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辛梅塔确实有能力改变现实。透过操控硬化光粒结构,她可以随心所欲打造出她想要的世界,并且希望借此设计出一个完美的社会。 在智械危机之后,南印度的维旭卡企业开始建造全新、具有自我存续能力的城市,以便收容国内移居的人口。而乌托邦便是其中一座透过硬化光粒这种实体化技术打造出来的城市。透过这种技术,工程师可以在顷刻之间建造出城市的街道、设施,和居住空间。 年轻的莎提雅‧法斯瓦尼在通过检验,证明她有能力成为光控建筑师之后,脱离了极度贫困的生活,并接受维旭卡建筑师学院的照顾,但再也无法回到家园。在她隔离且孤寂的新生活中,莎提雅让自己沉浸在学习与训练中。她很快就掌握了应用光控技术的方式,成为班上成绩最好的学生之一。莎提雅操作光线实体化技术的方式不太一样,相较于以程序化,机械式方法操作的其他同学,莎提雅建造建筑物的动作看起来更像是来自她家乡的传统舞蹈。 莎提雅身为乌托邦的顶尖工程师,而维旭卡企业发现看见她潜藏的无穷潜力。维旭卡企业给了莎提雅一个代号:“辛梅塔”,并且把她送到全世界进行秘密任务,目的是为了增加维旭卡企业的获利,同时提高企业在其他国家的影响力。 辛梅塔相信她的所做所为能让社会变得更好。但某些时候她会扪心自问:“我所期待的控制和秩序,对人类来说真的是最好的吗?”


光子投射器 哨戒塔 光子护盾 传送器


Note: For Symmetra-specific sprays, see Symmetra/Sprays.


File:Symmetra hyacinth.jpg File:Symmetra malachite.jpg File:Symmetra saffron.jpg File:Symmetra technomancer.jpg File:Symmetra regal.jpg File:Symmetra utopaea.jpg
HyacinthTemplate:75credits CardamomTemplate:75credits SaffronTemplate:75credits TechnomancerTemplate:75credits RegalTemplate:250credits UtopaeaTemplate:250credits
File:Symmetra architech.png File:Symmetra devi.jpg File:Symmetra goddess.png File:Symmetra vishkar.jpg
ArchitechTemplate:1000credits DeviTemplate:1000credits GoddessTemplate:1000credits VishkarTemplate:1000credits


Emotes cost 250 credits.

  • Clap
  • Flow
  • Insignificant

Victory Poses[]

File:Symmetra Balance.jpg File:Symmetra Creation.jpg File:Symmetra Dance.jpg
BalanceTemplate:75credits CreationTemplate:75credits DanceTemplate:75credits

Voice Lines[]

Voice Lines cost 25 credits.

  • Such A Lack Of Imagination (default)
  • Everything By Design
  • Exquisite
  • How Unsightly
  • I Don't Think So
  • Impressive
  • Perfect Harmony
  • Precisely
  • Put You In Your Place (I will put you in your place.)
  • Welcome To My Reality
  • Why Do You Struggle?

Highlight Intros[]

Highlight Intros cost 250 credits.

  • Askew
  • Dance
  • My Reality


Template:Achievement Template:Achievement



Symmetra in A Better World.

Satya Vaswani was born to a very poor family in Hyderabad. She was identified as a potential future light-bending architech for the Vishkar Corporation, and was put into the company's architech academy in Utopaea. Though she could never return home, she became one of the top students in her class, using dance techniques for light-bending instead of more procedural motions.

Vishkar gave Satya a position as a clandestine agent under the name 'Symmetra'. She was sent on covert missions around the world to uphold the company's interests by sabotaging competitors and negotiating with contractors.

In A Better World, Satya was sent to Rio de Janeiro to negotiate a contract with its mayor. When she instead chose Calado's proposal, Symmetra infiltrated his tower, but was unable to find anything questionable. Sanjay Korpal opted to destroy the building instead, and Symmetra had to save people from its flaming wreckage. Vishkar's city center was completed months later.


Symmetra is obsessed with order, thinking that it's the key for a perfect society. She criticizes freedom, thinking of it as an illusion that harms more than helps, as shown by her conversations with Lúcio. Symmetra may be on the autism spectrum as implied in A Better World[1]. In it, she says it used to "bother her" when people would ask where she fit on the spectrum; further, she appears to have what could be described as obsessive-compulsive disorder, namely her preoccupation with "perfection", such as when she can't resist fixing a crooked picture or how she notices the perfection of a child's face. Traits common to OCD are also associated with autism.[2]


  • Symmetra's shield only works for allies, not on herself.
  • Her turrets exist even after she dies, meaning players have to take time to kill them.
  • While your turret inventory is 3, her turret inventory recharges over time and she can have 6 turrets placed at once.
  • Her teleporter lasts for 6 charges, or until it's destroyed.
  • Her teleporter is refunded if the spawn room changes (e.g. from the attacking team capturing a point or reaching a payload objective).
  • Be sure to pay attention to the direction of the teleporter exit point -- it faces Symmetra as she places it, or in other words it's the opposite of your orientation when placing it.


  • Symmetra's "Devi" skin makes her resemble the Hindu goddess Kali.
  • Symmetra's design might be a reference to the game Portal. This is evidenced by her weapon (and armour) that resembles a portal gun, the fact that she places sentries (that, if looked closely, do resemble the ones in Portal to an extent), that her ultimate is literally a portal, and the achievement "Huge success" is a direct quote from the song "Still Alive", sang by Ellen McLain, the voice actress for GLaDOS during the first game's end credits.



