一能做的,只有看著他守護了一輩子的理想在恥辱中逐漸黯然遠去。 即便捍衛者最終解散了,但萊因哈特不是那種坐看世界失序的人。他再次穿上鎧甲捍衛世道,立誓為歐洲的正義而戰,就像古代騎士一樣,不僅守護著無辜人民,而且讓人們相信光明的未來終將來臨。


火箭鎚 屏障力場 衝鋒 烈焰擊 地裂擊




File:Reinhardt brass.jpg File:Reinhardt cobalt.jpg File:Reinhardt copper.jpg File:Reinhardt forest.jpg File:Reinhardt bundeswehr.jpg File:Reinhardt paragon.jpg
BrassTemplate:75credits CobaltTemplate:75credits CopperTemplate:75credits ViridianTemplate:75credits BundeswehrTemplate:250credits ParagonTemplate:250credits
File:Reinhardt blackhardt.jpg File:Reinhardt bloodhardt.jpg File:Reinhardt lionhardt.jpg File:Reinhardt Stonehardt.jpg
BlackhardtTemplate:1000credits BloodhardtTemplate:1000credits LionhardtTemplate:1000credits StonehardtTemplate:1000credits


Emotes cost 250 credits.

  • Flex
  • Taunt
  • Warrior's Salute

Victory Poses[]

File:Reinhardt Confident.jpg File:Reinhardt Flex.jpg File:Reinhardt Legendary.jpg
ConfidentTemplate:75credits FlexTemplate:75credits LegendaryTemplate:75credits

Voice Lines[]

Voice Lines cost 25 credits.

  • I Salute You (default)
  • Are You Afraid? (Are you afraid to fight me?)
  • Bring Me Another
  • Catch Phrase!
  • Crusader Online
  • Crushing Machine (I'm the ultimate crushing machine.)
  • German Engineering (Precision German engineering.)
  • Honor And Glory
  • Respect Your Elders
  • Show You How It's Done (Let me show you how it's done.)
  • This Old Dog (This old dog still knows a few tricks.)

Highlight Intros[]

Highlight Intros cost 250 credits.

  • Charge
  • Hammer Down
  • More Stretching Required


Template:Achievement Template:Achievement



Reinhardt in Dragon Slayer.

Reinhardt Wilhelm was a highly decorated German soldier when the Omnic Crisis began. He was chosen as part of the original Overwatch strike team, alongside Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, Torbjörn Lindholm, Ana Amari, and Liao. Wearing his J08 Crusader Armor, he was one of the team's strongest soldiers and most passionate supporters.

Reinhardt was forced to retire before Overwatch collapsed, as he was in his late fifties and his Crusader Armor had fallen into disuse. Regardless, he kept the armor and began traveling Europe with Brigitte.

In Dragon Slayer, Reinhardt and Brigitte stopped in a small town that had been taken over by The Dragons. Brigitte helped to repair the Crusader Armor and Reinhardt used it to drive the gang out of the village.

At the time of the Overwatch Recall, Reinhardt was in Nuuk, Greenland.


Possessing a jolly and out-going disposition, Reinhardt is displayed to be a rather imaginative juggernaut, always wanting to bring hope and ambition towards the people. He lives by a code of valor and justice, much like the crusaders of medieval history.Although he is at an old age, he never wants to admit it and vows to fight until his last breath, according to his interactions with Mercy. He also really cares about his fellow comrades of Overwatch, as shown by his anger when watching Torbjörn die in a match as well as what he had to say at his former commander Jack Morrison's funeral: "He devoted everything he was to Overwatch. He was our moral compass. Our inspiration. Our friend."

While outside of battle, Reinhardt has multiple different hobbies that he enjoys doing. He seems to show concerns about his appearance such as his tan and hairstyle, as shown by his voice lines when in Watchpoint: Gibraltar and interacting with Pharah. His favorite food is currywurst, and he loves listening to classic music, such as the works of David Hasselhoff.

Reinhardt is also assumed to be a fan of D.Va, as specified when he asks her for an autograph.


  • His barrier can cover a large width and soaks up massive damage, making it invaluable for an entire team to duck behind. Reinhardt can also move with it active.
  • Even when his barrier has very low health remaining, it will still absorb all damage from any single hit, even if that hit deals more damage than the barrier's remaining health. For example, Reinhardt can use his barrier to protect himself and his teammates from D.Va's Self-Destruct, even if the barrier only has 1 health remaining.
  • You can be melee'd through your Barrier.
  • Attacks that can pass through Reinhardt's Barrier:
    • Symmetra's charged energy ball (Right Click)
    • Genji's Swift Strike.
    • Reinharts own Fire Strike


  • Tracer can teleport through Reinhardt's barrier.
  • Junkrat's Rip-Tire can pass through the barrier, and his bombs can be launched over it.
  • Another Reinhardt can charge to drop the barrier as well as his Fire Strike can go through another Reinhardt's shield. A Reinhardt's ultimate (Earth Shatterer) cannot go through another Reinhardt's Barrier.


  • Reinhardt's Agent ID is 3945_47.[1]
  • "Reinhardt" is a compound of old germanic words "rain" (modern German "rein, wahr" - "pure, true") and "harti" ("Herz, hart" - "heart, hard"). The literal translation is "Pureheart", meaning honest and loyal.
  • Reinhardt is currently the tallest character in the game, very closely followed by Roadhog.
  • Reinhardt's Lionhardt skin is fashioned after the Alliance faction from Blizzard's Warcraft franchise.
  • Lionhardt is also likely a reference to King Richard the Lionheart, well known as a crusader and included in the story of Robin Hood..
  • Reinhardt's Bloodhardt skin is likely a reference to the Gurren Lagann from the anime "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann"
  • His Crusader Armor is powered by a biofeedback system that allows the user to exhibit inhuman strength.[2]




  1. Recall (Animated Short)
  2. Overwatch Visual Source Book, p.66